By GiveMeSoreThroat

385 9 1

Welcome To The World Of Top Tae Smuts! disclaimer - this is a collection of my favourite top taehyung smuts... More

you're only brave in the moonlight - vmin
your altar is my hip - taekook
good for you ' 1 - taegi

good for you '2 - taegi

16 1 0
By GiveMeSoreThroat

credits - heyitsronnie<3


If you were to ask Taehyung to define his relationship with his roommate, he wouldn’t be able to give you a straight answer. Not just because he was as gay as the day was long, but also because he didn’t know. He would like to think of Yoongi as his boyfriend, but he had liked to do so for years and years. That was nothing new. Also, they were more roommates than friends, still. Even after fucking a couple of times a week. So ‘friends with benefits’ was a bit of a stretch. ‘Roommates with benefits’ maybe.

Mostly, it was Yoongi who initiated sex. He either came into Taehyung’s room asking him to come over for some sexy times or he just grabbed his hands and dragged him into his room before dropping down to his knees. Taehyung would be an idiot to say no. He got to fuck the love of his life. What else could he ask for? Well, there was a lot more Taehyung wouldn’t mind, but this… This was good enough. People always used to say that ‘friends with benefits’ never worked because one of them would end up falling for the other eventually. But Taehyung was not only already head over heels for Yoongi, but they also weren’t ‘friends with benefits’. So, there was nothing to worry about, really.

That was until one day Taehyung was walking past their bathroom and noticed shirtless Yoongi styling his hair in the mirror. Taehyung stopped in his tracks.

“You going somewhere?” Taehyung asked.

“Yeah, I have a date.”

Taehyung’s eyes widened and his chest tightened uncomfortably. “A-a date?” he asked, pretending to be as unaffected by the news as he could.

“Hmm, my friend set us up. It’s a blind date actually,” Yoongi explained.

Taehyung should be happy for him, but he wasn’t. He was jealous. Raging even. But why? Yoongi wasn’t his. Yoongi had every right to go on a date with whoever the fuck he wanted.

“Who is he, then?” Taehyung asked, jealousy now very clear in the tone of his voice.

“She,” Yoongi laughed, “is a friend of a friend. My friend thought we might get along cause we have similar interests, so she set us up.”

“Hmm,” Taehyung hummed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame. He so desperately wanted to say that they had similar interests as well. Mochi. Or did Yoongi forget?

That night Taehyung tried to rewatch Jimin’s video he liked so much, but it didn’t help. He caught himself not paying attention to Jimin’s moans and instead his brain was filled with what ifs.

He was already asleep by the time Yoongi came home. If Taehyung had been awake, he would have known Yoongi came home alone given their rule not to bring hook ups over. Taehyung could have found out in the morning if he asked how she was and if she fucked Yoongi the way Taehyung knew Yoongi liked. Instead, Yoongi didn’t go to his room. He opened the door to Taehyung’s room. A smile creeped up on his face when he noticed Taehyung’s lips were parted when he slept.

Taehyung woke up when the bed dipped and almost naked Yoongi slipped under the blanket. He was cold, the clothes he wore scattered around the floor. Taehyung gasped when Yoongi’s cold hand creeped up around his waist. He turned around to face Yoongi, surprised to see him.

“What are you doing here?” Taehyung rasped out.

“I was cold and didn’t want to sleep alone,” Yoongi explained simply.

Taehyung sat up, taking Yoongi with him. “No, I meant… Shouldn’t you be on a date?” Taehyung rubbed his eyes sleepily, which Yoongi found somewhat adorable.

Yoongi shrugged. “Maybe. But I felt like going home.”

“Was the date bad?”

Yoongi shook his head. “No, it wasn’t bad. She was lovely, actually. But I just didn’t feel the spark igniting, you know what I mean?”

You mean the spark I’ve felt ever since I’ve laid my eyes on you all those years ago? Yeah, I do know what you mean, Taehyung stopped himself from saying. Instead, he pressed his lips together and didn’t say anything.

“Did you at least kiss her?” Taehyung asked.

Yoongi hummed. “I kissed her cheek goodbye.”

Okay, that wasn’t as bad as Taehyung thought it might be.

Yoongi leaned in and Taehyung’s eyes widened. He let the elder kiss him softly, their lips barely touching before Yoongi moved away. “I kinda like kissing you more,” Yoongi confessed.

Taehyung felt the corners of his lips lifting as he showed Yoongi his teeth in a bright smile. “So, kiss me,” Taehyung encouraged him once again and Yoongi happily obliged, crashing their lips together, deepening the kisses right away, licking over Taehyung’s tongue.

Even though Taehyung was very much aware of the fact that this was the first night they spent kissing, but not going further, and it almost felt like a dream falling asleep in Yoongi’s arms again, he didn’t want to think much of it because he knew this was just temporary.

* * *

In the next few weeks Taehyung felt like he was falling in love with Yoongi all over again. They got closer, not only because they started having sex regularly to “relieve stress” as Taehyung like to pretend, but also thanks to Jimin. As time went by Taehyung had not only learnt to initiate intimate contact between him and Yoongi, but because of this he was now much more okay with Yoongi watching Jimin’s streams and videos. They hardly watched them together in the same room, but they chatted through the chat room pretty often. So often that other viewers had picked up on their bickering.

agustd → vante: you didn’t eat the food I made for you 😡

vante → agustd: really? now? you wanna talk about it now, yoongi?

agustd → vante: why? were you jerking off? 😏

vante → agustd: duh 🙄

agustd → vante: don’t you think mochi’s a bit louder today? 🤔 wonder why that is

vante → agustd: idk maybe he’s just into it 🤷 you know how much he likes this toy

agustd → vante: true. true.

agustd → vante: so…

agustd → vante: want a blowjob after?

vante → agustd: yes 🥵

agustd → vante: then don’t cum

vante → agustd: I’ll try

* * *

agustd → vante: what a fucking asshole!!!!

vante → agustd: who? me?

agustd → vante: no, not you. not this time.

vante → agustd: bitch! 😠

agustd → vante: I meant the idiot in mochi’s chat! like who the fuck do they think they are?! calling mochi ugly! what a blind piece of shit!!! 🤬🤬🤬

vante → agustd: that’s what I’m here for 😇 blocking idiots who think they’re better than everyone

agustd → vante: thank you for your services, sir ❤️

Taehyung giggled.

* * *

“Lick your cum for me. How do you taste?” Jimin said through the screen of Taehyung’s laptop. Taehyung licked his lips at the thought of Yoongi tasting himself for Jimin. Soon, he saw Yoongi answering that he still thought he was bitter. Taehyung’s mind wondered off to the many, many times he had had Yoongi’s cum on his tongue. “Bet I’d love your cum on my tongue,” Jimin said seductively and stuck his tongue out.

Oh, I bet you would, Taehyung thought, but didn’t type. They had agreed that telling Jimin Taehyung and Yoongi knew each other might freak Jimin out. Taehyung knew Jimin’s identity and while he had never told Yoongi anything the elder couldn’t find out from Jimin’s profile himself, it felt safer this way. For all of them.

vante → agustd: stfu, you idiot! you taste great 🙄

agustd → vante: prove it and come over? 🤨

vante → agustd: wait, wait, wait, I wanna watch this first

Jimin had just announced that the highest donator could decide how he cums. Taehyung already knew what it meant and there was an electric wave running through his body when he saw rapmon – Jimin’s highest donator – typing.

* * *

agustd → vante: OMG TAE I DON’T THINK IT’S JUST A CAMERAMAN!!!! 😲 😲 😲

agustd → vante: besides since when does mochi have a cameraman?

Yoongi had a point. Jimin had been looking off camera too much today. Almost as if there was somebody else in the room.

rapmon donated ₩50,000: I’ll pay x10 if you let the person in the room with you fuck you (assuming they have a dick)

Taehyung’s jaw dropped. That was an awful lot of money!

Yoongi’s theory that there was somebody in the room with Jimin proved out to be right when Jimin muted the microphone to talk to said somebody and a few minutes later asked if blowjob would be enough.

jhs1802: wait it this really happening?


agustd: code red I repeat CODE RED

Yoongi was freaking out as well. This was the first time ever that they knew somebody was in the room with the camboy and it seemed like there was a high possibility of somebody joining Jimin. This hadn’t happened before. It was a big deal.

Somebody walked into the frame and Taehyung held his hand in front of his lips, muffling the sounds of surprise, which were trying hard to escape through his mouth. The chat seemed mostly excited, Taehyung didn’t have to kick anybody rude out. Which was awesome given he could focus on the screen this way.

“Shit, he looks good,” Taehyung muttered to himself when Jimin pulled the mysterious man’s pants and underwear down. He had nice muscular legs. A bit more muscular than Jimin, but not to the point where it would no longer be attractive. He could only see the man from his waist down, but Taehyung liked what he saw.

More importantly, Jimin looked eager to get his hands and lips on him. Taehyung wondered if the man was somebody Jimin knew. Jimin had never told him about somebody from his personal life who knew about Jimin’s camming career. Maybe it was a onetime thing. Or maybe he just didn’t feel comfortable telling Taehyung, which was more than okay. Still, Taehyung made a mental note to himself to ask Jimin after, just to be sure. Jimin’s safety was very much important to him.

Taehyung watched as Jimin licked the man’s cock all around and his own cock twitched in his hand, accompanied by a soft whimper. Who was he kidding, Jimin looked like he was made to suck cock. Seeing a living thing inside of Jimin’s mouth as he bobbed his head was so much more arousing than watching Jimin suck on his toys, no matter how lewd he always made it. Suddenly, the show was much more intense and so much harder for Taehyung to keep his cool.

agustd: how’d he not cum yet? I’d cum immediately if mochi ever sucked me off like that

Taehyung chuckled when he saw Yoongi’s comment in the chat room. With his tongue stuck between his teeth, he quickly typed a message back. It was funny that a few months earlier Taehyung would be green with envy at the thought of Jimin sucking Yoongi off. Now that he had done it himself multiple times and had received multiple blowjobs in return, Taehyung felt oddly at peace with the whole situation. He still somehow wished Jimin was his little secret, but maybe it was all thanks to these streams that Yoongi and Taehyung ended up in this weird not-defined relationship. Maybe he should thank Jimin instead.

vante: yeah man but you always cum early 🤷

agustd: fucking rude, vante! block yourself asshole

vante: stfu I’m trying to enjoy this

Jimin pulled away with the tip still pressing into his lips as he smiled. “Oh, come on. No need to argue.”

Oh, if only Jimin knew, Taehyung thought.

“Taehyung!” Yoongi yelled through the wall.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. “Yeah?” he yelled back. Why the fuck was Yoongi calling him right now? In the middle of the most exciting stream?

“Can I come over?”

“What? Now?” Taehyung’s eyes widened.



Taehyung shifted on his bed, not sure what to expect. Why did Yoongi want to watch it with him? Did he want to watch it with him? Well, why else would he want to come over?

It only took less than a minute before Taehyung heard the door to Yoongi’s room open and then the elder walked right into Taehyung’s room without knocking, just like he always did. He was completely naked, his cock hard, and he was holding a small tablet in his hand. Taehyung bit his bottom lip, ignoring the way Yoongi’s cock bobbed as he skipped toward him, and shifted his gaze up.

“Since when do you have a tablet?” Taehyung asked instead as Yoongi got comfortable next to him.

“Since forever. I just don’t use it.”

Yoongi opened the chat and typed, “I wanna see him fall apart 😈“. His gaze was otherwise on Taehyung’s screen.

“Why did you come?” Taehyung asked, refusing to look at his roommate.

“I thought that a historic moment like this better be shared with– Oh, shit, did you hear that?” Yoongi leaned in and turned the volume of Taehyung’s laptop up. “Fuck, he has pretty moans. Almost as pretty as yours.”

“Hey,” Taehyung pouted.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, “I said almost.”

Taehyung focused on Jimin with the mysterious man again and absent-mindedly started jerking himself off to Jimin’s gagging sounds. “Wish he just fucked mochi’s mouth,” he babbled.

“Then tell them,” Yoongi suggested.


“Tell them. Tell the guy to fuck mochi’s throat.”

Just those words were enough for Taehyung to moan at the memory of Yoongi caressing his cheek softly before thrusting into the depths of his mouth.

vante: fuck mochi’s mouth for us

Taehyung typed it quickly. He could feel Yoongi’s eyes on him, which was just awkward. Although he had gotten used to sending suggestions and other perverted comments into the chat room with Yoongi there as well, it still didn’t feel natural typing those words with Yoongi sitting centimetres away from him.

The man came with beautiful loud curses and moans, cumming all over Jimin’s face just the way rapmon wanted him to. Jimin looked so happy and pretty like that, white strings dirtying his cheek, nose and eyebrow. Jimin kept his mouth open and caught some of the man’s cum on his tongue, swallowing it down before sticking his tongue out again.

“You looked hotter fucked out like this,” Yoongi said out of nowhere, catching Taehyung off guard.

“Hotter than mochi?” Taehyung blushed.

“Yeah,” Yoongi breathed out and turned his head to Taehyung, carefully studying his face, “definitely.”

“Thanks,” Taehyung peeped and watched Jimin call himself a cum slut, sucking the cum from his fingers.

“You didn’t cum,” Yoongi pointed out.

“Too overwhelmed,” Taehyung explained. It was hard focusing on anything else than Yoongi’s presence next to him. He was sure that he’d be able to cum in no time watching Jimin suck a cock, but with Yoongi by his side, he just couldn’t fully focus on Jimin.

“I’ll help you,” Yoongi said nonchalantly.

Taehyung didn’t say anything until Jimin logged off. Then he had no other choice but to look at Yoongi. The elder was looking at him questioningly, seemingly ready to lean down and make Taehyung feel good. Taehyung reached out his hand and gestured to Yoongi to come closer to him. Yoongi gave him a cheeky smile before he hovered over Taehyung, pushing him down on his back.

Yoongi was propping himself up so that he didn’t crush Taehyung underneath him. Yoongi started kissing him like there was no tomorrow, the loud, wet kisses filling the room more than Jimin’s and the man’s moans did. Taehyung touched the hair on the back of Yoongi’s neck, slightly sweaty, but still so soft. He loved kissing Yoongi. Why hadn’t he been kissing him for years?

Yoongi moved his lips along Taehyung’s jawline and sucked on his neck, planting kisses there until Taehyung arched his back and moaned. That was the spot, Yoongi smirked and sucked harder, but not too hard to leave a hickey.

“Fuck, Yoongi.” Taehyung let himself relax, letting Yoongi do everything and anything he wanted to do to him. He was absolutely under his spell, willing and desperate for Yoongi’s attention. Luckily, the elder didn’t seem like he wanted to stop anytime soon.

“Tae, where do you have lube?”

“I can’t fuck you now. You’d have to ride me,” Taehyung whispered between moans.

Yoongi let out a giggle and kissed Taehyung’s collarbone. “No, I meant for you, silly.”

“For me?” Taehyung raised his head. “Are you gonna fuck me?” he asked with hope in his voice.

“No, absolutely fucking not. I won’t fuck you. Get that shit outta your head finally.”

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. Then…

“But is it okay if I finger you?”

Taehyung was so sure he had heard him wrong. The confused expression on his face had to be obvious because Yoongi asked him again, and this time Taehyung knew he had heard him correctly. Just the thought made his cock throb, which made Yoongi chuckle.

“Do you want me to?”

“Yes, I want your fingers inside of me,” Taehyung pleaded desperately, pulling on Yoongi’s arms, silently asking him to touch him.

“Then, you have to tell me where you’re hiding the god damn lube, you dumbass.”

“Oh, it’s-it’s in the bottom drawer. Just like last time.”

“Finally,” Yoongi breathed out and left Taehyung laying on the bed alone before he came back into his field of vision.

Yoongi slowly worked his way down. He was much gentler today, using his fingertips a lot to light Taehyung’s nerve endings on fire before he moved to raw pleasure. Yoongi was kissing his chest, stomach and thighs, hands rubbing those spots he knew made Taehyung squirm and moan quietly.

“Like this or on your stomach?” Yoongi asked him and Taehyung had a hard time realizing what Yoongi was actually asking him. “Babe, do you want to turn on your stomach?”

“No,” Taehyung whined loudly. “No, no, like this.”

Taehyung lifted his legs and held them up with his hands, exposing himself to Yoongi. The latter got comfortable in the foot of the bed. He grabbed Taehyung’s cock and stroked him a couple of times before his fingers moved down, grazing over his tight hole.

Having only slept with Yoongi for the past few months, Taehyung hadn’t actually had anything up his ass for way too long. He hadn’t fingered himself either because he didn’t have a reason to. Every time he was horny, he just walked over to Yoongi’s room and asked him if he was in the mood. Hardly ever did the elder say no, so Taehyung only masturbated during Jimin’s streams.

Yoongi was hypnotizing the tight muscles. Taehyung whimpered and clenched every time Yoongi touched him. It was amusing how affected Taehyung was and Yoongi wasn’t even doing anything.

Taehyung heard the cap of the bottle open and his eyes snapped open at the realization of what was about to happen.

“Go for two.”

“Hmm?” Yoongi looked up at him, locking eyes with Taehyung.

Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek before he spoke. “Fingers. Go straight for two.”

“I don’t wanna hurt you,” Yoongi argued, making Taehyung’s heart flutter.

“I like it. Please.”

“I’ll try one first and if it’s okay I’ll push more inside, alright?” Yoongi went for a compromise and Taehyung nodded. He knew he would be begging for more soon anyway.

As soon as Taehyung felt Yoongi’s finger press inside, he breathed out deeply, relaxing his muscles as best as he could. Yoongi slipped inside without a problem. He smirked. Taehyung felt nice inside – warm and smooth. Yoongi supressed the urge to latch his mouth around Taehyung’s rim and suck on his ass. That was not something they had agreed on. Yoongi wiggled his finger inside and Taehyung squirmed, shifting his ass to receive as much pleasure as he could.

“Put the other one in too, please,” Taehyung pleaded in a broken voice and Yoongi obliged.

At first he slipped his finger out and then he rubbed some more lube around Taehyung’s entrance. Taehyung moaned loudly, encouraging Yoongi to just finger him open finally.

“Fuck, stop stalling, you ass,” Taehyung groaned.

“You don’t like my teasing?” Yoongi’s lips curved into a cheeky smile and Taehyung frowned.

“Let’s see how you like my teasing next time you beg me to fuck you, you bitch.”

Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Okay, fair point.”

The moment Yoongi pushed two fingers inside of him, Taehyung felt his body heating up and shaking. Yoongi’s head appeared above him, so close. He was staring down at Taehyung, taking in his facial expressions. Taehyung wasn’t holding back and he let his entire body react naturally to Yoongi. His lips were parted to allow deep moans to escape, eyes rolled back into the back of his head a couple of times, and there was a tight grip on Yoongi’s other hand. Yoongi liked what he saw. He had always liked seeing Taehyung so fucked out for him.

“Up, up, up,” Taehyung screamed. With the way Yoongi was wiggling his fingers it was rather obvious what he was trying to do, and Taehyung was too impatient to let him search for his prostate on his own. No! He needed it now.

Yoongi moved his fingers, following Taehyung’s instructions, and soon he felt it. He rubbed his middle finger over Taehyung’s prostate, not pressing fully, watching Taehyung’s reaction closely. Taehyung was whispering soft yeses, encouraging Yoongi to do more.

Watching Taehyung squirm so much for him was so arousing for Yoongi. Not only was he hard again, but he was ready to cum soon too. Although he was trying really hard to focus on Taehyung’s pleasure, it all went straight into his cock, making his stomach tighten beautifully.

“More,” Taehyung gasped out between uncontrollable moans.

Yoongi shifted his hand, now fully pressing into Taehyung’s prostate. He began to slowly pull out and back in, the thrusts of his fingers becoming faster and harder with each push. It took a while before Yoongi was truly fucking him with his fingers, making an undeniable mess out of Taehyung. He was going to be so sore tomorrow, but it was so fucking worth it.

Yoongi kissed his neck, feeling the vibrations of his guttural moans against his lips. Taehyung tugged at Yoongi’s hair harshly, latching onto his lips instead, biting down on Yoongi’s bottom lip in hungry kisses. Taehyung never stopped moaning. Each time Yoongi rammed his fingers up into his prostate, Taehyung was on cloud nine and Yoongi knew if Taehyung’s loud cries for more were anything to go by.

“Wish it was your dick, though,” Taehyung whispered almost inaudibly.

“No,” Yoongi frowned.

“Fuck yeah.”

“Not happening,” Yoongi shook his head.

“You want to. I can feel it,” Taehyung babbled with a smirk. Yoongi’s gaze shifted down where his hard on was poking Taehyung’s thigh. “Just admit you wanna fuck me.”

Maybe there was a tiny part of Yoongi that wanted to slam up into him, but… No! No, he didn’t. Not like that. It was just because of the way Taehyung was almost presenting himself that the thought had entered Yoongi’s mind.

“Shut the fuck up. I’m not fucking you, Tae. So stop it before I stop,” Yoongi threatened him in a firm voice, but he never stopped moving his fingers just the way Taehyung needed.

“No, no, no, don’t stop. I’m sorry. I’m just needy,” Taehyung pleaded with big eyes piercing into Yoongi.

“So fucking needy,” Yoongi agreed and pushed the thumb of his free hand into Taehyung’s mouth. The younger twirled his tongue around the digit, immediately sucking it in with lewd sounds.

It wasn’t exactly what Taehyung thought would happen. He truly thought Yoongi would give in and fuck him, but this was still better than nothing – having Yoongi’s long fingers in his ass and mouth, filling him up. He knew he would regret forcing Yoongi into doing anything he wasn’t comfortable with later on, so he was actually glad at least one of them was in their right mind to think straight for a couple of seconds.

Taehyung’s moans were muffled by Yoongi’s thumb pressing into his tongue. He couldn’t warn Yoongi that he was cumming, not when the thumb wasn’t going anywhere. Taehyung clenched around Yoongi’s fingers so hard, but it didn’t stop the elder from finger fucking him, the wet sounds of lube filling the room along with Taehyung’s desperate sounds of pleasure. His back arched, forcing Yoongi’s fingers right into his prostate and keeping them there.

It took him a while to come back to his senses, once again recognizing the world around him through normal eyes and not his horny gaze. Yoongi’s fingers were still buried deep inside him, but the thumb disappeared from his mouth. Yoongi was now caressing his cheek with the wet thumb, looking straight into his eyes, and maybe Taehyung fell in love with him all over again. Yes, for the third time.

“Shit, sorry,” Yoongi mumbled and his gaze shifted down to their stomachs. He gently pulled his fingers out and reached out for tissues to clean them both.

“What for?” Taehyung asked, his voice still hoarse.

Yoongi bit his lip guiltily before he said, “I accidentally came on you. Sorry.”

“You came on me?” Taehyung raised his heavy head and watched as Yoongi cleaned the unusually large puddle of cum on Taehyung’s stomach. Yoongi hummed in agreement, but he refused to look at Taehyung. Was he blushing? Yes, he was definitely blushing. Taehyung burst into laughter. “I don’t care, Yoongi. It’s actually kinda hot,” he licked his lips and continued, “It’s hot knowing my pleasure turned you on so much.”

“Shut up, Tae.” Okay, now Yoongi was undeniably blushing, his rosy cheeks hidden behind his hair as he still refused to look up.

Yoongi left the bed to throw the dirty tissues into the trash can. Then, he turned around and looked at Taehyung. He was naked, laying on his bed, looking fucked out. But fucked out prettily. He truly found Taehyung hotter than mochi and that was saying a lot.

“Do you want me to go? Or should I stay?” Yoongi asked carefully.

“Hmm, stay,” Taehyung said without hesitation.

Yoongi joined him on bed again, lying next to him.

“Are you okay?” Yoongi asked with a worried expression on his face.

Taehyung nodded. “A bit sore, but I’ll be fine. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” Yoongi said with a smile.

* * *

“When did you realize you could cum multiple times?”

They were out in a restaurant that Yoongi picked. Taehyung texted him from work asking him to cook something as he was too tired to cook anything for himself. Instead, Yoongi suggested they could try a place close to Taehyung’s work. It had been a while since they had gone out like this. Usually one of them cooked or they ordered take out. But Taehyung liked it. Being able to talk to Yoongi outside of their apartment always felt nice.

“Why?” Yoongi laughed, putting chopsticks to his mouth.

Taehyung shrugged. “I’m just wondering. I’ve never met anybody who could do it.” It was a question Taehyung had been eager to ask ever since he had learnt about Yoongi having no refractory period. Even though it had been rather normal talking to Yoongi about sex ever since they had started sleeping together, Taehyung was yet to ask.

“I was still a teenager. Learning about my body,” Yoongi chuckled as he began explaining. “I remember being pissed off I couldn’t go again straight away after a very unsatisfying orgasm. So I just tried jerking off again. It was very uncomfortable at first. It actually took me several days to get used to the feeling of oversensitivity, but once I got used to it… Well…” Yoongi paused and licked his lips. “I’m not sure if I learnt it overtime or if I was born with it. Honestly, I don’t think you can fully learn to have absolutely no refractory period. You can shorten it, for sure. Is that why you’re asking?”

“No, I just wondered what it’s like,” Taehyung shrugged.

“Imagine you could fuck nonstop. That’s what it’s like. For me, it gets better with each orgasm, but it also means I’ve had many dry orgasms. And when I say many, I mean many.”

“So you just… don’t cum… at all?”

“I feel like I’ve learnt to control how much I actually cum each time. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I don’t cum nearly as much as you.”

Now that Taehyung thought about it, Yoongi was right. While Taehyung always came like he hadn’t in months, the amount of cum Yoongi produced was significantly smaller. It was never a weirdly small amount to catch Taehyung’s eye, though. It made sense. Nobody’s balls were bottomless.

Taehyung’s thoughts were interrupted by a notification. Taehyung unlocked his phone. His eyes brightened and widened, and since his mouth was full of food, he turned his screen to Yoongi to show him.

“With the special guest,” Yoongi read out loud. He tilted his head and then it hit him. “Oh my god, do you think he’ll bring the mysterious guy with him next time?” he exclaimed happily and Taehyung started nodding his head profusely.

“That’s exactly what I think,” Taehyung answered with his mouth still half full.

“When’s the next stream?”

Taehyung looked at the countdown and did the math in his head. “Three days and four hours so… Saturday night.”

“Oh, awesome.”

Taehyung was on the verge of asking Yoongi if he would like to watch the stream with him, but then he decided not to do so. He had no idea why he still felt so awkward. He had watched Jimin’s streams with Yoongi multiple times. He had watched Yoongi jerk off so many times he now knew exactly what the elder liked. And they had had sex almost regularly now. Taehyung had absolutely no idea why he was so weird around his friend with benefits because no matter how much he would try to deny it, there was absolutely no way they were not friends with benefits at this point. Maybe even more, but that could just be Taehyung’s enamoured side speaking.

* * *

They spent the entire Saturday together. It wasn’t as unusual for them to spend weekends together. Not anymore. What was weird, was when they wished each other good night and went to their separate rooms, knowing damn well they would be seeing each other’s names in the chat room soon.

Taehyung had already taken his pants down, knowing he would be taking them off soon anyway. He waited enthusiastically for mochi to turn his camera on. He was on time. And he wasn’t alone. Behind Jimin there was another guy, a mask tied neatly around his eyes, and he was partially using Jimin’s body to hide. He seemed nervous.

vante: hello, baby, how are you doing today?

“Oh, I’m doing great, vante. Thank you for asking, sweetheart,” Jimin gave the camera a smile.

If there was one thing Taehyung loved about Jimin, it was his ability to make everybody feel so comfortable. He wasn’t sure whether Jimin had some notes that helped him or if he was really this good at remembering facts about his fans, but Taehyung always felt really special when Jimin made it clear he knew who vante was. Well, of course Jimin knew who his moderator was. But he knew so much about other viewers as well. About Yoongi, about his highest donator… About everybody who was joining his streams regularly. Jimin always took the time at the beginning to chat.

“As you can see from the title, today’s stream will be very special because I have my bunny here with me.”

The man behind Jimin waved nervously.

Wait, bunny? Why was it so familiar to Taehyung? And he wasn’t the only one as he saw some other people, including Yoongi, mention they knew the name. Then, it hit Taehyung.

vante: yes I remember him from the chat. jkbunny97, he was always respectful


Taehyung knew it was the same person that Jimin sucked off a while ago because he had asked Jimin about him just so he knew if there was anything he should know as a moderator or if he should add any new key words to the black list. Jimin assured him that he didn’t have to. Taehyung understood that bunny was probably really shy and didn’t want a stranger from the internet knowing his name. Even if it was somebody Jimin trusted.

new-user-no-nickname-yet: is he your boyfriend? 🥺👉👈

“No, he’s not my boyfriend,” Jimin chuckled and looked at the man behind him, who still hadn’t said anything. “We’re… friends.” Taehyung wondered if mochi and bunny had a similar relationship as he and Yoongi did.

Taehyung was ripped from his thoughts when he heard his nickname.

“…and have my lovely friend vante filter the comments so that we only see comments of those who donate.”

Thank god the comments filled with people being sad they’d have to pay ₩5,000 each time they wanted to comment, otherwise Taehyung would have to ask Jimin what he had said because he wasn’t paying attention, his mind preoccupied with Yoongi.

agustd: oh I’m so willing to pay

Taehyung chuckled and stuck his tongue out even though Yoongi couldn’t see it.

vante: haha sucks to be you! 🤪 I don’t have to pay anything and they’ll still see my comments

agustd: wtf what?!

vante: special perks of a moderator 😘




Taehyung couldn’t stop giggling, loving the way he could tease Yoongi publicly.

agustd → vante: why the fuck have you never told me it’s free for you? do you have any idea how much money I’ve already spent on mochi? 😡

vante → agustd: must have slipped my mind 🤷 sorry

agustd → vante: sorry my ass 🙄 you’re lucky you’re hot

Taehyung gasped at the words. Oh, texting during mochi’s streams had its perks. Taehyung will definitely print and frame this.

“Vante, would you please do as I said?” Jimin asked politely.

vante → agustd: stop bothering me! I have work to do

vante: already on it, baby

agustd → vante: you’re so whipped for him it’s gross 🤢

vante → agustd: but you like it when I’m whipped for you 🤷

agustd → vante: …

agustd → vante: shut up! nobody asked for your opinion!

agustd → vante: asshole!

Whenever Yoongi called him asshole, it felt like a confession to Taehyung. Maybe it was because he himself had a very specific love language that involved a lot of not ill-intended insults.

Jimin was already sucking bunny off when Taehyung decided to text Yoongi again.

vante → agustd: hey, how about a dinner on me? or I can pay a half of what you donate today

vante → agustd: I’d let them see your comments without paying too, but it’d look weird and since we don’t want mochi to know we know each other…

It took a while for Yoongi to reply.

agustd → vante: you’re paying half! and doing all the work tonight!

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

vante → agustd: all the work?

agustd → vante: I’m the pillow princess tonight 👑

Taehyung bit his lip. That meant Yoongi planned on coming to his room after the stream. Definitely something Taehyung would look forward to the whole entire time.

agustd donated ₩5,000: bet he’s gonna cum in minutes with mochi’s lips around him like this. I know I would 👅💦

vante: we know you would as well 🙄

While Taehyung absolutely loved the fact that Yoongi could cum absolutely any time, the chat didn’t need to know. Yoongi didn’t have a filter and every time he came, the chat room knew instantly, which was something Taehyung had been teasing him about for a while now. It had become their thing.

agustd donated ₩5,000: 1. vante go fuck yourself, thank you; 2. mochi is naughty. mochi deserves a proper spanking

vante: love you @agustd 😘

agustd → vante: YOU deserve a proper spanking, you fucking brat 😤

Taehyung muffled his moan with his hand, trying hard not to let Yoongi know just how much that sentence affected him. As he watched bunny tease mochi’s nipples and later bend him over his knees and slap his ass so hard that mochi’s ass cheeks turned red, Taehyung wished Yoongi did something like that to him. After already experiencing Yoongi’s rough side when the elder fingered him so well Taehyung could still feel it three days later, he just wanted more.

It all escalated when bunny was about to fuck mochi and Taehyung noticed a particular message from non-other than Yoongi.

agustd donated ₩5,000: FUCK IS HE GONNA FUCK HIM RAW? NO CONDOM? 🥵💦

Yoongi had been the one always bringing a condom with him when they were about to fuck. In Taehyung’s eyes it didn’t make sense. Yes, of course they’ve both been getting tested and knew they were clean. But Yoongi never requested a condom during anything else. Not during a blow job, nothing.

vante → agustd: see? he lets bunny fuck him raw

agustd → vante: yeah, but I’m not mochi

vante → agustd: thank god

Taehyung’s heart was beating fast. All he had to do was press Enter. Wasn’t it too risky? It definitely was. But it was how he felt. As soon as he sent those words he panicked. It paid out given what Yoongi responded.

vante → agustd: you’re mine

agustd → vante: yes I am 🥰

Taehyung’s jaw dropped. The confirmation. The emoji. Did that mean what he thought it meant?

The only think Taehyung could do in that moment was focus on the couple finally fucking. It was a great distraction from Yoongi. Bunny was fucking mochi from behind, mochi’s face filled with absolute bliss as he felt the other man fill him up. Jimin looked so fucking good being fucked like this. Bunny even turned them so that they could see him enter mochi’s tight hole.

Taehyung shouldn’t be comparing mochi and bunny to him and Yoongi. But he couldn’t help it. He wondered if mochi would look as good riding bunny as Yoongi did riding Taehyung. Maybe mochi wouldn’t end up crying. He suggested the change of position to them and after a while of shifting around, mochi was bouncing on bunny’s cock, blissful as ever, both of their moans filling the room and Taehyung’s ears.

agustd donated ₩5,000: fuck I just came 🍆💦

vante: not surprised 🤷🤭

agustd donated ₩10,000: FUCK OFF VANTE!!!

Taehyung had completely forgotten to jerk off. He was already one behind given Yoongi had just cum. Whenever he tried to focus on the scene in front of him, he ended up thinking of Yoongi somehow. Still, he was able to focus more than if Yoongi was sitting right next to him.

Mochi’s fucked out pretty hole was plastered all over the screen, bunny’s cock slamming deep inside of him. It had to feel so good and Taehyung’s mind once again shifted to Yoongi and what it would feel like if Yoongi fucked him like this – raw, hard, deep. Taehyung’s cock twitched and slapped against his stomach, neglected.

agustd donated ₩5,000: I’d lick his hole clean

vante → agustd: why do you never lick my hole clean?

Asking Yoongi to rim him was once again very risky, but Yoongi had already fingered him. He never said anything about putting his tongue inside of him, just that he wouldn’t fuck him.

agustd → vante: shit, you wanna?

vante → agustd: yes 🥺

agustd → vante: fine, I’ll come over when this ends

Taehyung put his palm over his lips. Not only was Yoongi coming over to get fucked like the pillow princess he was, but Taehyung was also promised a rim job? Maybe it went against the purpose of a pillow princess, but if Taehyung sat on his face… His cheeks started turning red at the thought and he absent-mindedly wrapped his hand around his cock. Finally.

“The highest donator of the night gets to decide where he cums,” mochi announced.

vante → agustd: wait! you’d actually do it?

agustd → vante: yes

agustd → vante: and pay attention!

agustd → vante: I’m doing this for you

Taehyung didn’t understand until he skimmed over the chat room and he saw not only the amount of money Yoongi just donated, but also the message attached to the donation.

agustd donated ₩50,000: cum inside of him and let us watch it spill out

“Holy shit,” Taehyung babbled. “I’m not paying for a half of that,” he yelled at Yoongi through the wall.

agustd → vante: I’m not asking you to pay for this. just enjoy it 😉

vante → agustd: why?

agustd → vante: cause I know how much you love creampie 😏

Saying that somebody paying ₩50,000 just so Taehyung could watch a stranger creampie another stranger was the best gift Taehyung had ever received, would sound weird. But it was the truth. It was the gesture that counted the most. Yoongi knew this was something he didn’t feel comfortable letting Taehyung do to him, so this was the second best thing he could thing about.

vante → agustd: I do

agustd → vante: I know, baby

Maybe it was the pet name that gave him courage or maybe it was mochi asking bunny to cum for him.

vante → agustd: I’d creampie you in seconds 🍆💦

agustd → vante: you wouldn’t last longer anyway without a condom

vante → agustd: fucking asshole 🤬

agustd → vante: sorry 😘

vante → agustd: do you really hate creampie that much?

agustd → vante: I don’t. I actually think it’s pretty hot

agustd → vante: with girls!

agustd → vante: I’m not letting a guy cum inside of me

vante → agustd: gross don’t talk about women in front of me 🤢

agustd → vante: you don’t know what you’re missing, coward 🙄

vante → agustd: watch the show jesus christ!!!!

Taehyung watched as bunny’s entire body shook with an intense orgasm, hips still bucking up into mochi. His hand was gliding over his hard cock, jerking himself to the sounds of bunny’s deep groans and mochi’s satisfied moans.

agustd donated ₩5,000: show us the cum

Taehyung moaned when mochi lifted himself. He spread his cheeks, letting the viewers watch bunny’s cum spill out of mochi’s red gaping hole. It was one of the hottest things Taehyung had ever seen. If only he could watch his own cum spill out of Yoongi. Talk about a dream coming true.

In just a couple of minutes Taehyung realized that it was nowhere near the hottest thing. After some small talk, the chat and mochi decided to make bunny hard again. With Yoongi’s non-existent refractory period in mind he watched mochi tease his lover. Taehyung started jerking himself off faster. Bunny’s cock started growing in size eventually and Taehyung felt his stomach tightening with his own orgasm. Mochi was rubbing against bunny harder, Taehyung fucking up into his fist harder and faster until there was the beautiful build up inside of him, ready to release.

“Fuck,” Taehyung moaned so loud he was sure Yoongi could hear him through the wall. And maybe that was his unconscious plan. “Oh my god,” he whimpered, his fist slowing down, but still rubbing his cock, prolonging his orgasm.

Taehyung came over his hand and stomach, thick spurs of sticky liquid landing on his body as he breathed heavily, panting hard and coming down from his high.

vante donated ₩5,000: watching bunny grow harder and harder under mochi’s spell was probably the hottest thing I have EVER seen in my entire life and I’m not even exaggerating 😍

agustd donated ₩5,000: agreed. I came again 🙈

Taehyung bit his lip, wondering if his own orgasm triggered Yoongi’s. It could have. It definitely could have. He was completely spent. For some reason climax had always been very exhausting for Taehyung. If he could just curl up under his blanket and fall asleep now, he would. Instead, he watched bunny fuck mochi again, mochi’s legs behind his head, lips parted and lewd comment slipping out of his mouth with each and every thrust.

agustd donated ₩5,000: I wish somebody fucked me this well

vante donated ₩5,000: I’m free tomorrow bby 😉

agustd donated ₩5,000: omg a date 😱

Taehyung chuckled.

It was hard for him to type while being this exhausted from already climaxing, but he did his best to show mochi and bunny just how much he appreciated what they were doing for them. The entire chat room was filled with encouraging messages, which would have made Taehyung cum themselves if he hadn’t already. Immediately, Taehyung’s mind wondered off to Yoongi, wondering how many times he had cum tonight.

Jimin sounded absolutely incredible. His moans and whimpers were fucking sexy, there was no denying that. Even though Taehyung had never been interested in Jimin sexually, he had to admit that he wouldn’t be mad if somebody sounded like that because of him. Yoongi did. Well, almost. He sounded hot in his own way.

Jimin started screaming the other guy’s name, taking Taehyung off guard. He could tell that it was done in the heat of the moment and saw the panic on Jimin’s face before pleasure took over him. Taehyung straightened himself. Fortunately the cum on his stomach had managed to dry almost completely, so he didn’t dirty anything else. He saw the chat noticed as well.

jhs1802 donated ₩5,000: did he just yell cookie? 😱👁️👄👁️

worldwidehorny donated ₩5,000: I heard it too, maybe it’s bun’s nickname

agustd donated ₩5,000: or… his name? Kook? 👀

vante: from now on if anybody mentions anything about bun’s name I’m blocking you. It’s JUST bun!

agustd donated ₩5,000: okay, okay, sorry

Taehyung immediately added the words ‘cookie’ and ‘Kook’ to the black list just to be sure. He could talk to Jimin about it later. It seemed to work as everybody focused on the fact that Jimin just came instead.

Mochi and bunny kissed for a couple of minutes, mochi’s cum mingling between their tongues messily as bunny continued fucking mochi sloppily. Bunny ordered him to keep his mouth opened. He slipped out and allowed mochi to suck on the tip of his cock again. Seeing him with a cock in his mouth was so natural at this point. Mochi’s lips fit perfectly around bunny’s thick cock. Bunny ended up cumming in mochi’s mouth.

“Hmm, you’re really missing out. Bunny tastes so fucking good. Tastes like heaven.” Jimin moved closer to the camera and used his fingers to push more cum from his lips into his mouth seductively. If only Yoongi realized just how good he tasted as well, Taehyung thought. “You can unfilter the chat now, vante.”

Taehyung did as he was told, the chat immediately flooding with positive feedback.

“Thank you, sweetie.”

Mochi and bunny joked around for a couple of more minutes, bunny promising he might create his own channel while clinging onto mochi adorably. They really were such a cute couple and what more they seemed to bring Taehyung and Yoongi together. Both of them. Jimin and the unnamed young man, who seemed to have an incredible chemistry with Jimin.

Taehyung completely forgot that Yoongi said he’d come over after the stream would end, so he was startled when his door opened all of a sudden, revealing Yoongi standing in the doorframe in his underwear.

“Fuck, you scared me,” Taehyung breathed out.

“Can’t you at least clean yourself? Oh my god, and you’re telling me I’m a pig,” Yoongi rolled his eyes before he closed the door behind himself and approached Taehyung, taking his laptop and putting it to the side. “So, about tomorrow, I was thinking–“

“What about tomorrow?” Taehyung asked confused, interrupting Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed loudly. “The date, for fuck’s sake.”

“You were being serious,” Taehyung’s eyes widened.

“You weren’t?” Yoongi sounded hurt.

“No, no, I just… You really want me to take you out on a date?”

“Yes. Of course I do.”

That was a bit too overwhelming for Taehyung. He had absolutely no idea what had happened, but apparently, he was now taking Yoongi on a date. Did that mean they were dating now? Fucking hell, Taehyung needed to breathe.

“Okay, so I thought that since we go out to eat a lot maybe we could do something fun tomorrow, what do you think?”

Taehyung definitely liked this enthusiastic part of Yoongi.

“Like what?”

“Like go on a walk,” Yoongi shrugged, “or we could check out the exhibition you wanted to see so badly.”

“You’d go with me? But you hate art.”

“I don’t hate art. I just don’t get it. But you like it so…”

Taehyung felt a wave of affection surge through him and he had an incredible urge to just kiss Yoongi. And so he did. Because he could. He could always just blame horniness if Yoongi found it weird. Which he didn’t. Because of course he didn’t. They’ve kissed regularly. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.

“Is your ass clean or do you need to take a shower?” Yoongi asked when he broke the kiss.

Taehyung burst out laughing. “What a way to ruin the mood,” he mumbled under his breath.

“I’m fucking serious, Kim Taehyung. I’m not eating your dirty ass,” Yoongi exclaimed.

“Fine, fine. I better go shower then. I’ve been sweating my balls off for the past two hours.”

Yoongi’s eyes sparkled with something. “Oh, shower sex. That could be fun.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes, but he didn’t argue with him.

Yoongi followed Taehyung into the bathroom like a dog.

“Hey, do you actually know bunny’s name?” Yoongi asked out of nowhere.


“And mochi’s?”


Yoongi gave him a questioning look.

“I’m not telling you his name, I’m not a prick.”

“Fine, Jesus. Keep it a secret, I don’t care.”

“Stop being nosey and take your pants off,” Taehyung ordered, pointing at Yoongi’s underwear.

* * *

What would you call somebody you go on dates with, kiss and fuck almost every other day and have real feelings for? Many people would say ‘that’s obviously your boyfriend’, but not Taehyung. Asking Yoongi to be his boyfriend would mean he would have to admit his feelings out loud and face the inevitable rejection, which might ruin everything they had built in the past few months. And on top of that Taehyung was a fucking coward.

They watched more streams together now than not. Yoongi’s idea.

“I think it’s really cute that they can go from absolutely filthy to, well, this,” Taehyung pointed at his screen.

Both him and Yoongi were clothed. This really wasn’t the type of stream which would make them frantically jerk off each other. Nope. Mochi and bunny were having cute, vanilla sex, showing their viewers what their relationship looked like behind cameras. Sort of.

“Isn’t this the ultimate goal?” Yoongi sighed longingly.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, find somebody who you’re so comfortable with that everything else becomes irrelevant. Obviously, their sexual relationship had reached a point where they don’t feel the need to suck each other off under a table or eat each other’s asses in the shower.”

“Hey,” Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, recognizing that Yoongi was talking about them.

“No, but think about it. They’re not all about sex anymore. Yes, they fuck like filthy animals for us. Not because they crave it, but because it’s fun. This is the real them. They’re not just fucking anymore.” Taehyung turned his head to Yoongi, realizing Yoongi had long not been watching the stream, but Taehyung. “They’re making love,” he said.

Normally, Taehyung would burst out laughing, telling Yoongi he was so lame while secretly wishing he could make love to him. But there was something in Yoongi’s eyes, the way he was absolutely serious, that prevented Taehyung from turning this into a joke.

“So, this is what you want? To find somebody who would make love to you?”

“Well, not somebody. I already have you and I’m pretty comfortable with you, in case you’re absolutely fucking blind.”

Taehyung gulped and then his mouth opened, not sure what to say next.

“Yes, I want you to make love to me, you idiot,” Yoongi rolled his eyes when Taehyung didn’t say anything.

“Oh,” Taehyung peeped and turned his face toward the chat room. “But I have to…” What the fuck was he doing? The man he loved asked him to make love to him. Not fuck him. Make love. This was obviously a sign and Taehyung was missing it because of what? A fucking chat room nobody was checking anyway?

“Everybody loves them. It’s okay if you just let it be for a while,” Yoongi said and he was absolutely correct.

That was the first time Taehyung put all of his feelings into it. Sometimes he caught himself slipping, but this time he truly showed Yoongi just how much he loved him without saying a word out loud. Yoongi absolutely had to know with the way Taehyung moved and cared for the elder.

Taehyung was fucked.

* * *

If Yoongi knew, he didn’t let it show for the next couple of weeks. Whether it was out of courtesy or just because he didn’t feel like addressing it, Taehyung didn’t know. Yoongi’s attitude didn’t change toward Taehyung and Taehyung was still hiding behind empty gestures and insults.

Yoongi did however start kissing him as a way to greet him. One day he came home from work and found Taehyung sitting in the kitchen eating dinner. He leaned down and placed his lips on top of Taehyung’s in a quick peck. It took Taehyung a while to realize what had happened. Yoongi did the same thing the following morning, wishing Taehyung a good day at work and he kissed him. The same thing happened in the evening.

Okay, now they were definitely dating. What the fuck?!

Even when Yoongi was out of town on a business trip, they still called each other every evening, wishing each other good night. Now, all that was missing was Taehyung finally admitting he had been in love with him for years, which shouldn’t be hard given how affectionate Yoongi had been as well toward him.

It was during said business trip that bunny was supposed to take his mask off. Taehyung knew Yoongi wouldn’t be able to watch it given he had to share a hotel room with his colleagues.

vante: haha and my boy agustd is gonna miss it 😂

agustd: shut the fuck up you dipshit I’m here 🤬

vante: you said you had better things to do 🤷

agustd: not when bunny’s unmasking duh 🙄

vante: you suck

agustd: you would know

vante: I’ll block you

vante blocked agustd for 1 hour

Taehyung panicked. He absolutely panicked because… Did Yoongi just admit that they knew each other? That they had something going on between them? Out loud? In the chat room? Of course, Taehyung panicked. He didn’t know what else to do, so he quickly blocked the elder. What the fuck was Yoongi even doing there? Was he about to secretly jerk off under his blanket? That didn’t sound like Yoongi. The Yoongi he knew would proudly whip out his cock for everybody else to see. And Taehyung didn’t like the idea of Yoongi jerking off in the open right in front of his colleagues.

“What is going on here?” mochi laughed out loud before he put two and two together. “Aww, do you two talk outside of this chatroom as well?” he cooed.

Taehyung bit his bottom lip.

vante: yeah maybe… talk… yeah

“Sex really brings people together,” bunny said and he was absolutely correct. It was Jimin’s streams that brought him and Yoongi so close after all.

“Vante, would you be so kind and unblock him for me?” mochi smiled at the camera and Taehyung knew he couldn’t say no to him.

vante: okay fine 🙄 anything for you

vante unblocked agustd

vante: done


vante: 😇

agustd: ugh! you’ll suffer you bitch!!

Taehyung wanted to challenge Yoongi and ask him how he would make him suffer, but mochi was faster to speak.

“Hope you’re not talking to me or my lovely bird, agustd.”

agustd: no of course I’m not talking about you 🥺

“Good, even though I wouldn’t mind if you made me suffer,” mochi said flirtatiously. Taehyung gasped. His fingers moved without his head even knowing.

vante: getting jealous over here 😡

agustd: good you deserve it you ass

Even though it was a big deal for mochi and bunny, Taehyung couldn’t care less about bunny unmasking right now. He wondered why Yoongi was in the chat room. How?

vante → agustd: what are you doing here? aren’t you sharing room with your colleagues?

Taehyung didn’t receive a reply. And Yoongi wasn’t really active in the chat room either. Taehyung fought the urge to call Yoongi. He didn’t have to because as mochi was making bunny cum using a vibrator, Taehyung received a phone call from Yoongi. He picked it up with shaky hands.

“Hel-hello?” he stuttered and shut his eyes close.

“Are you jerking off?” Yoongi asked instead of a greeting and there was certain smugness in his voice.

“No,” Taehyung exclaimed defensively. “No, I’m not.”

“Okay. It did sound like it.” There was a pause. “I am jerking off, in case you wondered.”

“What are you doing? I mean, where are you? What the hell?” Taehyung babbled.

“I was hiding in the bathroom, but one of the guys had to use it. I’m hiding in a closet somewhere. It smells like chemicals in here and I’m pretty sure the bucket I’m sitting on is radioactive,” Yoongi explained.

“They didn’t think it’s weird that you left the room?” Taehyung asked.

“No. I told them I wanted to have phone sex with my boyfriend and their homophobic asses didn’t ask further.”

Boyfriend. Phone sex with a boyfriend.

Taehyung’s heart fluttered before he realized they weren’t really having phone sex and Yoongi probably said that just so that his colleagues would leave him alone. Just like that his heart sank again.

“Wait, wait, wait, mochi’s taking bun’s mask off,” Yoongi exclaimed enthusiastically. Of course Yoongi was still watching the stream.

Taehyung’s eyes shifted to the screen and he put Yoongi on speaker phone before letting his phone fall down next to him. Bunny was squirming uncontrollably, mochi controlling the vibrator pushed deep inside of bunny. Bunny’s cock was straining the front of his pants, mochi’s fingers untying the knot. A lot was happening.

“Holy fucking shit,” Yoongi moaned through the phone and Taehyung’s jaw dropped. Bunny was incredibly attractive. Handsome. He still had somewhat baby face, but his body made up for it. “Oh, he’s pretty.”

“Yes, he is,” Taehyung agreed. Bunny had to be one of the most handsome men he’d ever seen. Objectively speaking. How it was possible for two handsome men to find each other, it was a mystery for Taehyung.

Bunny seemed very nervous and shy at first, seeking mochi’s validation and comfort a lot. Mochi provided both as well as the chat, everybody calling bunny handsome and pretty. Taehyung blocked everybody who said they thought bunny would be prettier because were they fucking blind?

“When are you coming home?” Taehyung asked, missing Yoongi like crazy already and he had only been gone for three days.

“Hmm, the day after tomorrow. Honestly, I can’t wait to jerk off in our rooms. These conditions are fucking useless.”

Taehyung laughed, letting out an embarrassing giggle.

* * *

Both Yoongi and Taehyung eventually learnt bunny’s real name. Well, them and a few more hundred people.

It was one of the streams that Taehyung and Yoongi were watching together. They were in Yoongi’s room, Yoongi using his tablet to hype bunny’s individual stream up while watching it on Taehyung’s screen. It was weird seeing mochi in the chat room with them, but they were all there to support the shy man that was bunny.

Until an anonymous account doxxed bunny. Jungkook. Now it made sense why Jimin had screamed ‘Kookie’ during their first full stream together.

Yoongi and Taehyung shared a frightened look, both knowing that this was not good.

“Fuck,” Yoongi muttered.

The screen went blank. Understandably so.

Neither of them said anything. They sat in Yoongi’s bed, staring at the screen. In a couple of minutes Jungkook’s entire account was gone. Deleted.

babymochi13 → vante: can I please call you? can you give me your phone number? can you do that?

Taehyung immediately replied with his digits, waiting. For about half an hour nothing happened. Yoongi and Taehyung talked about different possibilities of who could have done it and why, and how they could help Jungkook now that his full name and other personal information was leaked. There was no trace of it on the internet anymore, but that didn’t mean other viewers didn’t copy it down.

Taehyung’s phone rang, making him jump.

“Fuck, it’s Jimin,” he said out loud, not realizing he had used mochi’s real name.

“Jimin?” Yoongi asked with his eyes wide open.

“Shit, forget I said anything,” Taehyung pleaded with him and Yoongi zipped his mouth shut.

“Don’t worry. Not a word.”

Taehyung gave him an appreciative look before he answered the phone.

He couldn’t help much. He added all the key words to the black list and blocked the person who had doxxed Jungkook from ever even entering Jimin’s site. But that’s all he could do. He assured Jimin everything would be okay. He knew Jimin’s fans were not idiots and that most of them would just let it be and even help keep the secret.

It still took a couple of weeks before Jungkook appeared on stream with Jimin again.

* * *

Mochi and bunny launching an Instagram account was exactly the push Taehyung and Yoongi needed. Well, it wasn’t the fact that their favourite camboys had a social media account, but rather what came with it – the confession that mochi and bunny were indeed a couple in real life as well.

“I think they’re really fucking cute together,” Yoongi pointed out as he was scrolling through the Instagram account that had been active for around a week now. It seemed like Jungkook was the one in charge most of the time.

“They really are, aren’t they,” Taehyung agreed with a smile. Knowing everything seemed to work out perfectly for them made Taehyung truly happy.

“Makes you wonder about relationships, doesn’t it?”

“What do you mean?” Taehyung asked, not understanding what Yoongi was referring to.

“I mean us,” Yoongi said nonchalantly.

“What about us?”

“Like, what would you do if I went on another date.”

Taehyung’s head snapped toward Yoongi unnaturally fast. His eyebrows furrowed, which made Yoongi chuckle. “You’re going on a date?” he asked, clearly not happy about it. Yoongi had only been on that one date in the past few months.

“Well, I hope so,” Yoongi laughed at Taehyung’s sad expression. The younger’s eyes were big, lips pouting. “With you, of course. You idiot,” Yoongi added.

Taehyung blinked a few times. “Huh?”

“Sorry, I just wanted to see your reaction,” Yoongi explained. Taehyung frowned again and turned away from Yoongi. “No, but seriously. What would you do if I went on a date with somebody else?”

Taehyung shrugged. “Nothing, I guess,” he peeped.

“But you wouldn’t be happy about it.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. Taehyung pursed his lips. “Will you ever ask me or do I seriously have to be the one to do so?” Yoongi sighed.

“Ask you what?”

Yoongi gave him a knowing look, but Taehyung was still confused.

“I know this had been going on for a long time, but I really thought you would just ask me at some point. I mean, it makes sense that you would ask first. You’re the first one who realized anyway.”

“Ask you what? Realized what?” Taehyung snapped at Yoongi, tired of his bullshitting. “Jesus fucking christ, just tell me what’s going on.”

Yoongi sighed deeply. “I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me to date you. As in be your boyfriend date you.”

Taehyung pressed his lips together and his insides curled up into a small ball. He tried to gulp down the lump in his throat, unsuccessfully. “Why would I ask you to be my boyfriend?” Taehyung choose to ask defensively. He made a grimace as if the thought of actually dating Yoongi was the most disgusting thing he had heard in a while.

“Because you obviously like me, duh,” Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Don’t get me wrong. I like you too. But I think your crush had been a bit more obvious than mine. I mean, good for you. I’m a catch.”

Taehyung’s jaw dropped. He had forgotten just how straightforward Yoongi could be. “You-you have a crush on me?” he asked with hope in his voice. Without realizing, the tone of his voice went up and his eyes brightened.

“That’s all you took from it? Nothing about you literally being obvious for years.”

“I mean…”

“Holy shit, you really are this dense. And here I was, thinking you were just shy. Nope. You’re just awkward and dumb.”

“And your feet smell,” Taehyung spat at him harshly, his face turning into a frowning expression again.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” Yoongi rubbed his eyes, annoyed. “Would you like us to be official? It’s not like we haven’t actually been dating for months, but… Well, I’d like to call you my boyfriend if that’s something you want.”

Taehyung truly thought he was dreaming. He couldn’t believe Yoongi was asking him something like this. Well, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized just how obvious it was that Yoongi was just as into him as Taehyung was into Yoongi.

“Wait, you actually like me?”

“Yes, I actually like you,” Yoongi laughed. “Is it so hard to believe? Seriously? I’ve let you fuck me for months. We’ve been going out on dates for weeks. I’ve been sleeping next to you, cuddling you without having sex for literal years.”

“But I never–“

“Because you’re as blind as a bat, Taehyung,” Yoongi groaned. “I’ve known you’ve liked me for years.”

“Oh.” So Yoongi did know.

“Yeah, you were actually really cute trying to pretend like you hated me.”

“I still fucking hate you. You’re a slob,” Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest.

“I’m not really. I hated it as well. Just wanted to know how far you were willing to go. The fact that you didn’t kick me out in the first week let me know everything I needed to know.”

“So you’ve just been taking advantage of me liking you ever since?” Taehyung gasped.

“Not really, no. It was never really my plan to walk in on you jerking off in the shower. Or watching Jimin’s shows. It’s not my fault your dick was out there.”

“How dare you,” Taehyung slapped his shoulder, making Yoongi hiss.

“I mean, if I didn’t like you, do you seriously think I’d suck you off? Let you fuck me? And even stayed after figuring out you were watching a camboy? Jimin is hot and all that jazz, but I stayed for you. Shit, I even started watching Jimin myself because I didn’t want to overwhelm you. You looked like you needed time to process it. I didn’t know it would take you almost an entire year to make a move. I gave you a million chances to do so and you never did. Almost made me wonder if I was reading into it incorrectly. But then you’d stare at me instead of watching a literal couple fuck in front of us and I knew. It fucking pisses me off that you still haven’t answered me yet.”

Taehyung bit his bottom lip. He licked his lips before he said, “It’s a bit too much for me right now.” His voice was much lower now.

“Just say yes so we can go back to insults and sex,” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“You’re okay with my insults?”

Yoongi had a hard time not to slap himself in the face or worse, slap Taehyung. “I know you don’t really mean them. We all have different ways of showing affection. If you wanna call me a fucking asshole to let me know you care about me, of course I’m fucking okay with it. It’s what I love about you, actually.”

“Oh my god,” Taehyung lowered his head into his palms, desperately trying to process it all.

“Just say it. Please. Say yes.”

“So much to handle right now,” Taehyung whispered.

Yoongi laughed. “Weirdo.”

“Yes, fine. Yes. Fuck, of course I want us to be official.”

“Yey,” Yoongi put his fists up in an enthusiastic manner, showing Taehyung his bright smile.

“And you call me a weirdo,” Taehyung rolled his eyes, but he was taken off guard by Yoongi pressing their lips together. Yoongi tasted like home. Every kiss made him melt more and more into the touch, which made it so much harder to pull away.

“Only took us,” Yoongi glanced at his phone, “ten months and eleven days since I’ve seen you watch mochi.”

“Well, you could have said something sooner,” Taehyung said.

“Me? Why is it on me? You could have said something years ago. I didn’t want to pressure you.”

Taehyung blushed and his heart fluttered. “That’s actually very nice of you. Thanks for not making it weird or anything.”

“Of course,” Yoongi smiled at him again. “Now, take your pants off, I’ll go get the condom.”

Taehyung groaned. “Again with the fucking condom.”

“I don’t wanna catch some filthy parasites from you.”

“How many times do I have to tell you I’m fucking clean?”

“A bit more.” Yoongi was back, throwing the condom at Taehyung. “You’re not cumming in me, sweetie. I’ve already told you.”

“I know,” Taehyung chuckled. “You know I don’t actually care if I use a condom or not, right? As long as we fuck.”

“Of course,” Yoongi pecked his lips. “You just like to whine. But I like it better when you whine under me. So, take your fucking pants off and lay down prettily like I know you can before I do something you might not like.”

Taehyung was gone for him. Completely gone, obeying every single order Yoongi made. He had even forgotten what it was like to bottom. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. His boyfriend was a lot to handle, but Taehyung knew he was more than ready to deal with it.

He blushed again.



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