The Bunny [country human] (Ha...

By lazuli098

5.5K 204 350

Philippines is sent by his adopted family to a school called CLU phil thought it a good idiea to come but his... More

chapter2:new friend
Chapter3:a sudden call
short chap peek for my chap4
chapter4:idk what to add here
Thank you
chater6:indo pov
chapter7:fackin title
chapter8:what happend?
chapter9:filed trip
chapter10:bad timing
chapter 10 pt2
chapter11:back at home
chapter12:yata yata
chapter12:still other pov tho
chater13:filled trip
แฅดาปแฅฒโด๐—แฅฑr 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 20
S2: 1 ~ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ท๐’ถ๐“๐“
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Chapter4:dorm mates

273 10 13
By lazuli098

So hi guy's pls read the peak for chap 4 because i will not put that scean here im to lazy and tommorow will be hell so hope you like this.....

Everyone had a sudden panicked attack on the detention room only 1 hour left till the maphilindo will be free for the drama emily left the detention because she does't have detantion she only ther for a little drama well she ask for drama she get drama

Phil is texting his brother when will they come

Bunso:hey mga kuya kelan kayo binisita?(hey brother when will you come visit?)

Marshmallow:next week.

Del:oy baka nga maging next month pa eh puwede daw ma cancel yung flight(oy,maybe even next month the flight can be cancel)

Bunso:awww sana hinde(awww wish not)

Marshmallow:sana ma cancel(i wish for it to be cancel)

Bunso:pak u

Marshmallow:pak u 2


Phil turn off his phone and lay his head on the table he wish he coud just sleep right now but ther screaming like lunatic "shut up!"phil whined

Time skippp

-_phil pov_-

Finally class is over damn you math you gave so much homework i wish i just done it in lunch breack ither done just do someting stupid with does two uhgggggg

I was walking to my dorm when suddenly the two come up to me"yo phil wait,what's your dorm by the way?"indo ask the vietnam came behinde indo"yeah hope were roomates we still have one more room for one more student"vietnam said

"Uhhh.wait let me see oh uhm 2D"phil answerd

"Yes yes!!"indo said while dancing around and the two sigh"what's up with him?"i ask"his your room ate him and his another roomate"malay said"well whos your dormate"i ask again"i was roomate with china i think japan or south korea will be transfer to my dorm"viet answer"im with iceland and norway"malay said "damn two cold budies"i said jokingly malay sigh and looked at indo still dancing i got irratated when he start's singing i smack his head and he whined in pain"ouch!.. what was that for?!"indo ask i just gave him a smirk and smiled wide "nothing,anyway's whos the other dormate?"i ask "hmmm.dunno i forgot but i know it start with the letter P-O"he said "portugal?"i ask he looked at me and shake his head i looked at him and sigh it welp who could it be?


Me and indo are walking to our dorm i opend the door to be greated by a country he looked like indo but up side down "hi the my names philippines what about you?"i said

Indo pov

Poland ignore him and walked to his room i looked at philippines he looked disapoited i heard him mumble someting under his breath "rude"he said i just chuckle 'how cute,wait!what no his my best friend and viet liked him so no no!'i shaked my head phil looked at me confuse but smile and run to the sofa and jump at the couch and he take out his phone and starting to play ML he jesture me to come and play with him so i sat at the couch right next to him


After 30 minutes or so the game ended and were victory he grin at me then looked at leading bored and of cours he on the top and im second i swear he take this liked it's a war between some other country trying to fight him then he looked at his clocked "6:43 imma go cook"he said and went to the kithen to cook someting after a while i smell the food he was cooking and oh boy im getting hungrier then poland came out of his room look like he smell it to "hey,what's that smell?"he ask me i just poited at the kitchen then he went to the kitchen.


Not long after i went to the kitchen aswell i saw them talking to each other then phil looked at me and said"oh great your here dinners ready" he said i took a sit while poland get the rice and plates phil put down the dish he called 'adobo' and he went to take a spoon of rice then poland just didnt even took a small pice of rice "uhm.hey poland you cant eat that without rice have some i promise it will taste better"phil said poland nod and take his plate and put a rice on it and start eating

After we finish i help phil do the dishes and do our home work he got home work because of math he didnt have another homework and he kept complaining about it after we finish i was on my bed thinking about phil smile 'damn it indo keep your self togethr'i said in my head and doze of


Sup sorry if i only update know i got lazy so i didnt put the stuff to the small peek of chap 4 so i made this im really sorry for short chap i wish if i can publish faster i woud but lazy ness is taking over my body and im tramatize because i search what does smut mean and put it in video i cant open watpad huhu and i dont get what sadict still mean so comment down bellow what does mean thank you good bye

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