Team FLME: Volume 10

By benthebest456

198 15 2

The Grand Finale to the Series begins now. All characters from RWBY are own by Rooster Teeth. All RWBY OCs w... More

Refugee Crisis
A Fleet of Monkeys and Rats
Civil War
March of Five Armies
Shadow's Fall
RBIE's Rise
The Final Straw
Twins of Darkness
The Long Goodbye
The End


18 1 0
By benthebest456

After the opening, Leia and Weiss are seen inside Leia's lab once more. Leia pulls a lever and a massive burst of blue power emits from an engine. Weiss takes a step back as Leia steps forward, goggles on her face. From her wrist, Leia pulls up some holographic screen and keyboard. She types rapidly on it and opens up a data screen. She twists a dial and the flames from the engine grow.

Leia: Power output 15%. Engine still locked on. Equivalence with current Atlesian engines on cruisers.

Weiss: That's insane.

Leia: That's the raw power of Creation.

Weiss: I never thought the relics could be used as an energy source before. Let alone blood from someone infused with magic.

Leia: A majority of this is all still theory with some practice. If magic could do so much, why not harness it in small doses. At just using 15% of the power we got from the little bit of Penny's blood, we've powered a full blown engine. Imagine what we can do with a full 100% output.

Weiss: And we do that how? We don't have the relics.

Leia: We will. Just keep them separated enough and like that, we have new energy reserves.

Leia glances back to the engine for a few moments. She smiles a little. However, he scroll goes off and she checks it out. With another smile and sigh, she turns the lever again and shuts down the engine. While Weiss looks confused, she doesnt say anything as Leia takes off her lab coat. Leia looks back and sees Weiss in confusion.

Leia: Days work is done. Get some rest with your team. We'll see what Theo has you do tomorrow. If you still want to help, you are more than welcomed to do so.

Weiss nods a little and walks out. Leia takes a deep breath and glances to the engine and Penny's blood samples once more. She has a concerned look but walks out of the lab with a lockdown.


Inside some training halls of Shade Academy, Solomon Noir arms up his cannon and cracks his neck a little. Beside him is the rest of team SSMR. Magnus Crimson looks up a little and gives a slight look of confusion to Solomon and their leader, Ian Stonewall.

Magnus: You both seem rather upbeat about the whole situation.

Solomon turns back to Magnus.

Solomon: Not really. Just our job.

Stonewall: It's to be expected of us.

Magnus hangs his head a little. Regen Wilhelm rolls his eyes and walks on up past his two teammates. He draws out his staff and cracks his neck a little. Stonewall raises his blade and the two of them begin to run practice drills.

Magnus: Just saying. Compare this to Atlas and-

Regen looks over to Magnus, some anger over his face. Magnus, however, looks back at him with some annoyance.

Magnus: What man? We failed. So did the rest of the military. We're just lucky to make it out alive.

Regen: Only to be sent in and die again. And with nothing to show for it!

Stonewall: Regen! Magnus! Stand down!

Magnus: Stonewall, the man's got a point. We almost died.

Solomon: So what? You two acting like cowards now?

Regen: Yeah, if it means wanting to save ourselves and not waste our lives for nothing! Besides, least I forget, the only reason you are even in that uniform is because mommy and daddy wanted to protect their reputation back in some back water town!

Solomon glares at Regen, his fists form and a gray aura around them. Regen spins his staff, looking like he was ready for a fight. Before the two of them could come to blows, Stonewall stepped in the middle of them, raising his arms up to stone them both.

Stonewall: Standdown! Both of you!

The two of them break apart, stowing their weapons away. They glare a little as Stonewall push them back ever so slightly some more.

Stonewall: Yes. This conflict has caused some to be disillusioned with our Kingdom. Yes, there are some who attempt to make a name for themselves based on this war as opposed to traditional service. And yes, everyone has the right to be terrified of what is to come. We all were there the day Atlas fell. We know what we are up against. There should be no shame in walking away.

Regen flipped his staff, cracked his neck and stepped back out of Stonewall's reach. He turns back and walks off to an ammo crate and takes some rockets.

Regen: I'm backing out. I'm saying that they better have a decent plan than full blown assault.

Solomon: We wont.

Regen: Says who. We're fighting a mindless horde. The best way to fight that is a full assault. But those things, those monsters...we all know what they do. They massacre us.

Magnus: You don't-

Regen: Piss off Magnus. You're tech, not special weapons. Heavy ordinance always sees the most casualties. Or do you need to remember FNKI. Or RNBW, or even DNMO! All good huntsmen and huntresses...all dead.

Regen turns around and marches out of the training hall. Magnus goes to follow him but Stonewall grabs his arm.

Stonewall: Let him go. He needs time to cool off.

Solomon walks past them both, not saying a word.

Stonewall: Noir.

Solomon: I heard you. I heard you. I'm getting drunk.

Stonewall pinches the bridge of his nose as the team walks out of the training hall. Solomon wonders through the halls and comes out in an open courtyard overlooking the city. Over on the far side is Regen, hunched over and looking out across the city. Solomon slowly walks over and stands beside him.

Solomon: I-

Regen: Don't. Just don't say a fucking word.

Solomon nods and looks out across the city with him. Silence takes over the two of them as the wind howls as well. Solomon reaches up a bit and places his hand on Regen's shoulder. He shakes it a little and nods along. Patting his back, Solomon gets up and walks away for the night. Regen sighs and hangs his head down a little.

A few more seconds go by and Regen slams his hand down on the railing, forming a massive dent. He rubs his face a little before gripping the railing again.

Regen: Fuck...fuck man.

Regen takes a deep breath and brings his head back up high to look at the city of Vacuo once more. Solomon is behind a wall, glancing out to Regen. He seems to show some level of remorse on his face. He hears footsteps and glances over to see Stonewall walking back up to him.

Stonewall: Nothing I take it?

Solomon: What do you think?

Stonewall nods and pats Solomon on the shoulder.

Stonewall: Give him some space and time. He needs to calm down in his own way.

Solomon: I'm aware.

Stonewall: Then let him be.

Solomon sighs and walks away. Stonewall looks out to Regen and sees his teammate still there. He turns back and follows Solomon down the walkway and back inside the academy's walls for the night.


Inside Team WIOW's room, Widow Tabebuia is sitting on her bed meditating. Beside her on the ground is Ireland Sarga and Willow Orchid playing a board game where Olive Pine is sharpening her sword. Olive looks at her teammates and lays down on the bed she is using as a seat.

Ireland: She's getting bored again.

Olive: Am not.

Widow: Enough you two. Breathe.

Olive and Ireland look at Widow, their eyebrows raised. Widow's eyes open and roll at seeing their reactions.

Widow: Come now. We must be a least, a little calm before the storm.

Olive: Listen Widow, until we cease being a front line assault team, no real point in quelling our nerves.

Willow: I mean, not entirely true.

Olive: Just agree with me for once here. What are we going to do against a horde? We cant really infiltrate. We'll be killed. And there isn't much of a reason to get in there, is there?

Widow: You...are not entirely true.

Olive: Wait what?

The team stops themselves and look back to Widow. Widow takes a deep breath and goes to speak but the door to the room opens. On the other side is Winter Schnee standing there. The team stands up.

Widow: Ms. Schnee.

Winter: Is your team ready?

Widow: Yes Ma'am.

Ireland: For what?

Willow: Widow?

Widow stands up and walks out to the hall. Outside with Winter was Penny, and the members of Team JNPR. The girls of WIOW all look around, confused.

Olive: Let me guess...there something inside the target's lair. And the eight of us are going in to grab it?

Winter: In a manner of speaking. But for for said operation.

Olive: Easy peasy.

Olive smirked and walked out of the room first.


Two drink cups clink together. Each are held by Ember and Eadwulf Fenrir. They laugh and down their drinks as Ing shuffles cards. Inside the seemingly large common room, May is sitting on the window sill, reading a book. Ing, Eadwulf, Ember are sitting around a table with Llew and Violet playing cards. Fred is laying on the couch, watching a movie on his scroll.

Ember smirks as he glances through his hand. Eadwulf glances over to him, not changing expression. Ember pushes in an additional 20 dollars into the pot.

Eadwulf: Your bluffing.

Ember: What makes you say that?

Violet: Your tell.

Ember: Excuse me?

Eadwulf: Your ego and cocky nature betrays you in this game.

Ember: Hey, I am a damn fine poker player!

Fred: You tell every hand based on your facial reactions.

Ember glances over to Fred as he lays there on the couch. He growls a little.

Ember: Oh yeah, you want to come over here and prove that?

Fred: Gladly. Next hand.

Violet folds as does Ing. Llew pushes in 30 rather than 20. Eadwulf does the same. Ember glances back and forth between the two.

Ember: You two are cheating.

Llew: Not at all.

Eadwulf: It's called playing smart.

Ember growls a little some more and flops back in his seat.

Ember: God...I fold.

Ember slams his cards down onto the table. The door opens and Leia walks into the room.

Ember: Leia! About time! I need your help. Wolf boy is being a pain in the ass.

Eadwulf: You just suck at playing!

Leia: Deal me in. Been a long day.

Violet: Good because I'm tagging out.

Violet tosses her cards to Ing who shuffles the deck. Leia walks over with a drink glass and takes Violet's seat. Violet meanwhile, sits down on the couch beside Fred, watching the movie along with him. Ember looks over and knocks on the table.

Ember: Boss, come on.

Fred sighs and laughs a little.

Fred: You really want to lose that bad?

Ember: Why is everyone jumping on me all of a sudden?

May: Because you're an easy target.

Ember looks over to May and his jaw drops a little.

Ember: Wow. Thanks.

Fred gets up and Violet takes his scroll to keep watching the movie. He walks over and sits down at the table as Ing bridge the cards. Leia flops back in her seat, taking another swig of her drink. The group kinda looks at her as Ing starts to deal the cards out to the players.

Eadwulf: What happened to you?

Leia: Just a bunch of lab work. You want to extract DNA samples from a girl literally brought to life by a cosmic force of unknown proportional power. And now I need to cover my ass from the Schnee and make her think I'm focusing my efforts all on energy reveres.

May: I thought you were already doing that?

Leia: I am. But I am also working more on the capture and detainment plan.

Ing: So..portal gun?

Leia: I mean...

Ing: No!

Ing looks at her excited. Leia takes a deep breath and shakes her head a little, looking at her hand of cards.

Leia: It's a yes and no. Frankly I still need to run a bunch of tests. But so far, the plan is still a go.

Violet: Which means the invasion is happening soon.

The group stops for a few seconds and look at Violet. She tosses in a 10 dollar chip, seemingly not even noticing the looks of concern from her friends and teammates.

Ember: Well damn. Guess the end times really are here.

Fred tosses in his own 10 dollar chip and raises his hand for a hit. Ing tosses him a card and Fred nods a little.

Eadwulf: Well, that was a casual info drop.

Llew: The cooler heads prevail in the end. I suggest we all go into the attack with similar ideals and reasoning.

Eadwulf: Dont give me that one Llew. Look, I'm just pointing out that whatever Theo, Mason and the rest decide on, its going to be it. No matter what.

Leia: He's right you know. The apathy is growing.

The room falls silent as nearly everyone but Fred is staring at Leia and Eadwulf.

Ember: Well damn. This got heavy fast.

Leia: Hey man, we're marching onto the final battle. Just trying to set the mood.

Ember: Would it have killed you to make it a bit lighter?

Leia: Nah.

The room falls silent. Leia asks for a hit and Ing passes her a card. She looks at it and lowers it down onto the table. The pool of players all look around to one another as the room is still silent. Leia groans a little and sits up in her seat.

Leia: Well, I'm sorry.

Llew: No one was complaining.

Ember: Speak for yourself, Ms. Teleport.

Fred: Alright, alright.

May: Ember's telling.

Fred: I know.

Ember: You dont know that at all!

Fred: Beg to differ completely.

Ember: Blah.

Violet giggles a little as she looks back over to the group playing cards. They continue to play their hand with each new player. As each player adds to the pile, Ember groans and folds. Fred chuckles as does May. Ember groans and throws himself back down into his chair.

Ember: I hate you both I hope you all know that.

Fred: We know.

May: Yet you put up with us.

Leia: More like we put up with him.

Ember: Seriously, why am I being dumbed on all the time here?

May laughs a little as Ember snaps back to look at her. Fred throws his cards to Ing who proceeds to shuffle them up again. Fred gets up from the table and stretches a little, walking over to the window and looking out across the city. Ing deals in only Llew, himself, Eadwulf and Leia as May and Ember are sitting together in a chair. Violet peaks up from Fred's scroll and looks over to him. A light buzzes off from his scroll and she checks it out before giving a little whistle to Fred.

Violet: Yo. Hot Shot.

Fred glances back and she tosses him his scroll. He sees the message and seemingly with no hesitation, walks out from the room.

Ember: Hey! We haven't even finished game night!

Ing: I got like, 5 hands left in me!

Fred: Emergency.

Fred steps out. Leia, May and Ember are about to step out to go after him until Violet cuts them off.

Violet: It's Oz and the Silver-Eyed.

Ember: What now?

Violet: We shall see in time.


Fred walks back out to a balcony and sees Ruby and Oscar standing there. They both turn to face him and he gives a slight wave. They waved back to him. Ruby peaked her eyebrow.

Fred: Yes?

Ruby: I know my sister said you beat the crap out of our dad back in Signal.

Fred gives an awkward chuckle.

Fred: More like he beat the crap out of me. It was the final. But, uh, yeah. I barely remember you. I remember your sister.

Ruby: She was in your class, wasnt she?

Fred: Yeah.

Fred laughs a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Oscar clears his throat and gains the attention of the other two. He nods slightly and Fred and Ruby both turn to face him.

Fred: So, what's up?

Oscar: I heard him a little earlier today.

Ruby: Ozpin?

Oscar nods.

Fred: Well, what's up?

Oscar: He spoke about Evernight. About Primus. And-

Fred grips his head a little, some fire bursting from his face and back. Fred hits his head a little as Oscar and Ruby run over to him. He raises his hands and nods a little.

Fred: I'm fine. He's just...going to loose it.

Oscar: That's what he mentioned too. We need to strike sooner. The terrain there is infested with the Grimm. Nothing grows. Just corpses. And with Salem having 3 of the 4 Relics, it may be more drastic than us building up our armies.

Fred: So what, we invade now?

Ruby: Will Professor Theodore ever agree to that?

Fred: He wont. And neither do I.

Oscar: Your condition is worsening.

Fred: Dont pretend you know how I feel or act! You just-

Oscar: Met you? I can remember...a lot. We've know each other for years.

Fred groans a little and rubbed his head. Oscar places his hand on Fred's shoulder. He nods once and he returns the sigh and nod as well.

Fred: Alright then, well, our mission would then be to convince Theo to move forward. And I highly doubt he will believe.

Ruby: We have to try at least. And we have to stop her!

Fred: We have a refugee crisis on our hands here. I dont think Theo is going to budge for anyone or anything. No matter what we say or do.

Ruby: So you are saying we just wait?

Fred: I'm saying the three of us should not be in command of literal armies and march them to suicide!

Fred yells out and glares at Ruby. She flinches a bit and he steps back soon afterward. He shakes his head and walks away from her. Fred leans against the railing and looks up into the night sky.

Fred: I dont disagree with you two. Salem and Onyx need to be stopped at once. But with how limiting we can be from that attack and how much people have suffered here, I highly doubt moral is going to be that high. Yes, we took down Fort Frollo. Yes, Vacuo is pushing back against Onyx and his forces. But seeing how just a month ago he lead a team of 7 in here and slaughtered most of Shade's students and faculty who stayed behind. They were lucky. I dont think the city will believe they will lucky again. Not yet at least.

Oscar: And if we wait any longer, you could trigger and burn down the city and beyond.

Fred sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

Fred: Oscar, I dont want to say no. But for the time being, we must stall ourselves. At least for now. Until we can properly scout of the area, there is not much I can nor want to do.

Ruby: Fred, we cant just-

Fred: The last time you said that you made a refugee crisis here worst! So maybe look around to every outcome before you decide to act on something so blatantly dumb you wont screw us over again!

Ruby steps back, visibly upset. It looks like she may be about to cry. Fred groans and steps away from her and walks back towards the door.

Fred: Look, I agree. But dont rush things. These people need time to heal. I thought someone like Oz's Simple Soul and his own reincarnation would have known that.

His voice gets deeper. Primus' voice mixed in.

Fred/Primus: But what would I know, Brother. Like you have done anything for centuries.

Fred grips his head and slams himself into the wall a little. He takes deep breaths. Ruby reaches out a little as Fred takes in a deep breath and walks off back to his room. Ruby hangs her head a little in shame as Oscar stands there, watching Fred walk away.

Scene fades to black.

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