Monsters Among Elites (On-Hol...

Galing kay MediocreMasterpiece

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Every year a whole new group of students enter The Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High school. However... Higit pa

Teaser: Monsters Among Elites (Revised)
Monsters Among Elites - Year One
Character Profiles - 1
Character Profiles - 2
Character Profiles - 3
Character Profiles - 4
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 2 - The Students of Advanced Nurturing High School
Chapter 3 - A Swimmer's Challenge
Notice: Story Status Change

Chapter 1 - The School of Dreams

624 21 7
Galing kay MediocreMasterpiece

"I know this is sudden, but, please, it will only take a moment."

"Are all human beings truly equal?"

I thought about the odd question for a second. The fight for equality has echoed throughout history, and the 21st century was no exception.

Most would say a proper society will always strive for equality. For example, people who clamour for men and women to be considered "equal."

In the quest for a just society, people have championed equality between men and women.
Efforts have been made to promote this sense of "equality" that we so desperately yearn for, such as increasing the employment rate for women and introducing specialized subway cars for their convenience. The public perception of disabled individuals has also evolved, with many advocating against labelling and discrimination. Nowadays children are told that all humans are created equal.

I however, held a different view. People possess unique abilities and strengths, which naturally lead to diverse roles in society, such as men and women with stereotypically differing roles.
Individuals with disabilities, no matter how the phrasing or polite euphemisms, remain people with disabilities.

"No, they are not," I answered.

He nodded. "I agree, humans are not equal."

"But do you know why they aren't equal?"

"Because they are born different at birth," I replied.

"That's a factor, but it's not the whole story." He nodded but then shook his head.

I considered this so I replied. "Of course, there's a difference in status and"

"Not arbitrary things like that," He interrupted.

"Then?" I asked.

"Why do you think humans are so diverse when compared to other organisms, why are we humans so special?"

"Because to be human is to be unequal."


April. The school entrance ceremony. I embarked on a bus ride to my new school. The bus swayed and vibrated with each bump in the road as I gazed out the window, watching the urban landscape gradually transform. At a scheduled stop, the bus came to a halt, allowing more passengers to squeeze into the already crowded vehicle.

Most of the commuters were young students dressed in identical magenta high-school uniforms, much like my own. However, amidst the sea of youthful faces, I couldn't help but notice an elderly lady who struggled to maintain her balance, swaying as if she might tumble onto the unforgiving bus floor at any moment.

Like the other passengers, I initially offered nothing more than a fleeting glance, my reluctance to surrender the coveted seat I had managed to secure. I put aside this unfortunate event, but it didn't involve me, as my gaze shifted to the young woman seated beside me, her eyes were as deep as an ocean and as vibrant as sapphires with her skin was as clear as snow.

She was currently adjusting a delicate snowflake hairpiece, with her efforts hampered by the bus's relentless movement.

Deciding to lend a helping hand I steadied her trembling hairpiece with a deft, reassuring motion. "Here," I said.

She turned towards me in suprise. "T-Thank you." She said.

I shook my head. "It's no trouble, it must've been difficult with all the shaking."

"It really was, I even made sure to wake up earlier today but before I knew it the bus had arrived at my home." She agreed and spoke with a heavy exhausted sigh.

I nodded in agreement. "Same with me, I had just gotten out of my home and the bus had already arrived in an instant."

"It is a bit strange for public transit which usually doesn't have a set time of arrival to arrive at the perfect moment... " Realizing that she had ranted off; Miyuki grew flustered. "Oh, please forgive me for rambling! I don't believe I told you my name, I'm Shiba Miyuki and, like you, I am attending 'Advanced Nurturing High School'."

"I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, it's nice to meet you, Shiba. If I may ask what class did you get assigned to?"

"Class 1-A, what about you Ayanokoji?"

"Class 1-D."

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?"

Suddenly, a rather loud voice attracted both my and Miyuki's attention. The source was a young woman who appeared to be an office worker questioning a well-built blond-haired boy wearing the same uniform as me who was sitting in one of the priority seats.

The boy with his earbuds in apparently didn't hear the woman, as she then repeated herself, "Hey, you there. Can't you see this old lady is having trouble?"

Her voice carried quite well throughout the quiet bus attracting the attention of several people.

The blond-haired man finally realizing what was going on chuckled, as he took out his earbuds and spoke."That's a rather crazy question, lady."

Grinning broadly and crossing his legs the man spoke with a clear and confident tone. "Why exactly should I give up my seat, when I have no reason to?"

"Wh—  you're in priority seating! Of course, you're supposed to give it up for the elderly!" The office lady grew agitated with the boy's snarky attitude.

"I don't understand what you're spouting, but 'priority seating' is exactly that. Priority seating. I have no legal or moral obligation to give it up. Since I'm currently occupying this seat, shouldn't I be the one who determines whether or not I move? Or do you expect me to give up my seating purely because I'm young? Ha, what nonsense!"

He didn't really speak like a high school student and his blond hair made him stand out.

"I am a healthy young man, who while it wouldn't be difficult for me to stand. I would still be required to expel a significant amount of energy compared to sitting down on this seat. I have no intention of doing such a pointless endeavour unless you suggest I act a bit livelier?"

"W-What kind of attitude is that towards your superiors?!" The woman shot back, enraged by the man's refusal to give up his seat, however; this did nothing to dissuade him.

"Superiors? While it's obvious that both you and the old woman there have been alive longer than me. However the word 'superior' implies that you're of a higher standing than I. Also, don't you believe that you are acting quite rude right now by demanding me to get off my seat when I have no obligation to?"

"Wha— You're a high-schooler, aren't you?! You should quietly listen to what adults tell you!" The office lady said as she grew more agitated reaching her boiling point but the blond-haired man chuckled at this display; like the lady was but a child throwing a tantrum.

"It's f-fine, whatever..." The elderly woman muttered with a self-resigned tone, likely just wishing for this to be over and done with.

Seeing this the man laughed. "It appears that the seniors of this country are more perceptive than the adults, very nice! It seems there's still hope for Japanese society. Please enjoy your remaining years." He ended it off with a big cocky smile as he returned to what he was previously doing.

The lady clenched her teeth and her fists were growing slightly red. Likely realizing that it was pointless to attempt to argue with him, she decided to give up.

While many on the bus voiced their disapproval with glances and murmurs none took action, not a single person who could've given up their seat did. This was just how humans were, we wished for others to do the things we didn't want to.

The young man's defiant grin and unwavering posture communicated his stance. He didn't flinch in the face of public scrutiny. It wasn't about legality or obligation for him; it was about a stubborn refusal to yield.

While many might criticize him, I found it hard to fault him. If you looked beyond the question of morality and doing the "right thing", he was correct; there was no legal obligation for him to surrender his seat to the elderly passenger.

"I'm sorry..." Struggling to hold back her tears the office lady apologized to the elder woman who thanked her for trying.

It was a minor incident on the bus, I was just relieved that I hadn't been caught up in the altercation. Honestly, I couldn't care less about giving up my seat for an elderly person.

He had won, many secretly thought so.

"Um... I think that the lady is right."

Just then, a supporter emerged from the crowd, wearing the same school uniform as I, and many others; spoke defending the woman's earlier actions.

Her short beige hair paired with light crimson gradient eyes, and an approachable aura painted her as a rather kind and friendly person.

"Oh? The new challenger is a pretty young lady! It appears I possess quite the charm to attract so much attention from the opposite sex." The man said, clearly he was aware that this wasn't the good kind of attention, but he likely didn't care.

"This poor woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time now, Won't you kindly offer your seat? While this may be something you consider unnecessary, I believe It would greatly contribute to society." In response to this plea, the blond-haired boy snapped his fingers.

"Contribution to society, eh? Quite an interesting opinion." He started.

"While giving up my seat to this elderly woman would be viewed in a positive light. I unfortunately have no interest in contributing to society. I merely care for my own satisfaction.  I'm very much sure this is clear through my words so why not bother one of the other people in this overly crowded bus to give up their seat? If you truly cared about the elderly this would be a rather trivial concern, wouldn't it?"

His arrogant attitude remained, nothing seemed to deter it. The elderly woman wore a bitter smile, whilst the office lady wore a self-resigned and sombre expression; which spoke to the amount of damage her self-esteem suffered from due to this altercation.

However, the kind girl would not back down so easily.

"Everyone, please just listen for a moment! Won't someone, anyone give up their seat for this elderly woman?" She pleaded, looking for someone who would give in to the pressure and give up their seat.

Although I was not seated in a priority seat, I was still near the elder I imagined if I did give up my seat this would end swiftly without any future complications.

However, I like everyone else, remained seated. None of us preferred standing over sitting and in such a packed bus, you'd likely be swept around if you didn't sit on a seat. The boy's remarks were something many could back with to some degree. It seems that it had even shaken up Miyuki, who had been ready to give up her seat just a minute ago.

While the elderly have undeniable importance in Japan, that is based on older traditions and cannot be fully translated into current society. As such, they are at a significant disadvantage in priority compared to the youth, who possess bottomless potential.

Now, of course, not everyone would agree with that statement, but let me ask you. If you were to examine and pick between the elderly and the youth, say like a deserted island scenario. You are stuck on a deserted island and are allowed to bring one person from two options; an elderly man who's quite near his deathbed and a healthy young man in the prime of his life. Who would you pick?

Oh, me?

I would pick the elderly man.

I wondered what others thought of this situation as I looked around, I turned my gaze to my right. The black-haired girl looked around hurriedly her sapphire eyes seemed conflicted on what exactly she should do, that's strange for me Miyuki seemed like someone who would jump at the opportunity to help someone. I put her aside for the moment and looked around to see what everyone else thought of this bothersome situation, most were entirely unconcerned, like; the black-haired girl with sharply accented ruby eyes who sat a couple of seats across from me, reading a book like nothing had happened.

I stared for a couple of seconds too long as she noticed my gaze and looked straight at me making eye contact and glaring, before returning her attention to her book.

Pushing aside the grudge, I could tell we shared the same opinion in deeming it unnecessary to give up our seats.

"E-Excuse me, you can have mine." Unable to take the pressure any longer, a girl had offered up her seat.

Miyuki and many of us, including me; were relieved that this was finally over as several of the people on the bus were silently thanking the boy for solving this exhausting situation.

"Thank you very much!" The beige-haired girl exclaimed her thanks as she guided the older lady towards the seat.


As we exited the bus, I noticed someone had been staring at me; the bus driver. An attractive blond-haired man with dazzling crystal blue eyes, and pale skin, quite like that of a model. It made me wonder why exactly he was driving a bus instead of being the center of some idol group. He smiled and waved his hand, before starting the bus and driving with his eyes still locked on me.

Hey, isn't that dangerous?

I turned my gaze toward the school's entrance gate, flanked by tall stone columns, which gave off an air of authority. The campus, with its well-maintained lawns, modern architecture and bustling students, exuded a sense of purpose and energy.

This was the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School created by the Japanese government to develop new leaders.  Three years going forward this would be the school I, and many others would attend. I took the first step towards the building as I was then called out to.


I turned towards the source of the voice and atop the stairs leading to the gate found the girl who had glared at me on the bus. The blue-eyed girl beside me also followed my gaze, curious about the unfolding scene.

"Me?" I pointed at myself. To which she nodded her head.

"Yes you, why were you looking at me on the bus?" Her eyes narrowed as she spoke in a rather rude tone.

"Sorry, I was just a little interested in what you thought about the incident on the bus. I mean you didn't think about giving up your seat for that woman right?"

"That's correct, I didn't consider giving it up. Is there anything wrong with that?" Her eyes narrowed slightly, as she gave me a scrutinizing gaze.

I shook my head. "Oh, no, not at all. I didn't exactly intend to give up mine either. In fact, I firmly abide by the philosophy of letting sleeping dogs lie. I dislike trouble."

She scoffed, clearly unimpressed. "You dislike trouble?"

"Then I don't believe us to be anything alike. I did not give up my seat because it would have been pointless. That is all."

"Isn't that worse than my reasoning..?"

"Perhaps. But I am simply acting according to my beliefs. Which is different from someone who dislikes trouble, like you. I don't wish to spend any more time around people like you." For some reason, I feel like this new life of mine is going to be exceedingly troublesome.

"I feel the same way," I muttered hoping to end this conversation, we both sighed and she proceeded to walk away in the direction of the school we were attending.

As we continued towards the entrance ceremony in the gym, Shiba, the girl by my side, looked at me with a pitying expression and said with a dry laugh. "Let's just... ignore that, Ayanokoji."

I nodded, agreeing that it was best to move on from the encounter. We followed the staff members guiding us to the auditorium where the entrance ceremony was being held.


Hey, I know it's been a while. I've been just kinda on and off on this story doing parts of this in increments and procrastinating, and we somehow ended up all the way here.

But well here's Chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed it! I know, I know this has been parodied a million times and it's one of the things everyone knows and you get sick of seeing it every time, but for this series in particular it's actually kinda of necessary for setting things up in the future so I felt it was necessary to include it. Also, some people are probably reading this not through COTE but one of the other series which is included in this crossover.

Criticism and feedback are always appreciated!

Expect the quality to only go up from here! I hope to see you all next chapter, which hopefully doesn't take more than a week to come out. But no promises!


W/C : 2768

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