The Woe We Deserve

By finnick-life-ruiner

13.2K 545 138

Upon her return to Nevermore Academy, Wednesday and Xavier navigate their complicated relationship. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

458 17 11
By finnick-life-ruiner

She burst through the entrance, shaky and out of breath, but there was no time to waste. She barely registered Tyler's presence, her eyes immediately drawn to Xavier's unconscious body. Wednesday dropped by his side and jumped into action. She had spent hours reading about and practicing for this exact medical emergency. She emptied the contents of her backpack and found a small flashlight, holding it between her teeth to free up her hands.

After ensuring there was a pulse, she proceeded to cut his restraints and the clothes surrounding his injury, cleaning and disinfecting the area, trying very hard to keep her hands from shaking. After inspecting the slash marks on his chest and shoulder, she was relieved to see that while he was still loosing blood, Tyler had failed to strike any major arteries.

As she prepared to begin stitching the first cut, she noticed Tyler had positioned himself just a few feet away, watching intently. His silent gaze was more unnerving than if he had tried to fight or restrain her.

Knowing Enid and Ajax would be close behind, she tried to buy some time. Engaging him in conversation might allow her to finish her life-saving measures before he lost patience and dragged her away.

"So are you going to jump in at any moment? Tell me your genius plan?" she asked, trying to keep her voice and hands steady. She continued working on Xavier's shoulder, glancing at his captor occasionally.

Tyler remained silent. Had Wednesday been watching him, she would have caught a glimpse of his expression, which much like Xavier had witnessed earlier, seemed troubled and conflicted.

"I never liked the guy," he finally spoke.

Wednesday continued working. She was now covered in blood up to her shoulders. Her face was also painted red from constantly brushing her bangs out of the way. If she wasn't so scared of losing Xavier, she might have been pleased by her gory appearance.

"So why isn't he dead?" she asked. "Didn't have a problem killing before. What's stopping you know?" Wednesday paused her stitching every few minutes to check his pulse, which grew fainter each time. He didn't have much time, but at least she had managed to stop most of the bleeding.

"I'm not supposed to kill him," Tyler said, moving even closer, facing her from the other side of Xavier's mangled body. "So maybe stop asking so many questions and stitch faster."

Wednesday forced herself to remain calm—arguing with a lunatic wouldn't be any help. "What do you want? Why are you back?"


"Revenge? For Thornhill? She used you. She ruined your life." Wednesday brushed her bangs out of the way one more time. She caught a glimpse of Tyler's vacant expression, neither Hyde nor human, his eyes looked empty. It was as if the Hyde inside was leeching the life out of him like some sort of parasite, taking a little part of him with every appearance.

Tyler flinched after a moment, seeming to have finally processed her words. "Who said anything about me? It's bigger than that."

"But... she's dead. Doesn't that set you free?"

"I'll never be free," he hissed. "It's in my blood. I can no more stop being a slave than you can stop having visions. Don't you get it?"

"I do," she sighed. The things he had done were unforgivable. He was responsible for several deaths, possibly also Xavier's if Enid and Ajax didn't hurry—but Wednesday couldn't help but feel bad for Tyler. Even if he was just some normie bully, nobody deserved to be turned into a murderer against their will.

"It's not fair," she said as she finished closing the last of the major cuts. Xavier let out a small whimper, which traveled through Wednesday and coiled itself tightly around her heart. Still, it was a sign that he wasn't too far gone yet—she tried to hold on to that thought.

"Get up. We're leaving," he ordered.

"At least tell me why. I trusted you, Tyler. You owe me that much."

He scoffed. "Nice try."

"Who are you working for now? Where are you taking me." she asked; in the distance, they could hear the sound of an engine approaching. Finally.

"You'll meet them soon enough." Tyler lunged at her and dragged her away from Xavier. She struggled, but he had a tight grip on both her arms. Tyler lifted her off the ground effortlessly. As Wednesday continued to struggle, he lifted a muddy boot over Xavier's chest. "Don't make me undo all your hard work."

The threat stopped Wednesday in her tracks. "Fine. Okay."

Tyler set her down and ordered her to hold her hands behind her back, which he restrained with a zip tie, then rushed her out of the cave. A car sped towards them blinding them with its high beams, but Tyler only moved faster.

Ajax slammed the beaks, screeching to a stop right in front of the cave. Then he jumped out of the car, followed by Enid and Bianca.

"Thing jumpstarted a car!" Enid called, rushing towards her roommate.

"Just go to the hospital. Take him, now!" she screamed, trying to keep up with Tyler's pace.

"No way!"

Wednesday dug her heels into the dirt, slowing Tyler down, but only momentarily. It was then that she noticed a black car, hiding behind some nearby trees in the direction that Tyler was trying to drag her. If they made it, she would be helpless to stop Tyler or help Xavier. She continued to kick and fight, but without the use of her hands, she was beginning to lose hope. Then she heard Bianca's voice ring out loud and clear, filling her with hope in a hopeless situation.

"Tyler! Stop!"

Though directed at Tyler, Wednesday felt a sudden rush of calmness washing over her. She felt his grip loosen, and he stood completely still, hypnotized by Bianca's powers.

Wednesday managed to pull away from, sprinting away as Ajax ran closer, looking absolutely incensed.

"Everyone close your eyes!" he warned, before removing his beanie. Wednesday heard the faint crackling sound of Tyler's flesh transforming into rock. "That's for trying to kill my best friend!"

With their threat temporarily neutralized, the group rushed to the cave to help their friend. Enid cut Wednesday loose of her restraints, and between the four of them, they carried Xavier carefully to the backseat of the car, completely ruining the upholstery.

"How long will he stay stoned?" Bianca asked.

"We have at least a few hours," Ajax said.

"Let's go," Wednesday growled.

She sat in the back with Xavier, his head on her lap. Ajax jumped in the driver's seat, with Enid ridding shotgun.

"I'll stay. Someone's gotta tell the principal," Bianca said.

With that settled, Ajax sped off. He drove to the nearest hospital, breaking every driving law in the process. The drive wasn't that long, but to Wednesday it felt eternal. Xavier winced and groaned anytime Ajax hit a bump on the road. In the darkness, with only the car's high beams and the occasional street lamp to illuminate him, Xavier's face looked ghastly. He was paler than Wednesday.

Ajax cursed as the car jolted, Enid shrieked and looked back through the rearview mirror. "That poor possum!"

Xavier's eyes fluttered open; they met with Wednesday's for a brief moment before closing once more. "Wen..." he whispered.

Wednesday gasped; she felt a sob building up in her chest, but she pushed it back down. "Hey... we're almost there. Hang on, alright?"

Soon enough, Ajax was slamming on the breaks, screeching to a halt in front of the hospital's emergency entrance. Enid rushed inside to get help. A team of nurses met them at the car with a gurney, rushing Xavier straight to the OR.

Wednesday stood halfway between the entrance of the hospital and the restricted area, where Xavier's life was in way more capable hands than hers. She stood and stared at the double doors until Enid guided her to a chair. She was saying something to her, but Wednesday didn't listen. All she could hear was a loud ringing in her ears and the frenetic beat of her hear.

Enid shook her roommate's shoulders to snap her back to reality. "Wednesday!"

"Sorry. What?" she said in a daze.

"Bianca just called. Tyler's gone." 

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