Monster Octopus

By SaidHarounSingano

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The manager of Electronic Technical Company Limited (ETCL) works hard to provide for his family. He is forced... More

Part 1

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By SaidHarounSingano

Michael works for an electronics manufacturer called Electronic Technical Company Limited (ETCL) in Dar es Salaam. In 2014, he was officially hired by this company. He is now in his 10th year with the company. He works hard, is diligent, and works hard. In accordance with his loyalty, he was given the position of overseeing his colleagues to ensure everything is going well.

Michael lives with his wife Anastasia. Their marriage is now five years old, they love each other very much and live in peace and love.But so far they do not have a single child. His brother and Michael complain that they have been living with a woman for years and have no children. You should just break up and find another child.

And his brother and Michael's wife are also complaining. I wish I could just marry another man and have a baby.
However, Michael told his wife that having children was God's plan. I didn't have a child, so let's continue, the day when we can have a child will come. Anastasia accepts her husband's words. Her life goes on. They live on in peace and love.

Michael told his wife today that I want to go swimming in the ocean at 10pm. Are you ready? His wife said yes I'm already there. I also like swimming in the sea.

At 10pm they went swimming in the sea. They were happy to be together and spend a lot of time together. After swimming, they went home and continued with other tasks. 

Michael has agreed to go swimming in the ocean with his wife if he quits his job and comes home at 10pm. 
This process continued daily as agreed. One day, when he reached the sea, Michael changed his swimming style. He always swims with his wife. But that day he left his wife in the shallows. 

He went swimming in the deep sea far away from his wife. When he got there, he saw a long object that changed color, sometimes green, sometimes blue, and immediately followed him. Michael responded by returning to the beach to save his life, but before he got there the monster attacked and entered his body.

Michael emerged from the sea and sat quietly on a rock on the beach. His wife came out and saw Michael upset and angry. Worse, he's dumb. She sat next to him and asked why he was suddenly angry and what was the matter. 

Michael went silent. Anastasia asked him to tell her why he was silent and what the problem was.
Michael, let's go home now!
Anastasia wondered why she had to go because the time had not yet come for them. Michael answered curtly.

Anastasia did not answer again. She never answered again, they got in the car and drove home.

At 7am Anastasia went to the kitchen to do her cooking. At that time, Michael entered the store to see if everything was okay. Suddenly he saw a large creature in the shape of a woman whose color had changed just like the one he had seen in the sea.
He heard Her calling his name: Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael. Michael sat quietly and listened intently. 

The creature said: 
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. My name is Gini Pweza. I come from the sea I am his third child in our family. I am a woman with true love. I love and respect everyone and want to help in any way I can. 
In fact, I have never had a human lover. If you agree, it's a first for me. You look very nice, Michael. He's good-looking, good-natured, good-natured. Michael, I love you so much that when I saw you at sea, I entered your body so that we could be together. I chose you to be my lover. 

We want to love each other, live together, and accomplish many good things together. If you accept my request, you are luckier than others. And if you refuse my request, you have lost your property through your own fault. The act of telling you that I love you knowing that you are very happy. Few people are so lucky. Now is your chance, so please look forward to it.

I have many good goals for you. I am here to give you the pleasure that no woman on earth has ever given you. My goal is to become the richest person in the world. I mean, I want to give you wealth. This is a sign of my love for you. Please believe what I am telling you is true. For your own benefit, please accept my request. If you accept my request, I promise to do the following for you:

I will give you plenty of pocket money, so please use it as you like. Gives you more wealth than you have. I will give you a lot of capital to start a bigger business than you want. I will make you happy with a lot of nice things.
I will give you a lot of money, build a lot of big houses and hire people to make more money. If you are willing to be with me, you will forget your poverty. You will be very rich in the world.

If you accept my request, please know that I love you forever. My condition is that when you receive this wealth I have promised you will consider the following conditions:

1. Do not go to healers. It is forbidden to go to the healer to do something. Please don't send my money to the doctor. I know what will happen to you the day you'll go to the healer. 

2. It  is forbidden to drink alcohol or use intoxicants. Unfortunately, when you drink alcohol, you will see the effects you get.

3. Help orphans. 

4. Help the disabled. 

5. Help the widow. 

6. Help all people with different problems, including the poor who need different aids..

.7. I give you wealth not only to make you feel good about yourself, but so that you can live a good life and to give alms to help people properly. Give you other money. When someone asks you for money or something, don't waste your time and don't resist. Please help the community. People live troubled lives. Stress, hunger, poverty and poverty plague them. Know that if you refuse, you will lose a few percent of your fortune.

Note: Some people facing full of problems, stress, hunger and poverty and don't know where to turn for help. There are many people in need of help here in Dar es Salaam and in all parts of the country.

I think a lot of people will come if you create a center to help poor families. I really like helping people. I feel good and have peace of mind when I help people. That's why I chose you as an agent to give people money, food, and other things. And that's the job you have to do.

I will give you a lot of money. One is for your own use and the other is for helping people. I am happy to see you helping people in need.

If you make a mistake, you'll find that you're reducing 01% of your assets.  And you should know that if you intentionally keep making 5-10 more mistakes in a row, instead of decreasing by 01%, it will decrease from 05% to 10% at the same time. If you ignore the condition, you will see that the equity is reduced to 0.00%. Very low interest rates. This means that if you go bankrupt completely, you will have less property than you currently have. Poverty like never before. I am very sorry if it went bankrupt. That's why I told you to follow all the conditions I gave you. 

Bear in mind, please carefully follow all the conditions I have given you in order to remain rich.

Whether you accept or reject my request, you should know that you are already my lover. I have no rival. I gave you all the details and I gave you all the conditions too. Again, consider all the terms I gave you. 

Thank you for listening and good luck dear Michael. I will look for you next time. When Gini Octopus gave him the information, She disappeared.

Finish time: 7:21pm

Start time 03:00 pm
Ongoing story

Michael now started complaining what He heard about the relationship with the monster!!!!! Why didn't She meet her mate? She said she wanted to give me wealth. I never asked her. I don't want to get involved with all the gins in the world.

After that, Michael went to the bathroom to take a shower. When He finished eating and went inside, his wife had put food on the table. Anastasia said: "My husband eats very little".

Michael sat in his chair, ate, and went to sleep in his bedroom.

Hours passed and Michael fell into a deep sleep.

Suddenly He saw the genie Octopus chasing him (dreaming) Gini Octopus said, "I love you so much Michael. I have put two piggy banks in your store, worth 10 million shillings each. Box number 01 is for yourself and box number 02 is for helping people. Receive it tomorrow morning and do the work I gave you. Until next time. Goodnight."

Suddenly Michael got a shock!! He got up and sat on the bed. When he looked at His wife, he saw that she was fast asleep. He looked at his phone and saw that it was now 2:35 pm. He got mad and said why does this monster bother me so much!!! Why does She have to be with me? He fell asleep again.

It's early morning, today is another day. In his nightly dreams, Michael is told to go to the store, earn money, and start his assigned job. But when he awoke, he left home and went to a healer near a great forest. He tries to avoid the monster so that he can continue his life as before.
Can he succeed?

He reached the forest before reaching Yakushi. As he was walking through the woods, he saw long thorns around him. He cannot move forward or backward. He got up in surprise!! He is scared and his heart is pounding. 

Suddenly the genie Pweza came and said to Michael: He gave all conditions. I told you not to go to the healer, but you try to go to the healer. What do you bring to the doctor? What I have forbidden you to do. Today I did not punish you, I forgive you. I warn you! Woe to you again! If you repeat this on another day, your property will be reduced and I will punish you very severely.

Stop talking about doctors and do the work I gave you. Come back soon, take the money from the store, and start the work I gave you. 
Seeing that the way home was clear, he went home. When he arrived, he entered the store and saw two boxes of money.

He took his 500,000 Tsh from box number 02. He went to the store to buy 100 kg of rice, 125 kg of flour and 225 kg of maize flour. He rented a van, ordered people to load, and paid the driver and porter. He put it in an orphanage.

They gladly accepted it and congratulated him on the good he had done. After that, Michael went home. When Michael entered the room, the spirit Pweza came and said to him: This is required. If I ask you to do the work, do as I say. If you keep doing it honestly, you can understand each other.

Note: Box number 02 money is only used to help people. Do not use this money for personal purposes. Please use the money in box 01 yourself. u201d

Genie Octopus is lost.

Michael returned the rest of the money to box number 02. He did as he was told and took the pocket money from box 01.

He bought a lot of groceries at wholesale prices and went home to stock his kitchen. And he gave his wife the money to spend. He sat down on the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV.

Michael forgot that this time he had to work to fulfill his duties. Hours passed before dawn. 8 When it was time to go to bed, he went to his wife to rest. very deep sleep. When he arrived at 08:00 at night, Michael saw the spirit Pweza in human form (a very beautiful and attractive woman). Today she had no clothes on her body.

He loved the genie in the bottle. After that, the ghost left. When Michael wakes up in the morning, he finds his pubes wet. he was surprised In his mind he wondered when these things began. That's not my standard. He got up, took a shower, got ready and went to work.
When he got to work, he found his boss angry. His boss asked him, "Why didn't you come to work yesterday?"

Michael decided to lie. He said, "Sorry boss, I had a tragedy, my brother died, I went to that tragedy." 
His boss asked him: Who did you tell him to? 

Michael replied: My phone was dead and turned off. That's why I didn't register. said his boss. If you know it's urgent, please let us know in advance. Go and keep working. 

He finished his work and went home. His wife gave him food and he began to eat. Michael started to get aggressive and said "What's the meal you made today!!!" Why is it so salty?

Anastasia said, I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me. 

Why did Michael add so much salt? Or you find me very helpful. Or if you don't want me to eat it, eat it yourself!!!

Michael left the food and went out into the street to be with his friends. Time passes. Michael went home, went to the bathroom, and opened box number 02. He took his 200,000 shillings and went to the "beggar" standing in the street. he helped ten people at once Each gave him 10,000 shillings. 

He distributed all the money to people in box number 02, but all the money is gone. Amechuria now awaits instructions from the genie Pweza. 
It got to the point where Michael refused to have sex with his wife. He replied: "I'm tired, I need to rest, I don't feel well today."

Sometimes Michael got a headache. He felt his body aroused too!!! And sometimes he liked being alone.
Anastasia tells Michael that if he doesn't want to have sex with Mimi, he should just break up and do what everyone wants. Marriage is meaningless without sex.

Michael said: If you can't live here, go, I don't have to live with you. Anastasia decided to pack her things and go home. Michael was home alone. He had many thoughts. He remembered that his wife lived with him in peace and love.

As Anastasia left, the spirit Pweza miraculously entered and found Michael sitting on the couch with many thoughts. Michael told Gini Pweza to get out of the house. I don't want to see you you made my wife leave How did you benefit from the dissolution of our marriage?

Genie Octopus says: I know it's all caused by me...but forget the past and look to the future. I give you a lot of money, you get a lot of wealth, you get wealth. What a lot of ideas?
Michael replied: If you do it for wealth. I never asked you for money or wealth. Please leave my life as it used to be. 

Gini Pweza laughed out loud and told Michael he knows he's lying to himself if he's thinking of breaking up with me. What powers do you have until you leave me? do you have? If you want to get away from me, get the thought out of your head and forget it.

I said I am here to give you the joy that no woman in the world has ever given you.Even your wife has never given you more joy than I have. I'm yours, I'm in the world for I wish you good luck. See you.

The octopus ghost is gone.

When Anastasia came to her parents, she told what had happened. After that she went to the healer. When she arrived, she was told from start to finish by the healer about the relationship between his husband and the octopus spirit.

The healer said, "Your husband is associated with a spirit named Pweza and has been given two piggy banks. Box number 01 for personal use. Box number 02 is used to help people. I refused to participate in your wedding because of my relationship with spirits. He acquired enormous wealth and his life changed.

So we watched him buy a car and build another house. He obtained this wealth from the genie Pweza. And sometimes, if you ask him something, he will get violent. Djinni Pveza molested your husband. Her husband tried to go to a healer for a medicine that would exorcise the demons, but was unsuccessful. u201d

Anastasia asked the healer. Go on with your life so you can get back into her marriage. 

The healer replied: Your husband was possessed by a demon. This monster is very dangerous. he is very strong He can kick you out of the world at any time. He has the ability to know things without being told. Maybe he can always follow you and warn you to stop following him.First go give your husband some time to think about severing ties with the octopus ghost. If successful, you only need to bring 200,000 shillings. Continues at 2:00 am on Sunday. 

Michael was fast asleep. Suddenly he saw the spirit Pweza saying to him: Michael, what you must do now is this. As of today, I order the suspension of further employment. I give you money You will get rich and you will get whatever you want. what does the assignment do?

When you get up in the morning, do the work I gave you. No need to hire anywhere. If you force yourself to go to work knowing it's useless, you'll just get fired. I will give you some money More than what I gave you in the first place. Tonight on 10 barrels he put in 350 million shillings. The money is in your store, you will find it in the morning.

I know that the money I gave you is enough to do all the work I give you. This money should only be used for the job I gave you and not elsewhere.First task: When you wake up in the morning, go to the store to buy a computer.

This computer will be used to store all the work records that I give you. Second task: In the morning, if you find a property, look for it. Please make sure the property is dispute free before purchasing. Task 3: Find a technician who will provide all the necessary equipment. Purchase all materials needed for this construction.

Then build a fence around the area while other craftsmen build a large house to store their grocery bags. The building and reception office are used to store all documents. Create a place where people can sit and wait for their food to be served. This is a center for helping poor families.
The fourth task is to contact the government to register this center as an 'NGO'.

Food such as rice, legumes, legumes, sugar, corn flour, and flour are stored in the building. The food is then divided into 5 kg and 10 kg and distributed to the people.
i gave you all the money There is no reason to delay people receiving their money. Don't try to bully anyone. give people rights.

Remember that it is your responsibility to properly perform your duties.
good night. Genie Octopus has disappeared.

Start time 16:38

Michael wakes up and looks at his phone to see it's 8:45am and in his dream he told him to quit his job so he didn't know what this monster was going to do to me. Told. When will these disasters end and I can live in peace?
It's early morning, today is another day. Michael has a lot of thoughts in his head. He thinks: What would my life be like if I quit my job, if I got rid of the monsters?

Michael said: I don't know how to leave this ghost, so the ghost itself is red.Let me play music first, then do what he told me to do.

Michael turned on the TV and speakers. He played his Dulla Makabila song "Demu wako namba ngapi". He started playing music. He is very busy dancing music.

Suddenly an octopus spirit came. He called him Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael. Michael didn't answer. He continued making music. 
Genie Pveza defeated his Michael. Michael calmly stopped playing and looked at the monster.

Genie Pweza says: What am I sending you and what are you doing? You quit my job and you are dancing music!!! That's it, get to work and do it now. It's work time, not music time. 

As Michael contemplates completing the task given to him by the octopus genius. At this point, the healer is within him, doing his job of destroying the octopus spirit with the power of darkness. 

He tries to set a trap to catch him, but the trap falls apart and is not successfully caught. The healer wondered what power this monster was using until I couldn't catch it. 
Michael stopped going to work and left to do the work given to him by the spirit Octopus. He went to town and bought a computer and kept it there.

He then spoke to a real estate agent. He said he has a lot of agents. They went to check the grounds. Michael loved big plots. The next day he conducted a quiet investigation to ensure there were no disputes. He got the answer without contradiction.

They met and the seller paid the agreed amount.
He was looking for a construction engineer. They went to the hardware store and bought all the materials they needed for the job. Well done technician. They built the house in three weeks.

After that, Michael went to the concerned department and registered the center to help people with the "NGO". After finishing his work, he settles down at home waiting for the genie to come and check on his work so he can get another job.

Michael sat on a chair in the roomHe saw a bright light with different colors (green, yellow, red, sea blue, black, white) moving around his room. Suddenly he saw the monster Octopus. Jini Pweza said that: Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations. I have checked the works you have done and they are fine.

You have done a great job. In the 350 million shillings, there is money you used for the work I gave you, and there is money left. You have a lot of money, now the next thing is the fifth task, you should go to the Tanesco office and pay the amount needed to come and connect the electricity.

The sixth task, Go to the region where the farmers grow a lot of crops. Buy the following crops: Buy rice, beans, peanuts, pulses and other crops. Then go to the sugar factory and buy many bags of sugar, go to the cooking oil factory and buy a lot of oil.

Then put it in the food storage stove. Job Seven, find someone who will do the job of dividing 5 kg and 10 kg of food and putting it in bags. And let him do the work of distributing to the people who will come.

And all the records should be saved on the computer. Eighth task, go to the welder, ask him to make a big poster. After that, look for a painter to come and write a text that this is a center to help poor families.

If you finish the tasks I gave you, I will bring you your money for your use. I will pay you more money than I paid you in the beginning.

For today I end there, do the work I gave you. Remember that if you work hard, you increase your chances of getting more riches and getting a bigger position. Good job. See you later. The octopus genie disappeared.

Michael said: This monster is really bothering me. I'm tired of doing his amazing work every day. Because when will he stop monitoring my life? This monster makes me lack freedom. I want to be free with my life.

Today Michael decided to go to work. When he arrived he was told by his boss the following words: From today I am firing you, I don't want to see you here. Go back to where you came from. You deliberately stop coming to work without giving notice.

And you come to work on the day you want. Forbidden to come here. Michael said: But boss, please listen to me at least a little bit. His boss said: I'm saying this, you don't know the value of work. I gave you a job and you played.

It is forbidden to come here, go back where you came from. You don't want a job, let me bring someone who will do my jobs well. Track your eligibility, pick up and go. Michael left and returned to his home. He had a lot of thoughts, he has been fired and does not know where he will find another job.

The healer remembered something. He took a spray made of water and sprayed it outside his house. After that he continued to set his traps to catch the monster. Michael has a lot of ideas. He thinks the genie has caused the dismissal. And he wonders where he will find another job.

Suddenly the genie Pweza arrived, said Michael, if I tell you something I should understand. I told you to quit your job. I told you not to go to work, if you go to work you will be fired. But you pretended to know too much.

Where has your work brought you? I told you that I am here to give you pleasures that you have never been given by any woman in the world. I give you money, I give you wealth, you have a good life. But even if you do good, you don't see it.

It is still not enough that I promised you that I will pay you more money than I paid you in the beginning. Now what are you worried about? Sit back and enjoy life.

Now listen, do you remember the day I gave you all the conditions. I told you that if you make one mistake, your wealth will decrease from 5% to 10%. Now today your wealth decreases by 10%.

I will pay you a small amount because you have made many mistakes in a row on purpose. The things I forbade you were what you did on purpose. Keep doing the tasks I gave you. Work hard to get more riches. I love you so much my love Michael. For good. Genie Octopus was lost.

Ending time 06:33 pm 20/01/2023

Starting time 04:54 pm

Michael got in the car and went to his friend called David. When he arrived, he told his friend about the problems that were bothering him. His friend said it was just a simple job.

Do this, find a bow and arrows and put them inside. When the genie arrives, shoot him with an arrow and he will fall down. Pick him up, put him in the car. Take him to the grave to work.

Michael asked him: Will he really die? David said: Yes, he will die, he is an ordinary creature like us. And he was also hurt, he feels pain like us. Follow the instructions I gave you.

Michael bought a bow and arrows and put them inside. He sat on the couch waiting for the genie to come and shoot him with an arrow. After 5 minutes the genie arrived. Ghost Octopus said: Michael, of course you came from your friend or not?

Michael answered yes it is true. Jini said: What has he told you? He told me to shoot an arrow. Or not? So with your thoughts you think you can kill me with an arrow. You are doing really childish things. Leave childhood.

Better follow my instructions, you're bothering yourself for nothing. You cannot kill Me with an arrow even one day, if you do not believe the temptation.

Michael tried to shoot an arrow but he stretched his right hand and the arrow went somewhere else. I told you that you are mine, you cannot kill me as easily as you think.

Stop the weird stuff. You are my love, I love you so much. Do the tasks I gave you. We will see each other later. Genie Octopus was lost. Ending time 05:18 pm 21/01/2023 Starting time 02:30 pm

Anastasia returned to the doctor on Sunday at 2 am. The healer said: Very close. I have done the work you gave me. And I got the following answers: We can catch this monster by using water. Anastasia asked: How do we catch him?

The healer replied: Very good question. Take this water. Go with it, use one bottle for yourself and give the other bottle to your husband. If you see a genie or if your husband sees a genie, put it in the palm of your hand and pour water over it.

Let it reach its body. Note: If you pour water on the monster, it will not come back. But know that your wealth will be lost and you will go bankrupt. This means you will start looking for wealth again like before.

Have you brought money? If you don't have money, I won't give you medicine. If you give me money, I give you medicine. Anastasia opened her bag and took out 200,000 shillings and gave it to the healer. The healer said: Thank you for giving me payment.

I know your husband is the one who is suffering a lot from jinn. Take the medicine home with you. Give it to your husband to use as I directed. If it happens that a genie follows you and you also use this water.

Anastasia said: Thank you very much healer. I am going home. Anastasia returned home and found her husband. She told him the following: Michael My husband, I went to the healer, he told me everything about you. He said there is a monster bothering you. And he has given me the medicine to destroy him.

Michael answered: There is no genie bothering me, I don't want any medicine. Leave me alone. Anastasia said: Actually, the healer said there is a demon troubling you and he has given me a professionally made medicine.

Michael got out and got into the car. He started the car and left. When he got to the road he was driving fast, he saw that the windshield of the car was foggy and he couldn't see well ahead. He couldn't stand up fast.

Suddenly he hit the car in front of him. He can't get out or stand up. He is helpless, he is badly hurt. People helped him take him to the hospital. He asked someone to take his wife's phone number and call him. His wife was called and informed that her husband had an accident.

Anastasia went to the hospital, she sent food to her husband. Michael received health care and when he recovered he was allowed to go home. Michael and his wife returned home.

When they arrived, Michael said the following words to his wife: Michael: Yes, it's true, my wife has a demon that is bothering me. But I failed to tell you, I hid it so you wouldn't know. Please tell me how to use the medicine.

Anastasia gave him medicine and said: If I tell you something, don't be ridiculous. How do you think I knew if there was a demon bothering you? The doctor told me everything. Listen carefully. If you see a monster, take water, put it in the palm of your hand and throw it on his body. Then he won't bother you anymore.

Even if it comes back, do as I told you. Michael sat on the couch in the living room. Anastasia continued her household duties. After five minutes, the genie Octopus came to Michael and said the following: Michael, I told you that if you make many mistakes on purpose in a row, I will reduce your wealth.

Since you made a series of mistakes, your assets are now reduced by 05%. I have done this so that you will learn to respect my terms. If you continue again they will decrease more than that. Be careful my love so you don't go bankrupt. Ending time 03:28 pm 

21/01/2023 Starting time 04:45 pm Before the genie Pweza said goodbye, Michael took a bottle with medicine and poured a little into the palm of his hand and poured it on the genie.

And the genie Octopus felt a lot of pain, it screamed loudly, it complains saying: "Aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaah aaaah aaaah. I'm dying, dying, dying, dying. Michael, why are you doing this to me? I've done you good but today you're doing me bad. I gave you wealth, wealth, you have a good life , but today you betray me. Okay, I'm leaving, you won't see me again in your life. Aaaaaaaaaaah" Jini Octopus disappeared.

Michael said to his wife: Thank you very much my wife, I thank you for giving me medicine. I have burned this monster. Now it doesn't bother me anymore, I live in peace. After that, all the properties given to him by the genie Pweza began to disappear one by one.

Michael experienced a life of poverty that he had never experienced before. He remained depressed, he did not have an official job to earn income for six months. Sometimes he didn't even have food in him.

Fortunately his wife is patient. He endured the difficult life they have for six months. She would have been another woman, she would have left many days ago. After six months. Michael was called and his boss told him the following words: Michael, please come to work tomorrow morning, come to the office and we can talk. After stress comfort.

Michael went to work, went into the office and talked to his boss. His boss said: I called you here with the aim of getting you back to work. I remember you had a great contribution in my company.

If you come, continue with your same position. But don't repeat your habit of stopping coming to work without giving notice. Come tomorrow morning and start work.

Michael said: Thank you, I am very grateful to the boss for bringing me back to work. I promise you that I will work hard to ensure that the company moves forward.

The next day, Michael went to work early in the morning and began the task given to him by his boss. The genie stopped bothering Michael. Michael continued to live with his wife in peace and love as before.

There is no disturbance or rival in their marriage. Michael continued to save money in his Account. After five months he started a business selling fish.

He started this business and gave someone to do it. The businessman sent the money to Michael for the agreed time.

The business kept getting bigger. Michael's life changed and became as good as ever. They had one child. Their parents were relieved. Life went on.

Ending time 05:30 pm

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