We'll Be Okay

By MultiFandomSimp34567

55 0 0

the 5th Wave x War of The Worlds x The Walking Dead x The Darkest Minds. Plus a little maze runner More

Cast & Backstory


7 0 0
By MultiFandomSimp34567

A/n- sorry the last chapter was so short it was just a intro chapter this one will be longer. 

"Chandler Can you bring me The water bottles i wanna put a few in my bag" I called as I packed a few bags full of supplies. "Here" Chandler said handing me three bottles. "baby why are you making these anyway nothing happened in almost two weeks i think whatever these things are their goal is to scare us" Chandler told me and i signed. "maybe but i wanna be prepared just in case, and if that is their goal they've succeeded cause I don't know about you But I'm terrified" I admitted and Chandler expression soften. "Lauren we're gonna be fine ok i promise i will keep you and Lexie safe if its the last thing I do". Suddenly Lexie came rushing in "Lauren there a big storm outside it got really dark" She said and we got up walking outside. 

The wind was blowing like crazy and you could see the lightning flashing in the clouds. "That's so weird" Chandler spoke up and i Looked at him.  "what" i asked and he pointed. "the wind its blowing towards the storm...how is that even possible". Then it stopped and everything was still. I felt Lex hug me. "Reni I'm scared" she whimpered and I frowned wrapping an arm around her. Lightning flashed in the sky and We all jumped "I wanna go inside" Lexie whined pulling on my arm. "we're ok" I told her as the flashing picked up and Lexie screamed. "please I'm scared" she said hugging chandler. all the sudden a big bolt hit and I screamed too Ducking down. "Ok go now" Chandler told us as it now didn't stop. We ran inside and watched from the window as a bolt hit right acrosx the street we all yelled and hit under the table as i held Lexie as she cried burying her face in my chest and Chandler held me. "Babe there's no thunder whys there no thunder" I panted and Chandler pulled me closer. "i don't know just it'll stop eventually" he was right ust as he said that one last bolt hit and then it was quiet again. " i-is it over" Lexie sniffled as Chandler got up from the table. "i think so" He said, "Chandler you don't think- was this them" I whispered to him an he nodded. "yeah lets just stay calm though maybe this all they'll be" He said and tried turning on the light but it wouldn't work. I finally crawled out from under the table holding lexie as she was still shooken up. "nothing working, was it some kind of EMP" chandler muttered and I signed. "lexie i need you to go get your bag ok the one i packed, can you do that" i asked and she nodded and ran down the hall to her room. "get the bags we're leaving NOW"

10 minutes later

We walked down the street as everyone walked around, cars littered the streets. "all the cars every single one just stopped, jack trying to figure it out" One of our neighbors told us as we walked towards the crowd of people around a smoldering hole in the ground.  Chandler found a car that was working and we all climbed in just as the ground shook and cracks opening up around as people scattered as building collapsed and clouds of debris covered the street like a fog. Then there was a low hum of machinery as something rose from the ground. Everyone froze as this things stood tall with a slowing spotlight like eyes as it let out a music like horn. People started running away as it started up and all the sudden started blasting people the rays hitting them as they exploded into nothing but dust and charde clothing. Lexie screamed and my eyes widen. "CHANDLER DRIVE" I yelled pulling Lexie down. We sped off down the street as the thign started blasting everything in its past. Lex screamed under me and I panted as i could hear the see everything happening in the  rearview mirror. "Lauren where do we go we can't out run that thing and all those people we can't just lea-" He started but was cut off by a blast cutting right off right us. I screamed as chandler slammed in the brakes making the car lurch to a stop. "are you okay" Chandler panted turning around in his seat. "yeah yeah lets just get out of the city...find somewhere where we can lay low for awhile" I told him as i held Lexie who was still quietly sobbing in my arms. "okay well the roads destroyed so we're gonna have to go on the highway so i need to stop somewhere first" 

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