It's a Long Way To Dearest Gr...

Av ALorenaE

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Camila, Luz, Amity, Hunter, Gus, and Willow return to the Boiling Isles to find things are a bit messy. Raine... Mer

Chapter 1: The Boiling Isles
Chapter 2: Hexside School of Magic and Demonics
Chapter 3: C.A.T.s Headquarters
Chapter 4: The Owl House
Chapter 5: The First Night
Chapter 6: Breakfast with Eda
Chapter 7: Briefings
Chapter 8: Making Home
Chapter 9: Castle Heist
Chapter 10: Friendship and Insecurity
Chapter 11: Rest
Chapter 12: Gifts
Chapter 13: Looking for Answers
Chapter 14: Notes, Realizations, and Friendship
Chapter 15: Return to Hexside
Chapter 16: The Golden Guard
Chapter 17: More Than Just a Dress
Chapter 18: Weekend Fun
Chapter 19: Meet the Parents
Chapter 20: Things New
Chapter 21: Firsts
Chapter 22: Preparations and Conversations
Chapter 23: The Night Before Everything
Chapter 24: Sacrifice
Chapter 25: Belos
Chapter 26: Endings
Chapter 27: Closure
Chapter 28: Recovery
Chapter 30: One Door Opens
Chapter 31: Home

Chapter 29: Healing

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Av ALorenaE

Even with the skills of master healers, it takes Hunter a week to be able to walk more than the distance to the bathroom and back without feeling weak after. When Hunter feels strong enough, he meets his friends in the comfort closet and falls asleep on the pillows snuggled with them.

When he wakes the next morning, it's only Willow laying awake beside him, "So...another day I wake up with my girlfriend beside me...can't say I don't enjoy this," he says.

She giggles, "I like it, too, Hunter. It's cozy."

"I like cozy. I like our blanket nest with our friends, too, but this...this is something special."

"It's beautiful."

He takes her hand and tucks it to his chest, "So...what happens next?"

"We get to just enjoy the time, I guess. We get to go to school, be kids, and discover more of what we are to each other. We get to hang out with friends and cause mischief and play with the Collector."

"Is he still waiting? I made him a promise and I intend to keep it."

"He is. He's waiting for Darius to come back for Caleb, too."

"And for the other Golden Guards. Darius told me. I just...questioning if I should go. I told him I would. They're family. And I think it would help me to see where they ended up."

"At the bottom of a chasm...." Willow says, voice trailing off.

"Yeah. Where I would be if you guys had been just a minute or so later."

"But you didn't. And that's incredible and important." She sits up and takes his cape from the shelf, "If you go, you should bring the cape with you, even if you don't wear it. Bring it home to them."

He takes a deep breath, "Yeah. OK. That makes sense."

She leans in and kisses his nose, "My ideas are pretty good sometimes."

He laughs, "They're good a lot of the times, Captain. But I've got a question for you?"


"Can I kiss you?"

She giggles, "Absolutely!"

He sits up, cups her face in his palm, and softly kisses her, pulling her in for a hug after, "Thanks, Willow."

"You're welcome. I love you, Hunter. I like to show that."

"I love you, too. And I like to show it, the point where I think it's not really much of a secret that we're together." He laughs to himself, "Eda even commented on it when I was recovering. I kinda teased her about how obvious it was that she was still into Raine and she came back with how she's not the only one who doesn't hide what they're feeling for someone."

Willow shrugs, "Is there any reason not to? I mean, the threat's over. You have a future now. Let's celebrate it!"

He smiles, "Yeah, you're right, I do."

They're interrupted by someone knocking on the closet door, "Come on out, you two lovebirds! Nap time's over – King and the Collector just got here for Hexas Hold 'Em!" Luz calls to them.

Hunter blushes, "'s not a secret. At all."

Willow stands and offers him her hand, "Nope – and I'm fine with that." He takes her hand and they join the others for their first game night with the Collector.


While the Collector likes imagination games, they do take the time to learn the board and card games at headquarters in Latissa. Sometimes bored, they make mischief until Camila gently explains why some of their tricks upset their friends and, because Camila is kind, reassuring, and patient, no one ends up splattered anywhere.

Families return home. The Blights return to Bonesborough first, Gus and Perry following soon after. Willow, Harvey, and Gilbert stay an extra day before they, too, return to their houses. Soon, it is only the residents of the Owl House, along with Raine and Darius, staying in Latissa.

"Where are you going to go, Rainestorm?" Eda asks over dinner a few nights after everyone else has gone home. "I mean, there's a castle free for the taking, but do you want to go there?"

"I mean, I could," Raine says, "I studied there often enough. But no. I think I'll stay here for a while, at least until Darius and I have taken care of the last of the cultists. We still haven't dealt with Terra and Adrian. I mean, they can't do much, we have Belos in a jar. But I don't trust either of them not to cause trouble."

"Especially the illusion diva," Eda counters.

"Yeah. He's...a handful," Raine replies.

"Tell me about it...encountering him at Hexside was...not fun," Hunter says.

Raine stops, "That's right, he tried to trick the kids into getting coven sigils. I'd forgotten about that."

"It wasn't exactly a forgettable day for us," Hunter replies, "Kinda almost died. Again." He turns to Luz, "What would that be, the third time? There's Kiki's dragon, Belos' mind, then Hexside," he says, ticking them off on his fingers, "After that, we have the Day of Unity, then in Old Gravesfield, then this last time...which was technically twice." He stares at his hands, "Probably not normal to need two hands to count near-death experiences in a single year when you're sixteen."

Eda drops her fork, "Wait, you almost died at Hexside?"

"Yeah...when we were running from Adrian. The scouts caught me. They were going to take me back to Belos...I was trying to get out of it, but eventually they got impatient and somebody said they should 'put him...' and another scout finished it with 'out of his misery' and started conjuring a spell. The other scout was quick to correct it to 'to sleep', but yeah, almost got taken out by one of the coven scouts in the hall," Hunter shrugs, "So...chalk that one up as the least dramatic of the ways I've nearly been killed. And at least that one would have kinda sorta been accidental."

Luz shakes her head, "Dude, we are finding you a therapist."

He laughs, "'re not the first person to say that."

Luz looks around the table, "OK, spit it out, who else?"

Lilith, Eda, Darius, Raine, and Camila exchange glances, "I there one of us who hasn't in one way or another, suggested it?" Eda asks.

"Hoot hoot, I haven't!" Hooty calls.

Hunter laughs, "Yeah, so I figure it's probably a good idea if every adult in my life is saying I could probably use some help sorting out my head."

"I'm an adult!" Hooty says.

Eda drops her head to the table with a theatrical frustrated groan while Hunter nearly spits his drink as he starts laughing again at Hooty and Eda's antics.

Camila turns to Hunter as he sets his glass down, still giggling, "Your spirit's seemed lighter than I've ever seen it now that Belos is gone, and I think you're well on your way to some sort of healing, but we'll sort this all out when we've figured out what to do next, OK?"

"I know, Mom. I'm glad I have all of you. I just...I'm kinda messy up here," he says, tapping his temple. "But I think I'll be OK. Just a few more things to lay to rest...literally. Then I can figure out the future." He turns to Darius, "And that starts tomorrow."

Darius nods, taking a deep breath, "Yes, it does. One more step forward."


The following day Hunter and Darius get up early to finalize their plan to begin burying Caleb and the Golden Guards. Willow, Amity, and Gus meet in Latissa to make sure Hunter is alright. When they arrive late morning, he is quiet, lost in thought. They retreat to their comfort closet and settle in together, leaving the door open so they can hear when it's time for Hunter to leave. Willow takes the Golden Guard cape from the shelf and rests it in her lap, reverently smoothing the small wrinkles from the cloth.

Luz kneels in front of Hunter, "Hey...are you OK?"

"I don't know."

Gus sits beside him, "Do you want to talk, or do you want to just have us here with you?"

"I don't know. Maybe talk? I need to do this. For me, for them, and for the people who loved them."

"Like Darius," Luz says, "Not that it wasn't pretty clear, but I overheard him talking to Raine in their retreat room, and there's no mistaking that he loved the previous Golden Guard. I think they were boyfriends or partners or something."

As if on cue, Darius steps into the doorway; he lowers himself to sit in the entry, crossing his legs, "We called each other 'beloved', though never to anyone else," he says quietly, a sad smile on his face, as he hands three photographs to Hunter, "This was him." The first photograph is one of Ember smiling at the camera. The second is Darius and Ember together with a few other teenagers being silly around a fountain. The third is the most telling – Darius and Ember stand facing each other, their foreheads resting together, holding hands, on a boardwalk on the water. They are smiling, Darius' eyes closed, Ember's chin tilted just a little as though he was about to kiss Darius. Hunter takes a little more time with it, his friends clustering around to look over his shoulders.

"That one's particularly special," Darius says, "It was an important moment for us. We sneaked away during a mission to steal a few moments. Looking back, it might also be why Belos decided he'd been betrayed."

"He looks so happy. And like you're the best thing that ever happened to him," Gus says.

Darius nods, "I know life in the castle was harsh. He told me about a little of it. But he was content with me, and that's what I hold to. Even if it was part of the reason for his death, he had some moments of joy before then."

"That's so sad," Willow says, "I'm sorry you lost him."

"Thank you, Willow."

"What was his name?" Amity asks.

"Ember," Darius replies, "It's time we gave him back his name," he says, meeting Hunter's eyes, "It's time we gave all of them back their names. We need to get going. We can talk more on the way." He stands and gestures for Hunter to do the same.

"You can take Clover, so you don't have to walk," Willow says. She joins them and drapes the Golden Guard cape over his shoulders, "One last time. Let it record this memory, too."

"Thanks, Captain. Both for that and for lending me Clover – I was hoping you'd offer," he says as Clover flits from where she is resting in Willow's hair onto Hunter's shoulder. "Hey, little friend." Clover nuzzles his neck and Hunter laughs.

He hands the photographs back to Darius, "Can I give you a hug?" Darius nods, and Hunter hugs him, "You and he both deserved better."

"Thank you," Darius says, before stepping back. "Now let's get going."

They head out the door. Darius turns to his abomination form so he can speed along the ground and Clover transforms for Hunter. While Hunter flies at eye level with Darius, he wonders how to open the subject of the previous Golden Guard.

He doesn't have to, "What do you want to know about him?" Darius asks when they are outside the city.

"You call him your that means he was your boyfriend?"

"Yes. In a way."

Hunter is a little confused, "So...I'm getting that you're being evasive so I draw my own conclusions, but, like...I lived with Belos. I'm kinda dense when it comes to figuring out how people do relationships."

Darius laughs, "Alright, point taken. We were more committed than people usually assume when one says boyfriend or girlfriend."

"Oh, OK. That makes more sense. And I kinda thought maybe that was the case. Just didn't want to guess wrong."

"Did you figure that out from the picture on the boardwalk?"

"Yeah. It looked like he was ready to kiss you."

Darius nods, "Like I said, it was a very special day for us."

"You don't want to tell me more than that, do you?"

"Correct. Some things...some things are still just mine to remember. But what else do you want to know about him?"

Hunter takes a moment to think, "Tell me all about who he was as a person. Was he kind? What was his childhood like? Anything you think would help me know him."

"That might take longer than our trip," Darius replies.

"Well...I guess you could get a start."

"He was the kindest person I ever met, even when he struggled to understand his own emotions. He was spirited, always trying to see how far he could push Belos' patience before it backfired. Like you, he craved Belos' approval." He laughs, "This really is going to take a while. Might as well get comfortable. If I'm going to extol my beloved's virtues the entire way there, you need to settle in."

Hunter smiles with him and then sits, cross legged, sideways on his staff, "Well, here I am...shoot."

And Darius continues to tell him all about Ember.


Darius only stops his story when they come to the entrance of the cavern and step onto the long stone bridge. He transforms back into his usual body and Clover settles on Hunter's shoulder. They are halfway across when they see the Collector step out of the room on the other end.

"You made it! I did like I promised – I kept everybody safe, and we destroyed the bad stuff."

"He did a great job," King says, stepping beside him, "I think you'll be really...maybe happy's not the right word, but you'll think it's how it should be."

Hunter shudders as he glances down the chasm, "Yeah, it would be hard to be happy here."

Darius rests his hand on Hunter's shoulder and Hunter flinches, "Oh. I'm sorry," he says as he lifts his hand, "I'll say something first next time."

"I didn't mean to."

"I know. You didn't do anything wrong," Darius reassures him.

King steps up to them, "Come in here, first. We did like you said, we destroyed the ingredients. And Caleb's safe. I did keep one thing, though." He opens a cabinet and brings out a book wrapped in cloth, "This is Belos' notes. There's things in here about making Grimwalkers, notes on how they turned out differently, and things about their magic, the staff, all kinds of stuff." He hands it to Darius, "I didn't feel like it should just be destroyed."

Darius takes it and turns to Hunter, "Do you want me to carry this, or do you?"

Hunter is hunched, clearly uncomfortable, hugging himself, his eyes locked on the skeleton on the table, "You."

Darius hands it to King, "Hold this for a moment, please?" King nods and takes it back. Darius puts himself between Hunter and the skeleton. He hovers his hands above Hunter's shoulders, "May I?" Hunter nods and he lowers hands, "Hunter...if this is too much for you, you don't have to be here. Clover can take you home."

"I...I don't know. Is that Caleb?"

Darius glances over his shoulder at the bones, "Yes, it is."

"I need to do this, Darius. I don't know why. But I feel sad. And small. And sick."

Darius sighs, "I can tell. And I want you to remember you don't have to do this. I can bring them to their graves."

"I still can't believe you dug them all without magic," Hunter says.

Darius nods, "Some things...some things need to be sacrificed for. They deserved the time. A few graves a day, with a few people helping I knew would understand."

"Who? I don't remember you ever telling me you asked for help. Just that you left every day to dig graves." Hunter steps toward the skeleton and Darius lets his hands fall from Hunter's shoulders, moving aside so they can stand next to the table together.

"I asked people I knew would do it for the right reasons. I said this was for the dead, but it was also for you. And that's why Gilbert, Harvey, Alador, and Perry joined me for hours each day, sometimes late into the night. They knew this was important to you."

Hunter turns to look at Darius, "Did you tell them why?"

"Willow was so distraught after she found your note that Gilbert offered to read it out-loud to all of us," Darius says, "You said you were a Grimwalker in it. They'd all talked to their kids after the fight. I just made sure the dots were connected. Did I overstep?"

Hunter shakes his head, "No. I am what I am, whether I'm OK with that yet or not."

"None of them were upset with you for it. Perry was confused – this isn't something he was prepared for. But Harvey put it best, 'Hunter is precious to our kids – we don't have to understand how he was brought into this earth, just that he's family. And if you have any hang-ups over this, that's on you to work out, not a child.'" Darius smiles, "Perry didn't argue, he just nodded and got to work."

Hunter nods, "Huh. So the dads came around."

"Alador apparently had some conversations with them, too. And he did while we were digging. As much as I'm loathe to admit it, I'm starting to like that hack, even if I think his work blending the mechanical and abominations is ridiculous."

Hunter quietly laughs, "'s kinda weird. least I know the dads are OK with what I am." He reaches out and very lightly rests his hand on Caleb's rib, jerking his hand back at first as though it were hot before trying again, brushing against the bone, "And this is part of what I am. Hi, Caleb...."

After a few moments of quiet, King steps beside him, "Come on, Hunter, let's start moving them to the graveyard, OK?"

"Yeah, OK," Hunter says, stepping back.

The Collector looks to King, "Now?"

"Yeah, just this one, though, OK?" The Collector nods. They draw a circle in the air and the bones are encased in a glittering light. They fade from sight.

They look across the distance and nod, "He's there. Your friends are with him. They can move him to the right grave. I'll lower him when we get there after we're done."

King holds the book to his chest and walks to the door, "Let's seal this place, Collector."

Darius and Hunter follow him out of the room. The Collector is the last one out. The large doors close noiselessly. The Collector rests both their hands on it and says, "Seal this place away, so nobody can ever do evil in it again." There is a dull thud and the puzzle becomes immovable carvings.

The Collector gestures for them to follow them down the stairs. Hunter stays close to the wall, every step a struggle. He knows what he will see, Darius warned him.

King stops him halfway down, "Hunter, you look miserable."

"This is harder than I thought it would be. I shouldn't be phased by bones. I was raised a soldier. I've seen dead scouts. But this...this is a lot."

King sets the book on a step, "Look, I know I'm just a little guy, and I know I haven't really been around you much, but we're both Eda's kids, want a hug?" Hunter nods and picks up King, who snuggles against him, "It's OK to ask. And it's OK to not go down the rest of these stairs, if you need to not."

"Can I just sit for a minute?"

"Of course. Want your little demon brother to stay with you?"

Hunter stares at him a moment, then breaks into a tired smile, "Yeah, I do." King curls up on his lap. "So...would it be weird if I scratched your back or something? Like a cat?"

"Absolutely not, you are welcome to scratch my back or rub my tummy any day!" King says enthusiastically. Hunter laughs quietly.

"Are you OK, Hunter?" Darius calls from farther down.

"Just taking a break with a fellow Clawthorne," he replies. "I'll be there in a minute."

While Hunter sits with King, Darius reaches the bottom of the stairs. What he sees is different from when he was last in the chasm. Instead of heaps of bones and broken masks, each skeleton is neatly laid out, any pieces of the armor resting on the bones, the masks laying on their stomachs, hands folded over them.

" put them together."

"I thought it would be better to bury them like this, after everything King told me about how mortals have to think about death. Like they're more...people-y this way."

Darius slowly nods, "They are. This is...this is an incredible tribute. I thought I'd be burying piles, not bodies, and we'd just lay them out the best we could manage."

The Collector shakes their head, "No, this is each body with all it's parts in the right places. And it's the right parts, too. I figured out whose bones went where." He pauses, watching Darius, "Is everything OK? Did I do it right?"

"You did it beautifully. This...this is a gift. Thank you."

"Want to know which one was your friend?" the Collector asks.

"Please," Darius whispers. The Collector leads him to one of the skeletons and points. Darius kneels next to it and breaks down, grief pressing down on him so heavily that he rests his hands on the ground, tears splotching the dust beneath him.

When Hunter and King make it to the chasm, Hunter stops and looks around, staring at the number of bodies neatly arranged around the room, "So...this is where I would have ended up."

King nods, "Yeah. But you didn't. You survived, Hunter. You ended it."

"Nah...I didn't end it. That was Hooty," Hunter replies, voice distant. He walks over to Darius and sits beside his friend, draping his arm over Darius' bowed back. Darius seems to try to pull himself together, but Hunter shakes his head, "No, don't stop because of me. This...this is something you've needed for a long time."

Darius manages to sit up and he wipes his eyes, "I know. But they're the dead and my tears won't do them any good."

"But they'll do you good," Hunter says, "And you're the living."

"So are you, so let me are you feeling?"

"Sick. Scared. And overwhelmed. There were so many of us...."

Darius nods, "Yes. Each one grown so he could die. It's horrifying."

Hunter stares at Ember, "I wonder if we all fell in love and that's what Belos said was betrayal."

Darius looks at his young friend, "That's...that's why Caleb died, too. He fell in love with a witch."

"Wouldn't surprise me if that's what Belos killed every one of us for," Hunter says, "whether it was just a witch, or it was wild magic itself, or something...we fell in love with the thing he wanted to destroy." He sighs, "It's just a theory. I guess I'll find out more when I unlock the memories in the cape."

"Are you sure you want to, knowing where it all leads?"

"Eventually. Not right away, but some day. I's not like they're going anywhere. I have time to do this at my own speed."

"Just...when you get to Ember, keep some memories private, alright? I...I don't need them to be known." Hunter nods. Darius stands and offers him a hand, helping Hunter to join him. He looks to the Collector, "Alright. Let's take them, too."

Each corpse is enveloped in the glittering light and vanishes, "They're at the graves," the Collector says, "Do you want me to take you there the same way?"

"This won't hurt them, right?" King asks, "You're sure?"

The Collector nods, "Yep, I'm sure. It's safe."

Darius starts walking along the peripheral of the room. Something small glitters near a wall and he picks it up – a single coin. He continues his walk. Hunter joins him.

"What're they doing?" the Collector asks King.

"I don't know."

"Can I ask?"

"Maybe – it can't hurt."

The Collector waits until Darius and Hunter are closer to speak, "So...what're you doing?"

"Looking for the little things – traces of their lives, things that fell from their pockets as they were tossed here," Darius says.

"Is there something in particular I could help you find?"

"No, but thank you."

The Collector pauses, "Is this one of those things, like digging graves, that you need to do without magic?"

Hunter nods, "Yeah. It is."

When the finish circling the room, they have several coins, a small broach, a necklace with a griffin charm, three rings, each on their own chain or ribbon, and a single earring. Hunter slips them into his pocket.

"We're ready to go now," Darius says.

As the light sweeps over him, Hunter squeezes his eyes closed. He only opens them when he hears Darius speak his name. He takes a few shaky breaths and looks around. They are near the old gate where he came through from the human realm, graves dug in neat rows just off one side of the path. The bones hover over each open grave, and Alador, Harvey, Gilbert, and Perry wait with shovels.

"Are you ready for them to be lowered?" Darius asks him.

Hunter nods, "Yeah. Let's put them to rest." With a nod from Darius, the Collector gently lowers the bones into the graves.

Darius offers Hunter a shovel, "Do you want to put the first dirt over Caleb? He's the one closest to the gate."

Hunter takes it, but sits beside the grave first, "He said I look most like you. I...I believe it. And I hope it helps, even just a little, that I'm the one doing something he never had the decency to do. And thanks, Caleb...even though it wasn't your choice, I owe you my existence." He takes the jar of Caleb's hair from his pocket and opens it, shaking out the delicate strands into his hand. He gently rests them beside the bones. He stands stands and begins to shovel dirt Caleb's remains. The others follow suit on separate graves. Darius kneels beside Ember and lays something it in the grave before consigning him to the ground.

Hunter knows Darius won't likely ever tell him what it was he buried with Ember. They are quiet on their way back to headquarters. Darius closes himself in the adults' retreat.

Hunter takes off the cape and folds it, returning it to their closet. He drops the little items he and Darius picked up from the chasm floor into the jar that once held Caleb's hair and sets it on the shelf beside the cape. He takes a deep breath and leaves the closet, heading to the bathroom to bathe. As he washes the sweat and dirt from his body, he thinks about the enormity of what he's done in just a day.

When he steps out of the shower, he talks to himself in the mirror, "Well...I did it. I buried the Grimwalkers. And Caleb. I hope it was a good start." He wonders if it is just his imagination, or if there is a ghost in the mirror when he sees Caleb in his reflection for a brief moment. Instead of being startled, he smiles, "Yeah, I know...the one who looked most like him. But I think I'm OK with that now. I'm not just the clone of someone Belos made disappear. I'm the clone of someone who loved a witch enough that he turned his back on his entire way of life to discover something beautiful." He laughs to himself, "Kinda relatable, actually...." He gets dressed and then looks at his reflection again, "I think I'll be OK. And Caleb...if that was you, I hope I'll make you proud. But...I also think I need a nap."

He leaves the bathroom and is headed for his bunk when his friends tumble from their comfort closet, "Hunter! We heard you were back and decided to wait for you here" Luz says, hugging him.

He laughs and gently slips from her hug, walking toward the bunks, "Yeah, I am, but I'm also really sore and tired. I think I overdid it. Gonna lay down now."

"Can we make a blanket nest?" Gus asks, "I'm game for a nap."

Hunter nods, "Sure."

"It's OK if you'd rather be alone," Gus hurries to add, "I know that's what Darius needs."

"That's because Darius just did what might have been the hardest thing he's ever done," Hunter says, "I know a little bit more about Ember now. So I get why. But I'm OK, guys."

Amity studies him a moment, "You really are, aren't you? It's not just a front."

"I actually think I am," Hunter says, "I don't know how. I should be more of a mess. I just buried a few dozen skeletons of people made to be thrown away. And I buried Caleb. But...I'm not. I feel like I did something important, and like something in me's at peace because of that."

Amity smiles, "I'm glad, Hunter. We were really worried."

"I know. I didn't mean to make you worry...."

Willow takes his hand, "Hunter...stop. You didn't make us worry. We did that because we care about you. You don't need to apologize for other people caring about you enough to worry."

He thinks about this as they head to the bunkroom. They pull blankets from the beds, build their nest, and snuggle together in the heap.

When they are all settled in, Hunter continues his thoughts, "I realized something...Belos...wasn't affectionate. I'd get praise, but I'd also get shame, or worse. I learned not to speak up, or to speak out of turn. He never said he cared about me just because I was his kid...I mean I know why, but...I didn't then. I think that's why I always feel like I have to apologize to you. If I don't, something in me's still afraid you'll walk away, or you'll hurt me."

Gus squeezes his hand, "You know, the more you tell us about how you grew up, the more I want to do something really disgusting to that jar of Belos dust."

Amity sighs, "I know what you mean. Mom...wasn't much different, to be honest. I was so afraid of failing because if I did, the disappointment that I wasn't good enough would be crushing. She never hurt us, physically, but emotionally? All the time."

"I think when I told you all that you were the best family I could have ever had, and I said I loved you guys, I think that might have been the first time I ever told anybody I loved them," Hunter says, "So yeah...I'm glad I have you. And I think I like who I am with you."

"It's not just who you are with us," Willow says, "You've found where you feel safe, so you're able to be who you are."

He smiles, "Yeah, you're right, Captain." He sighs, "And as much as I do love you all, I'm also exhausted, and everything aches, so I'm going to sleep."

Willow leans in and kisses his cheek; Luz giggles at her and claps silently. Gus shoots her a thumbs-up. Amity rolls her eyes at her friends and smiles at Willow. They cuddle together in the heap and doze off, waking only when Camila calls them all to wake up for dinner.

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