Idols can't love. Can they...

By orthropod

2.1K 61 33

A Chinese-Australian girl who lives in Australia. Suggested by her own mother to try and become a trainee in... More

Relationships with Stray Kids
Authors note!


170 5 3
By orthropod

Hana pov
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About a week had passed since I sent in my application. Many artist sent me things to work out and myself worked on my projects.

"Ma! I got the email!" I said bringing the laptop downstairs and heading to the kitchen bench.

My mum was standing there holding some water as well as an apple.

"Let's see!" My mother said excitedly.

I was getting nervous before opening it. Mum had put a hand on my back.

Calming down I opened the email.

"Congratulations you have..." I paused. Gulping before continuing. "Accepted! The second round is on January 22nd!" I said excitedly.

Mhm had hugged me and I hugged her back. Screaming and cheering.

It was only a week away from when the second audition was.

"Go pack! I'll tell you school you are taking the next month off for a holiday! We will leave on Tuesday," Mum said very happily.

It was currently Sunday so it meant I had all of tomorrow to pack.

"Ma? I'll be upstairs in the studio if you need me!" I said rushing off to the studio.

- - -
Entering the studio I grabbed my phone and started talking with Amy.

I told her about what we were going to do and that I wouldn't be back for month or longer.

We said our goodbyes to each other before I hung up.

I grabbed my laptop which was sitting next to me and opened it up.

Opening the new track I made listened to it multiple times. I recorded a few adlibs to see if it matched the song vibe.

Dancing and singing were my main points with rapping following closely and of course producing with the dancing and singing.

Many whom had heard my music and watched me dancing called me, one-of-a-kind. Since I sung in different languages and basically did everything myself in my own home.

Being the time it was too my mum had gone to bed. I was getting tired so I decided to go to sleep as well planning to pack tomorrow.

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The next morning / no one pov
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Hana woke up and went straight to the studio. She had to pack up lots of her stuff especially her laptop and a few of her instruments. Most of it she had to leave since she would come back to the rest.

After collecting everything she needed from the studio, she went into her room and started packing clothes.

The time when she left the studio was around 3pm. Since lots of her stuff was away in draws or just left somewhere.

Packing the clothes was the hardest. She had to decide what to keep and what not to.

What made it harder was she needed to pack clothes for training if she got it.

She spent hours packing the clothes and then went to the dance room.

She grabbed a few things like the speaker and a few things from the draws before heading back to her room.

It was becoming quite late so she just went to sleep.

She had to get some sleep since the flight was very early morning.

- - -
4 AM Tuesday / no one pov
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Hana had just woken up. Heading downstairs with her stuff wasn't too bad. Her mother was already awake as well making it easier.

They soon left the house. Knowing it would be awhile since they would come back.

The drive to the airport was mostly filled with plans of what they were going to do in South Korea.

They would:
1. Explore Seoul
2. Audition
3. Anything else

That was their main plan. Hana, since she was old enough was also planning to adopt a cat when they were there. She had always wanted one but was never allowed to since she didn't have anywhere for it.

Her mother had also planned to go house shopping there so when they did visit or choose to stay there would have somewhere to go.

"I called the school. You aren't going to attend for the next month and no assignments will be sent to you," Her mother said.

Hana slightly cheered inside knowing she could focus on something she had wished to do for awhile.

They eventually arrived at the airport.

Going through security was quite boring. It took roughly 30 minutes. Then after went to get food before their flight since they were both hungry.

They stopped by a local Chinese shop in the airport and bought some food from there. Of course it wasn't as good as what they had at home but it was better than nothing.

It was now boarding time and they rushed to their gate. Hana had grabbed her laptop and headphones out before they got onto the flight so she could work on her tracks.

Boarding the plane was quick since they sat in first class.

The flight attendants soon brought snacks around. Hana who was hard at work didn't want anything for the time and just would get a full meal later.

The track she was making was for a different group under a different company to the one she auditioned for. It was for the group called StayC.

She hadn't really heard of this group but did research to see what the concept was to choose a good themes for the song.

Since she was unable to record vocals she just had to trust the group would make it sound good.

- - -

We all know long boring flights when you have nothing to do. That was basically Hana after she finished the track. She didn't have much to do besides work on some lyrics for her songs and other artists.

Which was hard when you are sitting on a plane thousands of metres in the air.

She had gotten her meal a little awhile ago. The attendants were bringing around snacks again and she decided to take some this time she chose to save them incase she was hungry later.

Eventually the captain spoke out.

"We will be landing shortly in Seoul, South Korea. Please stow your tray tables and buckle your seatbelts. Thank you for flying with us today and we hope you enjoy your time here!" The captain spoke enthusiastically.

- - -
Kinda just a filler chapter

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