Mafia (YoonMin)


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Park Jimin was a cold blood mafia king. Who is CEO of Park Enterprises. He is the richest mafia boss in Seoul... More

Chapter 00 (Introduction)
Chapter 1: The Park Company
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: Saving Their Sisters
Chapter 4: Sunshine
Chapter 5: YeomKook
Chapter 6: Park Mafia Meeting!
Chapter 7: Min House Hold
Chapter 8: Choi's House
Chapter 9: Park Mansion
*Important This Is Not A Chapter Update*
What The Character's Are Wearing Friday Night
Chapter 10: Infinity Night Club (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Infinity Night Club (Part 2)*⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Chapter 11: Friday Night After The Club!! *⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
What The Park Family Mafia Is Wearing Saturday Night
Chapter 14: Saturday Night Wild Young And Free! (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Saturday Night Wild Young And Free! Part 2) *⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Chapter 15: Marks and Hoseok House!!!
Chapter 16:*⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Chapter 17: Park Meeting (PART 1)*⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Chapter 17: Park Meeting (PART 2)*⚠️Warning Suicide and Self-Harm ⚠️*
Chapter 18: Hospital
Chapter 19: Warehouse
Chapter 20: Hospital
Chapter 21: Yoonmin
Chapter 22: Meeting and ⚠️🔞WARNING SMUT🔞⚠️*
Chapter 23: TEAM MEETING *⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Chapter 24: TEAM ONE LEAVES *⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Special Chapter: Yoonmin *⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Special Chapter: Yoonmin, HoJack, MarkBam, and NamJin
Chapter 25 Part 1: TEAM TWO MEETING
Chapter 25 Part 2:Team Two Meeting
Chapter 25 Part 3:Team Two Love Making Before They Leave⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Special Chapter: Chin Hwa Territory
Chapter 27 Part 1: TEAM THREE MEETING
Chapter 27 Part 2: Team Three Love Making Before They Leave⚠️🔞Warning SMUT🔞⚠️*
Character Information
Chapter 29: Training Day Part 1
Chapter 29: Training Day Part 2
Chapter 29: Training Day Part 3
Special Chapter: Jin Mission Converting Lee Chris To Park Family Mafia!
Chapter 30: Team Meeting for Drug Meet
Chapter 31: Friday Night
Chapter 32: Saturday Part 1
Chapter 33: War
Chapter 34: Yoongi Part 1
Chapter 34: Yoongi Part 2

Chapter 32: Saturday Part 2

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Message from Author!

Hello Lovelies

This is going to be another long chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it! 

Previously on Mafia:

Yoongi, Jin, Hobi, Mark and Jungkook made it back to the Parks house. Once they got to the house they all made there way into Hosoeks bedroom. Since first place Jimin would look for Yoongi is in Jins bedroom. 

Yoongi: I am leaving tonight. You guys do not have to leave with me. I know you guys said you will have my back and leave with me too.

Jungkook: I am coming with you brother. I have to be there for you and my niece/nephew.

Jin: I told you love if you leave I leave with you. You are going to need all the help you can get.

Mark: I am coming with you. I told you were in this together.

Hobi: I have everything ready for us to leave tonight. We will be leaving with mine and Marks Jet. No one knows we have our own personal Jet. I found a nice big ass house for use in LA.

Mark: I also found us bodyguards as well.

Jin: I have everything stocked in our new home.

Yoongi: Jungkook are you sure you want to leave. Yugyeom is out of town right now and I do not think it would be fair for you to leave just yet. I think you should stay until he comes back home safe and sound. Once he finds out you left he will be all in his head and not able to concentrate on the job. He could get hurt.

Jungkook: Okay, fine I will stay here. But I tell everyone you guys went aboard somewhere and would not tell me. Once Yugyeom comes back I will be on the next flight to you guys. But if something happens to Yoongi. Your ass better have your Jet ready for me.

Mark: Well duh, of course, and when you are ready the jet will always be waiting for you.

Jungkook: Please take care of Yoongi.

Jin, Mark, and Hobi: Of Course, we will.

Yoongi: Okay, everyone pack as soon as everyone is out of the house. I expect you guys to write letters to your boyfriends.

Current Time On Mafia:

Yoongi, his brother, and friends were sitting in Hoseok's bedroom talking about what they need to get taken care of before they left.

Yoongi: Okay you guys I think its best that you guys go spend time with your boyfriends before they leave for tonight's mission and before we leave. I am asking you to genuinely think about this before we leave. Also make sure you write them a letter. But I also think someone else should stay here with Jungkook. That way he has some kind of back up.

Jungkook: I am staying here with you. We need to send something to Jay. Especially since we are trying to be closer to each other.

Jin: Yoongi I am coming with you no matter what you say. I was thinking the same thing.

Hobi: I will stay here with Jungkook. Once this shit is over we will leave and meet you guys in LA. I will give you 3 burner phones. Mark can go with you guys since he speaks English. Mark are you okay with going?

Mark: Yes, of course I am and happy to go with my best friends. I am make sure Yoongi gets all the treatment he needs for the baby.

Yoongi: I am going to miss you guys so much *Yoongi crying* I fucking hate these pregnancy hormones. One moment I am happy and then the next I am fucking crying.

They all laugh at Yoongi.

Hobi: You know your crying because you are going to miss us so much!

Jungkook: What are you going to do without us?

Yoongi: I do not know; I just know I am going to miss you both so much! OMG Jay is going to be so mad because I left. OMG what am I going to do. I cannot have him mad at me. I just need time for myself.

Jungkook: Calm down bro you can be getting like this right now. You got to think about the baby. You can write Jay a letter or maybe call him.

Yoongi: I want to call him and speak with him so he can hear it from me. Kookie can we call him while everyone goes spend time with their lovers.

Jungkook: Yes, we can.

Jin: I am going to go see if Namjoon is still here.

Mark: Same I want to spend time with Bambam before we leave.

Hobi: I am going to go see Jackson before he leaves for this drug meet.

Yoongi: okay see you guys when everyone leaves.

Everyone left Yoongi and Jungkook in Hoseok bedroom. While they all went to spend time with their boyfriends. The two brothers were left alone, and they decided to reach out to Jay. Yoongi was praying that his brother would answer his phone since he is on a mission and maybe super buys. The phone rang three times and Jay picked up before the fourth ring.

Jay: Hey, is everything okay Yoongi!

Yoongi: Hey Jay, it is me and Jungkook and you are on speaker phone.

Jay: Hey baby brothers! What is going on? I know you guys would not call unless it was important.

Yoongi: *starts crying* I...I d.ddon't want you to be mad at me

Jay: why would I be mad at you Yoonie

Yoongi: I am pregnant, and we followed Jimin to cafe where he met his ex at and at first I thought he was choosing me but then they kissed. I can't take it anymore brother. I am tired of the one who is always getting hurt. I told him to make the right choice and I would tell him this special gift. But if he chose wrong then he would have to leave with it the rest of his life. I am leaving with Jin and Mark tonight, and I wanted to let you know. Jungkook and Hobi are supposed to come when this is all over. Please do not be mad at me big brother. I am so sorry, and I did not want this to happen. I should of listen to you, however, I would not have this bundle of Joy growing in me.

Jay: mmhhm! I am not mad at you little bro! I could never be mad at you. I want you to be happy and if you have to leave to be happy then I am so happy with that. I don't want you stay and be unhappy. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

Yoongi: Big brother, when I am ready I will come back to Korea, but I am going far away. I do not want you to know where I am going because that way they cannot do anything to you.

Jay: Do not worry about me baby bro! I got Kookie and my friends right beside me. Now all I want for you is to take care of yourself and my niece/nephew.

Yoongi: I will send you pictures when I can, and I will have a burner phone so I can contact you. I love you so much and I am going to miss you and Jungkook so much.

Jay: Hey now no more crying. I am going to miss you so much my little Yoonie! If you need me anytime just call me and I will be on the next flight.

Yoongi: The only thing I really want is you and Jungkook there when I give birth brothers. I cannot have my baby with you guys there. I will call you guys after every appointment.

Jay: We will come two weeks before you give birth.

Yoongi: I will let Hobi know when my due date is close as well and he will have the plan ready for you guys.

Jungkook: Big Bro please hurry back I do not want to stay with this guy all by myself. I don't have you guys hear with me and now I'm going to be alone. I am going to miss you guys so much.

Jay: My little Kookie do not crybaby bro! This is almost over, and we are going to hit them here soon. I will be back with you, and we can go back to our house.

Jungkook: promise!

Jay: I promise! I love you both so much and I will see you guys soon. I have to go now, okay?

The three brothers bid each other goodbye, and I love you as well.

Jin has made his way down to Namjoons bedroom and he take a few deep breaths before he enters his boyfriends bedroom. Jin opens the bedroom door and walks in and shuts the door behind him. Jin walks further into the bedroom and see Namjoon laying on the bed. 

Jin: Joonie what are you doing?

Namjoon: Nothin baby just laying down before I have to head to the warehouse! Want to lay with me my love! 

Jin: Of course I would love to lay with you!

Namjoon: Baby thank you so much for sticking by my side and not leaving me. My brother is a fucking idiot I don't understand why he would message his ex when she tried to kill him. Please don't ever leave me love! I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. 

Jin: Joonie, I have something to tell you! Yoongi, Mark, Jungkook, Hobi and I followed Jimin to where he was meeting his ex. However, we thought Jimin choose to stay with Yoongi but then They kissed and he had his hands wrapped around her waist and this broke Yoongi's heart. 

Namjoon: OMFG you gotta be fucking kidding me. How fucking stupid is my brother. I could never ever go back to my ex especially since I found the love of my life. I love you so much Jinnie. I can't picture my life without you ever. I'm so happy you gave me another chance. 

Jin: *felt guilty because he is about to leave* I love you so much Joonnieee with all my heart. You are the love of my life and I cannot picture my life with you. You feel like my safe haven. Can you please make sure you come back safe and sound tonight! *tears falling down his face*

Namjoon: *Namjoon taking his thumbs and wiping the tears away* I promise I'll come back to you safe and sound my love. I need to start getting ready my love! 

Jin: I love you so much my love! 

Namjoon: okay baby I gotta go now! 

Namjoon walked up to Jin and wrapped his arms around Jin waist and kissed him passionately. They hugged each other and then Namjoon walked to the door and left the bedroom. Jin left the bedroom and walked back to Hoseok's bedroom. 

Mark made it back to his and Bambam's bedroom and he took a few deep breaths before entering into the bedroom. He walks in the bedroom and sees his boyfriend getting ready for the mission:

Mark: Hey baby!

Bambam: Hey baby, how was your day!

Mark: It was good until your boss fucked up and broke my best friends heart!

BamBam: What happened love!

Mark: *explains everything that happened earlier today* Now everything is a mess!

BamBam: OMFG he such a fucking idiot! I swear to god. If he loses Yoongi that is on him for being the most stupidest person in the world right now.

Mark: I want to tell you something, but I know if I tell you then you would tell everyone and would stop me, and I cannot have that.

Bambam: Baby just tell me!

Mark: Yoongi is leaving, and I am not telling you where he is going. But I am leaving with him. He needs someone to help him. Yoongi is broken and he needs me right now. I am so sorry love. I do not want to leave you. But I cannot lose Yoonie. This may be selfish of me to ask you to wait for me.

BamBam: Baby no you go be with Yoonie. I know he needs you guys right now and I am completely fine with it. I will wait for you forever long it may take you to come back to me my love. Once this stupid shit is over. I will fly to visit you for a few weeks. How does that sound my love. Yoongi is the most sweet and kindest person and if leaving will help him then I want was best for that kitten.

Mark: I love you so much and thank you so much for understanding this situation. I do not know what I would do if you had left me for what I am doing. Yes I would love that so much. Please be super careful tonight my love. I will leave some of my clothes with you so you can have them, and I am taking a few of your clothes so I can have them. I will miss you and I love you baby.

BamBam: Your welcome love! That is fine with me. I love you so much baby. I will make sure I come back safe. Make sure you message me when you land as well.

Mark: I will baby!

BamBam: Okay my love I have to go now.

They kissed each other goodbye and hugged each other one last time and Bambam walked out the door. Mark walked to the closet and started packing his stuff and making sure to grab some of Bambams hoodies, shirts, and sweatpants to take with him. He also made sure that he left some of his stuff for his boyfriend. Once he was done packing he made his way back to Hoseok's bedroom.

Hobi walked down the hallway to his boyfriends bedroom. He had to tell him goodbye and give him kisses until he left. Once Hobie reached the door he opened it, walked into the bedroom, and shut the door.

Jackson: Hey sexy!

Hobi: *blushes* Hey daddy!

Jackson: Oh, Hobi do not start because I do not have to time to finish it!

Hobi: Well, you butter make sure you make it back home safely so you can finish it daddy!

Jackson: Oh, I will be back safely, and you can count on that my love! How was your day!

Hobi: Fucking shit show all because of Jimin. *Hobi explains everything but not that the part about Yoongi being pregnant.*

Jackson: what the fuck is wrong with these Park brothers. How can they make their loves pissed off and broken hearted. Baby I love you so much and I would never do that to you ever.

Hobi: I know my love and I am so happy to have you has my boyfriend and not some dumbass park brothers.

They both look at each other and laugh!

Jackson: How is Yoongi doing? Fuck Jay is going to be so pissed off when he finds out!

Hobi: He not doing to good! He broke his heart into millions of little pieces. Yes jay will be pissed off!

Jackson: Well, let me know if he needs any help. But baby I have to go now.

Hobi: Okay daddy! I have to go and check on Yoongi anyways. Please come back safely and I love you so much!

Hobi walks over to Jackson and gives him a tight hug and then they kiss. Both of them walking out of the bedroom and going their separate ways.

Yoongi and Jungkook were laying on the bed waiting for the others to make it back to the bedroom. Everyone has already left the house and should be on their way back to the warehouse for the drug meeting now. Hobi, Mark and Jin made it back to the bedroom and all three of them walked into the bedroom.

Hobi: How did the call go with Jay.

Yoongi: He is pissed off with Jimin. He is not mad at me and told me if I need to leave to be happy then he is fine with that. He wants what is best for me and my baby. Hobi can you have a jet ready for Jungkook and Jay when my due date is near. they are going to come two before I am due because I want them next to me when I have my baby.

Hobi: Yes, Of course. I just want to let you know I will be there as well when its time.

Yoongi: Thank you!

Jungkook: Mark I see that you packed everything, but Jin where is your stuff?

Yoongi: You are not coming are you!

Jin: I am sorry bestie! I cannot leave Namjoon! I felt so guilty when we were talking, and he thanked me for giving him a second chance and that I am the love of his life, and he could not live without me. Your my best friend and I know Mark will protect you. But I cannot leave him Yoonie! Please do not be mad or hate me!

Yoongi: I do not hate you and I am not mad at you! I told you guys before you left make sure you want to do this! I'm so happy you found someone who appreciates you and loves you so much my bestie. I know Hobi is staying with Jungkook, but I am also glad he has you as well. Jay said they will be taking over Choi place in the next few days. Once he is done, Jungkook goes back to my house. Mark are you sure you want to leave? I can always go by myself.

Mark: I am positive I am going with you! Please do not be mad but I told Bambam everything and he is totally fine with me going with you! He wants you to be happy and if leaving makes you happy then so be it. He will come and visit me. The only worst part about leaving is that I am going to miss him so much and I will not know if he is okay or not! I am NGL and I am having a hard time.

Yoongi: Please stay Mark! I do not want you to feel like this. Hobi can you please reach out and have bodyguards ready to leave. Let the polit know I am coming alone and please have house maids ready for me when I land. I want someone who can speak English and Korea. I know English but not that good. Mark your staying and that is my final decision.

Mark: Are you sure?

Yoongi: Yes I am sure! To be honest with you guys I just need time for myself. I have a lot of money and I will not be broke. I can do this guys. I am not this little fragile person anymore. I want all you guys to visit when it's due date. I will send you guys pictures of me when I can. I am not going to be reaching out so much. I do not want them to find me. When I am ready I will come back to Korea, or I may not. I love you guys and I should be head to the airport now to leave.

They all hugged each other and gave Yoongi kisses. Yoongi grabbed all his stuff and walked out of the park Mansion and got into the car and left the Park Residents.

Time Skip: Warehouse

Jimin left the cafe and started to pull out of the cafe parking lot. He could not go home since he needed to be at the warehouse for the meet. He knew he fucked up and he do not know what he is going to do when he gets home. Yoongi is not going to be happy with him.

How can I do that to him?He has been broken so bad before him and I most likely just broke him more.I love him so much how can I let that bitch pull me in just like that.Jimin pulls up the warehouse and packs his care in the hiding spot.

He gets out of his care makes his way into his warehouse and sees everyone gathering around. Fuck he looks up and see Jackson, Bambam and Namjoon's faces. They must know what happened this afternoon.

Tae: Hey Jimin, we found explosive devices, Cameras, and trackers on our cars. He got rid of everything but the trackers. We will shut them off when they are closer to the warehouse. We have them blocked in. None can leave once they have entered.

Jimin: Good! I want them dead, and I want to send them back in body bags. No one and I mean no one crosses Park Mafia. Hwasa, Juliana is staying at the Tuscany hotel. She is now your toy you can do whatever you want with her. I want her dead.

Hwasa: With pleasure Twin! This is going to be so fun. I cannot wait!

Namjoon: Jay just called me and said they should be here in 10 minutes. I just turned off the tracking devices.

Jimin: Okay everyone get in your places. They do not leave this warehouse alive.

Everyone started to get into their places and hiding. The only team that was out was DK, Bobby, Solar, Taehyun and Wooyoung.

The Red Dragons have made their way into the warehouse. They get out of their cars and there is two cars. Five People get out of them. DK and his team looks pissed off.

Tony: Hello DK, are you ready to do business?

DK: I am ready, but I want to know why you have more people this time with you! What games are you playing at Tony!

Tony: I always bring 10 men with me DK!

DK: Shakes his head! Now you Tony you know we do not like liars! You do not think Jay did not tell us how many men you bring to a meeting or that you never change the day or time of the meet especially last minute. I hope you not trying to betray us.

Tony: Now DK to whom the fuck do you think your talking! You are a nobody! Watch your fucking tongue.

DK: I do not like that answer at all Tony! *whistles Jimin and the rest of Park Mafia come out*

Tony: Jimin what are you doing here! You have never came to a drug meet before!

Jimin: Well Tony when someone tries to play me and my crew we have a fucking issue! HOW FUCKING LONG HAVE BEEN DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU TONY! MAKING SURE YOU GET PAID LOTS OF FUCKING MONEY AND YOU WANT TO BE A RAT NOW!

Tony: Tell his men to pull out his gun! * But half of them points their guns at Tony* What the fuck do you think you are doing!

Jimin: Your men knew to join the winning team! They told you not to get into bed with Mr. Choi! Now I am going to destroy you and Mr. Hwa. I will let someone take over you shit, and it will be someone that is loyal then someone that is a rat. Jimin looks at the rest of Tony's men and said you have 2 seconds to make up your mind now or die with him. *they all bow their heads to Jimin*

Jimin pulls out his gun and shoots Tony in the head! I fucking hate rates.

Jimin: Okay get the drugs and we will figure out who would take over his company later. Get this place cleaned up and everyone can head home.

They work to get the warehouse cleaned up and took the money and drugs with them when they left.

Time Skip: Airport

Yoongi has made it to the airport! However, He was making moves all day without anyone knowing. He bought his own plan and will not be taking Hobi's jet because he knows they can track him. I have made my decision not to involve my brother and friends in this. I did not want anything to happened to them. But I am no longer going to LA. I am going to Florida, and I bought my house and everything. I pulled all my money out of my bank account before I left as well. I just want to be happy with my bundles of joy! I decided to text my friends, brothers and Jimin one last message and once I send this messages I leave the phone in the car.

Yoongi and his bodyguards gets out of the cars and starts boarding the plan. Polit comes out of the cockpit.

Pilot: Mr. Min we are loading the rest of your luggage and we will be taking off here int few minutes.

Yoong: Okay thank you can we hurry up and leave please.

Pilot: Right away sir!

Flight Attendant: Mr. Min let us know if you need anything!

Yoongi: I am going to go lay down in the back bedroom. Please provide anything my bodyguards will need.

Pilot: Okay we are about to take off now! Everyone please buckle up. Once we are the air you are able to move around. We will be landing in Florida 21 hours 31 minutes. We also will be landing in Japan for fuel and then again in London and then we will land in Florida after.

Once they were in the Air Jimin told everyone he was going to go lay down. Wake him up if they need anything. Jimin made it back to the bedroom on the plane and went to sleep. He lays on the bed and rubs his belly. It is just me and you two love bugs now! I'll make sure your always happy and will never get hurt my love bugs! I love you guys so much! I went to the doctors before I left, and I am pregnant with twins! I am sorry I could not make a complete family with your daddy! But mommy has to put us first. Yoongi slowly starts to drift off to sleep.

They have been flying for 21 hrs. and 30min they have finally landed in Florida.

Pilot: Hello everyone, we have landed in Florida. Everyone will be able to exit the plan in 10mintues.

Jimin was still sleep in the bedroom when the pilot made the announcement. His bodyguard named Joohoney made his way to the bedroom to wake up Jimin.

Joohoney: Mr. Min wake up; we have landed in Florida. We can exit the plan in 10mins.

Yoongi: okay thank you Joohoney! I will be out in a moment.

Well babies we have landed in Florida. Our new beginning and Home!


Authors Messages!

Hello Lovelies,

I truly hope you guys are enjoying the book!

Mmmm We probably got 3 more chapters left until the book is over!

What you guys think about Yoongi just up and leaving?

Do not forget to vote and comment your opinions! I will always replay!

Another update will be coming this week too!

Have a great day!

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