The Adventure of Andrea Baggi...

By DragonJ0

8.4K 325 76

What if Bilbio Baggins had never joined Thorin Oakenshield's company? What if his cousine Andrea had joined t... More

Introducing: Andrea Baggins
The Company
Thorin Oakenshield
Off on an adventure!
Tales of Moria
First accident
Meeting Radagast
Rough day
New friend and old cousin
Singing songs
Late night talks
Death to the King!
Azog, eagles and the Lonely Mountain
Home sick
Spill the beans
Truth's out
Orc attack
Entering Laketown


165 9 4
By DragonJ0

In the following days Andy avoided everyone. They tried to rise her spirit again and bring her to interact with them. However, she brushed them off after a few minutes. At some points she opened her mouth and seemed like she wanted to say something. Then her face twisted and she turned away again.

After another cold night Andy shook the dwarves awake.

"Get up!", she scream-shouted. "The orcs are coming. "

It didn't take long for them to get up and leave. The sun was slowly rising, not giving them a lot of light to work with. They stumbled through the woods as good as they could, following Gandalf through the unknown. After midday had passed, they decided to do a break.

"Andrea, dear", Gandalf called her. "Would you be so kind and go scout ahead?"

She gave him a glare before pushing herself up again and disappeared between the trees.

"What's wrong with her?", Ori asked worried as they watched her leave.

"She's been through a lot, since we left Rivendell. She just needs a little time to process it all", Balin tried to calm them a little. He himself was also worried. He was certain, that she was processing something. But was rather sure, not everything had to do with their journey.

"But she's acting really unusual", Bofur said and Bifur nodded in agreement. "And she didn't try picking a fight with Thorin for a while now. "

"Don't worry about her", Gandalf spoke, leaning on his staff. "She's feeling haunted by her past. As soon as we reach a safe place, her nerves will be able to calm down and she'll come around again. " He hoped so.

The dwarves didn't continue their discussion after that but kept looking over their shoulder once in a while, to see if she was back already.

As soon as Andy was out of sight, she transformed. A sigh left her lips and she stretched herself. Even though it didn't hurt being in another form, being in her original body felt so much better. After pulling her hood over her head and securing her daggers she sprinted of. Being able to run so fast again she felt like flying, the wind cut around her body and whispered in her ear. It didn't take her long to find Azog and his pack. They just crossed the last mountain, now following their trail down. Andy was about to run back, as she caught sight of a huge black bear. Surprised she stood still for a moment. She didn't know, that they still existed. She was told, that all the skin-changers were dead. The bear sniffed the air and his head turned towards her. She could feel its burning eyes on her. Goosebumps spread over her arms, as a threatful growl rolled through the beast's chest. Quickly she stepped back and turned around. The feeling of the beast's eyes upon her never left her body, though she knew, he wasn't following her. She broke through the bushes and crashed into Dwalin. He caught her, before she could hurt herself. Not even taking notice of him, she looked back over her shoulder, breathing heavily.

"How close is the pack?", was the first thing the company asked. Her head snapped around, her eyes flickering over every face she saw, making sure, they were all still there. Noticing her odd behaviour Thorin's brows furrowed. He opened his crossed arms, waiting for her to answer.

"To close", she finally spoke, her voice sounding hoarse. She quickly cleared her throat and stood up straight again, shaking Dwalin's hands off. "A couple leagues, not more. But there's something else. "

"Have the wargs picked up your scent?", Dwalin asked. Andy's head shot up and she stared at him with a piercing look.

"Of course not. But they will soon. We have another problem. "

"Did they see you? They saw you", Gandalf called out, a little panicked.

"No, that's not it", Andy said and looked at him with disbelief written all over her face. Did he think so low of her?

"What did I tell you?", Gandalf now bragged, making Andy roll her eyes. "Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material."

"Would you please shut your gobs for a moment and listen to me. I'm trying to tell you there's something else out there. A damn huge bear!"

"I say we double back", Bofur suggest.

"And be run down by a pack of orcs?" another dwarf held against that.

"There's a house", Gandalf interrupted them, his brows knitted together. "It's not far from here. Where we might take refuge. "

Andy gave him a suspicious look. "Whose house", Thorin spoke out her thoughts. "Are they friend or foe?"

"He's neither", Gandalf answered. "He will help us or kill us. "

"What choice do we have?", Thorin asked, his face darkening. Warg howls were heard in the distance.


No matter how fast they ran, the wargs got closer and closer. Gandalf led them onto a huge clearing where they spotted a huge house. Bombur, tripped over a root right at the edge of the forest and looked back. As he saw the wargs, he stood up in fear and ran. Andy was worried. But as she saw Bombur run past the whole company, she let out a laugh. That turned out to be a mistake, since she tripped over her own feet, tumbling to the ground. The dwarves only notices, as they were at the gate.

"Andrea!", Balin called out. Immediately all heads spun around.

"Open the door!", Gandalf brought them back to the actual problem. Thorin rushed past is company and pushed up a ruler, that was just out of their reach. The dwarves spilled into the house like milk into a glass.

Andy, who was back on her feet, ran as fast as her Hobbit feet would carry her. Since all the dwarves were watching, she couldn't shift. The bear raced towards her with an angry growl.

"Holy crickets!", she screamed and ran faster. She passed the gates of the farm, the beast so close on her heels, she could feel its breath in her neck. Out of instinct, she jumped. The teeth of the beast crashed there, where her calves were only shortly before. Andy bounced off the snout and catapulted herself into the house. The dwarves pushed the door close, barley being able to hold the beast out. Angry it pushed its paw through the gap, trying to grab anything in reach. As it was left emptyhanded, it backed off and went back to chasing wargs and orcs.

"What was that?", Ori asked frightened.

"That is our host", Gandalf answered, shocking everyone except Andy. "His name is Beorn, he's a skin-changer. Sometimes he's a huge black bear. Sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves. "

While the dwarves watched the bear leave, Andy leaned over to Gandalf. "Can it be, that there is a way to get through to the animal of a skin-changer?", she asked. Gandalf, understanding what she was hinting to, leaned closer to her.

"Indeed, there is. Only a skin-changer can do so ", He gave her a meaningful look, confirming Andy's worry. Dori pulled Ori away from the window.

"Come away from there. It's not natural, none of it. It's obvious! He's under some dark spell", the dwarf exclaimed. Andy gave him a sharp look, along with Gandalf.

"Don't be a fool. He's under no enchantment but his own", Andy hissed, making all the dwarves look at her with wide eyes. "Typical dwarf. Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it's evil. " For a moment they all were quiet, staring at the floor guiltily.

"Alright now", Gandalf intertwined once again, saving the situation. "Get some sleep, all of you. You'll be safe here tonight. "

The house of Beorn was cosy. The company made their way into the stables and laid down between the animals. Andy also sat down, leaned against a beam. But no matter how tired she was, she wasn't able to sleep. She was too frightened of the beast outside and the conflict heading towards her. That he would shift back and enter the house. His house. And then crush her in her sleep.

The thought of it made her shift her weight. She knew, he knew who she was. Gandalf answered that before. The only way to get through to a skin-changer in his animal form, is by being a skin-changer yourself. And she was. Well, a sort of. And it was enough, apparently.

She could feel his anger towards her, back in the woods. He smelt her scent. Recognised it. That growl he let out back in the forest, wasn't a warning. It was a threat.

You're next.

Even though he didn't speak, she heard him. Loud and clearly.

Quietly Andy walked into the kitchen and looked around. Everything was huge. This man must be half a giant in person. She'd bet, even Gandalf looked short compared to him. Andy hoisted herself up onto a chair. She let out a groan, as the skin on her back stretched, pulling on her wound. After sitting there for a while, exhaustion started washing over her. She tried to stay awake but drifted away even so often. A little crack woke her out of her light sleep ad she jolted up.

"Who's there?", she whispered into the dark.

"Who wishes to know?", a deep voice replied with a gruff. Andy's eyes widened and she quickly stood up.

"I mean no harm", she said.

"Then why are you here?", he hissed. A huge shadow appeared on the other side of the table.

"We were running from the wargs and needed a place to hide. "

"That is not what I meant, beast", the voice turned into a threatful growl. "Why are you here?"

"Believe me, if I had a choice, I wouldn't have set a foot in here. My apologise. "

"What's wrong? Is the little beast afraid?", the man mused, slowly rounding the table, getting closer to her, much to her discomfort. "I heard great stories about you in my younger years. How come your courage left you now?"

Andy stood straight, not answering.

"Leave", the man growled, now standing in front of her. Andy looked up.

"I can't", she said a little voiceless. Only for a moment, her eyes flickered down, before fixing back onto the face of the man. She would not show weakness.

"Why not?"

"Because I can't leave them. " She lifted her head a little, gesturing to the stables where the company was sleeping. The little movement made the huge man tense and bare his teeth threatful. Slowly Andy dropped her hand again.

"Yes, the pack of dwarves you are traveling with. Why not? Everybody knows to avoid you, beast. Why would they wish for you to stay? ", Beorn asked, after she didn't dare to move any further.

Finally Andy looked away. Beorn observed her reaction, his eyes narrowing. "They don't know." Her silence was answer enough. "Even more a reason for you to leave", he spat, his voice full of hate. "Before you lead them into their deaths. "

"I didn't ask for any of this", Andy snapped, making Beorn lean away from her. "I'm sorry about what happened, I truly am. Kill me, if you wish. But let the dwarves stay here for a few days. "

"Do you think I am so foolish to kill you?", he asked her with disgust. Andy gave up trying to stay calm and shrugged with her shoulders.

"Well, you tell me! You're burning up from so much anger and hatred, I could cook eggs on your forehead, giant. I doubt my live has any value in your opinion, since I failed your kin. In fact, I'm pretty sure, at least three realms would reward you if you did. So, pardon me, if I feel a little frightened for my life. Again!"

For a few moments, Beorn stared down onto the little figure standing on is chair. She looked lost. And tired. It felt like forever, until Beorn finally spoke again. Ashe did, Andy had to stop her shoulders from dropping in relieve.

"Tonight, you shall sleep in peace, little beast. Even though I do not like dwarves and despise you even more, I would not wish for you to be caught by orcs. "

Without a further word or any attempt of killing her, Beorn left to his bedroom. Andy let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She climbed down the chair and snuck back to her spot. Before she laid down, she looked over the sleeping figures once more. Pushing her blanket back she stood up again. On tiptoes she walked over to Bifur, Bofur and Bombur, turning the later back onto his back, so he didn't squash Bifur to death. She tiptoed further and took Gloin boots from above his head and put them down to his feet, so he didn't have to smell his stinky shoes anymore. She then went over to Fili and Kili, picking one of Fili's forgotten knives out of his collar, so it stopped tickling him between his shoulder blades. Satisfied with her work she snuck back to her bed and passed Thorin. She stopped and hesitated for a moment, before she kneeled down next to him. Gently she plucked some straw out of his hair, that got caught up in his long locks. A loose bead fell into the straw, catching Andy's attention. She picked it up and twirled it between her fingers. It had some runes carved into it. She squinted her eyes, trying to read it in the dark.


Surprised she looked at the sleeping Thorin. She didn't know, he still had his royal bead. He must wear it at the back of his neck, so no one saw it. Andy wondered why he would do that. It was a lovely bead to be proud of. He shouldn't hide who he is. Knowing it would be a crime, if she put the bead back into his hair, she gently shoved it into his pocked. With a last look at his peaceful face, she stood up and went back to bed.

"Harm them and I will end your race. ", she whispered, well aware, that Beorn was listening. She laid down and closed her eyes. Not a moment later she was asleep. 

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