You're still in my Heart

By ayra485

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"Mama can I ask you something" Jung-Min said Jimin nodded, "Mama let's go for appa's marriage" Jimin widened... More



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By ayra485

It's been two days he has been ignoring me, not lifting my calls, going early to office, coming to home at mid nights, probably I am in sleeping when he comes and left to office, May be he was busy in his works,

I got fresh up and went to living room,

Jm : Good morning Eomma,

Mrs. Park & Mrs. Jeon : Good mrng Baby

Jm : Eomma prepare lunch faster

Mrs. Park & Mrs. Jeon : why baby?

Jm : I want to bring lunch to Kookie Oppa

Mrs. Park & Mrs. Jeon : Ohh?

They cooed at me,

Mrs. Park & Mrs. Jeon : so you want to see him

Jm : NO not like that, he's just busy in his meetings, he isn't taking care of his health,

Mrs. Park & Mrs. Jeon : I see,

They smirk,

Jm : Eomma

Mrs. Park & Mrs. Jeon : Okay we will prepare quickly 

After some time, 

Mrs. Jeon : Minnie-ah come I pack lunch for you two

Jm : Thank you Eomma,

Mrs. Jeon : No need sweet heart,

It's around 1pm when I reach office, I came here with Appa few times,

so there is no problem for me to enter inside, I ask receptionist to show me the way to his cabin, I followed her, when I reach his cabin she left to her work,

I excitedly open his cabin door,

Jm : Kookie Op---

My heart shattered into pieces when I see the view in front of me, Kookie Oppa is hugging a girl tightly,

I don't have enough courage to step forward, so I back off, left the lunch box to receptionist to pass him and I left from there and call Tae,

I don't want to go home, So I sat in our favorite park crying alone,

Tae : Minnie-ah 

I hug him tightly,

Tae : what happened why are you crying?

Jm : Tae Tae Kookie Oppa is not loving me, he has some one in his life

Tae : How did you know?

Jm : I went to office today and find out that

Tae : Did you see that girl?

Jm : No I just see her back, they are hugging each other tightly in his cabin

Tae : Princess don't cry I am here

Jm : Tae Tae He is not loving me, I am just responsibility for him,

Tae : It's okay Princess don't cry 

Jm : I can't Tae,

I cried out until my mind get stabled, Tae drop me at house, I am entering inside the house, 

Mrs. Jeon : Did you two enjoy having lunch together?

JK : Yeah we did,

Mrs. Jeon : I knew you like accompanying Minnie

Jk : Eomma I had lunch with my friend that you sent to me,

Mrs. Jeon : That means Minnie didn't have lunch with you

JK : NO, I told you naa, I have it with my friend , Receptionist gave it to me

Mrs. Jeon : But she's the one who bring lunch to you

JK : Never mind Eomma, she loves to hang out with Tae, May be she gave lunch to receptionist and left.

He left to his room, I wipe my tears back,

Mrs. Jeon : But Kookie-ah---- 

Jm : Eomma I am back,

Mrs. Jeon : Minnie-ah you came I am just asking for you, why is your face is so red, did you cry for anything,

Jm : Eomma I am with Tae, when we are roaming outside, dust get into my eyes,

Mrs. Jeon : you have to be careful while roaming ok?

I nodded left to my room, 

Next day morning~~~

A knock on the door wake me up from my sleep,

Mrs. Park : Minnie-ah wake up Appa wants to talk to you come downstairs,

Jm : ok Eomma,

I got fresh up and went to living room, Everyone is in living room, kookie Oppa came behind me

Jm & JK : Appa what do you want to talk to me?

we said in unison, we stared into each other for a second

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : we want you to get married each other?

I look at him, he is looking down, so I thought for a second and said,

Jm : Appa I don't want to get married, I want to go to abroad to complete my further studies, Ask Jungkook oppa first?

He glanced at me when I say Jungkook,

Mr. Jeon : what do you say Kookie-ah?

He just stare at me few seconds and replied,

Jk : I don't want to get married Appa

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : we thought you guys love each other, so we want you to get married, It's okay, May be it's our illusion that you guys fit into each other, let it be

Mr. Jeon : Minnie-ah do you really want to go abroad for studies?

I nodded,

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : okay we will give you permission for that

Jm : Thank you Appa 

I hug them,

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : Did you decided to go which University?

Jm : I did Appa,

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : we always wish your happiness, other than that we don't want anything 

I nodded happily,

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : let's prepare everything what you need to go to university,

Jm : Ok Appa,

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : It's time to office we are going,

I nodded, Appa left to office,

I sat in the living room,

Mrs. Park : Minnie-ah did you again start fighting with Kookie

Jm : Aniya Eomma I just want to go to study, that's it,

Mrs. Jeon : why it seems like you guys are keep distancing 

Jm : Aniya Eomma, Oppa is busy that's it, 

Mrs. Park : I wish I will get a grandson if they get married,

Mrs. Jeon : Me too, But our hopes get ruined,

I left from there, after listening to their conversation,

Time skip~~~~

Tae & Yoongi : Are you serious Minnie-ah?

Jm : oh Tae, My ears, slowly

Tae : you really want to stay away from hyung

Jm : Yeah Tae, If I see him again being with some one, I'll burst out my anger on him, though it's not his fault, I am just finding a way to move on from him, 

Tae : so,

Jm : I decided to continue my studies in abroad,

Yoongi : Babe you really decided to leave us right?

Jm : Never Yoongs, You guys are always my priority

Tae & Yoongi : If you're happy with your decision, we also feel happy for you

we three hug each other, we left to home,

Time skip 2 days later~~~~~

In the evening,

I am writing my diary, I heard a knock on my door, so I kept under the pillow and went to open it,

Jm : Eomma, come inside

Mrs. Park : Minnie-ah did you pack everything? Is there anything that you forget?

Jm : No Eomma, I did everything,

she hold my hands while we are sitting on the bed,

Mrs. Park : Minnie-ah Are you sure do you really want to go?

I hold my tears back,

Jm : I want to Eomma, you always like Jungkook oppa more than me, So I will be like him to command everyone,

They chuckled at me,

Mrs. Jeon : sweetheart did you guys have any misunderstandings, you are not seeing each other

Jm : Aniya Eomma, He was busy in his works, he even wished me last night too

Mrs. Park : Is it?

Mrs. Jeon : Then why are you calling him Jungkook Oppa instead of Kookie Oppa

For a second my heart stopped to beat,

Jm : Anii Eomma, she scolds me not to be like childish, So I am calling him by his name, other than that there is nothing,

Mr. Park & Mr. Jeon : Really, then we are assured, we thought you guys fought

Jm : why do we?

 Mrs. Park : Minnie-ah we are attending our friend's daughter marriage why don't you join us, it will be fun since you are going tomorrow?

Jm : Eomma I need rest cause Flight is at midnight

Mrs. Jeon : Ok then have rest so that my sweetheart can catch some beauty to capture new hearts,

I chuckled at her, we talk for a while, then they left my room,

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