Two Worlds Apart

De MsChryssieE

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An unlikely friendship turned into something more when two paths are crossed. Both from different world's try... Mai multe



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De MsChryssieE


"How things looking today boss?"

Glancing at Terrence, I snickered at him calling me boss. Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through it, looking at my schedule for the day.

"Busy but not too hectic." I answered as I scrolled. "After this session, I have a photoshoot then a radio thing."


"After the shoot, I have one stop to make."

"Okay cool. You'll let me know where."


Taking the turn off, I gazed out the window while I made my way to my first appointment of the day. My mind was far as the reality of Chrysta and my son leaving was setting in. In only a matter of three weeks, she'd have to be back home and as much as I didn't want it to be this way, I just had to accept it.

"You heard me Yung?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I asked how's Chrys and lil goon? He looked at me in the rear view.

"Oh. They're great. That boy is growing like crazy but he's happy and healthy and that's what matters."

"That's right." He nodded in agreement.

As we pulled into the car park and found a spot, my phone went off in my hand. Checking it, I smiled when I read the message from Chrysta. Responding, I placed it in my pocket and made my way into the studio.

"Wazzamin man."

Greeting my producer, we didn't waste any time. Getting into the booth, I got situated as he did the same.

"You ready bro?" He asked.

Giving him a thumbs up, I placed the headphones on my ears and waited till I heard the sound of the instrumental come through.

Singing the lyrics I had written in front of me, I gave it my all. Working on this album while managing parenthood was interesting. Most times I interacted with my son, I got some sort of inspiration and I made sure and put it on paper or my phone.

"Play that back for me bro." I spoke to Sam.

Nodding and giving me a thumbs up, he flipped the switch and played it back. Listening, I smiled at how it sounded. Getting back at it, we were making more progress.

With everything flowing, and us being so engrossed in what we were doing, we didn't realize that our studio time had went by so quickly.

"Tomorrow?" He asked.

"Nah. I got a day planned for my girl and our son."

"Nice. Well alright then, just message me."

"Yeah man."

Dapping with a hug, I got my stuff and left. Getting into my ride, we left with no hesitation.


"Where you wanted to go before this radio interview again?"

Glancing up from my phone, I made slight eye contact with Terrence. I hadn't too long finished a photo shoot and was on the road once again.

"Luxe Midtown." I answered before going back to my phone.

Realizing the car went silent, I looked up to see him looking back at me.


"Nothing." He shook his head.

It didn't take us long before we got to the condos. Finding a park, he shut off the engine.

"I won't be long."

"Do your thing."

Getting out, I adjusted my hat and sunglasses and made my way into the building. Acknowledging the person at the front desk, I made my way to the elevators and press the up arrow. Once the doors opened, I pressed for the twelfth and waited. Once I had arrived on the floor, I made my way to the condo and pressed the buzzer.

"Who is it?" I heard call.

"Who do you think?"

Opening the door, she smirked when she saw me.

"Wassup Aug?"

"Wassup. You gonna let me in or are you going to just stand there?"

"You and all this unnecessary attitude." She said as she stepped to the side.

Entering, I took off my hat and sunglasses and made my way to the living room area.

"It's about time you came to visit me." She smiled as she straddled me.

"I'm not here to stay long Anja. I took you up on your lunch offer, and I got work to get back too." I shifted her off of me.

"Fine. Your lucky, I just got done cooking." She stood up.

Fixing her shorts, I couldn't help but stare at her backside.

"You know you want too." She smirked then giggled.

Shaking my head, I stood up. Giving her what she wanted, I spanked her, making her smile more. Taking my hand, she led me to the table where she had the meal set out. Sitting, she placed a piece of lasagna on my plate and some salad, then fixed herself.


"Let's go man." I said as I got into the backseat.

Starting the engine, we left. Checking the time, I had enough to get to my interview.

"I thought you ended that back in December goon."

"It was just lunch man, nothing more."

"Aight man. I hope you know what you're doing."

"So what? I ain't allowed to have friends?"

"I never said that but given your history with shorty, you think it's wise to keep that friendship?"

"Man." I sucked my teeth. "Just drop it okay."

"Okay." He said in a tone as he nodded.

Laying my head back, I closed my eyes and exhaled. Thinking back on the everything just now with Anja, I sighed. Shaken out of my thoughts by my phone vibrating, I opened my eyes and checked. Seeing Chrys calling, I sat up and answered.

"Wassup love?"

"Hi babe. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Never that ma. You good? Y'all good?"

"Mhmm. I called for two things."


"What time will you be home and will you be bringing back anything to eat?"

"What the time now?" I checked. "This interview is my last thing for the day, then I'm coming home. What you want to eat?"

"Something nice. Surprise me."

"I got you mama." I smiled.

"Thank you babe. I love you."

"I love you too."

Ending the call, we had come to a stop. Exhaling, I got out and we made our way into the radio station.


"Mommy is tired!" I huffed.

Looking at my son as she stared up at me, I smiled. I'd just finished a cardio session and was now going into my yoga session. Today had been one of those days where my energy was low and I didn't like it. All morning I felt off. Deciding to shake the feeling, I got into a little workout, something I hadn't done in a while.

"You think mommy still got it?"

Getting into the first position, he let out a laugh which made me laugh. Doing a total of six positions, I sat and exhaled slowly, releasing any tension and negative energy that was trying to enter.

"Alright." I clapped my hands as I got up.

"Mommy is going to smudge and then come back for you. So stay put." I lightly tapped his nose, making him smile.

Deciding on using my blue sage, I lit it and allowed it to burn, while I waved it around the open area by the front entrance. Moving into the family room, I smiled at the light, calming scent it gave me.

Hearing the front door open then closed, I then heard him coughing.

"Yuh good?"

"Yeah." He nodded then kissed me.

"Sure?" I rubbed his back.

"Mhmm. I brought you back something nice." He lifted the bag.

"Ouuu." I didn't a little wiggle. "Let me shower first. Baby boy in there, playing with his feet."

"Okay." He chuckled.

Walking off, he went into the kitchen while I went up to have a shower. Taking my time, I enjoyed the warm water as it beat down on my body, soothing the aches. Eyes closed, I thought back on the massage I got. Deciding on getting another one before I headed back home, I finished my shower, semi dried my body and got dressed.

"So what's on the menu?" I approached Aug.

"Go check." He replied as he interacted with our son.

Kissing the both of them on their cheeks, I made my way into the kitchen. Being greeted to a white bag on the counter, I took out the two boxes and opened them.

"August?" I called as I laughed.

"Wazzamin?" He came in smiling.

"Babe where did you get Trini food from?"

"A place over in Mariette called Tassa's Caribbean Restaurant."

Looking back at the box again, I smiled at the rice, lentils, calalloo, macaroni pie and stew chicken in front of me.

"I can't believe you." I looked at him.

"You're most welcome." He approached me. "Yeen gotta cry ma." He hugged me.

"Thank you so much." I tried to compose myself.

I didn't know what was the reason behind this sudden outburst of emotions but it honestly was getting the best of me.

"I got you babe. Regardless of anything, I got you." He kissed me on my forehead.

Composing myself, I took mine as he took his and went back into the family room. Placing baby August in his play area, he began to fuss.

"Chill with all'at." Aug spoke sternly.

Looking at his dad confused, I tried not to laugh. Taking a bite from the pie, I moaned at how good it tasted.

"I take it you like it."

"I do." I smiled as I did a happy dance. "So how everything went today?"

"It's was aight. The usual." He shrugged.

"Okay. When do you get to see the pics from the shoot?"

"I was told I'll be contacted for that. Hopefully you'll still be here so you can come with me."

"Awe." I blushed a little. "Tomorrow's another busy day?"

"Nah. I'm actually taking my girl and our son out for the day tomorrow."

"Really? Anywhere in particular?"

"Mhmm." He nodded as he chewed. "Lake Lanier."

"Come again?"

"Lake Lanier."

"My son and I will stay at home. No thank you."

"Why? He laughed.

"What yuh mean 'why'?" I looked at him crazy. "That's the same lake that people always drowning by and shit. Nah I good. You can go."

"I'm just messing with you babe." He laughed. "We're actually going Lanier Islands. It's a beach resort. They got a pool, play park and stuff. It came up as an ad on my Instagram and when I saw the beach, I knew you'd love it." He showed me.

"Oh wow."

"So you still staying home with our son?"

"I mean."

"I thought so." He laughed. "And well it's for the weekend. I cleared my schedule for some much needed family fun."

"I appreciate that and we appreciate you."

"Thank you babe. Now finish eating. It's almost time for his nap."


"I can't wait to see y'all. He's gotten so big and is so alert and everything."

"We can't wait to see y'all too and I know it will be the same with Roxi."

"How's she?"

"She's good. Your brother has been taking good care of her."

"Okay great."

"Now are you ready to tell me what's wrong?"


"From the moment yuh called, I knew something was up."

"I just miss home."

"Mhmm. I'll leave you to tell me when you're ready."


"Anyway. Kiss my grandson for me. I'll see y'all in two weeks. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled before ending the call.

Exhaling, I laid back on the lounge chair by the pool, enjoying some quiet time. Aug had opted to put our son to sleep after I nursed him and I took the opportunity to call my mother. One thing for sure, she was right about something bothering me, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Whatever it maybe God, just show me." I said with my eyes closed.

Taking a couple deep breaths, I exhaled slowly. Getting up, I made my way back inside and upstairs, only to be greeted by Aug coming out of the nursery.


"Fast." He smirked. "Come with me." He took my hand.

Leading me over to his room, I sat on the bed and waited as he walked over to his dresser.

"I got you something." He spoke.

Turning around, he held a small bag in his hand.

"Babe?" I blushed as he sat next to me.

"Just open it."

Taking the bag from him, I took my time and opened it. Seeing the colour of the box, I looked at him as he had this smile on his face. Opening the Tiffany's box, I gasped when I saw the necklace.

"Now we'll be connected regardless." He showed me his.

Putting them together, there was still a space missing. Being him, he took out another one which completed the heart shaped pendant.

"I couldn't leave him out."

"Thank you so much babe. I love this and I appreciate you."

"You're welcome baybeh. I appreciate you too."

Sharing a kiss after he put it on, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Movies till we fall asleep?" I looked up at him.

"I'll get the wine and snacks then." He laughed.

"I'll pick the movie."

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