Girl Groups x M!Reader One-Sh...

By SenjyuNexus345

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Girl Groups x Male Reader One-Shots. That's basically it. More

About This Book
Request Chapter (Closed)
Late Night Confessions and Lullabies - Handong
Spoiled Afternoon - Chaeyeon
Snowstorms - Wendy
Finally Home - Siyeon
+5 Star+ - CL
Campus Crush - Seulgi
Fated Victories - JiU
The One I've Been Waiting For - SuA
Just Like a Christmas Movie - Handong
Christmas Lights, Mistletoes and Movie Marathons - Siyeon
Mutual Feelings, Dating Scandals and a Possible Happily Ever After - Sunmi II
Kiss The Girl - Vivi
Mood Swings, Pregnancy Tests and a Life Changing Decision - Siyeon
Fanfic Like Night Date - Daisy
Green Parks and Slippery Accidents - Yiren
Love, Camera, Action! - CL
Snowy Day - Irene
The Girl from Gyashi - JinSoul
How to Manage a Romance - Hyeju
Counselor Hirai - Momo
Unusual Roommate - Hyunjin
First Love - Jeongyeon
100 ☆
To Serve, Protect and Fall in Love...? - Hyunjin
His Car Isn't Yours - Wendy

Unusual Beginning - Sunmi I

401 8 1
By SenjyuNexus345

So, this story was requested by @user95886429 and well, after gathering all the ideas, I had to end up splitting it in two parts. Sorry I took so long, by the way. Hope you like it and that this is close to what you had in mind :)

Hope you guys also enjoy it :)


After saving money for over half a year, you were finally able to buy the tickets to the award show that your favorite idol would be performing at and now, there you were, standing in the line and you couldn't be more excited. Entertainment wise, it was a dream come true for you. Twenty minutes later, you finally get through the security gates, entering at the concert area, with the actual stage in front of it.

Your POV:

I can't believe this is actually happening! I'm finally attending an award show concert! Plus, I got hella lucky being able to get a place like this one, having the perfect view of the stage. Despite being a multi fan, I've only bought the ticket to watch her and again, I can't believe this is actually happening! As I get inside and set myself at the spot, I wait for the performances to start.

About forty minutes later, after various groups and soloists performances and award receiving, it was her turn. Suddenly, the lights are turned off, with only one being let lit, lighting the center of stage. Here we go! A few moments later, Sunmi, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, starts walking towards the stage and she's looking stunning, as always. And as I finish my thought, 'Heart Burn' starts playing.

About three minutes later, the song ends, with Sunmi striking the final move, while the crowd started to cheer for the performance. She then started to bow and thanked the audience for the love, cheer and support. The cheering of the crowd didn't stop as she walked off stage.

After Sunmi's performance, despite not having much interest on the other groups and soloists that were yet to perform, I stayed till the end of the award show.

About an hour later, once the performances came to an end, along with the people, I start to leave the concert hall. Once I leave the building, I start walking down the alley, next to it. As I was distractedly walking, while remembering Sunmi's performance and humming to 'Heart Burn', until suddenly, I get hit on the face by a metal door. And the last thing I see is a silhouette of a woman, before blacking out.

Sunmi's POV:

Another day, another award show to attend and gladly, this one is over. Seriously, these events are so exhausting, unlike my concerts, which are also tiring, but only physically, cuz the fans' cheers and praises always makes up for the tiredness.

Anyway, as I was lost in my thoughts, while heading outside, suddenly, as I open the back stage's exit, I hear a bang and a groan. I quickly step outside, immediately seeing a boy, fallen down.

Sunmi: Holy crap! Are you okay?!

Due to lack of an answer, I get down and hold his body, close, immediately checking for his pulse. Oh, thank goodness, he's alive. After certifying that the boy was still alive, I get my phone and call for help.

Sunmi: Hey, Hyuna, it's me. Are you busy, cuz I need a ride and it has to be discrete. I'm at the Music Bank concert hall. Thanks.

About fifteen minutes later, Hyuna arrives, leaving her car and coming towards me. Once she gets close and sees the unconscious boy, she says:

– Tell me he's alive and I'm not about to help you carry a corpse.

Sunmi: What the-? Of course he's alive, pabo! He's just knocked out. Anyway, help me get him into your car.

Hyuna: If you say so.

And as she answers, Hyuna gets the boy's legs, while I get his arms. We then proceed to put him inside the car, on the backseat. Once he's settled, we both quickly get in the vehicle, with Hyuna starting the engine, right after. We then, head to my place, arriving at it, about half an hour later.

As we get home and out of the car, we repeat the process of carrying the boy, with me getting his arms, while Hyuna gets his legs. Minutes later, we finally arrive at the penthouse, with me quickly opening the door, to set the boy down. We carry him, putting him on the couch and once it's done, I call for Hyuna, saying:

– Thanks for the help.

Hyuna: No worries. What you plan to do, now?

Sunmi: Still figuring that part out.

Hyuna: Got it. Anyway, I can go, right?

Sunmi: Yeah, you can.

I then accompany Hyuna to the front door and as we give our farewells to each other, I head back to the living room, where the boy is still unconscious. About three hours go by and suddenly, and finally, the boy starts awake himself. Thank goodness.

Your POV:

Ugh, crap, where am I? I start to awake myself, being partially blinded by the lights. A few instants later, once my senses slowly came back and I'm fully awake, I look around, trying to recognize where I was. Apparently it isn't a hospital. As I was locating myself, I see a woman facing a counter in the kitchen. I'm guessing it's the same woman that I saw before blacking out. A few moments later, the said woman turns around, now facing me and at the moment I realize who she was, I end up shouting:

– You- You're Sunmi!

Sunmi: Yeah, it's me. You sure took your time to wake up. So, how you're feeling?

And as Sunmi asks such question, she starts coming towards me. Once she's right in front, she hands me a cup of water, which I take it, immediately thanking her, while saying:

– Still a bit dizzy... What happened? Where am I?

Sunmi: Well, when I was getting out of the award show's concert hall, I accidentally smacked your face with the building's back door. Also, you're at my place.

– Okay. Wait, did you say I'm at your house?!

Sunmi: Yeah, I did. Welcome, stranger. What's your name, by the way?

– It's, Y/n. I'm really sorry to bother you like this. I shouldn't be he-

Sunmi: There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one who brought you here, so obviously, I don't mind your presence. Plus, it's the least that I could do, after what happened.

– Thank you, then...

Sunmi: You're welcome. So, are you hungry?

– I am, a bit.

Sunmi: Good. I'll make dinner for us, then.

– There's no need t-

Sunmi: Yes, there is! I haven't eaten yet and I assume so haven't you, right?

– No, I haven't...

Sunmi: Great. Get yourself comfortable, while make dinner for us.

Once she finishes the sentence, Sunmi goes to the kitchen and starts to make dinner, like she said. 

About forty minutes later, the meal was ready and while I was distracted, I hear Sunmi calling for me, saying:

– Hey, Y/n, can you help me set the table?

– Of course.

And as I answer, while Sunmi brings the dishes to the table, I get the cups and the cutlery. Once she puts down the dishes, Sunmi gets the soda from inside the fridge and pours the beverage, right after. After everything is set, she start fixing our plates, or bowls, since apparently, we're eating ramen.

Sunmi: I hope you are in for ramen.

– I am. It's been a while since the last time I ate it. Thank you.

Sunmi: My pleasure.

After setting down my bowl, she proceeds to fixing hers, and once it's ready, she sits down and then we both start eating the meal she prepared.

Sunmi's POV:

As we start eating, I see Y/n take a small portion of the noodles on the chopsticks and lead it to his mouth and I wait for his reaction. At the very first bite on the noodles, his eyes sparkle.

(With mouth full) – Hmmmmmm! Wow, this is so good!

Sunmi: I'm glad you liked it. So, Y/n, what were you doing back there, at the alley of Music Bank's concert hall?

– I went to watch you perform...

Sunmi: Oh, is that so?

– Yeah. It was the first time I actually got to see you perform live.

Sunmi: That's nice. Did you enjoy the performance?

– I did a lot. It was a dream come true experience, for sure.

Sunmi: I'm glad to hear that. Now, changing topics quite a bit, if you don't mind, can you tell a bit about yourself?

– Well, there's not much to say. I'm twenty four years old-

Sunmi: So, you're six years younger than me, interesting.

– Yep. I own a small apartment and work at a convenience store.

Sunmi: Do you have any dreams? Goals you still want to achieve, maybe.

– Not really. I'm just a simple man working my way through life. But being here with you, having dinner, like this is beyond any dream I've ever had.

Sunmi (chuckling): I thought you'd say that.

After this brief introduction, we proceed to eat, with some occasional small conversations, here and there. And about an hour later, after we finish eating, we go back to the living room, turning on the TV at some random channel. 

After a while, as Y/n pulls out his cellphone and looks at the time, being past ten o'clock, whichgets him to stand from the couch, saying:

– Holy shit, I gotta go! Thank you for the meal and sheltering me as I was hurt. It was also an honor to meet you.

Sunmi: Oh, okay, that's pretty sudden. Anyway, I was just making sure you were okay, so yeah, you're welcome. Do you want a ride back home?

– No, thank you, I'll be fine. Plus, you alreadydid so much for me and we literally just met, which I really appreciate.

Sunmi: It was rhetorical, cuz there's no way I'm letting you walk these streets alone, at this time of the night.

– It's not really necessa-

Sunmi: I insist! Now, let's go.

– Okay... Thank you, then.

Sunmi: You're welcome, dear.

Your POV:

And as I give up on arguing, I quickly get my stuff and start to follow Sunmi, who leads us to the garage. We then get to her car, quickly getting in and as she starts the engine, Sunmi asks the directions to my house. Once I give it to her, she starts leaving her house, heading to mine.

As we were hitting the road, since Sunmi was on the steering wheel, I decide to scroll through social media. As I was scrolling down on Instagram, I see Sunmi's latest update, which she looks stunning, just like always. Suddenly the car stops, with me finally coming back to reality after zoning out over the cellphone.

Sunmi: There you go, buddy.

– Thank you for the ride.

Sunmi: No problem. Before you leave, can you give me your number?

– Uh, not that I mind to do so, but why?

Sunmi: In case of an emergency.

– Okay. I don't know what kind of emergency you could have that I'd be able to solve, but sure.

I then quickly write down the number on a piece of paper I had and hand it over to Sunmi and as I do, she puts the paper in her purse. 

Sunmi: Thanks. Well, I have to go now.

– Again, thanks for the ride home.

Sunmi: No worries. See you around, Y/n.

– Bye.

And once we give our farewells, Sunmi drives away as I keep watching her and once she's gone from my sight, I head inside the house, going straight to my bedroom, lying on the bed. I don't know why, but I feel like today was not the last time I saw Sunmi in person and if that's really the case, I'm totally fine with it.


It's been two and half weeks since you met Sunmi. It was ten in the morning, on a Saturday, when you get a call, waking you up, while you groan in frustration. After a few instants fumbling the nightstand, you finally find your phone, answering it:

– Who's this and why you're calling so soon in the day?

Sunmi: Hey, Y/n. Sorry to call you this early, in the morni-

– Sunmi?! Oh, shit! I'm so sorry! I thought it was a scam call or something.

Sunmi (chuckling): It's okay. So, let me ask you something. Do you have any plans for today?

– Not really, why?

Sunmi: Well, do you wanna hang out? I called Hyuna, but she already has plans. Anyway, are you up to the idea?

– You're literally my favorite singer, so the fact that you expect a negative answer is quite amusing.

Sunmi (chuckling): Pabo. So, do you want me to meet you at your house or is there someplace else that's better for you?

– If it's not too much trouble for you, you can meet me up at the coffee shop, beside my workplace. I suppose it's closer to your house and it'll be better than coming all the way to my place. Anyway, I'll send you the address, later. What time is this, well, date gonna happen?

Sunmi: About three o'clock. Is it okay for you?

– It is.

Sunmi: Great. It's settled, then. See you later, Y/n.

– See you.

Your POV:

After we set the details for the date, we hang up, with me putting the phone back on the nightstand. So, this really happened. Sunmi literally just asked me out. I must be still dreaming. Once I put these amusing thoughts away, I sit on the bed, stretching myself, cracking as many bones as I can. When I finish, I leave the room, heading to the bathroom to wash my face and wake myself up. After I'm finished, since it's a bit early, I head to the living room, turning on the TV and setting the drama I'm currently watching.

Sunmi's POV:

I was in my room, lied on the bed, when suddenly my cellphone rings. As I pick it up, I hear Hyuna saying:

– Hey, you're still up for that hang out, cuz I'm finished, here.

Sunmi: No can do. I already have plans.

Hyuna: Seriously? So fast?

Sunmi: Bite me, Hyuna.

Hyuna: And what you're gonna do?

Sunmi: I scheduled, let's call it a date, with someone.

Hyuna: Wow. Who's the lucky bastard?

Sunmi: Well, let's say he's not famous.

Hyuna: Hold on. It's that boy, isn't it?

Sunmi: Maybe...

Hyuna: You really fell for him, didn't ya?

Sunmi: Don't at me. He's a nice guy and I wanna be friends with him.

Hyuna: You forgot the 'girl' of your friend, there.

Sunmi: Shut up! Anyway, since you're finished, can you come over? I want some help with the make-up.

Hyuna: Sure thing

I then hang up the phone and lay on the bed, once again. About forty minutes go by, when I hear the doorbell, it must be Hyuna. I get up from the bed and head to the front door and once I open it, revealing Hyuna as Ipredicted, she says:

– Hey, bestie.

Sunmi: Hey. Thanks for coming.

Hyuna: No problemo.

She then gets in, going to the living room, sitting on the couch. Once I sit next to her, Hyuna asks:

– So, what time is the date?

Sunmi: Three o'clock.

Hyuna: We still got time, then. It's still twelve thirty. Wanna watch something?

Sunmi: I'm watching Bulgasal, Immortal Souls, these days.

Hyuna: You too? Which chapter you're on?

Sunmi: The sixth one, and you?

Hyuna: The eighth one.

And after Hyuna's answer, I set the drama for us to watch. Due to the length of the chapter and the already scheduled time, we end up watching only one episode. I look at the time, one thirty, better start prepping myself. I get to my closet and start looking for something to wear. After picking some casual clothes, I ask Hyuna to help me with the makeup. As she was putting it on, worried that something might not look good, I tell her:

– Nothing exaggerated, please. I don't want to scare him off.

Hyuna: Chill, Sunmi-ssi. I know your style.

About twenty minutes later, with the makeup ready, I look at the clock again, two o'clock, a bit ahead of time, great. I quickly get my purse, putting everything necessary in it and once I finish packing, both me and Hyuna head to the door. Once we step outside, Hyuna says 'bye', but I call her, asking:

– Hold on. You came with your car, right?

Hyuna: Yeah, I did. Why?

Sunmi: Can you take me?

– You're serious?

Sunmi: Yeah, I am. I wanna surprise him, by taking you and well, you'll get to know him, consciously.

Hyuna: If you say so.

We then head to the sidewalk, where her car was parked, quickly getting in it and as Hyuna starts the engine, she asks the directions for the date place. Once I give it to her, she starts heading to the coffee shop.

Your POV:

After three chapters, I get my cellphone and look at the time. Oh, shit! It's one thirty, already! I then turn off the TV and go back to my room, quickly changing clothes. Once changed, I get all the necessities I'll need and with everything ready, I finally leave the house.

Damn it, I should've eaten something before I left the house. Once I arrive at the coffee shop, instead of heading in, I look around for a place to eat. After wondering around, I find a restaurant. This'll do. As I entered the place, I sit side to the windows, quickly picking up the menu. After looking for about a minute, I make the order and after another few minutes, it arrives. I then start eating the meal, finishing it in less than half an hour. Once I'm finished, I pay for the lunch and leave the restaurant, going to coffee shop, where we agreed to meet at.

Once inside the shop, I sit at one of the tables, while I wait for Sunmi. Time goes by and about twenty minutes later, I see a red sport car parking in front of the shop and as I predicted, it was Sunmi. Once I see her leaving the car, I get up from the table I'm at, going outside to greet her. I then step outside, walking towards Sunmi and once I'm face to face with her, I greet her, saying:

– Hi... You're looking gorgeous... As always...

(A/N: Her outfit for the date:)

Sunmi: Thank you. You're looking nice, too.

– Thanks...

After zoning out for a moment, due to the goddess before me, I come back to reality, finally noticing the figure that accompanied Sunmi.

– Is she- Is she Hyuna?!

Sunmi: Yup. Hyuna, meet Y/n.

Hyuna: Hi, Y/n. It's good to see you awake and well.

– Uh, what does she mean by that?

Sunmi: She helped me bring you to my place, that night.

– Oh. Thank you.

Hyuna: No worries. So, Sunmi-ssi, since you got no car, do you want me to pick you up, later or can you go home by yourself?

Sunmi: I'll call an Uber, thank you.

Hyuna: Okay. Have fun love birds.

And once Hyuna says such line that makes my cheeks burn, while it probably turns in a scarlet tone,she gets in the car, leaving right after. Once she's gone and I recompose myself, I call for Sunmi, saying:

– So, shall we?

Sunmi: Let's go.

We then head into the coffee shop and due to the lack of a line, we walk straight to the balcony, with the cashier greeting us:

– Hello, welcome to Starbucks. May I take your order?

– Hello. Yes, please. I'd like a venti cappuccino, with chocolate.

Cashier: Anything else?

– No, that's it.

Cashier: Okay. Your name, please.

– Y/n.

Cashier: Okay. Hold on. She's Sunmi, right?

Sunmi: Yes, it's me.

Cashier: Wow, a celebrity presence. Who'd thought? Anyway, may I take your order?

Sunmi: Yes, please. I want a caramel bubble tea.

Cashier: Sure thing. Anything else?

Sunmi: No, thank you.

Cashier: Okay. Just wait on that side of the balcony, that we'll call you by your names.

– Thank you.

As asked to, we go at the left side of the balcony, as we wait for our orders. Once we set ourselves, I turn to Sunmi, saying:

– So... Hyuna is quite a character, huh?

Sunmi: Well, yes, but actually, no. She was just messing with me, with the typical 'bestie's crush' jokes.

– Oh...

Sunmi: Yeah, childish as hell, but you know, it's just best friend's things.

(Chuckling) – I get it. Honestly, didn't think she was that kind of person.

Sunmi: Let's just say, don't believe in anything you see on TV related to us idols. Almost everything is an act to please the public.

– Where's the secret on that, tho?

Sunmi (chuckling): Pabo.

And right after Sunmi's answer, the cashier calls for our names, so we walk towards the balcony, getting our orders. With them in hands, we leave the coffee shop, starting to wander around the block. As I was distracted with some random thoughts, I hear Sunmi calling for me, saying:

– So, Y/n, there's something I've been wanting to ask you.

– Go ahead.

Sunmi: Since when you're a fan and how did it happen?

– Well, it was back in (the year you became a fan). I was randomly scrolling through social media, until I saw your latest comeback at the time. I listened to it partially and fell for it. After that, I went to YouTube to listen to it, entirely and ended up falling for you and later, your songs. Then after that, I started searching more about you and now, here I am, having a date with you, which still feels like a dream.

Sunmi: I imagine so. So you're not a fan from the Wonder Girls time, interesting.

– I listened to a few songs of the group and they're pretty nice, but I still prefer you as a soloist. Now, can I ask you something?

Sunmi: Of course.

– How should I call you? Noona or sunbae, cuz I've been avoiding to say your name, afraid of you thinking I was being casual and disrespectful towards you.

Sunmi(chuckling): So, that's why. Well, since I'm older than you, noona is fine.

And after Sunmi's clarification, we keep talking until eventually, we both finish our beverages and once we're done, we throw them in the nearest trash can we could find. About an hour later, as I was slightly distracted, still not believing the fact that I'm in a date with Sunmi, I hear her calling me, asking:

– So, wanna grab something to eat? Don't know about you, but I'm hungry.

– Yeah, sure. I didn't really have a proper lunch.

Sunmi: Sorry to hear that. Well, I know a burger place not far from here.

– Lead us the way.

We then start walking, now heading to the snack bar. After fifteen minutes, we arrive at the place, quickly entering the establishment. We then look for an available table and once we find one, side to the window, we finally sit at it. Lastly, we grab the menu and start looking at what to eat.

Sunmi: So, what are you having?

– A burger with a coke, and you?

Sunmi: The same, but with a Sprite. Do you mind sharing a portion of fries? The whole portion with the burger is too much, but just the burger won't be enough.

(Chuckling) – Sure, we can share the fries.

Sunmi (chuckling): Thanks, Y/n.

Once we decide it, we call for a waiter, that instantly shows up and once we order, he leaves the table.

Sunmi's POV:

About fifteen minutes later, our snacks arrive and once the waiter places the baskets down and leaves, I start devouring my burger, while Y/n looks at me with certain... Disgust? I can't tell. As he keeps staring, I ask, glaring:

– What?!

– I guess you really wanted to eat a burger, huh?

Sunmi: Don't at me!

(Chuckling) – Calm down, noona. I'm just teasing ya.

Sunmi (sarcastically): You have a lot of guts to act like that towards an idol.

– I know, but I'm only acting like this, cuz you not only seem to not care, but actually prefers it than the typical hysterical and obsessed fan that you might meet, once in a while.

Sunmi: Well, you're not wrong, about both statements.

And as I answer, we proceed to eat, with some occasional small conversations, here and there. After half an hour of eating and chatting, we finish our burgers, so we head to the cashier. As I was taking my wallet out, Y/n stops me, so I tell him:

– I can pay for my own meal, you know?

– And I have no doubt of that, but like I said earlier, you're my favorite person in the whole world and it'd be an honor to pay a meal for you, so please let me do so.

Sunmi (blushing): Oh, okay.

He then, pays for both meals and once he's done, we leave the snack bar, right after. As we're outside, I call for Y/n, saying:

– Well, it's still early to go back, so, I thought about us going to the park, near here. Is that okay?

– At this rate, I'm just following you, so sure.

Sunmi (chuckling): Cute.

Since the park was nearer than I expected, we arrive at it, in less than ten minutes.

As we we're walking, I suddenly feel Y/nreaching for my hand and once I look down and then at him, he retreat his hand,pretending like nothing happened. Kind of a bold move, but also pretty cute. Aswe were walking, a few thoughts were surrounding my head, so I decide to breakthe comfortable silence we were in, saying:

– This is really nice. Being outdoors like this.

– Gotta agree on that.

Sunmi: I wish I had more time to do these things. These simpler activities. You know what I mean, Y/n?

And once I look back at him, he's staring at me, but not in a creepy way. I can't really tell, but it's like with affection. 

(A/N: Your POV:)

And as I was about to call him, he snaps back to reality, with his cheeks turning red. So cute.

– Oh, sorry... It wasn't on purpose...

Sunmi: It's okay, Y/n. This whole 'going on a date with your idol' has its effects, apparently.

– You have no idea. Especially when your idol is hella pretty, like you.

Sunmi: So, you're saying I'm pretty?

– Wait, what?! No! I mean, yeah, but-

Sunmi: So, I'm not pretty?

– Yes! Yes you are! Argh! Stop messing with me, like that!

Sunmi (laughing): Calm down, Y/n. There's no need to get nervous like that.

We keep walking around and about half an hour later, I find a bench, so I pull Y/n to sit with me. Once we set ourselves, I rest my head on Y/n's shoulder, making him flinch. He's so cute.

Sunmi (sighing): This feels so good, y'know? Both of us here, wandering around the neighborhood, going out to eat and now, coming here to the park. I wish I could do more of these activities, but with the idol life, it's impossible do such things.

– Sorry to hear that.

Sunmi: Well, I can't really complain, right? After all, I'm the one who chose to have this life.

– I disagree and I'm sorry for not being able to speak your mind without being somehow punished.

Sunmi: Yeah...

– Well, you already have my number, so if you ever need someone to blur out about your idol life and this toxic industry you're part of, just message me and I'll try to listen, and help as much as I can.

Sunmi: Thanks, Y/n. I guess I got lucky for having such a caring fan like you.

Time goes by and as I was enjoying this very calm and relaxing state we were in, my cellphone rings and buzzes. A bit hesitant for having an idea of what it might be about, I pick up the device and look at the notification on the screen, it's from the CEO. Shit. With my heart aching, I call for Y/n, saying:

– As much as I don't want this date to end, I have to go. It was the CEO.

– What does he want?

Sunmi: He wants me to do some vocal tests. Ugh, shit. Time really flies when you're doing something you're enjoying, huh?

– I guess so...

Sunmi: I'm so sorry, Y/n. If it was for me, we'd hang out till past midnight.

(Chuckling) – Don't get my hopes up, like that.

Sunmi (also chuckling): Sorry.

Your POV:

After she says such sentence, Sunmi unwraps herself from my arm, while we get up from the bench and once we're up, she says:

– Don't be sad, Y/n. I promise I'll try to come up with something, so we can meet again.

(Chuckling) – Thanks. That's very nice of you.

Sunmi: Okay, you still got something on your mind. Spill it.

– It's just that... This date gives hope for something that I know it'll never happen...

Sunmi: Oh...

– Sorry. I know I'm daydreaming waaay too much, but it's kinda hard not to. Especially after all we did on just one date.

Sunmi: It's okay... I- I understand...

Sunmi then proceeds to grab my left hand, slowly rubbing her thumb on the back of my knuckle. After caressing it for about a minute, she slowly lets go of my hand and takes out her phone and start fumbling on it and after a few instants, she says:

– I called an Uber for you.

– Thanks. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you're way kinder than I imagined.

Sunmi (chuckling): Thanks, Y/n. You're pretty funny. I like that in you.

– Nice. My chances of dating you rose from zero to, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one.

Sunmi (chuckling): I rather not have a saying about such matter. Anyway, I'll try my best for us to have a second date. You acted really nice as a stress reliever.

– Glad I could help.

And as I finish the sentence, the Uber arrives, but when the driver calls my name, I tell them to wait a bit, immediately turning back to Sunmi:

– Well, this was fun. Hope we get to do it, at least one more time.

Sunmi: Yeah, it was. And don't worry, we will, I promise you.

– Before I go... Can I... Hug you...?

Sunmi: Of course...

We then proceed to do so, resting our heads into the crooks of our necks. After a moment, once we pull apart, I finally get in the car, with the driver starting the engine. As I was leaving, I wave one last good bye to Sunmi, who waves back. Moments later, she's gone from my sight, making me sigh. I really hope I get to see her again...

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