Kipo and the Age of Wonderbea...

By tacomanatetoman

6.8K 152 85

(Book is discontinued) Y/n, A human who has lived on the surface for all of his life, finds a mole, err, a pi... More

Burrow Girl and Surface Boy
Hop frogs
Exploding berries
Frogs vs Bunnies.
Real Cats Wear Plaid
"Magic" Flapjacks

Cactus Town

610 19 16
By tacomanatetoman

We see Lio put a pan filled with sizzling mushrooms down on a stove, before grabbing a bottle filled with olive oil and pouring it onto them. Causing steam to shoot up into the air.

Kipo meanwhile flipped a page in a boon she was reading.

Lio put the bottle back in its place and sucked his thumb before grabbing the pan again. Using a spatula to stir the mushrooms.

"Dad, did you know Milky way is the reason we have the word galaxy?" Kipo asked, looking up from her book to her father, who turned his head to acknowledge her.

"The ancient Greeks looked up, they saw a milky thing in the sky, and they called it galactos." kipo said, using a hand act as though the word was in front of her. 

Lio gave off a chuckle as he turned forward again and continued stirring. "I did. I wrote that book." he said, looking back at kipo again before looking back toward the pan.

"Oh. Eh, it's all right." kipo said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Well, the blurb on the back says it's 'Brilliant and insightful'." lio called out as kipo turned the book around, and true to his words, the blurb said those very words. "So, heyo!"

Kipo sighed as she looks up at her ceiling, it having a bunch of constellations. "Don't you ever get sad that we'll never get to see all that?" kipo asked sadly as she stared longingly at the constellations.

Lio turned around, a frown on his face. Grabbing the town wrapped around his arm, he took it off and grabbed the bracket with a four-leaf clover made of gold on it, taking it off his wrist. He also turned the stove off.

"Hey, you know what I used to do to cheer up your mom?" lio asked as he grabbed his guitar with a sun around its center.

Kipo looked over with a smile on her face, giving off a light chuckle. "Yes, dad. You've played me that song a million times." kipo explained, looking away as lio sat down and started playing. "it worked for me when I was six." Kipo said, looking over at her dad.

"🎵We may not have sunshine, or starlight, or weather, but we've got each other 🎵" Lio sang as he rocked side to side softly.

"🎵And that's even better.🎵" Kipo sang as she turned her body around to look at lio.

Lio gave off a small chuckle as kipo reached over and grabbed her own small guitar, a four-leaf clover drawn on its middle.

"🎵You don't need the sun to keep you warm when you got arms🎵"Lio sang before he reached over and hugged kipo.

Pulling apart, kipo begins using her guitar. "🎵Whishes come from you and not a random star🎵" kipo sang off softly.

The two smiled at each other before lio used his guitar as well. "🎵We may not have storm clouds, but the sky always blue🎵"  the two stop singing as they both look up at the constellations.

"🎵We've got something special here, and what we have is you, and what we have is you, and what we have is you, and what we have is you...🎵" lio finished off the song before they both started to use the guitars in less... Music-making ways.

The two let out laughs and kipo leans back to sit in a more relaxed position on the couch.

"Ok, I guess it still works on me when I'm 12." kipo admitted with a soft chuckle.

"Thanks, Dad." She said softly.

Lio stood up and kissed her head walking back over to the mushrooms.

Now sitting at the counter, kipo uses some chopsticks to grab a mushroom.

"Pass the sauce?" kipo asked opening her hand.

It is now switched to outside kipo, who is given an axe. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" kipo yelled out, spinning the axe between her fingers before rating it up for a swing.

"Watch it kipo." Y/n said as he leaned back slightly, holding a different timber cat's axe and sharpening a new spear he had made from a log their new allies had so graciously given him after destroying the other one. (Rip) 

"Oh, sorry!" Kipo let out, moving the axe slightly forwards. Y/n leaned forward again and gave her a thumbs up.

Nodding her head, she swung the axe down. "Do any of you guys wanna turn? You have to try it!" kipo yelled out, looking back at the other.

Y/n and kipo are now revealed to be on top of Pierre. The one difference was that y/n had both his legs hanging off one side.

"Riding by flea is my new favorite way to travel!" kipo yelled as the cats walked past.

"I'm good." wolf said stoically.

"Benson?" kipo asked, however, Benson merely shook his head and put a hand up.

"No thanks. Besides, you two look plenty comfortable up there."  Benson said.

"Alright, more flea for us. Onwards!" Kipo yells out as Pierre jumped into the sky, y/n nearly falling off.

"Watch it!" y/n told piere as he kept himself stable.

Landing, Pierre jumped again, this time forward.

"I should have never got on this thing." Y/n said as he tightened his grip. Kipo meanwhile laughing and whopping.

We see cacti, some coming from the ground, others from buildings. But they spelled one thing.


The timber cats walk by Benson and have, who stare at the track on the ground.

Dave gave off a hum as he started at the large footprint. "You see the size of that footprint? " Benson asked fearfully.

"We're walking towards whatever made it." he said

"Do you remember voting for this plan? Cause I don't." Dave complained.

Now back with the others, Yumyan is seen giving a speech.

"Soon we will find the mega beast, crush it, and take back our sacred tree." Yumyan yelled with his axe up.

"Sacred tree!" all the timber cats yelled out loudly.

"But first..." yumyan said before cutting a piece off a cactus, water leaking from it.

"We give Pierre a drink," Yumyan said while Pierre leaned forward to slurp the drink up.

"Who's my good little parasite? Who is it? That's right it's you." yumyan cooed to his pet.

Standing up and slipping his axe around a few times yumyan yelled out "Timbercats assemble!"

"As you know, we are a proud litter of felines," Yumyan explained while y/n wolf and kipo are all seen stop there.

Y/n still using the axe to craft his weapon. Kipo meanwhile watches excitedly. And finally, wolf. Who just stares at kipo.

"We never lose!" yumyan yelled out while wolf Pushed kipo into y/n, and they find themselves out of the timbercat mob.

Pulling back, y/n sets kipo straight before taking a step back. And returning to his weapon.

"We're almost in cactustown. That's umalt snake territory." wolf explained to kipo while Y/n didn't bother looking up.

"You only make noise in there if you have a death wish." Wolf said while she pointed backward

"Timbercats!" Yumyan yelled out as the cats around him cheered.

Y/n gave a nod, and sound the spear in one of his hands. "That's why I'm going so fast in making this." Y/n said as he showed off his unfinished weapon.

The two looked over and kipo tilted her head. "It looks fine to me." she said, but Y/n simply shook his head.

"a common mistake," he stated simply, before going back to his quiet self and continuing to sharpen the spear.

"We should just ditch these cats and sneak up on the megabeast while it sleeps." Wolf gave off a game plan. Y/n gave off a small chuckle as he looked up.

"What?" Wolf asked a little irritated.

"You know kipo would never follow through with that plan." Y/n simply said while shakeing his head.

"She has to! It's the only way we survive." Wolf said, all the while Kipo was looking from y/n to wolf.

Kipo turns her head and gasps once she sees a spiked jacket.

"Oh! That jacket is all spikey and intimidating!" kipo yelled out as she got a good look at the jacket.

"Focus kipo." Wolf simply says.

"That is a good-looking jacket... Anyways." Y/n said shakeing his head. "Wolf's right. The way it's looking, we got maybe a few hundred feet before Umalts are swarming the area." he said, looking at his spear and peeling off another piece.

Benson pushed his way past the timbercats. And walked his way over to the three humans in his group.

"Sup Benson." Y/n said, not bothering to look up.

"How did you-? You know what, never mind. I've seen you do crazier things." Benson says as he shakes his head and looks at wolf.

"So what's the plan?" He asks her.

"We're trying to figure that out. We have only so long before these diner bells start luring attention from customers." Wolf said as she motioned to the timbercats with her stalkerpole.

"Onward! Yumyan owns you all!" Yumyan yelled from atop Pierre and wielding two axes.

"Yeah, I think it's time I give this back." Y/n said, moving his spear behind his back.

"Hey, Catch!" Y/n yelled out as he threw the axe above the group of timbercats.

Suddenly, tiny jumped up and caught the handle between her teeth.

"Well, let's get going," Y/n said, as he put his spear in his left hand and started walking.

Soon, the group hears the hissing of snakes.

Most of the group looks around, while y/n merely kept his eyes forward.

Noticing a skull, y/n picked it up and looked into the empty sockets. "Poor little guy." He said, letting the skull fall from his hand and bounce away.

"You know what... I'm kinda having second thoughts about this." Benson said quietly looking over at dave.

"Glad I'm not the only one. I'm starting to have some real major reservations. I mean, I like kipo and all-" Dave says while looking up at Benson.

"Like everyone else." Benson cuts in.

"But, the real question is if we like kipo as much as we like living." Dave simply says.

"Isn't that an interesting question my friends." Y/n said as he now walked alongside the two.

Both nearly jumped out of their skin, and looked at Y/n with shocked faces.

"W-What question?" Benson tried to cover up, but y/n didn't seem to buy it at all.

"You could leave. Run like cowards and never be seen again." Y/n simply said, before stopping.

"Or, you could live the exciting life that is adventuring with kipo. She's friends with you guys. And I'd like to say I am too but..." Y/n stopped talking and simply stared at the two.

"I HATE cowards." He said, before being to walk again.

"Talk to me when you decide you don't want to be cowards any longer." And with that, y/n caught up with the others.

"That guy is freaky..." Dave said, before looking off to the side and noticing something.

"Uh oh..." He said quietly. And Benson also looked over, his eyes widening.

The rattling and hissing suddenly became much louder. And y/n looked from building to building.  his ears trying to figure out how many there were.

"12... No. 16? Ugh..." Y/n said softly. His ears weren't good enough for sound coming from multiple locations.

"Umalt snakes. I know that rattle anywhere." Yumyan said before he jumped backward and landed in front of his people.

Raising his axe, he held it more like a gun than anything.

The timbercats behind him pulled out their weapons, glaring and meowing.

From the building in front of the cats, snakes slithered out of practically every opening. One snake, in particular, made its way toward Yumyan.

The snake had a yellow underside and a black backside. Teal diamonds that we're completely colored in inside empty lime diamonds. It also held a star-shaped guitar

"Yumyan Hammerpaw." the snake said after she played a few notes on her guitar.

Yumyan glared forward and played his own little banjo. "Cotton." He said, spite clear in his voice.

"You have a lot of nerve walking into our territory on your two feet, and making all that noise and waking us up! It's daylight man!" Cotton complains while glaring at Yumyan.

Another snake slithers forward, its underside white while its back side was blue and its middle was orange.
"I was dreaming about toast."

Yumyan lets out a deep meow, while Cotten lets out a hiss. Then, the snake beside her starts hissing as well.

Soon, all the snakes and cats were hissing/ Meowing at each other.

Wolf looked annoyed about the turn of events as she looked at the meowing cats. 

Turning slightly, she found that kipo was gone, along with y/n.

Looking forward, she found the two making their way to the front.

"Ugh. These idiots!" Wolf chastised the two as she watched them walk.

Kipo finally makes it to the front and squeezes through. Y/n however vaults over them.

Landing, he looked up at kipo, who talked to the snakes.

"Wow! This is a nice hiss-off." Kipo said, and all the hissing and meowing stopped simultaneously.

Wolf face palms and Benson and Dave share a look before looking at them worldly.

"Listen, maybe you could let us pass through your territory" kipo said, taking a step closer to the cotton,  who was shocked, but quickly snapped out of it and leaned upwards, hissing down at kipo.

"Just this one time." Kipo finished off as she leaned further and further back while Cotten leaned further and further forward, all the while hissing.

Y/n took a step forward and prepared to stab the mute in the eye, but stopped himself, instead Opting to glare and tighten his grip on the spear.

"Well be very quiet from now on." kipo said quietly, before falling on her back. 

Y/n quickly touches down and grabs kipo, pulling her back.

"Now you're keeping humans and fleas? You cats are truly disgusting." Cotten said, disappointment and mocking in her tone.

Yumyan screeches in response.

"Ladies..." Cotten starts, And y/n helps kipo to her feet.

"Let's eat this buffet!" Content yells and lunges for kipo and y/n.

"You stupid fuc-" Y/n almost cursed in anger. Anger that his friend was about to be eaten by a lowly snake of all things.

Jumping back and just out of the way, y/n saved both of them, and clenched his fist.

He punched downward with all his might, hitting the top of the snake's head and causing it to wince back.

"Scales protect you from a lot of things. Blunt trauma ain't one of them!"y/n yelled before quickly moving kipo back again and stabbing his spear into another Umalts wide open mouth.

The Umalt winds backward and y/n and it has a stare-down.

"Lucky hit punk." The umalt said irritated.  Her tongue licked the wound.

"Lady luck must favor me at all times then." Y/n simply said. Spinning his spear.

A cat suddenly rams into the snake, taking it by surprise and sending them away.  Wolf makes her way over, and blocks the rear.

"Your gonna get us all killed kipo!" Wolf yelled as she Detured a Umalt from getting too close.

Benson and have made their way over, holding a shed over themselves.

"Hey, hey! I'm a... I'm a snake, too!"  Benson's said to toasty.

"I'm not really a snake." Benson said, This time with a hand over his mouth.

Snowball suddenly joins, grabbing the snake.
"Die death noodle!" She yells.

Mandu looks around with all her eyes before they all focus in on a single place.

Squealing, she runs towards it.

"Exit, three o'clock!" Wolf exclaimed and started running the other following her.  Sliding through, wolf made it through. Soon, Benson and kipo slip through, followed by Y/n.

Dave follows behind, but one of his legs doesn't. Being grabbed by the snake snowball was fighting.

Benson came to the rescue and grabbed have, pulling him back while a sticking crunch slowly went off.

The snake lost thought, and Dave made it through.

Y/n let out a growl of frustration as the snake got closer.

"c'mon!" The snake complained when something sharp suddenly pierced its scales.

Y/n had stabbed his spear into it, and pushed it down, holding it in place, before pulling it out and watching the same pull back, its blood leaking from the hole, and glaring at the weapon.

Y/n smiled to himself as he grabbed Dave with one arm, and showed off the spear with the other. Taunting the snake.

"Oh no you did not!" The snake yelled out in anger as y/n simply turned and took off with the others.

"Oh, man your face." Cotten said, only to receive an angry hiss as her friend took off, slithering through umalts and timber cats alike.

Benson pulls out a cactus quill and stabs it into the place Dave's foot is supposed to be.

Putting dave down, he takes a few steps, wincing and his voice audibly shaking.

"Oh yeah. It doesn't hurt more and more with each step." Dave said while kipo winced and watched with only one eye open.

You'll be all better by tomorrow. Right?" kipo asks before hearing another step and wincing.

"Yep! I'll be fine!' dave yelled out before grabbing Benson's pants.

"Should have left when we had the chance" Dave said quietly.

"Yeah, I'm looking for that chance right now." Benson says as he looks around. The others watch as they walk away.

"You see what happens when you go rouge? From now on, until you're back home with your people, we do things my way... All the time." Wolf said as she started walking forward with kipo and y/n following.

"But what about--"
"The cats?"

"ok." kipo said as she looked down to her left.

Something loud moved. Causing wolf to look over.

A mute wearing some... Interesting clothing raised a single finger and looked down.

"Snakes!"  it yells out and points behind the group.

Kipo and Benson share a look, and y/n immediately turns to look behind them.

Wolf and dave just stare. And mandu shivers before covering her ears at the pain the loudness of the things words made.

It stops and puts its arms to its sides. Just starting before jumping away.

Kipo started clapping, but wolf quickly stopped her.

"No, snake. He said 'snake'." we're being followed." Wold said when the mute jumped out again.

"Yeah, I'm gonna run. You should probably run too." The thing said, taking a few steps back.

"Did you see our skulls?" It asks, pointing at the way they came from. Before jumping away.

"We need to go in there." Wolf said simply as she pointed at the building in front of them.

"y/n, you'll help me take them out. The rest of you, hide." Wolf commands.

"Or... Suggestion, we just talk to them?"  kipo suggests.

"No kipo, we will not talk to the snakes!" Wolf yelled out in anger, leaning forward.

"You will hide from them. And for once, you will stay put." Wolf says, taking a step closer and pointing at kipo before pointing her thumb back.

Kipo lets out an exaggerated sigh. "Ok." She says and rolls her eyes.

Y/n turned and reached over, squeezing kipo's shoulder.

She looked down at his hand before giving him a smile and nod.

Y/n gives her a nod back and they quickly make their way inside.

The snakes quickly slither to the spot they were just at.

Cotton played her guitar while her friend y/n stabbed nodded her head softly.

"See girl, I told you these toons would get all that bad energy out of you." Cotton said with a bob of her head. Her friend smiled slightly.

"Yeah, don't know what is do without you." She said.

"But it kinda sounded off." Cotten said with a shake of her head.

"Oh, maybe it should go-" the snake y/n stabbed now called stabby moved her guitar in front and played it a different toon.

"Oh, now that's good hunting music," Cotton said as she and her friend busted through the entrance of the building.

The two played their themes, however, cotton wasn't too happy.

"No, still not there." cotton said sadly with a shake of her head.

"Well, I always like a good, you know, F major followed by D Minor,"  stabby said.

"D minor? Maybe if you play hillbilie cat music." She said, when they both heard a shout, and looked up to see wolf falling towards them, her stalker spear up. 

Landing, she stabs both of them. 

The two seem annoyed at best.

"Oh, honey. You know how much venom I've got coursing through my veins?" Cotton asks with a smug smile.

Wolf grabs a chair and jumps at them.

Stabby moves out of the way, but cotton takes it head-on.

Wolf landed and slid backward before running forward.

Y/n meanwhile climbed down behind them silently. Making not enough noise to wake a mouse.

Getting behind cotton, y/n gave a silent whistle. Which got both snakes attention.

Cotton turned around first, opening her mouth to question where the noise was coming from. Perfect.

Y/n stabbed his spear into Cotton's mouth, hoping to stab through her and either kill her or incapacitate her.

However, Stabbys tail shoots out like thunder and wraps around Y/n's spear, before pulling up along with y/n and slamming them both down.

Y/n let go of the spear and stabby threw it behind herself.

Y/n stood up and looked around himself for a brief second. Without his weapon, fighting these guys would be impossible.

Grabbing y/n,  stabby wrapped her tail around Y/n's body, coiling it around him.

Y/n's eyes widened in fear.

"Ever heard the phrase an 'eye for an eye'?" Stabby asked, pulling Y/n closer.

Y/n tried to wiggle his body out as kipo noticed his spear and moved towards it.

She stopped just short, and turned to see wolf was being held up by cotton.

"Well, I guess its time for me to cash in on that. And what do you know?" Stabby asked as she brought y/n closer, her tongue flicking out.

"I think I got just the thing." Stabby said, opening her mouth just to allow her tongue to rub over her fang.

"Hey!" kipo yelled out, stepping out from cover and leaving the spear.

The snake stops in its advance to bite into y/n. And looks at kipo.

"Hey cottons friend..." Kipo said as she started the could around y/n down.

"I really like the song you walked in with. Uh, but what if it went more like this?" Kipo asked as she stepped in front of the snakes. Sweat dripped from her face and unstrapped the guitar from cotton.

Cotton gasps and stabby hisses at that.

Kipo took a step back and started playing the guitar.

She must have done something right. Because wolf went flying past her and slammed into the wall. Then fell to the ground.

Cotton slithered forward and started circling kipo. Who looked back at wolf with worried eyes.

Cotton lets out a low hiss, bringing kipo's attention forward.

"Whoa! She's on to something." Benson says.

"She just needs a... A little... A little help. Maybe will help her this one last time and then we'll  leave." Dave said.

"Yeah. Yeah. One more time for old time's sake." Benson agreed.

"Sorry." Benson says, grabbing Dave's antennas and ripping them off.

Dave began screeching in pain, catching the snake's attention.

Benson uses the antennas as drumsticks.

"What?" cotton asks.

Dave starts screaming rhythmically. And kipo looks down at the guitar in her hand before making her way over.

Then she started playing again. Catching the snakes off guard, as they focused in on her.

The snakes both smiled widely, and stabby's coil got less tight, allowing y/n the ability to breathe better.

The snakes bob their heads while wolf sits up. Rubbing her head and surviving the area. Before growling.

Finishing off, Benson drops the antenna and it hits Benson, who falls off stage.

"That's it. That's the riff I'm looking for!" Cotton says happily.

"I can't believe we were gonna eat you. You have the hands of an angel." Stabby said, leaving y/n out of her thoughts.

"So you don't mind? We can cross through your territory?" Kipo asked hopefully as she put the guitar strap back around Cotton.

"Not when you shred like that." cotton said with a chuckle. "You can come through here anytime." She finished off as her friends walked over.

"I can not believe that worked." Kipo said in slight disbelief. But then noticed y/n, who was still wrapped around.

"Err, can we get him back as well?" Kipo asked, and Stabby seemed confused before turning to find y/n, her reminder of what he did pulsing and bringing pain to her again.

"No can do little buddy. An eye for an eye." She said, opening her mouth and coiling around y/n tightly again.

"But, if everything was an eye for an eye, the world would just go blind." Kipo said softly, and saw stabby stop right before she chopped down.

"Whoa... That goes hard." She says and unwraps. But does throw y/n away.

"It won't be that long before it heals anyway. And I'll look freekin sicccck." Stabby said while looking in the mirror.

"Heck yeah you will." Cotton agreed with her.

"Bandmates, I got one more-" Kipo was about to say, but wolf grabbed her arm and pulled her down.

"What was that kipo!?" wolf exclaimed in anger.

"What was what? I kept everyone alive." Kipo said.

"Pure luck," Wolf said angrily.

Y/n sat up after finally catching his breath. Hearing the two argue, y/n looked around and spotted his spear.

Grabbing the spear, he can hear the two still argue.

Rolling his eyes, he makes his way over and pushes them apart.

"Enough. God, didn't you say you wanted to save your people? Your dad?" Y/n asks slightly annoyed.

"We don't have time for these petty arguments. We need to get to that mega mute." He said slightly annoyed.

"The tour bus trasher? We can take you guys there if you need us to." Cotton said.

"Thanks guys. We need to talk to it." Kipo said, before blowing a raspberry at wolf and walking away.

"Talk to it? I'm certain our new guitar players are insane." Stabby says in disbelief.

"Best ones usually are." Cotton said, watching as kipo walked towards the door.

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