Avatar but yes

By IaMTheHUmAnPeopLEs

469 4 0

The skies of Pandora were clear the day Ta'ni or Tristan, to the less cultured humans, was 'born'. They drain... More



19 0 0
By IaMTheHUmAnPeopLEs

The polluted air of Bridgehead City makes Ta'ni cringe as he walks with Spider, Quatrich and the other re-coms through the landing bay. The sounds of the SAMSONS blades grow louder as they near the aircraft, pushing the air around them. Spider runs up to the closest M60 machine gun attached to the vessel and starts messing with it. Quatrich is quick to take it out of his hands. Ta'ni smirks at Quaritch's paternal response and silently praises the boy for making his life just a little bit harder.

After successfully sitting Spider down, Quaritch starts warning the teen of the tracker in his exo-pack, the once lighthearted vibes now tarnished and he turns to Ta'ni

"You better not run off either. I have plenty of ideas of what I could do to you if you try."

He warns, the smirk not leaving his face as he climbs onto the SAMSON after Ta'ni who scoffs and whispers,


Under his breath, begrudgingly taking a seat next to a hyped up z-dog.

After landing in a clearing, Quaritch starts to give the group the laydown of the situation.

"Alright, listen up. Jake Sully's gone underground, That don't matter. We'll find him and his batshit crazy wife too."

This sentence makes a wave of snickers echo throughout the re-coms as he continues,

"To do so, we go Na'vi. Full tilt all the way. That means we eat Na'vi, we ride Na'vi, Think Na'vi. Ulte tsnaw sngä'i plltxe Na'vi." (and that starts with the language)

He finishes in broken Na'vi.

Spider and Ta'ni let out giggles of amusement at the words just said.

"Plltxe nìNa'vi tsafya srak? Plltxe nga na 'eveng ahì'i!"

(You call that speaking Na'vi? You sound like a three-year old!)

Spider comments still snickering and glancing at Ta'ni's amused face.

"It is pronounced, ulte tsaw sngä'i fa fwa pivlltxe nìNa'vi."

Ta'ni adds, a large smile still present on his face.

"You just went from our monkey mascots to our official interpreter and teacher."

Quaritch states looking between the two as their smiles fall.


Running through the Hallelujah mountains filled Ta'ni with serenity as he jumped from boulder to boulder and climbed up vines on their journey to the Ikran roost. A bubble of excitement swelled in his chest at the thought of reuniting with his long missed Ikran. It had been such a long time since he saw her. In his bliss he hears Spider's voice echoing from below,

"Keep up, losers!"

Only then did Ta'ni realise how far ahead he was. Stopping to let Spider catch up to him, he looks out at the view he missed so dearly. When Spider returns to his side they continue on. The re-coms can make it up without him.

When everyone finally makes it to the ledge, Ta'ni is already calling for his Ikran, preparing to demonstrate how tsaheylu is performed. The sound of a familiar screech reaches his ears and a bright smile appears on his face as IKRAN NAME perches next to him. He turns around ready to show the re-coms how iknimaya works but is stopped by the sight of tranquilliser guns.

"What are you doing?"

He asks while tilting his head in confusion.

Quaritch turns to look at Ta'ni, confusion present on his face too.

"What?" he asks only for Spider to speak up and stop stifling his giggles,

"Na'vi Kids younger than me do this with their bare hands," he laughs.

Quatrich's face turns to one of determination as he turns fully towards Ta'ni.

"Jake Sully did it the hard way?"

Ta'ni nods before speaking,

"I will show you how."

Ta'ni signals for IKRAN NAME and pulls his tswin in front of him, displaying it to the re-coms.

"This is kuru or queue. It is used to connect you to eywa. In this case, you are bonding with your Ikran. Ikran only bond with one rider their whole lives."

Ta'ni explains as he connects he and IKRAN NAMES tswin.

"To tell if an Ikran has chosen you, it will try to kill you." He finishes hopping on the back of IKRAN NAME and watching Quaritch walk forward.

The Ikran that walked forward was a beautiful hue of navy blue with stripes of orange and gold running down its wings, reminding Ta'ni of lava. It roars in attempts to intimidate before lunging its head forward in hopes of attacking. Quaritch was quick to dodge and throw a strong punch into the side of its face, angering it even more. It goes to attack twice more, Quaritch barely dodging both times before grabbing the base of its left tswin, being pulled up and flying onto its back. Fighting for his life to stay on.

"Did we mention you're supposed to tie the mouth shut first?"

Spider shouts out to him, watching in amusement at Quaritch's flailing about and suffering.

"Thanks a lot, kid!"

He shouts back, holding on for dear life as his struggle ends with him and the Ikran slipping off the edge of the cliff. As they start plummeting to their death, Ta'ni realises what has just happened and flies down towards the falling figures in order to save them just in case they aren't able to bond. Knowing that somehow Quaritch was going to make it he doesn't worry too much. Ta'ni was right, as Quaritch manages to make the connection and starts flying in a more controlled way.

"Well done Cornel." Ta'ni congratulates as he flies next to him.

"You did well for your first flight."

The complement catches Miles off guard and he turns to look at Ta'ni, a shocked expression gracing his features.

"You fly well yourself." his lips quirk upwards in a smirk.

"I'm surprised you didn't fly off already." He comments looking at the older Na'vi.

"And leave Spider alone with dangerous strangers? No thank you." Ta'ni replies, a small smile on his face. They continue flying back towards the other re-coms, Ta'ni giving tips on how to stay steady.

Quaritch returns whooping in celebration, leading to everyone celebrating and finding their own Ikrans.

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