
By ChalWahanJaateHain

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Heer Qureshi and Salaar Riaz have been best friends and next-door neighbors since they were in diapers. Life... More

Ch. 1: Blue Butterfly Latte
Ch. 2: Honey Macchiato
Ch. 3: Fall Equinox Formal
Ch. 4: The Scammer
Ch. 5: Secrets and Dates
Ch. 6: Cinnamon Brewn
Ch. 7: Snickerdoodles
Ch. 8: Friendsgiving
Ch. 9: I Love You(s)
Ch. 10: Wounds
Ch. 11: Double Date
Ch. 12: The Photo Wall
Ch. 13: Home Decorating
Ch. 14: Wedding Bells
Ch. 15: The Vanishing Act
Ch. 16: Nikkah
Ch. 17: The Red Ghost
Ch. 18: The Grand Affair
Ch. 19: The Paper Balls
Ch. 20: An Unwanted Visitor
Ch. 21: Confrontations
Ch. 22: Chai & Kebabs
Ch. 23: The Husband Card
Ch. 24: Jenga
Ch. 25: Healing Isn't Linear
Ch. 27: Unfinished Business
Ch. 28: Jealousy
Ch. 29: Rihan
Ch. 30: BBQ
Ch. 31: Kashmiri Chai
Ch. 32: Frog Becomes a Prince
Ch. 33: Stargazing
Ch. 34: Treehouse
Ch. 35: Kiss of Death
Ch. 36: Beauty and the Beast
Ch. 37: The Pond
Ch. 38: The Envelope

Ch. 26: First Date

484 20 25
By ChalWahanJaateHain

Heer's P.O.V.

I lowered the tong from my hair then looked at myself in the mirror.

A slow breath left my lips. "Nothing to be nervous about, Heer Qureshi. Why are you nervous? It's Salaar. Your best friend."

My eyes then widened as I paused.

"I'm going on a date with Salaar."

Who would have ever imagined it? I was going on a date with Salaar Riaz! My best friend! From childhood! Also, my neighbor! From childhood!

And husband, don't forget that part. But not from childhood.

Shush! Life is so unpredictable.

I stood up and dusted my outfit, a cute top with black jeans. He said it wasn't anything fancy and to dress for fun. I wasn't sure what that meant exactly, but I hope I was dressed appropriately.

The doorbell rang. My eyes darted to the clock. It was time to meet him downstairs; he was right on time.

Our parents were at a get-together, so they weren't home.

Baba and Anne were most definitely surprised when Salaar came down for breakfast with me this morning. I told them he came early in the morning to surprise us all and that I had I let him in. Ami and Uncle were elated when he went over afterwards.

I took a deep breath before unlocking the main door downstairs. I just don't know what to expect.

What was my heart beating so rapidly for?

As the door swung open, I was met with a bouquet of roses, behind which stood my date.


He was dressed in a stylish button-down shirt with stripes and black jeans. His hair was set with a touch of pomade.

"Hi," I answered meekly.

"You look very pretty, love," he gazed at me warmly. "These are for you," he offered the flowers.

"Thank you." I studied the bouquet, my eyes lighting up when I noticed its center. The middle of the rose bunch had Ferrero Rochers with stems attached, as though they were flowers too.

"Shall we?" he smiled.

I stared at his twinkling, welcoming hazel eyes. The front-porch light shone on them, enhancing their golden tones.


I lowered my gaze, noticing his extended hand while I cleared my throat.

I placed my hand on his, and he intertwined our fingers, guiding me to his car.

My eyes travelled back up to his face.

He looked good.

He usually doesn't use hair product. Did he put in the extra effort for our date?

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he smiled.

He closed the door after me then got into the driver's seat.

We drove in silence for a bit. I busied myself by studying the roses when I felt Salaar's hand press down on my knee. I hadn't even realized I was bouncing my leg until he did that.



"Why are you nervous?"

My cheeks flushed with a pink hue as I tried to form a response.

It was just a question. Why was I blushing? We already went through this. You're going on a date with him. And it's already happening.

"I don't know," I mumbled, my index finger tracing the bumps on the green stems.

"Relax." His thumb stroked my knee, and I clenched my fists, trying my hardest to not get goosebumps because of the gentle movement. "We're going to have fun."

I nodded, smiling softly.

He kept his hand resting on my knee. He spoke up again when we reached another red light. "Machchar."

I turned my face away from the window and looked at him.

"I'm nervous."

My eyebrows pulled together. He was just telling me not to be nervous when he himself is feeling so.

As he bit his lower lip, my eyes grew soft at his slightly hesitant manner. It reminded me again of when he asked me to the formal.


He looked at me with a sheepish look, "I'm going on my first date."

A smile teased my lips.

You can't deny that was cute, Heer.


I folded my arms playfully, going along with his attempts to ease things, "This isn't your first date."

"Yes, it is."

I shook my head.

"When did I go on a date?!"

"You went on a date with Hina."

"That wasn't a date," he rolled his eyes. "It was just a dinner to appease Api."

"It was still a date."

"You were there."

"It was classified as a double date."

"It was a hangout. A forced, obligatory gathering in which I had to participate in against my will."

"You sound like you were being tortured," I giggled.

He inhaled deeply with lifted eyebrows, as if to say I wasn't too off.

"Was it that bad?" And I regretted that question as soon as I asked it. Of course it was that bad for him. He had to watch me and Kamran. How was I unaware to his condition.

He linked our fingers, bringing our locked hands to his chest, "Yes, because it wasn't just us."

It would have been better had it been just us.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm fine."

He smiled, "Good. We're going to have dinner after."

"And what are we having?"

"Our favorite."

I grinned. Ruby's. It's been a while since we've had it.

The glare of neon lights reflected against the car windows when we pulled into a parking lot 20 minutes later.

"We're here."

My eyes lit up.

It was a new arcade that opened up a few months ago. We had never been to it before.

The arcade and Ruby's—this date was as Salaar and Heer as it could get.

Salaar opened the door for me, and my eyes trailed along his arm that loosely hung around my waist as we walked to the entrance.

He paid for two tickets that granted us access to all that the arcade had to offer, which was a lot. There was an indoor trampoline section, video game machines, foosball, bowling, go-karting, and more.

He turned his head to me amusedly, "Which first?"

I looked at him, and we simultaneously answered, "Trampoline."

We made our way to that area and got in line to get the grippy-socks that are required for the trampoline. After slipping them on, we quickly began jumping.

"I've always wanted to do this," I grinned.

"Me too," he answered in between jumps.

A teenager behind him hopped off the trampoline covering the wall, doing a summersault in the air before landing on his feet.

"Should I try that?" Salaar asked mischievously.

"Don't you dare!" I reached out for his hands to stop him, now jumping together.

"But it looked fun. I think I can do it."

"Salaar Riaz, I don't want our first date to end with you in the hospital for breaking your bones."

"Heer Riaz, I wouldn't quite mind if that happened when I would have you to nurse me back to health."

I suppressed a smile while pushing him so he fell on his back.

He laughed while I hopped across the room, leaving him to follow me.

"You think you're Spider Man or something?" I giggled, glancing over my shoulder to find him jumping along the walls.

"Spider Man, huh? Hm, good timing," he smirked.

"What?- Salaar!" I squealed.

He lunged for me just as we reached the end of the trampolines, which was marked by an elastic grid that formed the shape of squares. He wrapped his arms around me as we fell into the web, passing down through layers and layers of more stretchy elastic grids.

"Oof!" I grunted when we landed in a pit of foam cubes.

Our eyes met and we paused for a second before bursting into laughter.

Realizing we were in each other's embrace, I took the opportunity and put pressure on him, essentially drowning him in the cube pit. I pulled back quickly and buried him with the cubes until only his head was visible.

"Heer!" he exclaimed while I laughed away until my ribs began to hurt.

While he fished his way out of the sea of foam cubes, I went to the edge to join the line for the obstacle course.

"Caught you," Salaar placed his hands on my waist from behind me, pressing a kiss to my temple.

I looked up at him over my shoulder as he smiled down at me.

The ghost of his lips lingered on my skin.

My eyes softened as a small smile of my own formed on my lips.

"Your turn, love," he urged, nodding his head at the course ahead.

There were foam pillars in front of me, the first three barely large enough to stand on with both feet. The next set of columns were in between a rotating piece that had long cylindrical bars sticking out.

I nodded and stepped onto the first pillar, wobbling a bit before catching my balance. I carefully made it across the subsequent two.

"You got this, baby!" I heard Salaar cheer while I eyed the moving bars dreadfully.

I just had to step onto the next column before the next bar blocks my path. It should be too bad, right? Okay. Here I g-

Just as I placed one foot on the pillar, one of the bars knocked me down from behind. I quickly clung to the bar in front of me, wrapping my legs around it. I looked like a koala the way I was hanging on to it.

I began muttering, "If I hear one laugh, Riaz-"

He was already chuckling, gazing at me with warm eyes.

Summoning all my strength, I shifted my body so I was sat on top of the bar. I then scooted to its edge. By the time I'd completed another circle, I quickly lurched for the pillar. I pulled myself up and stood, cheering with my hands in the air, "I did it!"

Salaar smiled proudly, applauding.

I bowed playfully then stepped across the remaining pillars until I reached the end of the obstacle course. I turned around and watched as Salaar began.

"Don't rush. Try to step on to the next one right after the bar is in front of you," I advised when he reached the middle.

But it was no use. He toppled down into the foam pit.

When he rejoined me, he took my hand then led me to the exit of the trampoline section.

"Props to you, love. You made it seem so easy."

"Thanks," I grinned. "What next?"

Th next two hours flew by in a blink of an eye. We engaged in a number of more games and attractions the place had to offer before cashing out the tickets we won for a prize—matching key chains. They were two halves of a heart with the inscription "Partners in crime" written on it.

We walked out of the arcade with a bounce to our step. Both of us had a lot more fun than we expected.

"I'm starving," Salaar expressed while I clipped the key chains on our respective set of keys.

"Me too. Here you go," I handed his bunch back to him.

"Thanks. I love the quote, 'Ners n ime,'" he joked, admiring the new silver key chain.

I burst into laughter. That's what his half of the heart read. "Right? So meaningful. Just like 'Part i cr.'"

"Exactly. It's so deep and profound."

His playful sarcastic comment only made me laugh even more. I could feel him gazing at me adoringly through my peripheral vision, resulting in my cheeks turning pink as I grew quiet.

He linked our fingers and tugged me closer while we made our way to his car. When we reached, I looked at him. The key chain clinked against his other keys while he pressed the button to unlock the doors.


"Yes, love?" he looked down at me inquisitively with his amber-green eyes, pausing right as he was going to open the door for me.

"Can I take a picture of our key chains?" I mumbled shyly.

Oh? So, like a cute couple's picture? The type people use as backgrounds for posting quotes?

No. I just- I thought it would be nice picture to look back on, to remember our first date. Would asking for a selfie too be weird?

Why on earth would it be weird? He's your best friend and husband for crying out loud.

But it's our first date and-

First date, huh? So there's going to be more? Look at you. You were so shy just a few hours ago and now that you're enjoying, you want pictures to remember the date-

Hey! I thought we were supposed to be on the same team.

Honey, we are.

"Uh, sure?" he offered his keys.

"Can we hold them up together?" I brought mine closer.

He smiled and held his piece to mine, completing the heart and the inscription.

He watched happily as I snapped a quick photo. "That's a cute picture. Can you send it to me after?"

"Sure. And, um, can we take a selfie too?"

He took the phone from my hand. "Yeh kya puchne ki baat hai, machchar?"
(Is this something to ask, mosquito?)

His head hovered over my shoulder, his left cheek brushing against my right. His free arm went around me, wrapping across my shoulders from the front. I stared at his features while he gave a light smile to the camera. His strong cologne smelled as though it were freshly sprayed. It was really nice.

It wasn't until he turned his head to look at me did I realize I hadn't looked at the camera for any of the photos he'd clicked thus far. His loving eyes bore into mine, and I finally faced the screen when I felt my heart skip yet another beat.

We both smiled for the picture.

"One more," he said before I was about to step aside.

I nodded and smiled once more. And then a swarm of butterflies erupted in my belly while I watched him press the circular icon as he closed his eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Don't forget to send them to me, love," he handed the phone back to me and opened the car door.

"I won't," I murmured.

Your best friend is giving you butterflies. When did that happen?

Be quiet! No, he's not.

You just felt them-

No, I didn't!

The bell above the door jingled when we entered the retro diner.

"Salaar, Heer! Is that you?!" the owner enthused, exiting the kitchen.

"Hi Ruby!" I grinned, waving.

"Hey," Salaar smiled.

She leaned over the counter keenly, "Where have you lot been?!"

The woman in her early fifties had seen us grow up; Salaar and I have been coming here with our parents since we were 5. After primary, we began coming here on our own after school sometimes. It was a really cool 50s-themed diner with good food, waitresses on roller blades, and a jukebox playing old songs.

"We've been a little busy," I explained.

Salaar nodded.

"Well, it's so good to see you loves. I was beginning to wonder what happened to you two."


She scanned the booths, "Your guy's spot is available. Have a seat. Are you gonna have the usual?"

I opened my mouth, but Salaar placed a hand on my lower back. "Take a seat, love. I'll be right there."

Ruby tilted her head, the curiosity evident on her face as she noticed the placement of my date's hand and his word of endearment.

"We're on a date," Salaar informed her cheekily.

Ruby's jaw fell immediately, her eyes bulging like saucers. "What? You and Heer?"

He smiled, nodding.

"Finally!" she squealed.

Salaar gestured for her to come closer, and Ruby brushed her hair behind her ear to hear more clearly. He whispered something which I couldn't quite hear.

"No!" she gushed out of disbelief, her eyes bouncing off of me and Salaar.

Salaar nodded again, chuckling.

"Oh- I'm gonna cry!" she clasped her hands together. "Marty!" she stuck her head through the kitchen window, calling out to the cook, "It's Salaar and Heer! They're married!"

"What?!" we heard him respond incredulously before poking his head out the window after Ruby moved away.

I couldn't help but giggle.

Ruby zoomed out from behind the counter on her roller blades and gave us both hugs.

"Congratulations," Marty grinned.

"Thank you," Salaar and I echoed.

"When did this happen?" Ruby probed excitedly.

"They're on a date, Ruby. Let them be for tonight," Marty interjected before disappearing from the window.

"Right right. Sorry. Make yourselves comfortable. And it's on the house tonight."

"Next time, Ruby. It's on me tonight. It wouldn't be quite gentleman-like of me if I didn't pay for our first date," Salaar countered politely.

"First date!" Ruby squealed. "Okay. Fine."

"Sweetheart, take a seat. I'll be right there. There's something I wanted to ask Ruby."

My eyebrows furrowed as I pouted curiously. What did he want to ask her?

"And don't try to overhear," he teased, pushing me in the direction of our booth gently.

"Marty! Did you hear that?" Ruby grinned while I walked away, "Salaar called her 'Sweetheart!'"

We heard Marty laugh from the back.

After I sat down, I observed Ruby and Salaar, but I couldn't decipher what they were talking about. Her expression transformed from confusion to amusement. She nodded then began reaching for something behind the counter while Salaar came to me.

"That was quick," I commented.

"Yeah. Just wanted to ask for something. What do you want to order?"

I tried to suppress the urge to ask about their conversation, "The usual. You?"

"Me too. I'll go tell Ruby." After placing our orders, he sat down in front of me, "We really need to find our own spot like this in London. Doesn't have to be a diner though."

"I agree. It would be nice to become regulars somewhere over there."

After drumming his fingertips on the table for a few seconds, he glanced at me guiltily, "I have something to confess."

My eyebrows pulled together.

He took my hand, which was resting on the table. "Promise you won't get angry, machchar?"

I eyed him skeptically. What could he have possibly done? "Did you drop paint on the carpet in our room?"

"No," he chuckled. "But do you promise?"

I sighed, nodding.

"I watched the next episode of that new Tere Bin drama without you."

I snatched my hand away from his, exclaiming, "Salaar!"

"I'm sorry! I was tired from work and bored. There wasn't anything else to do or watch!"

"I thought we agreed we would save the next two episodes and watch them together next weekend when I was supposed to come back!"

"I know. I'm sorry, baby," he leaned closer, cradling my cheek and gripping my hand. "Watch the episode without me. We'll watch the next one together. I promise I will wait."

He mirrored me when I sat back. "That's fine with me... I'll get to fangirl over Murtasim's shawl look in peace."

Murtasim's the male lead of the drama.

"What?" he looked at me incredulously, "When he's wearing a shawl on top of a white kurta and pajama?"

I nodded.

"It's just a shawl."

"So?" I shrugged playfully.

"So? What's so special about it?" he folded his arms.

"It's a nice look. There's just something about it."

"It's nothing special. Even I can wear it."

The jealousy radiating from him could be smelled from miles away.

"Oh, yeah? Then why don't you?"

"So I can remind you of another man who you think looks attractive in the same outfit? I'll pass, love. Thanks."

I laughed.

"On second thought, don't watch the episode."

"Fine, I won't watch it alone... You can rewatch it with me," I stated cheekily.

He gave a fake laugh, making me giggle once more. He smiled genuinely upon hearing my laughter.

"But I do think the look would suit you too, Salaar. Maybe you could give it a go on Eid."

A waitress approached our table, bringing our milkshakes, burgers, chips, and their unique fried zucchini sticks.

"So, you're saying you would drool over me if I wore it?" Salaar lifted an eyebrow after we chomped down on our burgers.

"I never said that!"

But you would.

Says who, huh?

"You said it's a nice look. Would you find me attractive if I wore it then?"

"Your question implies I don't already find you attracti-" my eyes widened when I realized I'd dropped the hammer on my own foot by thinking aloud. Great. Wow. Amazing, Heer. Superb.

I quickly sipped on my milkshake, counting down the seconds until he asks the question I'd open the door to.

"Do you find me attractive?"

I began choking on the drink nonetheless.


"I'm fine," I coughed, attempting to clear my throat, "I just need some water. I'll go get so-"

"Stay right here. I'll get some," he quickly slid out of the booth and returned with a jug from Ruby. He poured me a cup and handed it to me.

I set the cup down from my mouth after chugging some water.

"Are you alright, love?"

I nodded before we began eating again. "What do you have to do after making a digital version of the design you've been working on for work?" I changed the topic quickly, and he thankfully let it go.

As we wiped our fingers with napkins once we were done, Ruby came by with three little condiment paper cups that are typically used for ketchup. These, however, were filled with black coffee.

"Thanks, Ruby," Salaar said.

"You got it." She walked off with his credit card.

I looked at my date so he would explain.

"This is what I spoke to Ruby about earlier. I thought we could make things fun and play a game, end our date in true Heer-Salaar fashion."

"What kind of game?"

"We get to ask each other 3 questions, and if you don't want to answer, you have to drink the black coffee."

I smiled amusedly, "Okay."

Wait, what if he asks the same question from earlier?

"Erm... Oh. Okay. Daniaal or Salaar, your favorite Riaz?"

"Hmm," I hummed loudly, as though I were contemplating my answer.


"Give me a minute, will you? Uhh-"


"Shh, let me think."

His lips transformed into a straight line.

"Okay. You, obviously... Mostly because I had no choice since it was you next door and not him-"


"I'm joking! But you. You're my best friend. My partner in crime," I referred to our new key chains cheekily.

"That's what I thought," he smiled lightheartedly. "Your turn."

"Do you secretly like watching my 'sappy romantic movies,' as you call them?"

He reached for a coffee and downed it.

"There wouldn't have been any shame in admitting it. If you disliked them, you wouldn't be able to sit through them like you do," I giggled. "And you wouldn't have watched the episode without me!"

"Whatever. And I said I'm sorry, love."

I fanned the air, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Uh," he rubbed the back of his neck, "Did, uh, the thought of marrying me ever occur to you? Prior to our nikkah?"

I wet my lips before clearing my throat. His question turned things a bit serious. "It did. Actually."

His eyes flew up to mine, "Really?"

"I mean, when people would ask if we were together or would tease us about ending up with each other, naturally my mind would imagine a scenario of what that would be like," I elaborated quietly.


I knew that wasn't that answer to how he meant his question, but it was still true. Actually considering the idea, actually dwelling on it, however, was something I refrained from since— "I always thought you were off-limits."

His eyebrows pulled together softly, "What do you mean?"

I fidgeted with my sleeves, "Growing up, I, uh, always thought it just wouldn't be allowed- you and I. Perhaps in the back of my mind, it was like our families trusted us not to cross certain limits because they had faith in us that we wouldn't do anything wrong given we're best friends who are boy and girl... It could've made things sour between our families if, you know... And maybe somewhere that kind of cemented it in my head that you are my friend and you are supposed to remain that way... Also, friendship was all I had ever known with you, and thinking about you beyond that was like a boundary that I wasn't supposed to cross."

He stared at me, and I could see the surprise in his eyes.

I couldn't believe I actually told him that.

"Do you," he cleared his throat," Do you still think that way?... That all we could ever be is friends?"

"No," I murmured.

He was now my husband. Our dynamics have long changed. We share a home. We share a bed. We are closer to each other in ways we've never been before, emotionally, physically. We were certainly not 'just friends' anymore.

A smile slowly formed on his lips. "Honestly speaking, Heer, it was like that for me too. I held the same ideas in my mind until I realized my feelings for you. My mind fell weak against my heart."

"Which brings me to our next question," I mustered the courage to finally ask him, "When did things change for you? Regarding me..."

His smile grew stronger while he looked at me with warm eyes, "I don't think things ever changed for me. It's always been you. Since you were born. It just took me all these years to realize it... But, yes, the turning point? Several months back, the night of the Hayat grand opening. When I was entering your room through the window, the moonlight was on your face and when I saw you—it was like I had seen you somewhere else before. In a different world... Ho sakta hai, roohon ki duniya mein."
(Possibly in the realm of the souls.)

My gaze lowered to the table top while my cheeks flushed.

After a few seconds, I felt the coolness of his touch when he grazed his fingers against my pink cheekbone. He tilted my chin up gently with his knuckles, making my eyes meet his. His touch, his eyes, they studied me like I was a precious work of art.

He retreated his hand. "It's my turn again."

"You've exhausted your three questions already," I stated quietly.

"Oh. I have, haven't I," he chuckled. He then reached for the second coffee cup, tilting his head back while he drank the dark liquid.

He made the cutest noise at the bitter taste, making me giggle softly. "Your turn then, I guess."

"I'll save my question for later," I reached for the remaining cup and threw it back, nearly gagging at the lack of sugar and milk.

We drove home in a peaceful, wonder-filled silence.

"I haven't had fun like this in ages," he said while we stood on my doorstep.

"Me too. Thank you for tonight," I smiled.

We leaned in for an embrace.

Tonight had truly been memorable. It was a night that I never imagined would have ever come in my life, but it was all that I could have wanted for our first date.

He pressed a slow kiss to my cheek before letting go. "Goodnight, love."

He was going to his own house because he had to report into work through his computer in the morning, and I also would have to get ready to go to Hayat; it would just be more convenient for tomorrow. Ami and Uncle would be able to spend more time with him too.


I waited for him to cross over the lawn to go to his door, and we waved to each other before stepping inside.

After I got ready for bed, I filled an empty vase with water to put Salaar's bouquet in. Before I placed them in the glass vessel, I removed the chocolates from the bunch when a card fell onto my lap.

"Chahein ho khushboo, khubsurti, ya mithaas, tumse koi muqabla nahin.
Aankhein bandh karke dil se dekhta hoon, tumse koi haseen nahin.
Tumhari takhleeq Khuda ke naimat hai mujh par.
Aisa koi kaam toh nahin yaad jiske sawab tum ho gayi mujh par.
Hijr ke dohraan beh gaye kitne siyaahi shayari ke naam.
Khuda kare agli baar kalam uthaoon,
Likhoon tehreer main kaise mohabbat hi hai tumhara naam.

  Salaar... ya tumhara Ranjha... ya phir, sirf tumhara"

(Whether it be fragrance, beauty, or sweetness, you have no competition. I have closed my eyes and I look with my heart, there is no one more beautiful than you. Your creation is God's blessing on me. I do not recall any such deed for which you have become a reward for me. During our separation, so much ink has flowed in the name of poetry. May God let the next time I lift my pen, I write a dissertation on how your name is love.

♡ Salaar... or your Ranjha... or just yours)

I found myself reading the note over and over again, marveling over his words.

Never did I think anyone could hold such feelings for me; it was beyond what I had ever dreamt of. The depth of his feelings were conveyed through his words, a feat that not many had. My creation, my existence was a blessing to him?! Me?!

Salaar Riaz sure knew how to make a girl blush.


Author's Note

Anyone miss Saleer? 😋

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