Mario x Default boy (fortnite...

By ramzyfanrezzxjamz

26 1 3

Mario and Default boy have always been close, rivaling against Gru. One day They ran into Gru at Papa John's... More

Character Introductions 💞
Heading to Papa Johns

Interacting, finally.

10 1 3
By ramzyfanrezzxjamz

"duble cheese peperoni burger up at the front, for a Mario and Default boy, cum git it!!" The cashier saided
"uhhhhhhhhhhh I thenk that's us Maria" Default boy saided
"MWY NYAME ISN'T MARIA!!!!! IT'S MARIO" Mario saided, actuall VERY upset;!

"uhhhhhhhhhhhh ok can we get the food brah" Default boy saided.
"okway" Mario said, heading to the front.

"Thenk you, how will yu be paying today?" The cashier said.
"uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-h I dun't no brah" Default boy saided.
"Can we gwet a discwount for bewing teh cutest customwer ever?" Mario saided, very very cutely.

"No" The cashier said "pay now"

"uhm so I dwont habe no money" Mario saided, hoping his cuteness was enough
"No. Pay NOW. Or you're getting kiked out."

"i-... I dwun't habe any moneh :c" Mario saided. He was about to exit the building with Default boy, until he herd a voice call out to him.

"wait! I can pay for it!" Someone saided.
"hoo?..." Mario said as he terned arund, confuzzled on who wuld offer to do dis for hem

He turned around to see Gru standing there, paying for his food.
"ohw mwy gwolly jee...." He said, very confuzzled on why Gru would ever do such a thing for him.
"G-Gru?..." Mario saided

"Mario?... " He saided, not knowing he was paying for him specifically.
"uhhhhhhhhhhh can we get tha food brah." Default saided

Time skip :

Mario, Default boy, and Gru are all sitting together, Mario continooisly saying thenk yu to him.

"nah, it's all good! I had some extra moneh on me anyways" Gru saided
*what's this feeling I'm having.... Mario thot.... I... it can't be..... I'm n-n-nit gay!! I can't be... no.... *

They all started making out very intensely by the end, having children's and startinf a fwamily!

(sorry the end is rushed, my mom go decapitated, and my friend died because I ated her.... I'm sorry!!!)

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