What It Takes

By DarlingAsta

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Noelle and Asta have found out that they will soon be welcoming their first child into the world, and their f... More

It Takes a Family

It Takes a Village

621 10 5
By DarlingAsta

Noelle is beyond nervous, she has no idea what to expect from tonight and she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little afraid. It had taken all her courage just to tell Asta, and she had known he would respond positively because it was Asta.

And while she didn't doubt that her squadmates would be happy for them, she is afraid of their potential judgment. After all, they're still quite young and they're not married; it's not exactly their society's ideal terms for bringing children into the world. At least not for someone of her social standing.

She had just found out she was pregnant two weeks ago, and she had finally pulled herself together to tell Asta-her boyfriend and father of their child a few nights ago. He had been over the moon, excited about the prospect of being a dad and eager to welcome their baby into the world.

She had to practically gag him from spilling the beans. He was so excited and wanted to scream how happy he was from the rooftops; it was endearing and sweet, but Noelle needed a bit more time before she was ready to tell the others.

Not long after she told Asta the news - actually the very same night, they had a long and lengthy discussion about who they were going to tell and who they weren't.

Noelle was adamant that they keep her family in the dark.

She is a royal and Asta is a commoner, they're both only 19 and they are not wed. She is terrified of what her siblings would do to her- or god forbid to the baby if they found out. Asta tries to assure her that they likely wouldn't take things that far, but even he does not want to take the risk.

They agree to keep her pregnancy a secret that only the Bull's and Asta's family will know about.

Noelle is a little hesitant for Yuno to know, as she fears that he may tell Mimosa. While she's confident that the plant mage would never do anything to intentionally put her in harm's way, she does know that Mimosa can be a little loose lipped and a bit of a blabber mouth. It would only take one slip up around her brother or Leopold for the word to get out.

She wants to keep that from happening at all costs.

But at sametime she knows that out of everyone in Asta's family it is Yuno who he is closest with. The prospect of not sharing this part of his life with his foster brother had broken the boy's heart and it was something that she didn't want for him to give up.

Asta promises her that Yuno will keep their news a secret, and she can believe him because Yuno doesn't seem like the type to gossip or break Asta's trust.

They've decided to tell the Black Bull's first.

And Noelle is terrified.

Her biggest fear is being kicked out of the base.

It's illogical because of course Yami would never do that, but the idea of being kicked out of the closest thing she has to a home by the closest people she's had to a genuine family is a horrifying one, and one her anxiety has been whispering it in the back of her mind for countless nights.

Asta knows that they won't get kicked out and he has remained optimistic about the entire thing. He's unsurprisingly excited about sharing the news, but still he's mindful about Noelle's fears. He's been carefully reassuring her for the past week that everything will be fine, and on the unlikely (next to impossible) chance they do get kicked out then Hage would take them in without hesitation.

It admittedly makes her feel a little better, but it hasn't been enough to completely quell her anxiety.

So Asta has been trying to keep her mind off it by planning the reveal out with her. She had just wanted to tell them over dinner, but while they were out one day shopping at one of the boutiques in the castle town, Asta finds something perfect.

He somehow found a shirt in Yami's bulky size that read 'Proud Grandpa of One Dumbass Kid.'

She still remembers the excited cry of her name as he ran through the store, shirt in hand and wearing large pleading eyes. She couldn't even deny that it was perfect, and it hadn't taken too much for her to agree to the idea of them gifting it to Yami over dinner the night they make their announcement.

Now that night is here and she is still so nervous.

"It'll be fine Noelle," Asta says, placing the shirt in a gift bag "I'll be right beside you the entire time."

She doesn't answer him, she's too busy chewing at her nails.

"Hey," His calloused hand takes her soft one "Stop that."

"How are you so calm?"

"I'm nervous," he offers a small smile "But I know everything is going to be okay."

"I know that too, so why do I have so many doubts?"

He leans over and places a quick kiss to her cheek "It's just anxiety and hormones dear, it's normal."

"Well I hate hormones."

Asta huffs a laugh and gives her a sympathetic smile "We're gonna be in for a rough couple of months then."

"Yeah, I guess so."


Her boyfriend comes to stand in front of her and he carefully takes both her hands. He gives a gentle tug and pulls her against him.

"We're gonna be okay," he whispers softly into her ear "I'm going to be with you the entire way, I promise... you will be okay."

There's a warm feeling blooming in her chest and she cannot stop herself from smiling.

She returns his embrace and rests her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right."


The time arrives for them to make their announcement, Asta hands off the gift bag to Yami; she is so scared she cannot move. She can only wait with bated breath as their captain looks at the gift in confusion before he casts Asta a quizzical expression.

"Well, open it." her boyfriend encourages as he sits back beside her, gently pulling her into his side.

"This better not be some kind of prank kid," Yami squints suspiciously at him before opening the bag and inspecting its contents.

He raises an eyebrow as he pulls out the shirt, it's folded so he isn't able to read it at first, and as it unfurls Noelle clutches onto Asta's hand and feels as though she cannot breathe.

And then Yami barks a shrill laugh.


He turns the shirt around for the others to read and looks at Asta with an amused yet mildly annoyed expression.

"I ain't that old kid!"

As soon as Vanessa reads the shirt her head whips around to look at Noelle and her jaw drops, Finral is looking at the shirt with big eyes and rereading it over and over again, well the others don't seem to notice much of anything.

"Hate to break it to you pops but you are that old," Asta laughs while squeezing Noelle's hand back.

Yami continues to look confused, inspecting the shirt once more as if it'll clarify something.

He reads it a second time.

Then a third time.

And then something clicks.

Yami snaps around to look at her so fast she'd be afraid he got whiplash if she hadn't been so terrified. He looks at her with big, disbelieving eyes and she has no idea what to make of the expression on his face.

"You're pregnant?"

She digs her nails into Asta's palm, and is unable to make herself look her captain in the eyes as she nods weakly.


"Holy shit, I am going to be a grandpa?!" Yami laughs, sounding exacerbated and excited.

The captain stands up suddenly, before quickly making his way over to where the water mage sits.

The girl yelps as she's tugged up onto her feet before being pulled into a warm embrace.

Yami is still laughing and the rest of the Bull's are joining in- the dinner table is alive with cheers and congratulations and it's all so overwhelming Noelle feels as though she may cry.

Yami is still hugging her and she does her best to return the embrace. Her own father had never held her like this before and the fact that Yami is here for her now, celebrating and embracing her as if she were his own daughter...

It makes her so happy.

The fact that her child is going to have this. Is going to have this much love and warmth in their life and not the cold and calloused upbringing she had fills her with an overwhelming joy.

Gone is the fear she had before.

The fear of judgment, abandonment, and cruelties, it leaves her all at once as her family surrounds her and joins the embrace.

Asta is right.

She will be fine.

They will be fine.


"Can you feel them move yet?"

Noelle laughs from her place on the couch as she looks over at Luck.

This has become routine now, every morning without fail the lightning mage asks whether or not the little one has started to kick.

He always does so with the same amazed and innocent expression on his face, eyes the size of dinner plates while wearing a curious yet gentle smile. It's a stark contrast to the expression he wears in battle, this one is reserved only for his future niece or nephew.

"She's only six weeks Luck," Asta answers for her, walking into the common room with a tea in hand "She won't be able to feel the baby moving until she's sixteen to twenty two weeks." He hands Noelle the warm cup of tea which she gratefully accepts.

"Aw," Luck whines but his eyes are still sparkling with curiosity.

"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

They've heard this question before too.

"I don't know," Noelle shrugs. "My family has a pretty good ratio of boys to girls."

Asta hums "I'm not sure either, but I'll be happy regardless."

"I think it's a girl." Luck has been saying this since he found out she was pregnant "I just know it! One with steel magic!"

He's also been adamant that the baby will have their grandmother's magic attribute.

And Noelle would be lying if she said she wasn't hoping for that to be true. The thought of being able to pass down that piece of her mother's legacy is one that fills her with a sense of joy and purpose.

She places a hand over her belly "maybe you're right," she chuckles "or maybe they'll have no magic like their daddy."

Asta wrinkles his nose "I hope not, I don't want them to go through that."

Noelle rests a hand on his wrist and leans into his side as a silent show of support.

Their baby not having any mana is Asta's biggest fear. He of course will love them regardless but the thought of him passing down his disability is one he has spent many nights fretting over.

"Well no matter the case I'll be here to protect them!" Luck grins brightly "I won't let anything bad happen to little one I promise!"

Noelle smiles warmly.

"Thank you Luck."


"We have returned!" Vanessa shouts as she steps through one of Finral's portals "and what a haul we've got for you!"

Noelle and Asta look over to her from their place on the floor, they're currently working together to build a crib for the nursery- which Henry is in the midst of putting together.

"More baby stuff?" Noelle asks with an amused yet mildly concerned smile on her face "Don't you think it's a bit earlier to be spoiling them like this?"

"There's no point trying to reason with her Noelle, she's in too deep." Finral groans as he steps through his portal lugging a large amount of shopping bags behind him. Charmy and Grey hop out after him, the latter covering her face with a blush.

"Hush you, this is our first niece-and-or nephew, they deserve to be spoiled!"

"I agree," Charmy shouts as she submerges her small body in one of the shopping bags and digs around "Which is why I bought a few cooking books that specialize in meals for infants!"

"That's awesome Charmy," Asta says as he flips through the cribs instruction manual "But remember no solid foods before their six months of age."

"I know, I know," the half dwarf pops out of the bag with several thick books in her hands "But I've also found some that have recipes for pregnant women, gotta make sure the little one and Mama are eating well!"

"That's very sweet of you Charmy," Noelle says softly with a gentle warmth "Thank you."

Charmy grins brilliantly at her "There's one I know you'll just love and I can't wait to try it out! Me and the sheep cooks will get started on it right away!"

Before Noelle can tell her it's not necessary Charmy has already made a mad dash for the kitchen, her new books in hand and cotton spell already forming.

Finral shakes his head as he watches after her, he lets out a long sigh before slumping down onto the couch.

"What'd you find Grey?" Asta asks without looking up, he's trying to make sense of the instructions still.

The girl yelps and looks out from in between her fingers "Oh well you know, just some toys...mostly stuffed animals that kind of thing."

Asta smiles at her "That's awesome, they'll love that."

Grey squeals again before stuttering out "You're welcome." She removes her hands for a brief moment to smile at them "I'm really happy for you guys!"

Then she scurries off with a bright blush spread over her cheeks.

"Hopefully she gets over her shyness before the little one gets here," Vanessa shakes her head fondly "It'd be a shame if they don't get to properly know their Aunt Grey."

"I think she'll be okay," Asta places the instruction booklet down "Socializing with a baby is quite a bit different than with an adult."

"Still." Vanessa shrugs as she comes to sit beside Finral

The witch leans forward with a smile on her face "So, do you guys want to know what I got you?"

"Why don't we let Finral go first," Noelle looks over her shoulder "I have a feeling your list is longer than his...unless you guys just used him as pack maul."

"I bought the important stuff."

"He just bought the boring stuff."

Noelle raises an eyebrow and Asta tilts his head in confusion.

"You know, practical stuff," Finral waves his hand "Burp cloths, diapers, child locks, and a bunch of other crap to baby proof this place."

"See, boring stuff."

"Useful stuff," Asta corrects "Thank you Finral, we are going to need that."

Finral shoots Vanessa a smug grin "You're very welcome."

Vanessa rolls her eyes "Okay, okay now let's get onto the fun stuff!"

The amount of gifts Vanessa and the rest of the Bull's shower them with is overwhelming - especially for Asta who didn't grow up with much. When he sees all the toys and equipment the others have picked out for their child he gets a little emotional. He realizes for the first time how far he's come and how much more he can provide for his future child.

He of course frets about how much money they're all spending on them but the Bull's (especially Vannessa) aren't worried about that in the slightest.

They've already accepted their newest family member in full and are simply excited to provide them with the best life possible.

Noelle gets a little choked up too, not that she'll admit it.


When the day comes to tell Asta's family their earlier roles are reversed. It is now Asta who is terrified and Noelle who is reassuring him.

She finds it comical really.

He had been so sure (and rightfully so) that everything would go smoothly with the Bull's that seeing him fret so much about his foster family's reactions is just a little bit funny.

He doesn't have fears of rejections or abandonment; what he does fear is wrath.

She and Asta are not married and this is apparently a big no-no in the eyes of the church. That fact didn't sink in when Asta first found out about Noelle's pregnancy, it only really did after he told Yuno.

The wind mage was given the news first out of everyone in the church, and it was one of the few times Noelle had seen Yuno express any form of emotion.

He had actually given her a hug that night, which was new. It was probably the most awkward hug she'd ever received but it was endearing and she could tell how hard Yuno was trying.

He was also quite excited to be an Uncle, offering his help both now and later on when the baby was born, and well he isn't too thrilled about keeping this a secret from Mimosa he agrees to it and swears not to break their trust.

Yuno had questioned them on their marital status that night, he wasn't judgmental in the slightest but he had reminded his brother that the literal Nun and Priest who raised them were likely not to be too happy about him engaging in premarital activities.

Asta had paled considerably at that comment, seemingly having forgotten that he and Noelle weren't actually married yet - hell they weren't even engaged.

Later that evening, after they had bid Yuno farewell, Asta had been rather upset with himself- offering her unneeded apologies and promises of one day making it right.

"I want to be with you," he had told her firmly that night, "I want to be with you forever and always but...I don't think I can say those words again...not after..."

Noelle had closed her eyes at the unwanted memory of the day she had thought Lucius killed Asta. She understands the trauma he had been carrying around since his last marriage proposal and she wasn't about to force him to face that trauma if he wasn't ready to.

She tried to tell him this. To explain that she didn't need a fancy ring or a big wedding for her to know what they meant to each other.

Asta was hers and she was Asta's.

Nothing would ever change that.

It hadn't done much to soothe him.

He assured her endlessly that he wanted to marry her but he didn't know how to propose in a way that wouldn't bring up those horrid memories.

So she did it for him.

Noelle had gone out the very next day and bought a pair of simple golden wedding bands. She still doesn't need the rings or the title of marriage to know how much she and Asta mean to each other, but if she can take away his fear and ease him onto the path of healing by being the one to drop onto a knee and pop the question then she had been more than willing to do so.

Asta had cried when she asked him

Cried his heart out while eagerly embracing her and repeating the word "Yes." Over and over again.

Now all that was left to do was give her fiance's family the big news.

In her mind the status of 'engaged' should be enough to sedate any ill feelings the church may harbor, but according to Asta getting married out of 'wedlock' isn't ideal by their terms either.

Yuno had done his best to assure his brother that the most he would get is a good scolding and maybe a 'Holy Fist of Love' from Sister Lily, but now that the idea that something could go wrong was implanted in his head it was difficult for him to see around it.

Which Noelle could understand as she had been through the exact same thing a few weeks ago. So she tries to return the encouragement and support Asta had given her during that time, only she feels like she doesn't do nearly as good of a job as him.

Regardless he swallows his fears and prepares to face them in full.

When they're just outside of Hage, and the demon skull comes into view- Noelle is reminded of her last visit to the church; which ironically was when they originally told them they were dating.

They had been in utter disbelief.

The idea that Asta had willingly moved on from his childhood vow to Sister Lily and was now in a happy and fulfilling relationship with a royal was almost too much for them to comprehend.

She wonders how they'll react to the news that in just a few short months he'll be a father.

The children are the first to greet them once they arrive. She's always liked Asta little siblings, even if she wasn't always sure how to interact with them. Hollo and Aruru are sweet kids and interacting with them now- with the knowledge that one day in the not so distant future, she will be like this with own child fills her with a warm and soft feeling.

"Noelle's wearing a wedding ring!" Recca shouts not long after she says hello, being the perceptive little bugger she is.

At her words Sister Lily looks over to Asta with wide eyes and huge grin on her face "Does this mean I really won't be getting any more proposals?"

Asta's face goes scarlet with embarrassment. All he can do is rub the back of his neck and nod mutely.

Father Orsi immediately bursts out into tears and wraps his arms around both of them.

"My little Asta getting married , why I never thought I'd see the day!" He sobs.

"Gee thanks Father," Asta laughs as he returns the man's embrace.

"Come, come, we must celebrate with a proper dinner!"

They of course agree but as they enter the church they cast each other a glance that says 'we haven't even given the actual news yet'.

Noelle and Asta both help with dinner, her fiance taking extra care to ensure that all the produce used is washed thoroughly, and sneakily keeping an eye out for any foods that could be potentially harmful.

"I have some wine stored for services," Father Orsi commented as he helped set the table "I could bring it out for you two if you'd like."

Noelle freezes for a moment but Asta just shakes his head.

"No thank you Father, we don't drink."

Orsi smiles and his eyes shine with pride "Look at you! Such a responsible young man you've become!"

Asta sends her the most strained smile she has ever seen him wear and it actually makes her laugh. She covers her mouth with her palm and tries to swallow her laughter but she just can't help it.

In response Asta flicks some flour at her.

She only proceeds to laugh harder and as she does Asta's face becomes a dark shade of red.

"You two are so adorable, I'm so glad you found each other." Lily smiles.

Noelle maneges to stop laughing in order to provide Lily with a proper response, but before she can Asta steals a quick kiss.

"Yeah, I guess I am pretty lucky."

Nash fake gags and Recca awes.

When dinner is ready and they're just sitting down to eat, Recca leans forward with a big smile on her face and asks.

"Can I be a bridesmaid?"

"Now Recca I'm sure Noelle has plenty of friends she'd like to give that role to." Lily gently scolds.

Noelle just smiles brightly "Actually Sister, I think I'd love to have Recca in my bridal party."

The girl's face lights up in joy and she excitedly kicks her feet under the table.

Asta elbows her side "And you say you're not good with kids."

Father Orsi clapped his hands together at his words "Speaking of children, are you two planning on having any?"

"Gross," Nash wrinkles his nose.

Noelle and Asta look at each other.

It's now or never.

"Actually Father..." Asta starts carefully "there's um...something else we've been meaning to tell you."

The table falls silent and all eyes are on them.

"Well ha...you see..." Asta is stuttering and red in the face.

"I'm pregnant." Noelle finishes for him.


" You're pregnant?! " Sister Lily and Father Orsi shout at the same time.

"Eight weeks."

"You had sex!? " Nash suddenly shouts in a mixture of disbelief and horror as he points at Asta.

Asta proceeds to practically choke on his own spit, hiding his face in his hands in an attempt to hide the burning scarlet that litters his cheeks.

" Nash! " Lily shouts "We do not use that kind of language at the dinner table!"

"What's sex?" Little Hollo asks, looking at his foster family quizzically.

"Oh my god," Asta chokes into his hands.

"We'll tell you when you're older sweetie," Lily manages a kind smile for the boy "and you-" she points to Asta "don't use the Lord's name in vain."

Asta is only able to nod as he still has his face buried in his hands.

"You guys are having a baby?" Recca asks with her eyes sparkling.

"A baby!?" The two younger children squeal as they look at Noelle in wonderment.

Noelle in all honesty is trying not to laugh, "Yup." She manages to get out as she swallows her laughter "And I hope you're all okay with it."

"Oh sweetheart of course we are," Sister Lily's eyes are soft as they land on her "Even if this is rather-" she clears her throat "Unconventional, we'll always be here to support you two if you need it."

"I must say I didn't expect this from you Asta," Father Orsi looks quite dazed "But I suppose if you two were already planning on getting married then it isn't too surprising..."

Neither of them correct him, as far as they're concerned they don't need to know they only got engaged after finding out Noelle was pregnant.

Without warning Orsi bursts out into tears again.

"I'm gonna be a grandpa!" The man cries loudly.

"I'm gonna be an aunt!" Recca throws her hands up in the air.

Dinner goes on rather smoothly afterwards, they receive a few more questions from the children- Aruru is fascinated by the concept of a baby growing in Noelle's belly and she does her best to answer her questions without spoiling her innocence.

As things wrap up and they begin to clean off the dinner table, she can tell a weight has been lifted off her fiance's shoulders.

"You know, you two could get married here," Father Orsi offers as he helps put the dishes away "I know we can't offer anything as extravagant as what the royal capital must be able to, but you're always welcomed here."

Noelle smiles warmly.

"I think that would be perfect."


"I don't know shit about human babies." Liebe confesses as he awkwardly stands in the half complete nursery.

Asta had finally managed to corner his demonic brother after weeks of the latter avoiding him.

"I don't want to...mess them up."

"How would you 'mess them up'?" Asta asks with air quotes.

"Look at me Asta, I'm a devil! I have sharp claws, sharp teeth, sharp horns! I could hurt them!"

"Liebe," Noelle starts carefully. "I don't mean to offend you, but you're the least threatening devil I've ever met."

Liebe flicks his tail and she isn't sure if out of amusement or annoyance.

"I...it's not that I don't want to be around you guys, I do but...I don't want something bad to happen like...like..."

"Like with mom?"

Noelle feels herself still at Asta's words. He had told her about Licita and about her tragic end. She knew that for the elder of the two brothers that pain had not yet healed.

"Lucifero is gone, Liebe. Nothing like that will happen again." Asta rests a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"You don't know that," Liebe sniffs "If not Lucifero then someone else, when have things ever gone right for us brother?"

"When fate brought us back together," Asta answers without missing a beat "I had been alone for my entire life- there was no one else like me...not until I met you. I will never regret meeting you Liebe."

Liebe bites his lip and unshed tears burn at the back of his eyes.

"I want you in my life brother-I want you in my child's life. Please don't push us away because you're scared."

Liebe pinches his eyes shut and takes a deep breath.

"How can you be so sure that I won't hurt them?"

"Because I know you," Asta says like it's obvious "And I know you'll be a great uncle."

"You're doing better than my brothers," Noelle pipes up. "I'm terrified of even telling them about the baby...and they're human."

Liebe scuffs a watery laugh and wipes at the corner of his eye.

"Liebe I trust you more than my own flesh and blood," Noelle continues "Please stop pushing us away."

Liebe lets out a muffled and choked sounding sob, and as he does Asta pulls the demon against his chest.

"Just because my family is expanding doesn't mean I don't want you in it," he murmurs into his brother's hair "So please don't go anywhere."

Liebe returns the embrace and offers a tiny nod.

"I will try."


"You're finally starting to show Noelle," Vanessa cues at her as the water mage joins her friends in the common room "just think soon the little one will be here!"

"I'm only sixteen weeks Vanessa," Noelle gives a half hearted smile as she sits down "Still have awhile to go yet."

"Sixteen weeks!" Luck exclaims in excitement "Then has the baby started kicking!?"

"Not yet Luck," Noelle rests a hand on her belly "But once they do you'll be the first person I'll tell...after Asta of course."

"So~" Magna perks up "Have you guys landed on a name yet?"

"No, not yet..." Noelle sighs "Neither of us can decide on a name we both like."

"Considering how terrible you both are with names that makes sense," Nero teases from where she rests on the arm of the couch.

"Hey, we named you didn't we!"

"Actually it was Luck who named me."

Luck grins brilliantly "You should let me name the baby too!"

"Unless you come up with something amazing I don't see that happening..."

"Why don't we try coming up with names together," Gordon half whispers "It could be a fun bonding activity."

Noelle shrugs "Honestly we're stuck so give it your best shot. Just know that if it's not up to my royal standards it's out."

"Let me think for a second," Magna places his hand to his chin.

"If you say Magnum Fire I will hit you."

"I wasn't going to!"

"Sure you weren't."

"I'm serious!" Magna laughs "Even I know that's not a good name for a human baby...still would have been an awesome name for a bird though."

"No it would not have been." Nero deadpans.

"Alright what were you going to say then?"

"I don't know, I was still thinking!"

"If it's a girl then I suggest an angelic name my darling little sister's," Gauche pipes from his place next to Grey "perhaps Maria?"

"That shits stupid," Zora shouts before Noelle can even respond "Kids gonna need a name that's more bad ass then that...besides it's gonna be a boy."

"No way!" Luck cried "She's a girl and we should call her Falena!"


He nods "it means moth!"

"I-What? Why moth?"

Luck shrugs "I don't know it sounds cute."

"Starting to think this was a bad idea..." Noelle sighs.

"Like I said he needs a name that's bad ass...like Axel or Ryker." Zora ignores her.

"Axel isn't terrible...not that big of a fan of Ryker though."

"I think a softer name would suit them more," Gordon whispers "Something like Elijah."

"Elijah's cute." Grey silently pipes in.

Her friends continue to debate amongst themselves, Noelle too amused to have too much of an input other than shooting down names that are simply terrible. As they go back and forth, whittling down the pool of names Nacht and Asta return from their meeting in the capital.

Asta of course comes to join her, while Nacht seems content just walking past the entire situation.

"Oi vice captain!" Magna shouts over his shoulder "we're trying to come up with names for the little one! As Asta's mentor slash total father figure you should help too!"

At his word the man silently turns around to look at them.

"I'll have to actually meet the little one first before being able to decide on a suitable name," he hums "but in the meantime I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something."

And as swiftly as he had appeared Nacht is quickly gone.

"He likes the name Elijah," Asta chuckles after a moment. "He just doesn't want to admit it."


Noelle is five months along when her future brother in law stumbles through the doors of the base looking panicked.

As soon as Noelle sees him and sees that he's alone her heart drops to the very pit of her stomach.

Yuno and Asta were assigned on a joint mission, so where is her fiance?

"Don't panic-" are the first words out of Yuno's mouth.

"Where is Asta?" Her voice is unnervingly calm compared to the inner turmoil she is going through.

"He's okay," Yuno assures her swiftly "he's going to be alright."

"Going to be?" Noelle asks with a daunting horror "Yuno what's happened? Where is Asta?"

The wind mage cringes and she feels her heart rate pick up in speed.

"Yuno, where is he?!"

"Owen's seeing to him..."

A million thoughts race through her mind all at once.

"He'll live-"

"How bad."


"How bad is he?"

"I...it could've been worse...he took a nasty hit to the side and...lost a fair bit of blood but he's going to be fine," he tries to assure her "when I left he was awake and talking."

That admittedly brings her some comfort.

"Take me to him."

"Are you sure?" Yuno asks carefully "I thought you didn't want to go to the royal capital in case your siblings-"

"Yuno take me to him!"

Her soon to be brother in law does not argue with her after that, he just nods and gently takes her by the hand. She doesn't say anything as he requests for Finral to make them a portal rather than have him fly her out to the capital, nor does she speak as he mutely leads her down the medical wing.

When they reach the door which shields her from her fiance, he carefully lets go of her hand.

"I'll give you two a moment..." his voice is quiet "if you need me...please just shout...I'll be there."

"Thank you Yuno." She nods as he leaves her, standing alone and bracing herself for what awaits her on the other side of the door.

She takes a breath.

And then she opens it.

Asta is lying in a medical cot. His chest is bare and wrapped with gauze and bandages, a heart monitor placed over his chest and strapped to a finger of his left hand, IV fluids and a blood transfusion dripping into the veins of his left arm. He looks pale and disheveled, hair messier than usual and eyes weary with exhaustion.

And despite all of this, when he sees her- he smiles.

And Noelle weeps.

She can barely hold herself together as she races over to him, collapsing beside him and draping herself over him.

"Noelle," Asta says softly, returning her embrace "I'm okay, I promise."

"You can't keep doing this," she all but sobs "You can't keep getting hurt like this."

"It's alright Noelle, I'm okay."

"It's not alright!" Noelle pulls back to look at his face "We aren't going to keep getting this lucky! If you keep going like this then you're going to get yourself killed!"


"Is that what you want!?" She cries "For me to go through this alone!? For our child to grow up with nothing but stories of you?!"

"Of course not!"

"Then stop doing this!" She breaks down into a sobbing fit "Please my heart can't take it."

It's completely silent aside from the sound of Noelle's heartbroken cries. Asta has been stunned into silence as he can do nothing but pull her against his chest.

"Noelle," he tries, voice cracking "I'm sorry."

"I can't lose you again Asta, I can't!" She can't stop the overwhelming emotions from escaping "I love you so much it hurts, I can't imagine my life without you in it!"

Asta holds her tighter and gently shushes her.

"I'm sorry Noelle," he breathes into her hair. "I never meant to hurt you."

"I know you didn't!" She hiccups "You're too selfless Asta, you're too good and it's going to kill you!"

Her fiance presses a kiss to her forward "I'm not going anywhere Noelle, I swear ."

"How can I believe you?" She whimpers back "Do you even realize the amount of times I thought I've thought I've lost you?"

Asta sucks in a deep breath, it's shaky and it sounds like he's doing all he can to keep his emotions under control.

"I saw you die Asta, when Lucius sent you away there was nothing left of you but a blood stain. I thought you were gone ." She buries her face into the crook of his neck. "You were right there, right in front of me and I couldn't do anything but watch. "


"It killed me, it felt like I died in that moment too and when I got you back it was like I was whole again," her voice breaks as she takes a steadying breath "I can't go through that again, especially not now ."

Asta gently leans away to look her in the eyes.

He has a steady pool of silent tears falling down his face as he looks at her; his expression is one of heartbreak and remorse.

"Noelle I-" he closes his eyes for a moment to collect himself "I'm so sorry ."

He rests a hand to her cheek and she whimpers at the contact.

"I didn't think-I didn't realize..." his hand shakes ever so slightly against her "I didn't know I was hurting you like this...I never thought that my pain could affect someone this way."

She sniffs loudly and grabs the hand on her cheek with her own "Of course it hurts me stupid, I love you!"

"I...I guess I'm still not used to people...loving me...for someone to care about me this much I...I don't have the words."

Noelle leans into his hand "it's not just me Asta, we all love you, no one here wants to lose you..."

Asta rests his forehead against hers "I'm sorry Noelle...I'll try to be better...I'll work on my defense and avoid taking blows like this in battle...I-I can't promise you it won't happen again...but I will try , I swear it."

Noelle leans in and plants a kiss on his lips, which Asta gladly accepts. He moves his hands to rest between her shoulder blades as she wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"Promise me you won't take another mission until the baby gets her," Noelle pleads after they break apart.

Asta frowns "Noelle we need the money-"

"We need you more!"


"Okay," His voice is just above a whisper, "Okay." He says again, placing a hand on her swollen belly.

"I promise."


By month seven they've finally started putting the finishing touches on the nursery.

"This looks amazing Henry!" Asta praises as he wraps his arms around the long haired boy.

For once Noelle wishes for Asta's lack of mana, as right now she wants nothing more than to embrace the cursed boy as well. He's truly done an outstanding job.

Henry grins"I'm...glad...you...like...it..."

The walls of the room are a soft lilac colour, a white tree painted on the far wall with the silhouettes of anti birds flying free. There's a cradle composed of birch wood in the center of the room, perched atop a pristine white fur rug, the cradle itself is decorated in warm looking sheets with a plush bull sitting soundly on the mattress. Against one of the walls is a bookshelf-painted white and shaped to resemble that of a house, a few children books are present on its shelves but it primarily holds childcare products and a variety of toys. The opposite wall has a soft looking couch, aimed to watch over the cradle.

There's plenty of other toys and products tucked around the room, all designed to give them easy access to whatever they may need.

Noelle tears up looking at the room, it hits her once again that this is real.

She's going to be a mom.

"It's too bright," Liebe whines from Asta's shoulder "will it hurt their eyes?"

"It's not that bright Liebe."

"I...used...pastel...colours" Henry explains "still...bright...and...happy...looking...but...not...as...hard...on...the...eyes."

"It's perfect Henry," Noelle grins at him, eyes shining brightly "god I wish I could hug you."

Henry gives her a slow but warm smile "I'm...so...happy...for...you...guys."

Asta rests his hand on the cradle, looking down at the small mattress fondly.

"Only two more months," he breathes "and then they'll be here."

Noelle gives a breathy laugh, walking to stand beside him and pressing herself into her fiance's side.

"I can't wait to meet them."


Noelle goes into labour a month too early.

She had started having contractions that morning but had passed it off as a false labour- it hadn't stopped Asta from watching her like a hawk though.

And she supposes that was a good thing because it was in fact not false in the slightest.

It isn't until she passes her mucus plug that she realizes that it is in fact go time.

The Bull's had panicked about the timing, screaming about how it was far too early for her to be having the baby, but it wasn't like she could tell her body to stop.

She thanks all that is holy for Nacht- the vice captain was pretty much the only one who hadn't panicked and managed to get everyone to calm down enough to formulate some sort of a plan.

Originally Noelle had wanted to have either a home birth or a birth at a smaller hospital- it was her goal to avoid the royal capital and her family until her pregnancy was over.

Asta put his foot down this time though, exclaiming that they were going to need top of the line care for their baby if they were going to be premature. Even as reluctant as she is she agrees- she isn't willing to put her baby at risk for any reason, even if it means potentially running into her family.

They rush to the royal capital not long after that, Finral making a portal and the Black Bulls making a fuss the moment they reach the other side. Noelle feels bad for the hospital staff- with the way her friends had all been screaming they must have thought someone was dying.

She and Asta are ushered into a room by some of the medical staff and from there they begin to prepare for labour.

They ask each parent a multitude of questions and with each minute that had passed it had become harder and harder for her to answer them; contractions getting longer and closer together.

She doesn't know how long she had to wait until she was fully dilated- it felt like hours upon hours.

She's never been so grateful for her fiance.

Asta doesn't stray from her side, he sits close and holds her hand, whispering reassurances and promises that everything will be alright.

Noelle is scared- she had been mentally preparing herself for the prospect of giving birth but she had also thought she had another month to prepare. Not to mention the idea of any complications occurring and god forbid losing her baby are fears that are screaming in her mind.

"That's not going to happen," Asta presses his face into her hair. "I swear to you everything is going to be alright, you are both going to be fine."

Noelle cries and holds his hand tighter, willing for his words to be true and praying for the safety of their child.

The fear is great, the pain is great, and the uncertainty of it all only makes things worse.

But when the shrill cry of an infant echoes in the room it sounds like the most beautiful song she's ever heard.

"It's a girl!" One of the nurses says as she holds their daughter up for them to see.

She's tiny, messy, and oh so loud.

But she's the most beautiful being Noelle has ever seen.

She doesn't get to look at her for long, the doctors and nurses quickly take her away.

"Where are you going!?" She sobs "Where are you taking my baby!?"

"It's okay," Asta kisses her cheek and squeezes her side "it's okay, they're just getting her cleaned up and making sure she's healthy."

That makes sense.

Their daughter is premature, she needs some extra medical care.

"Be careful with her!" Noelle cries "She's so small!"

She can't stop crying and she has no idea if it's from fear, sadness or happiness.

"She's perfect." Asta kisses her again "and she's going to be okay."

"She's so small ." Noelle hiccups "She's just so tiny."

Asta gives a teary laugh "yeah...those are probably my genes."

It feels like ages before the staff give her baby back to her. She's wrapped up tight, swaddled in a pink blanket and gently placed into Noelle's arms.

She's red in the face, button nosed and eyes pinched shut and so perfect.

She isn't sure if Asta had been crying this whole time or if he had just started to now-as he looks at his daughter.

"She is really tiny," her fiance sniffs, "she's so beautiful."

"Hello," Noelle smiles lovingly at the bundle in her arms "I'm your mommy."

She makes a noise, a tiny little noise that only a newborn can make.

And then she opens her eyes.

And Noelle is sobbing all over again.

"She has your eyes," Asta grins.

Noelle is only able to mutely shake her head for a moment, too overwhelmed with emotions to speak properly. When she finally is able to collect herself she corrects her fiance swiftly.

"She has my mom's eyes." She hiccups.

Her daughter's eyes are that same soft lilac from the paintings she would stare at for hours.

"She's so perfect. "


When Asta steps out of the hospital room where his daughter and fiance now sleep he has a brilliant grin on his face.

The Bulls all stand at attention upon seeing him, his eyes light up when he sees Yuno has joined them; his squad must have called him.

"It's a girl!" He shouts the moment his eyes land on them.

Luck practically jumps into the air "I knew it!"

"How are they?" Vanessa asks eagerly, placing a grounding hand on the lightning mage who still bounces around in excitement.

Asta brushes a few happy tears away from the corner of his eyes, and with that same grin on his face he says "They're both okay!"

At that confirmation there's a chorus of cheers and celebration. Asta breaks down into tears again- good tears, as he tells them every detail about his daughter's appearance.

He's wearing out the word 'perfect' but there is no other word that describes her so...perfectly.

"Do you have a name yet?" Yuno asks him while giving him a hug.

"No!" Asta practically sobs "we thought we still had a month left to pick one!"

"Who cares about that right now," Magna barks "when can we meet the little squirt?"

"You can meet her now," Asta wipes at his eyes again, "you just can't hold her yet, she's in an incubator to keep her warm."

"Well then what the hell are we standing around for?" Yami laughs "go on take us to her!"

"Okay but just try to be quiet, she and Noelle are sleeping."


"Is she supposed to be that small?" Liebe asks, practically pressed against the glass of the incubator.

"She's premature Liebe," Asta reminds him "she's going to be smaller than most babies."

"But is she supposed to be that small? "

"She just takes after her dad," Zora ruffles Asta's hair "born premature and with this shorties genes? She didn't stand a chance."

"I'll protect her," Luck declares, sitting beside Liebe-also pressed up against the incubator "No matter what."

"We all will," Magna whisper-shouts "now move over I'm trying to see!"

"I could hold her in the palm of one hand," Yami's voice is surprisingly gentle and filled with fondness.

"Knowing you, you'd probably drop her," Nacht shoots him a warning glare, while his devils clamber on his shoulders and head trying to get a better view.

"Aw she's just so precious," Grey for once doesn't have her hands covering her face "look at her she's so peaceful."

"I'll admit it you two did a pretty good job," Gauche smiles, wrapping an arm around Grey "She's not as cute as Marie...but she is a pretty close second."

"That's big praise coming from you Gauche," Gordon whispers.

"So adorable I could eat her right up!" Charmy cues.

"Oh, oh she's moving!" Finral whispers excitedly.

The little girl wiggles for a second, stretching her tiny arm up and forming a closed fist with her hand.

"Oh my word I can't handle how adorable she is." Vanessa whispers back.

Nero-in her bird form lands on top of the incubator and looks in.

"Careful Nero." Asta warns.

"I'm not an actual bird, I'm not carrying any diseases." She assures quickly "I promise I wouldn't put her in danger like that."

Asta hesitates for a moment before nodding in acceptance.

The little bird looks down at the infant and ruffles her feathers happily "she looks a lot like you Asta."

"You think so?" He asks with a tilt of his head "I thought she looked more like Noelle."

"She's got your hair colour," Yuno points out "and your nose."

Those words make Asta smile warmly as he looks at his daughter.

"You guys should see her eyes," he says softly "they look just like Noelle's...though she says they look more like her grandmother's"

Asta watches his family fawn over his little girl. They're excitedly watching her every movement and waiting with baited breath for her to open her eyes.

As they watch her he finds himself shifting on the spot in worry.

There's one thing that's been weighing heavily on his mind and he doesn't have the ability to check it himself.

"Something wrong kid?" Yami asks with frowned eyebrows as he looks back at him.

His ki must've given him away.

"Can you guys uh-" he hesitates, biting his lip and willing his eyes not to tear up "can you sense any mana from her?"

The room stills and everyone is watching him with expressions of empathy.

"Asta sweetie, you don't have to worry about that right now." Vanessa tries to assure.

"Can you just-" he takes a breath "tell me...please?"


The group share a few looks with each other.

"No..." Zora says carefully "but I'm pretty sure that's normal for babies."

Asta feels his heart still and he looks at his daughter in panic.

"She doesn't have magic?" His voice sounds shell shocked and hollow.

"Zora is right, it can be tricky to sense mana in infants until later on...just because we don't sense any mana from her now doesn't mean she won't have any later." Nacht says swiftly, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze.

"Pretty sure Noelle's excess amount of mana will negate your lack of it," Yuno adds "but besides that what does it matter if she doesn't have any?"

Vanessa elbows the wind mage in the side.

Asta takes a steadying breath and runs a hand through his hair.

"You're right...it'll be fine."

"It will be," Finral gives a reassuring smile "Don't worry about that right now."

He nods mutely in reply.


"I'm just gonna," he breathes-chest feeling tight, "step out for a minute...watch them for me yeah?"

His squadmates give him a few sympathetic looks and a few nods of understanding.

He leaves the room swiftly, shutting the door behind him before attempting to find somewhere quiet to collect his thoughts. He manages to find a door not far down their hospital wing that leads outside and he figures the fresh air will do him some good.

He takes another breath, trying to ease the tightness and rests his head in his hands.


"What are you doing?"

He nearly jumps out of his skin when he hears Yuno behind him.

"You should be in there with your daughter."

"I-I know I just," he swallows thickly "need a second."


" Why?! " Asta surprises himself with the sudden shout, "because I may have just passed my disability onto my daughter!"

Yuno frowns "you never let your lack of mana stop you."

"That doesn't mean it was easy," he hisses, grabbing at his hair. "I don't want people to look at her the way they look at me, to treat her the way they treated me! I don't want life to be hard for her!"

"Everyone in there was looking at her with nothing but love and happiness," his brother reminds him, "even if she doesn't have mana she has them ...she has us ."

Asta rubs his nose quickly looking over at Yuno and trying his hardest not to cry again .

"You've seen how the royal houses treat Noelle because of her mana control," he sniffs. "What do you think they'll do to the half commoner-royal with no magic?"

"I thought you and Noelle already decided to cut ties with her family?"

Asta shakes his head "Noelle isn't giving up her status as royalty...she was just waiting to tell them until after the baby was born because she thought it would be safer."

He takes another shaky breath, willing the tears in his eyes just to go away.

"Yuno...what if they don't accept her?"


"You're my brother right?" Yuno asks suddenly.


"And I'm the prince of Spade...that makes you a prince of Spade." Yuno explains "If the Clover royals reject her then the Spade royals will gladly take her in."

"I...Yuno, that's not how that works."

"Says who? I'm the prince of Spade, what are they going to do, tell me no?"

Asta laughs and shakes his head "Yuno, I appreciate it but by that logic all the kids at the church are royalty too."

"Yeah, so?"


"Is your mom okay with you just handing that title out to random people?"

"You guys aren't random people," Yuno strains, "You're my family and that little girl-" he points at the direction of the hospital room "Is my niece, therefore she's Spade royalty."


"Which reminds me I should probably tell my mom she's a grandma."

"Do not word it like that she'll think you had a kid," Asta hisses. "Besides that I barely even know your mom! It's not fair for me to expect her to treat me like a son just because we're foster brothers."

"Don't say that like it means less than being biological siblings."

"It doesn't to me but it does to royalty ."

"Not to me."


"Asta I promise whatever happens me and the rest of our family will be there for you, Noelle and your daughter."

Asta bites his lip hard and tries to steel himself... but it's too late.

He can't stop the tears anymore.

He's crying again.

Yuno just pulls him into an embrace and holds him there.

"I promise I won't let anyone mistreat that little girl, Asta.

He buries his face into his brother's shoulder and sobs.

"Thank you Yuno."


Noelle wakes up to the sound of gentle humming.

When she opens her eyes she finds Asta pacing around her hospital room; their daughter cradled in his arms-kangaroo style, being rocked gently as he hums softly to her.

She feels her heart fill with an overwhelming sense of warmth and love at the sight.

"Baby mine, don't you cry."

Noelle stills at the ever so gentle sound of Asta's voice.

She's never heard him sing before.

"Baby mine, dry your eyes."

His gaze is downcast, solely focused on their daughter and smiling warmly.

"Rest your head close to my heart, never to part. Baby of mine."

She watches him sway slowly back and forth.

"Little one, when you play...don't you mind what they say."

His eyes glisten ever so slightly as he watches the girl in his arms.

"Let those eyes sparkle and shine. Never a tear, baby of mine."

He leans down a bit to brush his nose against the top of her head.

"From your head to your toes," he gives her soft kunik "You're so sweet, goodness knows."

So overwhelmed with love at the sight before her-tears are starting to form in her eyes.

"You are so precious to me, cute as can be, baby of mine."

The lyrics end but her fiance is still swaying and humming the tune softly to her.

"I've never heard you sing before."

Asta's head snaps over to her in surprise, once his eyes meet hers though they soften.

"I only really know lullabies," he shrugs. "I used to sing them sometimes for the kids at the church."

"Your voice is beautiful."

"I'm sure it only sounded that way because of who I was singing too," he huffs a laugh, softly padding over to her and sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Once he's settled Noelle leans over to look at the bundle pressed against his chest.

"How are you feeling?" Asta asks as he looks down at her.

Noelle takes one more moment to watch her daughters sleeping face before smiling up at him.

"I mean I'm sore...but I've never been better."

Asta's eyes are warm and soft as he slowly leans down. She meets him halfway, they're lips brushing together gently for just a moment.

"You two are the best things that have ever happened to me," Asta's breath is warm against her cheek as he looks at her.

"I feel the same way," she reaches a hand up and brushes his hair out of his face. "I can't imagine what my life would be like without you in it."

She wants to kiss him again, to hold him and their daughter close for as long as she possibly can.

But of course there's a knock at the door.

Liebe pokes his head in and grins "Noelle, you're awake!"

Despite herself she can't help but smile back.

"Hello Liebe."

"Would it be okay if the others come in for a visit now? They wanted to check in on you guys."

"Just make sure they've all washed their hands first," Asta nods "and that they try to keep quiet."

Noelle, exhausted and probably looking a mess, does her best to perk up and greet her family as they pour through the door. Their hospital-which admittedly is a large private sweet, quickly becomes small as one by one the Bull's filter in.

She's pleasantly surprised to see Yuno there, eyes lit up with an uncharacteristic fondness as he watches Asta cradle his niece.

"How are you feeling Noelle?" Vanessa speaks first, coming to sit in one of the chairs set aside for visitors.

"Never better," she repeats her words from earlier, "Sore and a little uncomfortable...but it's hard to focus on that with them around."

She leans into her fiance's side for emphasis.

"He hasn't been causing you too much trouble I hope," Yuno smirks, nodding his head in Asta's direction.

"Hey," Asta laughs playfully "I've been doing no such thing!"

"Other than hogging the little one all too yourself!" Vanessa outstretches her hands "come now, we all got the doctor's stamp of approval- no harmful germs are gonna get on her."

Asta hesitates for a moment, and Noelle smiles fondly at the way his hands tighten ever so softly around their daughter. After a moment however he relents, and gently begins to remove the infant from his hold.

He swaddles her in that same pink blanket that had been given to them by the hospital staff before getting up and carefully placing the baby into Vanessa's arms.

"Hi little one," the thread made cues as she bounces her arms gently "I'm your aunty."

Their daughter makes a small noise and wiggles inside the blanket. At the sight Vanessa looks back at them-eye filled with love and happiness.

"Okay, give her here." Finral barks not a moment later.

"What, no I just got her!"

"I'm her uncle I should've gotten to hold her first," Yuno pipes, "but I'll settle for second, let me hold her."

"Hey, I'm Asta's brother too!" Liebe squawks "I wanna hold her next!"

"Guys, try to stay quiet." Asta reminds "You don't want to wake her up now, do you?"

The squabbling group look at each other and then Vanessa sighs in defeat- passing her off to someone who hadn't been prying for a chance to hold the girl.

The thread mage stands up from her seat and in full confidence walks up to captain Yami.

The man looks confused for a moment but doesn't argue at the chance to hold the girl. Carefully albeit a bit awkwardly he takes her from Vanessa's arms and cradles her.

Their daughter already appeared small, but held in Yami's broad arms she looks unbelievably tiny- almost like a doll.

It seems the charm the little girl has on the rest of the squad is not one the captain is immune to. As he gazes down at her, his stoic face involuntarily begins to grin.

"That's your grandpa," Asta teases from his place beside Noelle.

"Oh shut up," Yami barks back, but there's no heat to it.

"You idiots got a name for her yet?" The captain asks-sparing them a glance before turning his gaze back onto the girl.

"No yet," Noelle bemoans "we never could decide on a name."

"Now that won't do, will it?" Yami says, but not to them- to the girl in his arms "You need a proper name, don't you little firefly?"

"Okay let me hold her," Yuno half-shouts suddenly, marching straight over to captain Yami with his hands outstretched "Once I get a good look at her then I can come up with a proper name."

"Who says you'll be the one naming her?" Nero asks, leaning against the hospital bed in her human form.

"Because I'm the best with names."

"No you're not." Asta shakes his head.

"I named Bell, didn't I?"

"After a famous fictional character, real creative there little brother."

"Coming from the one who wanted to call our barn cat Kitty."

"I was like five!"

"Still counts."

"Alright," Yami huffs a laugh "You both equally suck at names, now do you want to hold her or not?"

Yuno doesn't say anything, he just eagerly steps closer and prepares to take her.

Noelle and Asta watch with a mix of amusement and joy as their daughter is transferred into Yuno's arms.

Yuno smiles brightly at the little girl and begins to instinctively bounce his arms.

Noelle often forgets that Yuno likely cared for the younger children in Hage just as much as Asta had. She hadn't expected handling or caring for children to come so naturally to the wind mage, but seeing how adept Asta is at it she should have known that some of that must have translated over to the younger of the two.

"God, she looks so much like you," Yuno looks back at them, "both of you."

"Okay genius," Magna barks a laugh, "what incredible name did you come up with?"

"I just got her I haven't decided yet," Yuno returns his eyes to the girl.

Their daughter squirms again from inside the blanket, her little mouth opening in a small yawn.

"I don't know if I can do this," Yuno suddenly admits "I don't think I can think of anything...perfect enough."

"Where'd all that confidence go?" Asta smirks.

Yuno continues to gently bounce the girl in his arms for a moment. "I just...look at her...she's so new ...I don't think any of the names I had thought of are good enough."

"Can I try?" Liebe asks, gently padding over to Yuno.

Yuno hesitates "Do you know how to hold a human baby?"

"Yuno!" Asta strains.

"What? It's a genuine question."

"Asta taught me how," Liebe rolls his eyes "Can I hold her?"

The wind mage looks at the devil curiously for a moment. Despite their equal connection to Asta neither of them have spent a lot of time with the other, they've never quite been sure what to make of each other.

Eventually Yuno silently nods his head and helps to transfer the little girl into the devil's arms.

Liebe smiles a toothy grin down at her and his tail begins to wag happily.

"Do you guys still want to name her something in your family's old language?" Liebe asks Noelle with a tilt of his head.

Noelle blinks, she had forgotten about that.

"Old language?" Yuno questions.

"Most of my family names are from a language my mother used to speak," she explains "I hadn't thought of anything special though..."

"What about Vivienne?"

The group turns to look at Luck.

The lightning mage is kneeling on the floor beside Magna, his eyes focused solely on the little girl in Liebe's arms.

"It means alive, and since she gave us a bit of a scare coming into the world so early I think it fits!

Liebe blinks at Luck slowly before looking back at the little girl.

"I...I kinda think that fits." The devil pipes up after a moment.

Without prompting Liebe moves back over to Noelle and Asta, gently returning the girl into her mother's arms.

Noelle looks down at her, the reminder of all the fear and doubts she had renewing the unbridled fondness and love for the little one.

She had been so terrified something would happen to their baby before she had even gotten to meet her, she went as far as keeping her existence a secret from her siblings...but now that she's here and now that she's alive it feels like those fears have crumpled away like sand.

"She's waking up," Asta whispers softly, leaning over to look at her.

The little one squirms once more, pinching her eyes shut and wrinkling her nose.

And then those lilac eyes are blinking open.

The Bulls (and Yuno) all practically scramble over to get a look at her, it's the first time they've gotten to see those wonderful pools of lavender.

"Vivienne." Noelle repeats.


She turns her gaze over to Asta, an unspoken question in her eyes.

Her fiance wears an expression that's filled with all the same emotions Noelle is feeling within her heart. His own emerald eyes are glossy with unshed tears and that familiar soft smile- the one that is now solely reserved for their daughter, sits on his face.

He nods mutely.

Noelle feels her face break out into a brilliant grin as looks back down at the girl in her arms.

"Welcome to the world Vivienne."

A/N: Medical inaccuracies because I don't know shit about human medicine. Premature babies need a lot more intensive care than what I wrote but I literally just didn't feel like writing it.

I don't know why I've always imagined Astelle having kids first and doing so at a young age like idk it just how I picture it?

I feel like I'm the only person who feels like Yami wouldn't be angry with Astelle bringing a baby into the base - if it were literally anyone else he would be but Asta and Noelle are his favourites in my mind and he'd be more (secretly) excited then anything else. Plus being there for Noelle since he knows her situation with her family is more important.

Is Noelle keeping her pregnancy a secret from her family impractical? Yes. Does it make zero sense? Yes. Do I care? No.

Unrelated but Elijah is the name I would give my son if I ever had one although I have zero plans on having kids lol and Luck wanting to name Viv Moth is a reference to my other Astelle kid oc who I've just been calling 'Moth' due to her design

Yuno said 'royalty be upon yee' and Asta said 'no thank you I don't want it'

Please let me know if kunik isn't the appropriate term for a nose kiss, I googled it and Google can be wrong but I was not about to use the old term. Please let me know!!

Also I don't care if it's Canon that Asta isn't a good singer, the idea of him singing Baby Mine after his mini melt down was too cute and wholesome to pass up and I own him now so I say he can sing.

Yuno being younger than Asta by like a week is my favourite headcanon and I will not let anyone take it away.

Sorry if this ended abruptly I just really needed to finish it. Might do a part 2 of the Bulls helping take care of lil Viv but no promises

Also I can't bring myself to proofread this monster again rn I'll do it later I swear ahdhfg sorry for any mistakes to the early readers.

Shout out to my discord friends for helping name Vivienne and pointing out her eye colour was actually more similar to Acier's then Noelle's that was a happy little accident!!

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