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By -sharkll-

16.9K 647 468

You knew life wasn't always easy but that didn't stop you from always seeing the positive side of life. But... More

Authors Note


1K 48 42
By -sharkll-

The key was shoved into the ignition and then twisted, making the car roar while it sprung to life. The little monitor next to you read: 05:47 PM. Time had flew by quicker than expected, tho you had wished you never stepped foot into the car. It felt like your breathing didn't match your heartbeat at all and your hands began to sweat even more as Canada drove his Car down the dirt road.

Before you had to leave you quickly changed into some more casual clothes for the meeting. Canada on the other hand was shocked, he didn't know what to expect. They definitely wouldn't hurt him, but (Y/N)? What would they do to you?

The first few minutes of the drive were quiet as you watched the trees zoom by before you got onto a quiet country road, leading away from the dirt road which lead back into the forest and the cabin. The open fields looked dark and empty, far away from any humanity.  In the distance you could see even more trees as tiny specks of green and brown in the distance. Your head leaned against the glass and as you got more nervous and fell deeper into thoughts you could only see everything in a blur. Some brown and green here, and then some gray and blue there. You could only think about one thing and, just hoped everything would work out.

You didn't want to be a burden for Canada, what if he got into trouble just because you were there? Just because of your mere existence?

The car drove into a slight curve making your eyes fixate on the world around. You glanced at Canada, his eyes filled with worry as his hands gripped the steering wheel almost as if he wanted to rip it off of its Holster. A single drop of sweat rolling down his forehead.

The sudden urge to break down and just apologise to Canada grew by the second but when you opened your mouth no sound came out. You could feel your heart thumping against your chest quickly as you now entered a highway, which wasn't to busy. You almost felt it in your throat.

Canada noticed you staring and looked at you before looking back at the road. Just like he knew you were trying to say something he sighed.

"No one of this is your fault...," Canada said in a calm demeanour, the nervousness barely noticeable. You looked at the dashboard, knowing Canada couldn't look into your eyes anyway as he was focused on the road.

"They won't hurt you while I'm there" He promised, giving you little comfort. But knowing that he was gonna protect you regardless what would happen it calmed you.
You sighed, looking over at the clock. 6:13 PM.

"I didn't want to be a burden to you...and now your probably in trouble too..." you said in a brittle tone. Canadas breathing stocked as he heard you say that, a burden?

"A burden? (Y/N) your not a burden to me! It's the opposite! Ive had so much fun with you since I found you! Don't call yourself a burden..."
"I'm scared... I'm just scared so scared Canada...Are there gonna be many people..?"
Canada pursued and bit his lip going over who will be there in his head, or rather who could be there. America arranged the meeting after all.

"Only some important people" he answered to which you nodded in response.

He was gonna protect you, no matter what.

The bright colours zooming past your eyes were abruptly stopped when Canada turned the car into a road leading into a city. The time flew by quicker than you had wished it would and by now the clock read 6:40. You looked out the front window, seeing all the buildings around you looked grey and lonely even though the streets were busy with traffic.

Minutes passed and Canada had driven into a more secluded part of the city, barely any cars were there. You could see a big building in the distance, it looked taller than the others and was more secluded so it sparked your interest.


The car halted next to the tall structure and when you looked to the entrance of the building you saw America approaching.

"Are you ready?" Canada asked, tho he knew the answer already.
"Not really.."
"Just stay by my side and nothing will happen, alright? No worries.."
You mumbled a quiet 'yes' and Canada seemed pleased with that for now.
He got out of the Car and so did you as America had now stopped next to his brother but was looking down at your fidgety figure.

"Now, now! No need to be so nervous!" He glanced at Canada to which he nervously looked at you.
"I'm gonna make sure nothing happens to you, I haven't told them about you yet so stay close to Canada and I, k sweety?" America said, making it look like he was rather joking than being serious and Canada quickly butted in.
"Are we late? We should head inside." America agreed and signalled for you to follow them.

Once inside the building you were met with a rich scent, like a hotel room. The vanilla scent made you sigh and look at the figures in front of you. They were mumbling something about the meeting and you being early.

The building wasn't only big, it was like a labyrinth! America guided you both through many hallways which were covered in a red carpets, making it look luxurious.
Then finally, America got to a halt in front of a big wooden door. You could make out chattering from inside and the fear was now practically eating you from the inside. Cowering closer to Canada you feared that once the doors opened you'd be faced with something you wouldn't escape. Your throat felt dry and your hands sweaty as you fidgeted with them.

"Stay close behind me okay?" An just as nervous Canada ordered you, as if you would do anything different than stay close to him anyways. But it made you get even closer to Canada, mere centimetres away from his back.

"You ready?" America asked
Canada let out a breath of worry
"We're ready."

The big door slowly creaked open as America pushed against it effortlessly, and everything went silent. Dead silent as you all entered the room. You couldn't see anything yet since Canadas back blocked it, and you wished it would stay that way.
The door fell shut again and America stepped next to his brother, so that no one could see you for sure.

America cleared his throat

"You may wonder why I have gathered you all here, and I can assure you that Its because we have to discuss a serious matter!"
"America why did you bring us here? I wasn't finished with my reports yet." An annoyed voice said, sounding tired and irritated.
"I have to agree with Germany here. What's so important that you had to call in a meeting for today, why so abrupt?"
"Oui pourquoi?"
"W-well it's that..." America said before getting interrupted by a rather loud voice with a thick Russian accent.
"Get to the point Америка."

Canada nervously shifted as you froze,a million thoughts running through your head.
Both brothers nervously glanced at each other before Canada cleared the silence.
"Ok, but promise you won't be mad?" It seemed to be directed to someone directly rather than everyone.
A feminine voice replied
"Mon Dieu Canada, what did you do that your so nervous, is everything alright?"
There was a brief silence before she spoke again.
"America? What's the matter?"
To that America leaned over and whispered something to his brother, he stiffened but nodded.
"Ok well...Some weeks ago I found uh...something in the forest...and w-well..."
"And?" A mans voice interrupted, sounding curious.
"Um well...It's a girl."
The tension that was now present didn't fail to frighten both Canada and you.
"Ein Mädchen? Canada what exactly are you trying to tell us?" Quiet murmuring was coming from the country's, who you still couldn't see.
"Yes...a girl...god how do I explain this...Meri?" He looked at his brother helplessly.
He immediately took control.
"Well since your all very important, we thought you should know first that the girl is,"
He stopped, now nervous himself.
"not a country..."

An uncomfortable silence overtook the room, before...

"КАКИЕ? АМЕРИКА, ЧТО ТЫ ИМЕЕШЬ?" The sound of a chair violently hitting the ground was heard as the room exploded with voices you had heard before, and some which you hadn't.
"Oh Mon dieu!"
"CALM DOWN!Jesus...." America demanded the other country's as he pinched the bridge of his nose. You squeezed the backside of Canadas shirt, cowering at the loud voices which definitely weren't cheerful.

America shouted some more before the room was finally quiet again.
The man with the Russian accent spoke.
"Where? Where's the girl right now?!" You could clearly hear the anger through his voice even after he had sat back down.
Canada quietly mumbled something that even you couldn't hear.
"Louder! Where is she?" Canada had fixed his posture, wanting to look big in this hoarse situation before absolute chaos would break out. And maybe to look intimidating so no one would get any ideas when he revealed his answer.
With a loud sigh he finally spoke, in a much more confident voice.
"She's here right now." The sudden confidence from Canada made your body decide on its own, slowly and carefully you released the cloth being squeezed in your hands and stepped next to Canada, so now you stood in between the brothers.
Gasps were Heard and as you stood there and looked around you saw who you was there in the room.
Two countries, which you presumed were Germany and Russia given their flags, exchanged worried glances as two others which looked like France and Britain just stared at you creepily.
You could make out a few other countries, there really weren't that much in the meeting room, but definitely enough to make you feel like you didn't belong there at all. Japan...Italy...and China were also present, and they were just as surprised as everyone else.

Your left hand gripped Canadas arm again, it felt uncomfortable having everyone stare at you. You didn't even know what to do and as if you were meeting someone familiar you raised your right hand and waved, a sweet smile forming on your lips even though they quivered a little.

As if they were taken back by your gesture they looked at Canada.
"Where are you from?" France asked, mistrusting your kind gesture.
You looked around the room, staring at the faces of strangers who might hate you for your mere existence. You told them what you had told Canada when you had first met.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you I was murdered, would you? I just woke up in the middle of Nowhere...and then Canada found me..." As if something had switched in the female country's mind she answered in a more controlled and softer voice, though you weren't sure if she was just understanding or trying to squeeze more information out of you without frightening you.
"Tell us how you got here, what exactly happened..." she stopped glancing at you. You understood.
"(Y/N)...Just call me (Y/N)"
"Alright (Y/N), what exactly happened?"
The grip on Canadas arm felt like you were trying to stop blood from flowing through it, but in reality you were just so nervous you didn't notice.
"W-well..I only...

Strong hands pinned you down


The sound of your blood soaked clothes and wounds squelching was barely noticeable through your screams

...well i only remember d-dying? And then waking up in the forest..." You answered, trying to hide your quivering lips as best as possible. No body noticed though which made you relived.
"I found her and she stayed at my place for...some time..."
Britain raised an eyebrow to Canadas statement
"Some time? What do you mean exactly by some time? How many days has she been staying with you?!"
"...weeks..." Canada finished his sentence as the other country's looked at him in shock and disbelief.
"And you knew all about this America?!"
"What? No! Only since today!"
"So that's why you've been missing the hockey plays?" Canada nodded at the Russian apologetically.

"I thought maybe we could somehow get a solution to our question of how she got here together... I mean Germany aren't you good with science or something? And Japan you too? Maybe we can even bring her back to her own home?" A little saddened by the fact that you might leave Canada soon you glanced at him, tho he was already looking at you with a sad look.

"Well...," Britain said before staring at Japan and Germany who were sharing glances and shrugging their shoulders.
"I think it might be a good idea to do some research so we can send her back. Germany, Japan, would you both be ready to help out?" Japan with her generosity accepted, though for Germany he reluctantly agreed only after Britain told him he'd do his paper work for him if he'd help.

After some talking between various countries they had decided. Germany and Japan would try and find a solution and you would be staying near them. Meaning you couldn't stay with Canada anymore.
"Since Germany and Japan don't live too far apart you can stay in either one of theirs, but considering that most of the research will be done at Germanys house you'll be staying there." Germany looked a little worried though was always willing to help, but the irritated look didn't leave his face until after Britain had settled this agreement.

The following morning you'd have to leave the trusted place where you had stayed with Canada for weeks and stay with someone you had only briefly met. The excitement was little and it was devastating for both you and Canada, but you knew it would be better if you could go back to your own world... Or at rest in the afterlife.

"Oh and one thing before you leave Ladies and Gentlemen...Whatever was discussed in this room, stays in this room. Understood?" America said, the usual joking tone in his voice suddenly gone. A couple of head nods and 'yes' were heard in the room as everybody got up to leave. You were relieved that the meeting had finally found an end but you noticed a figure approaching.

"Hi! Your (Y/N) right? We'll be working together!" A cheerful voice said, making your mood slightly better.
"Oh your Japan! It's nice to meet you! Yep, I guess from now on we'll be working together. I hope you don't mind.." You apparently did a good job at hiding your nervousness as the girl in front of you told you that it was 'no problem at all' and that it was a 'pleasure meeting new people'. Maybe not everyone was as harsh as the others? Japan seemed so nice you continued your small talk until Canada interrupted.

"(Y/N)? We should head back and pack your things..." The sadness in his voice was noticeable and you quickly said your goodbye to Japan before jogging after Canada, avoiding all the glances you were getting.

You drove back home, occasionally talking about what would happen next and Canada reassured you that Germany and Japan would be nice once you got to know them better.

You were just happy that you could go back to the cabin and rest a little. The day had really drained you after all.

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