Was Once A Creator?

By masucure

525 28 5

What if Error was once a creator himself? What if Error was the very first skeleton placed in the multiverse... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4

chapter 1

193 9 2
By masucure

Error was tired. He was tired of running back and forth with the creator all day; he couldn't get a rest. Great, he mumbled with a harsh tone. The voices were yelling at him again, telling him to destroy more aus even if he just got back. They seem to be a bit louder than usual, maybe a bit harsher. He felt a harsh pain through his chest like a bullet. He lowly growled, hunching slightly over and squeezing his eyes tightly shut. He waited and waited, taking five minutes for the pain that felt like a bullet to finally come to a stop. He slightly opened his eyes, bringing his knees to his chin and resting his head softly on them. Finally, after 15 minutes of sitting down and doing nothing, he stood up, bringing his hand out and gripping a blue string, one that was lower than the rest he lightly pulled, a book and a pen fell from the ceiling that was securely wrapped by many other strings. Error was by no means a writer, but he had to have some way to keep up with the aus. He sighed." He looked at one of the aus he wrote down, the new au underlust he's never been the one to judge but he didn't like the name. He decided. After 5 minutes, he stood up, bringing out his arm and summoning a glitched portal to underlust.

He stepped through, finding himself in an alleyway. He'll make this quick. Surprisingly, the creator didn't show up. It only took 40 minutes to dust all the monsters and the human, but he will make sure to ask the creator why he made such a shitty au. Where the hell is the sans of this au? He said in a harsh whisper,"Uhh, I groaned. This could be a while. I said as I started to walk. I've been walking a full 15 minutes even though I just started. It feels like it's been hours looking for the dame Skeleton, I came to a dead stop hearing a whimper to my left, down an alleyway I started to make my way through the mess of dust and broken building parts finally making my way through the mess reaching to a turn I stopped myself before taking the turn putting myself against the wall and shutting my eyes listening closely, my eyes shot open when I heard the faint whimper I raised my right hand getting ready to attack with my gaster blaster, taking a step forward just enough for me to peak around the corner, I was shocked to be seeing a broken down scared skeleton crying and whimpering to himself.
The crying skeleton was pearly white from top to bottom, with gashes that were the size of multiple whips with bruises that were purple and red covering most of the skeleton's pearly bones
The distressed skeleton seemed to be hunched over himself, covering himself with his bony arms. From what Error can tell from this far, Error couldn't just walk up and ask what's wrong he'll just startle the poor thing, and couldn't give the other comfort he had haphephobia for god sake but he also couldn't leave the distressed skeleton. Finally coming to a decision uhh I sighed great just great I mumbled I walked out from where I was to make myself known to the other making sure I put my gaster blaster away before walking out from the alleyway I was in so I seemed completely harmless to the distress skeleton. The hunched-over skeleton didn't even flinch nor looked up, Error raised a nonexistent eyebrow with a confused look as he made sure his footsteps were loud and clear,

''If you're going to kill me, make it quick.'' the distressed skeleton said, lifting his head from his legs where they were currently resting making eye contact with the black-bone skeleton.

'Oh, so you can speak?'' Error said with a confused look. He noticed how the other flinched, "Hey, I'm not here to harm you." he crouched down a few feet back.

"Bullshit." the white-boned skeleton said, "That's not what I heard when the monsters were begging for mercy." Lust said, looking directly at the other.

''You won't have to beg for mercy," Error said.

The white boned skeleton stared at him with a questioning look, Error smiled gently at the skeleton. "You could come with me if you like," Error said. The white boned stared at him intently.

"What's the catch?'' the white-boned skeleton said with a questioning look, still staring intently at the black-boned skeleton.

"There's no catch, just freedom,"  said Error the black bone skeleton, the white boned skeleton looking at him, giving a surprised look.

"The names Error and yours is?,"
Errot said with a questioning and curious look.

"L-lust." the white bone skeleton said in a whisper, looking towards the ground and avoiding eye contact Lust was confused why would a random skeleton offer to help a slut like him, he looked back up removing his eyes from the ground, he study Error now noticing how scary looking Error looks now that his vision is clear from all the debris and smoke mix with the smell of dust.
The man had pitch-dark bones with multi-colored fingertips that were yellow and red with red bone legs, a red scarf wrapped loosely on the man's neck, and the clothing fading black to blue with white stitches keeping it together, underneath was a red sweater he wore with regular red flip flops, with scattered scars going across the man's bones the worst ones seem to be on the man's head seeming like someone was trying to claw their way through, except the one on his neck Lust wanted to puke just looking at how bad it was, it looked like someone was playing with the man's neck if someone were to look closely enough you could see droplets of blood seeping through it. Lust decide to look somewhere else before he might puke, Lust's eyes landed on the man's face seeing the calm blue glow alike tears, three on each side of the man's face coming from the man's eyes that were multi-colored and mix-matched on both sides, the man's eyes looked empty but something about them felt comforting and warm to Lust.

"Well?" Error said, with a questioning look lifting a nonexistent eyebrow and looking directly at lust.

"W-what!" Lust said, having a confused look written all over his face.

"Hmm," Error hummed, taking Lust confused face as in answer. Error stood up, making his way out the alleyway, having some trouble doing so from all the debris.

"H-hey wait!" Lust hurriedly stood from his position a bit difficult to do so from his injuries rushing limply to the man to catch up. Now that Lust is caught up, now what does he just follow this man that he doesn't know anything about? Lust sighed, looking down at his feet, and continued to walk with him, questioning himself on how it came to this. After a few minutes.

Error stopped in his tracks looking behind him at the white skeleton that call himself Lust before he could bump into me he seemed to take notice that he stopped walking, he looked at me, giving me a questioning look Error looked back around taking him at least 10 minutes to find a clear enough area were there wasn't too much debris, not that it matters where you put a portal but he doesn't want to clean up a mess later lifting my right hand and opening a portal dropping my arm back down to my side.

"Just go through there. You should be fine." Error said. The skeleton nodded its head and limply went through.

"Wow, that was way easier done than said.'' Error thought.

Error lifted both of my hands, bringing out a panel to delete this au. Error looked at the au, seeing it rip itself apart. Error turned my head back to the glitchy portal, leaving the au to be demolished.
Once Error was through the portal. Error saw the bruised up skeleton hunched over himself and having his back spine against the bean bag, he seems to be mumbling to himself, Error should probably give the poor thing some clothes now that Error finally noticed he was completely exposed to the cold air of the void, Error walked a few meters away from the bean bag looking for a specific lose string that was dangling from the ceiling.

"There you are," Error said in a whispering, smooth tone." Error reached his arm out and grabbed gently at the loose string from the ceiling that it was dangling from, he pulled at it letting it go right after, the string shot up into the ceiling, a hammock fell from the void above that looked completely empty and dark the thing that he called the ceiling, right he's getting off-topic he needs to stay focused he looked down at the hammock that was at his hip, he looked at the articles of clothing that he made these past years in the void going through them one by one, he picked up three certain articles.
A purple turtleneck sweater that seemed to be soft as a feather pillow case and a pair of black shorts with two attached strings to them, to tighten them if needed, and two pairs of white socks, he folded the pieces of the article over his arm, he turned to the direction to the bean bag was and walked over to the hunched over skeleton that called himself Lust? Error made sure he was at least five steps away from him to not trigger his haphephobia.

"Lust, right?" I have some clothing for you." I crouched and slid the clothes across the floor to the hunched-over skeleton

"Why? Why are you helping me?" There has to be some catch to this. No one would just help someone to get nothing out of it. You must want something out of this?" Lust questioned while grabbing the pairs of articles by putting them on by the shirt to the socks, they felt so soft and even if the purple sweater was plain it felt amazing, Lust looked up to the man that called himself Error waiting for his answer.

"There's nothing that you have that I want." Error said to Lust with a gentle smile, Lust looked at me with a sad look, eyes watering and tears dripping down his bone cheeks plopping to the floor, for some reason it hurt to see the other crying like a pang of guilt hitting through my chest.

"Wait, crying!" I thought, "Hey, there's no reason to cry?" I said, trying to comfort Lust.

I giggled at Error tactics trying to comfort me from such a distance, Error looked at me confusingly, "No you didn't do anything wrong I'm just overjoyed that for once someone didn't want to take advantage of me or use me for their own benefits." Lust smiled at Error.

Error stood up walking where the white skeleton was hunched over with his back spine against the end of the bean bag on the right, flopping myself onto the comfortable bean bag, after sitting there a few mew seconds I sat up to look at Lust finding his eyes already staring at me.

"We're going to half to fix those energies of yours." I said to Lust, he nodded at me, still staring at me with a confused expression, "What?"

"Nothing?" Lust said, is it rude to ask about someone's scars Lust thought, he wouldn't really know there was no such thing as privacy where he was, he was always asked about his scars no one really cared about how uncomfortable he was when they asked not even his brother cared, well not like his brother cared in the first place, my brother always told me to be grateful for what we got and he always was, he was really grateful, he guess he couldn't realy blame his brother he had to get a job while no one accepted him when he try to apply for any, it's best for me to not ask it isn't my business anyways, he thought as he stared back down to the ground looking away from the dark bone skeleton.

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