Not your soulmate♡

By Rozbunny

140K 8.7K 5.4K

BTS OT7-soulmate au BTS×OC poly They say getting your soulmark when you turn 20 is the best thing to happen i... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50~
~Chapter 51~
~Chapter 52~
~Chapter 53~
~Chapter 54~
~Chapter 55~
~Chapter 56~

~Chapter 19~

2.4K 158 53
By Rozbunny

♡Eun-hye pov♡

"So this is the room I usually use to tattoo in and there is my office door where I stay in when I don't have any customers or when I'm taking my time off and the other people who work here are present" I hum in acknowledgment as I look around the room with only the words "this is so cool" jumping around in my mind. Like I said before this is kinda like the first time I have seen a the room where the tattooing happens since most of the first time is a blur and embarrassing to remember.

The wall colour is a bit different than the front as the walls are a medium dark grey colour with a few pretty shelves against the walls with small things on but there are so few that it looks classy yet gives a comfort vibe off and a body sized mirror which I'm guessing is perfect for when you want to look at your tattoo after it's done or before you get started especially bigger ones.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as I hear a slight laugh next to me as I turn towards Yoongi who is sporting a gummy smile as he looks at my reaction of the place.

"You know you sometimes show your emotions really well on your face without noticing. You seem to like the decorating?" He hints with a small question which I in return smiled as I nodded.

"Yeah I think it's actually really perfect. Whoever decorated did a really good job making it feel really comfortable, reminds me alot of something" I smile as the feeling appears but no memories which feels slightly weird but I know my heart is thinking of something so I won't question the feeling.

I look over at Yoongi again seeing him being the one who looks lost in thoughts this time as he smiles at me so I raised my eyebrows which made him snap out of it and blink a few times.

"Oh sorry, yeah the person who decorated this was actually the last soulmate of our fun group you have yet to meet. He usually likes helping me out here but he has to work on his art project today so he couldn't come in. It's a shame really, perhaps you would have been able to meet him today but it seems it will have to be next time" I let out a sound of understanding and nod once more.

"But anyway you can sit down on the chair while I quickly go to my office to get my book I wanted to show" Yoongi gives me a small smile before turning around and heading towards the office door as he enters. I smack my lips together before making my way to the chair next to the one that the client sits on.

Thankfully there are two other chairs here since it would feel slightly awkward to sit on that one

The moment I sit down my eyes go wide whem I realise it's one of those chairs that spin.

I'm an adult I'm an adult I'm an adult I'm an adult I'm an adult I'm an-

I am really thankful of the fact that Yoongi is in his office at the moment because I couldn't even stop myself from doing it. I cover my mouth to not let my laugh slip as I experimentally spin slowly on the chair keeping in mind not to break anything accidentally. That would be highly embarrassing and definitely not something I want to haunt my memories at night.

"Okay I'm back-"

"OH YEAH!" We both startle as I cringed inside at how loud and suspicious my words were. He blinked stunned before I let out an awkward laugh that snapped him out of it as he started laughing.

"Don't need to hide it. I spin on the chair when I sit there too so don't be ashamed of it. Also I got my book that I wanted to show you" He smiled at me as he walked over and sat on the other chair next to the desk and I felt happy that I didn't somehow make it awkward.

I stare in curiosity at the black book in his hands before he leans closer and places it in between us as he scoots his chair closer. I look at the cover of the book and almost snort out loud.

Min Genius sketches

"Min Genius sketches? Nice name mr Genius" I snicker as I watch him look at the book confused for a second before his face turns into embarrassment.

"Aish I forgot about this. Don't mind the name, Taehyung thought it would somehow fit perfectly for me, note the sarcasm" He chuckles amd I can't help but laugh with him.

"Honestly I made a joke once when we were playing games where nobody could figure out how to win or beat the next round not even Namjoon but they didn't know that I figured it out way earlier. It was just fun to see the chaos erupt from 6 people playing a game when one is extremely competitive and always wins and the other's want to try and beat him so I secretly used my knowledge and won and after I explained how I knew they dubbed that name on me. Fun fact is that I only knew because I read how it worked while they all just threw themselves into the game." He smiled as if he was reliving the memory as I smiled at how he looked so happy.

He must love them so much

"But anyway I'm sure you aren't interested in my silly stories so let's look at at the book" He reaches over and starts to open the book to further pages while I bite the inside of my cheek contemplating if I should say what my mind wants me to say.

Oh well let my overthinking brain become my overspeaking brain for once! Well if that makes sense...

"It's okay, I like hearing stories of you all. It's nice to know more about my friends even if it is about sharing cute stories of something like that" I think over at my words before giving him a small smile to which he looks surprised slightly before nodding and smiling as he turns his gaze back at his book.

"Thank you, same goes for you too. Don't worry about oversharing because we are friends and I would welcome any silly, happy sad and more stories from you anytime." He says in a warm tone before clearing his throat and pointing at a page.

"This is where it begins, these are all my new sketches for tattoo's" I hide my small smirk at the obvious way he chances topics to keep the conversation on that topic going so I gladly accept his topic change.

He is such a softie really..reminds me of a coconut looking hard on the outside but being soft on the inside or a marshmallow, those marshmallows that doesn't look soft from further away until you squish it and find out its extremely fluffy and soft and-

"Any opinions on it? I know you aren't a tattoo artist like that but I do value an honest opinion on a different type of view" I snap out of my thoughts as I finally pay attention to the sketches and my eyes widen at the sight.

Oh wow this guy surely is talented! These look so delicate yet stands out in a good way. It also gives that pretty look that some people like more.

"Wow it's all so pretty Yoongi! This is really amazing. I think the details are just so amazing especially since it looks like it is a small design." I respond with the only words I have to describe it which hopefully makes him know that it's really good.

"Thank you, I'm happy you like them. I was contemplating if they were good enough since I didn't have anyone to be my second opinion on it so I'm really thankful" Yoongi lets out a small laugh before he pushes the book more to my side making me look up slightly confused.

"Would you like to go through my other sketches? There are a few older ones and ones I tried to recreate from memory" He asks and I nod feeling excited to see more of it.

That is how we both spent more time looking through his and talking about the sketches and which ones were his favourite. I even pointed out the ones I liked most and I can happily say that I fully relaxed with Yoongi as we began casually talking about it and adding random things into the conversation. It was really fun but unfortunately the book came to an end as I flipped to the last page with rose sketches which drawed my attention.

Something popped up into my mind as I bit down on the inside of my cheek contemplating the thoughts which kept popping up again. I trail my finger down small flower with incredible detail looking as if it is growing while a stray petal shows otherwise making it feel like the rose is growing but it did have a past where it's already lost a few petals.

I mean I have been thinking about it alot and it will also serve another purpose of why I came here to spend time with him...but then again he might need to get ready for when the next client comes-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a phone ringing in Yoongi's office which seemed to startle him out of his thoughts looking as if he was a bit lost too.

"Oh sorry let me get that, that is the work phone" Yoongi scrambles of his seat before rushing towards his office leaving the door open making it possible for me to slightly hear.

I frown lightly as the professional tone he uses that sounds slightly sad which is not a voice I ever thought I would hear. I feel guilty for trying to over listen but before I can stop the call ends and I quickly move my focus to the book as he comes back.

"Sorry that was one of my client's that booked for a tattoo today but they just rescheduled for later meaning I only have one person left today and that is only way later meaning I have way too much free time right now" He chuckles but I can see the way he deflates at the idea of staying here with nobody coming all alone once I leave.

But perhaps this is just the perfect opportunity to ask him...

Come on you can so it Eun-hye and you won't regret this later...well perhaps but that's future Eun-hye's problem

"Um...since your next appointment got rescheduled would you mind taking in someone else?" I ask as he tilts his head slightly confused.

"I mean if someone comes in right now and asks then yeah but the chances are slim since today is usually a day for only booked people but if a person who doesn't know walks in then yes" He says with a nod as I mentally hit myself for not just being direct.

"So does that mean that I can take up your offer you gave me a while back" I ask with eyebrows raised as he stares for a second before his eyes widen at the realisation.

"Oh wait you want me to give you a tattoo now?" I nod smiling as he blinks with wide eyes before he lets out a small chuckle revealing his gummy smile as he shakes his head.

"I didn't think you would actually want one so soon but you could have just asked right out. Of course I can give you a tattoo but only if you are really sure you want one. I don't want you to only get it because you feel bad that someone rescheduled" He raises his eyebrows but I quickly shake my head.

"No don't worry I was thinking about it alot and I think I want another one after these years. Your offer to give me a tattoo just gave me a little nudge in my mind" I shrug as I feel nervous as he narrows his eyes a bit before blinking it away giving me a soft smile.

"Well if you are really sure then I would give you a free tattoo, no charge and please don't try to fight me on it, just think of it as a thank you for taking your free time to hang out with me so suddenly" I gape at him wanting to protest but he already starts moving to get things prepared as my words mumble together.

"Wait no can't I pay please? Seriously there would be no need to say thank you because I really enjoyed today and I already told you-" I stop rambling as he turns towards me with a wide smile clearly ignoring my protests making me pout.

"So dear Eun-hye-ah any idea what you want for a tattoo? Size? Design? Place?"

I sigh as I feel myself give in and slightly amused by how stubborn the gummy smiled man can be.

I seriously won't win will I?

Oh goes nothing...


Oh fluffy penguins this is seriously way more nerve-racking this time around!

"You still good?" I hum as Yoongi doesn't lift his gaze as he is busy tattooing the design I chose on the back of my shoulder. Was it the best place to choose? Probably not. Is it painful? Well I am sensitive to pain sometimes so...yes yes it is.

After giving up on convincing Yoongi that I could pay I showed him the sketch of the rose that I liked before and he happily agreed that it would suit me. After a few preparations was made and he got all the things ready I chose the back my left shoulder and thankfully I was able to keep my second thoughts at bay with Yoongi calming me with conversation.

"You know you don't need to hide you are nervous, it's perfectly normal" He says once again as I sigh lightly not willing to move at all since I also feel slightly embarrassed sitting here with my black tanktop on I wore underneath my sweater. I don't usually like exposing too much skin out in the open for reasons but I just won't overthink it and just feel grateful that I am still wearing a top.

Today was a good day to remember my tanktop!

"I know I am just trying to keep my thoughts together" I say softly as he hums with a small silence following before he talks again.

"So was there any reason you chose this design or did it just catch your eye?" He asks and I purse my lips wondering if I should just say the simple reason or what was actually going through my mind when I chose it.

"Well I mean I did choose it because I thought it was pretty but something about it felt a bit like it described a bit of me. I can't explain really how but it felt familiar in a way. I guess I just chose it too because I wanted all of my tattoo's to have some sort of meaning in them" I aim to shrug but quickly stop myself before I even move any muscle.

"Oh? That's nice to hear. I know alot of people I get coming in have the same reasons but it's also okay for them to not have any important meaning. I mean I don't like making assumptions but I had already guessed your first tattoo had a special meaning" I widen my eyes a bit at his words as I feel curiousity build.

"It was that obvious?" I ask and he does a small hum that sounds like he is saying yes but not fully.

"Well not really, in the beginning I had a small assumption but after I met you I guessed you as someone who would have gotten it for a special reason. I'm not trying to pry in what it means because I know it's personal but I just want to let you know that you don't need to worry about me asking about it. It's something dear to you so you have the full right to not want to share" His voice is laces with honesty and softness making me unconsciously untense.

I don't even know how his words felt like it lifted a small relief from me but I'm guessing that's the Min Yoongi effect since he somehow manages to do this. I smile feeling grateful at his words missing the eyes that lift for a small second with a smile.

I barely even feel the slight discomfort and pain as I feel my thoughts swirl again. I let my mouth and mind work separately this time as I answer honestly with my heart.

"Thank you really are a great friend" I say and I hear a small laugh before he speaks.

"No need to thank me. It's something personal so ofcourse I would never force you to share. I will just say that I know me and my soulmates haven't known you for the longest time but you don't need to hesitate to lean on our shoulders or if you just need to talk. Trust me you have become one of our trusted friends so that means you now have a whole group of mixed personalities ready to be there for you" His words shock me for a second but the shock gets lifted as he mumbles a soft 'almost done'.

His words made my heart fill with warmth as it skipped a beat strangely. I stare in front of me as a light frown starts to form on my face.

I...I don't know how to feel about this. Why does this feel so strangely healing to hear? Like a warm blanket of comfort and reassurance almost like the same feeling I got when Aera stood by my side all the time yet it also feels different in a certain way.

Is this what Aera meant? Why does this feel even more confusing though?

"Anddd done" I snap out of my thoughts when Yoongi backs away slightly as he kicks back his chair a bit grabbing the mirror to show it to me.

I gape at the sight feeling ten times better at the beautiful design that makes the meaning of it fill my mind and heart as well as cling onto my soul.

Yoongi seriously is a genius with his designs and

"I'm just going to go through the rules again you need to follow to keep it nice and clean to heal properly since I'm sure it won't hurt to have a reminder" He says as he covers it up and I hum listening to him give me the rules once again as my thoughts spin around in my mind not losing the light frown that has made it's way back on my face.

'And that is it. If you forget any of them you can just ask me anytime- okay sorry but are you okay? You seem a little lost in thought?" He asks as I blink a bit feeling embarrassed at being so obvious.

"Ah sorry thank you for explaining it all again and I will let you know if I forget anything. Also sorry yes I was a little lost in my thoughts" I smile at him as he nods understanding before he stands up cleaning his station while I grab my sweater playing with the material as I stare at it thinking too much over it all.

It hasn't even been that long but I feel like I should say it now...

Aera's words are ringing in my head and after today I feel like I finally got that click that made me choose...

I raise my head coming to my final conclusion as I stare at Yoongi who works with ease cleaning up and I take a deep breath calling out to him.


"Yeah?" He turns to me with eyebrows raised and I take a small breath before smiling at him.

"I...I think I'll take the offer that Taehyung once gave about us all hanging out with the one soulmate of yours I have yet to meet"

Yes I am ready to move forward with my new friends...

I am ready to seek a bit of freedom from the hidden guilt in my mind.

Nothing bad can come of this I'm sure of it...yes.

It's time

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