A Star in Wonderland ~ A TFF...

By Virtual_Foxy

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For Steve today was a day like every other, they found glamrock Freddy earlier and he talked with Foxy, but w... More

Before the story starts
Chapter 1 -Down the rabbit hole-
Chapter 2 -What is this place?-
Chapter 3 -Talking flowers and a smoking caterpillar?-
Chapter 4 -Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, twins both left and right!-
Chapter 5 -Lost with an odd smile-
Chapter 6 -The Mad Hatter's tea party!-
Chapter 7 -Panic attack and the curse of an outcast-
Chapter 8 -Into town!-
Chapter 9 -How will I get home?-
Info on the world of ASIW - Kingdom crest
Chapter 10 -In the dark of the night-
Chapter 11 -Split up and captured-
Chapter 12 -The tyrant's judgement-
Chapter 13 -Infiltration of the castle-
Chapter 14 -Execution day, Run away!-

Chapter 15 -Two different sides, the same royal tale-

297 8 7
By Virtual_Foxy

-ANOTHER ANGSTY BACKSTORY TIME!! Only difference is it's over 2000 words longer-

-Steve's P.O.V.-

   I shook the water from my hair, the temporary hair dye took ages to wash out in the small stream running through the broken castle, I was finally back in my own clothes as well. 'Well that took forever...' I looked over to the others, they were trying to come up with a plan for what to do next. Cheshire looked exhausted, leaning on Hatter and barely keeping his eyes open. 'Teleporting everyone must have been hard for him... I hope he'll be okay...' I turned my attention to the disguise I discarded on the ground, I walked over, bending down and grabbing the weapon. I dragged a finger over the cloth covering it. Worry and fear had flooded my mind, I still wasn't sure I could stands up against something like the Nightmare, let alone kill it. I opened my bag, placing it inside, and grabbing out the book I had been drawing in. As I sat down, I opened the book, flipping past drawings for a blank page. I tapped a pencil against my face a few times. 'What should I draw...' I hummed a bit before deciding on drawing the king, Glitch, and Vanny. I only saw Glitch twice, same with the king, so those ones weren't that good.

   I don't know how long I was drawing, but it was getting darker. I looked out one of the shattered windows from where I sat, the sun was setting. I sighed, looking back down at my drawings. 'I want to go home...This is all too much...' I closed the book, putting it back in my bag. I yawned and fixed my hair as I stood up. Looking over to my friends I saw that Lefty and Righty were asleep, and Pat seemed to be searching for a place so he could rest as well. 'I should get ready to sleep too.' I looked around a bit, managing to find a spot that had less rubble. I wiped one of my hands over the hard surface a couple times, sweeping off any tiny rocks. 'That should do.' I laid down on my stomach, folding my arms and resting my head on them. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it would have to work for now. I let out another small sigh and closed my eyes, hoping sleep would come soon.

-Third P.O.V.-

   It had been only a few hours, Steve quietly groaned to himself having failed to fall asleep. He sat up on his knees, looking over to the sleeping group. He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room, he realized that Cheshire wasn't among them. He got up, trying to be quiet as he looked around for the two tailed being. He paused when he noticed an open glass door, looking out he saw Molten, leaning on the balcony's railing as he stared up at the star filled sky, his tails swaying lightly in the wind. The Alice stepped out on the balcony, his voice startling the odd creature. "Cheshire? What are you doing?" He looked behind himself at Steve, he'd then let out a hum. "Just stargazing a bit, now why are you up? Nerves getting to ya?" The red eyed male nodded a bit, the dual eyed creature ushered him over. "You're nervous about fighting the Nightmare, aren't you?" "Yeah...I'm not sure I can do it..." Cheshire placed a clawed hand in the Alice's hair. "Don't you worry Steve, You're gonna have all of us right at your side." The odd creature gave a soft smile to the human, the brunette smiled back. The clawed hand fell from the brown hair, going back to resting on the railing as the bear-cat creature looked up at the dark sky once again. The Alice followed his gaze, a sudden thought popping into his head. "Hey Cheshire?" "Yes Steve?" He paused before asking his question. "Um, I was wondering... about before... when we first teleported into the wooded area of the park in the kingdom... you said something about knowing someone before Hatter that you would stargaze with... you said you'd tell me another time but... could you tell me about them now?" The multicolored furred beast blinked at Steve, he then chuckled. "Oh alright...I warn you though...It's a tale with a twist and no happy ending..."

      -27 years ago-

   It was Christmas Day. In the white rose castle the young prince, Spring, had just been woken up by his brother, Ai. "Hurry up slow poke! Mom said we have to eat breakfast before we open any presents, I bet ya I'll finish my food first." Spring giggled as he chased after his brother. "Nuh uh! I'll totally beat you!" The two brothers sprinted through the halls, almost knocking over multiple of the staff. Their giggles quieted down as they reached the dining hall, the two ten year old prince's stopped to catch their breath. They perked up however when their mother called them over to the table. "Come on boys! I'm sure you want to get to the best part of the day sooner than later!." She laughed as they ran over, practically jumping into their chairs.

   It didn't take long for them to finish breakfast, even after Ai choked a bit on a pancake he practically inhaled. The boy's mother cleaned the syrup from their faces. "My lord you two are so messy." The twins just giggled. "Now come on, your father is waiting in the lounge room." They excitedly followed their mother. Once in the lounge they saw the king, their father, talking with his head guard, who had his 12 year old daughter Vanny with him as well as the 11 year old guard in training, Glitch, both of them being Spring's friends. Glitch was the youngest guard yet, it was impressive that he had qualified at such a young age. Spring hurried over to his two friends, Ai not far behind. "Hi Glitchy! Hi Vanny!" He almost immediately got a tackle hug from the two. They toppled over, a bunch of giggling came from the pile. Glitch was up first, and helped Vanny and Spring up. The attention of the four kids was drawn by the king's wife, she ushered them all over after pulling some of the presents from under the tree.

   Glitch admired the sword he had gotten, the other three were in awe. "That looks so cool! Is that the sword he's gonna be training with?" Vanny's question was answered with a nod from the head guard. Ai spoke. "It looks heavy, how are you gonna use it?" Glitch shrugged a bit, tucking the sword back in its sheath. Vanny opened her last gift, it was a dagger, its handle was hand crafted. "Yes! Now we both have our main weapons Glitch!" She happily swung her new dagger around in the air. Ai chuckled at her behavior as he was handed his final gift. He unwrapped it, revealing a journal. He smiled at his parents. "Thank you! My other one just ran out of space, I had too many sketches." The other three laughed.

   Spring looked under the tree, not seeing anymore presents. "Was that the last one?" His mother and father glanced at each other before she spoke. "Not quite, I'll be back with the last one!" She exited the room. The four kids looked at each other. Vanny spoke first. "Who do you think it'll be for?" Ai shrugged, Glitch tapped a finger to his chin a few times before he spoke. "Maybe it's for all four of us, why else would they save it for last?" The other three made sounds of agreement, then the king's wife returned, but now she held a large gift. The children gasped at the size of the present. "It's huge!" Ai's voice was full of excitement. She came over to the four children who were sitting in a half circle on the floor, placing it in front of them. Vanny quickly spoke up. "Who is it for?" They watched as the gift was slid to Spring. "It's mainly for Spring, but you'll all be responsible for it, got that?" The four of them nodded, and Spring stood up, the present was up to his hips. He untied the bow and grabbed the lid of the gift. He let out a gasp once he lifted it. A big smile rose on his face as he looked in the top, letting the lid of the gift fall to the floor. The other three stood up to look inside, Vanny squealed the second she looked in. "Oh it so cute!" Inside the box was a odd creature, it had pure white fur with a few dark stripes on its face and front legs, it's tail was long and it had small round ears, it also had a cute pink bow around its neck, it looked very fluffy.

    Spring reached into the box, placing a hand on the fluffy little creature, which also woke it up. It lightly shook itself, then looked up at the one touching him. "So it's a pet for me?" Spring's voice was filled with joy. His father nodded. "That's right, he's all for you kiddo." Spring looked back in the box, this time reaching both hands inside. He carefully picked up the small creature, holding it close to his chest. "Do I get to name him?" He got nods in return. Glitch then asked a question. "So what are you going to name him?" Spring thought for a bit, bringing his new pet up to his face. A random idea popped into his head. "Ennard!" "What a unique name sweetheart!" His mother's response wade him happy. He then gently hugged Ennard, who made a happy noise.

   There was a lot of giggles as the kids ran around the snow covered garden, they were chasing each other with wooden swords, the new royal pet scampering after them. They all made sounds of disappointment when they were called inside. Dinner proved itself to be quite interesting however. Spring sat in his chair, Ennard in his lap sniffing the air. "Honey Ennard can't be at the table, we set up his food and water bowls in the kitchen." Spring nodded, bringing the creature to the kitchen and placing him in front of the bowls. Ennard sniffed the food bowl and watched his owner go back to the dining hall. The creature finished his food, but hunger still nawd at him. He looked around the kitchen, then he stopped to watch one of the staff take out a fully cooked turkey from the oven. Once the staff member had exited the kitchen, Ennard tried to get the turkey. He clumsily climbed the counter, once the turkey was in reach he pulled it more towards himself. However, in doing that the entire tray the food was on came towards him as well, it all going over the edge.

   A loud crash was heard from the kitchen, making them all perk up. "What was that?" The four kids got up and followed the staff member. When they got to the kitchen what they saw was a mess, food was all over the floor. One of the bowls was upside down and moving a bit, when a white paw came from under it and clawed at the turkey they knew what had happened. Spring went over and picked the bowl up, revealing Ennard covered in cranberry sauce. "Oh dear..." Vanny giggled. "Looks like you're going to have to give him a bath later." Spring just gave a hum and looked back at Ennard, who had begun to eat large chunks of the turkey.

    -2 years later-

   Spring groaned in annoyance as his alarm clock went off, he lazily flipped over to turn it off. He sighed and closed his eyes again, hoping for a few more minutes of rest. That was short lived as he got jumped on by Ennard. "Let me sleep Ennard... I'm still tired..." The creature stared at him. He then lifted a leg, threatening the worst. "Oh no you don't!" Spring hurriedly picked him up, getting his shoes on and bringing Ennard to the garden. "You pee out here, not on my bed." The creature was placed down, however instead of going to do his business he just sat down. Spring groaned again. "You asshole you didn't even need to go... whatever, come on. I've gotta get dressed." He walked back inside, Ennard close behind him.

   Later that day, as the sun set Spring had brought Ennard back to his favorite spot to stargaze. "We should see lots of stars tonight, it's meant to stay clear for awhile." When the sky darkened even more, stars finally appeared. Spring laid on his back, Ennard was sitting next to him looking up. "Oh look! You can see the Ursa Major constellation so well tonight!" The small pure white bear-cat looked around in the sky where his owner was pointing. A small noise of excitement exited the creature when he saw said constellation. His young owner giggled, a warm smile on his face. His hand combed through Ennard's soft fur.

-Another 9 years later-

   It was evening, Spring was walking around with Ennard at his side, the bear-cat having grown a decent amount. "Hm if we're lucky we can get out of this stupid meeting, I may be next in line for the crown but meetings are soooooo boring..." When he opened the door to the throne room and walked through he saw that the meeting thankfully hadn't started yet, only his father was in the room. "Spring I thought I told you to get here much sooner than this..." The young prince just shrugged. "Sorry father, had to get Ennard some food." Normally his mother would have done that if he was needed for a meeting, but she passed away two years before. "Ah yes about your pet, you will need to put him in the rose garden for tonight." Spring's face turned to one of surprise. "But that garden is outside kingdom walls, and why? He's always been in the castle!" The king beckoned them closer. "He has to go out because the people arriving for the meeting aren't the biggest fans of creatures like him, besides, this is going to be a proper meeting, so you can't have your pet here during it." The prince sighed, giving a nod to his father before leading Ennard from the room.

   Spring opened the gate to the rose garden, ushering Ennard inside. "Don't worry bud, I'll be back in the morning with a big bowl of food for ya!" He pet Ennard on the head, the creature letting out a purr. "Alright cya bud." Spring closed the gate, heading back towards the castle. Ennard played around the garden, sniffing the many roses. It had been two hours since his owner went back to the castle, Ennard was napping until he heard the gate of the garden open. He got up in excitement, running over to the gate, only to see the king and a guard. "Ennard, I need to move you to our other garden out here, I've already told Spring about it so he'll go there in the morning." His head tilted but he listened to the king and followed him and his guard. The garden they were taking him to was much further away. When they got there Ennard looked around, this garden looked more wild and unkempt. He was ushered in, they closed and locked the gate behind him. And then they went back to the castle. Ennard just decided to sleep the night away instead of exploring the new garden he was in.

   Ennard yawned and stretched, looking up he could see that it was early dawn. He sniffed around the garden he was in, there were weird plants he'd never seen before. He kept looking around until the sun had fully risen, he then returned to the gate. 'Where is Spring? This is when he normally gets up...' He waited for a bit. 'Maybe he slept in? He was up late with that meeting..' He kept waiting...and waiting... then it was already evening, and the sun was setting. 'Where is he?...Maybe he got really busy and he'll come tomorrow...' Ennard walked around the garden once again, looking for a nice place to sleep. Once he laid down however, his stomach growled like it had been doing for a few hours. 'Hopefully he brings lots of food too.'

   It had been days. Ennard was drinking water from a small pond in the garden, it didn't quell his appetite though. It was getting harder for him to sleep with his ever growing hunger, it hurt too much to ignore it. He walked over to the gate again, flopping down in front of it. 'When is he coming? Did he get grounded and isn't allowed to leave the castle? Yeah... that's probably why...' Even though it was midday he was tired, he closed his eyes and slept.

   Two weeks. Two weeks and still nothing. Ennard didn't have the energy to stand up while drinking water anymore, so he lay there, slowly lapping up water. He had gotten thin, there was nothing edible in the garden, anything he tried made him vomit. He groaned in pain as hunger pangs hit him once again. He struggled to get up, when he did he stumbled over to his recent sleeping area. He was always tired, barely able to stay awake for more than a few minutes. He flopped down, more hunger pains hitting him hard. He lay there, unmoving, his breathing slow and unsteady. Then it went dark.

   He never woke. Until a month later. The previously unmoving corpse suddenly took a deep breath, followed by many more as his blue eyes were now wide open. The pain had gone, the unnerving hunger that had hurt him so much, was just...gone. He stretched for the first time in a month, his body felt different than before. He made his way to the small pond, wanting to drink water even though he felt no need to. He lapped up some of the refreshing water, it quenching his dry mouth. Sitting by the water he sighed. 'What happened... why am I not hungry anymore... I'm not tired either...' Ennard looked at himself in the reflection of the water, surprise quickly washed over him. He had strange gray markings under his eyes, he looked at the rest of his body to find he now had gray stripes all over. 'I was pure white before! What happened?! Why am I white and GRAY now?! I look old...' He was extremely confused on why he was like this now, he looked up at the sky, it was just past morning. He sighed and decided to see if anything in the garden had changed.

  -About a year later-

    Ennard hummed to himself as he pranced around the garden, he had begun to walk on his hind legs a few months before. Even though it had been a year since he was left in the garden, he still believed his owner would come to retrieve him, thinking that he just wasn't able to leave the castle. He picked a few of the odd flowers around the garden, making a flower crown. 'Springy will be so impressed with what I can do now!' The thought was happy, his tail wagging. He paused with what he was doing when his attention was drawn by a piece of paper flew by in the wind, getting stuck on the metal fence that surrounded the garden. He got up, headed over to grab the paper. He couldn't read all that well, but he recognized the kingdom crest on the back. The smaller words on it were difficult for him to understand, but there were bigger words above a picture at the top of the page. 'The new Dire-wolf for the next king? Did Spring's brother get a pet too?' He looked at the picture, his breath catching in his throat. It was his owner with a large, mean looking dire-wolf. His hands began to shake, his breathing becoming heavy and coming out unsteady. 'He.....he left me here.....for a year... AND REPLACED ME?!?!' He ripped the paper, anger filling him. 'Fuck...fuck..fuck.fuck-' "FUCKING BULLSHIT" A voice ruptured from his throat for the first time. "THAT ASSHOLE FUCKING ABANDONED ME!" His fur began to change, the gray shifting as a new orange took its place beside it. He screamed out of anger, his left eye turning from its delicate blue to a deep red. "WHY?! WHY DID HE LEAVE ME HERE? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!?!" He clenched his fists, tears poking at his eyes. "WHY?! Why?... why...." His voice quieted down as tears an inky black rolled down his cheeks. He fell down on his knees, covering his face with his paw-like hands. He was sobbing now, his thoughts running wild. "I thought he loved me... I thought we were going to be best friends forever... he... he promised... but he abandoned me..." He stayed there for awhile, the tears never seeming to stop. "He...abandoned...me...... he... replaced.... me..." His anger began to flare again, he stumbled into a standing position, wiping the tears from his face. His expression returned to one of anger. "He replaced me with a stupid fucking dire-wolf!" He looked in the direction of the kingdom, the castle just barely visible from where he was. He then turned to look into the forest through the metal fence. "I'm done waiting..." He threw a punch at the fence, the metal bending from the force. He looked at his hand surprised, flexing it a bit before backing away from the fence. The creature ran and punched the metal as hard as he could, it snapped, allowing him to pry it open enough to squeeze out. He nervously looked back at the garden, it being the first time he left the safety of the fenced area in over a year. He shook his head, turning back to the forest. "I'll make that basterd regret lying to me, for leaving me to die. I'll rip the head off his precious new dire-wolf the second I get the chance...." He walked into the forest, never looking back again.

   He wandered the forest, it seemed almost never ending. He had a cut on his arm from a thorn bush, and was looking for some kind of body of water to quench the dryness of his mouth. He sniffed the air, catching the scent of something odd. "What is that?..." He followed the strange smell, it led him to a cave of sorts. He tilted his head forward taking in another sniff of air. "It's definitely coming from here... it kinda smells like food." He entered the cave, searching around for the cause of the aroma. His ears perked up as he saw a large creature, it had a chunk taken out of it, but the smell from the flesh had him drooling. He rushed to the fresh corpse, jumping and scrambling up, his tail wagging. He took many bites, swallowing the bloody flesh down, barely chewing. Even with no need for food since the gray fur appeared on his body, he couldn't stop himself from eating more and more. He only paused when he heard footsteps of something large nearby. 'Wait...what could have killed something this big...and it took such a large chunk out of this thing... I need to get out of here...' He jumped down, wiping blood from his face and heading for the exit of the cave. 'What the... why is there no light coming from outside? I wasn't in here that long...' Peering outside he let out an audible gasp. Staring down at him was a humongous black furred creature with wings and red eyes. He barely had time to react when it snapped its large jaws attempting to catch him. He got out of the way but his tail was nicked. 'I'm fucked...' The monster made its way into the enclosed space. Ennard looked around extremely panicked, he ran to the back of the cave, hiding by the corpse. 'If I'm lucky this thing will forget about me and eat the damn body so I can run...' The creature approached, it sniffing at the corpse and taking a large bite. Ennard took the chance and sprinted full speed outside, it didn't sound like the creature had followed him.

   It had been a few months since the royal pet had entered the forest. Ennard collapsed next to a tree, he was covered in wounds and his own blood, he wasn't meant for the wild, he was just easy prey at this point. He panted and tried to cover his wounds as much as possible.'Fuck...it hurts so much...' He used the tree as support to stand back up. He stumbled through the forest, having no idea where he was going. Suddenly he saw a brake in the tree line, a wooden fence lined the clearing. He hid behind a tree, looking out at the clearing. There was a house that was half painted, and there was someone setting up an outside table with a mismatched tea set. He tilted his head, coming out from his hiding spot, putting his hands on the wooden fence and leaned over it trying to get a better look at what the strange looking man was doing. He leaned a bit too far and fell over the fence. "Ack!-" He groaned in pain, he flipped onto his back, holding his open wound on his stomach with one arm, putting the other one over his face to block the sun. He winced as he failed to stop the bleeding. "Oh dear are you okay?!" The voice made him shoot up into a sitting position, another pain filled whine came from him at the movement. The man he saw before was next to him now, a worried expression on his face. "I.....I'm f..fine..." His voice stuttering. The man knelt down next to Ennard, reaching a hand out to touch his shoulder. "You're bleeding a lot, let me help you." Ennard smacked the hand away and growled, but he got lightheaded from the blood loss, his vision blurred and went black.

   When he opened his eyes he felt the soft cushioning of a comfortable bed, the room he was in was nicely lit. He sat up when the door opened, the man from earlier walked in, a tray in his hands with food and a teapot on it. "Oh good you're awake! I bandaged you up, I had to disinfect a few of your wounds though." He placed the tray on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?" Ennard awkwardly scratched at the bandages on his right arm. "I'm fine...I guess..." The man offered him one of the scones from the tray, Ennard took it, taking a bite. "Thank you..." The man smiled at him. "My name is Bryan, but some people I knew called me Hatter. What's your name?" The creature paused, thinking for a moment. "Molten... But you can call me Cheshire." He wasn't sure why he came up with that name. But Hatter just nodded. "Well Cheshire, you can stay here as long as you like, or at least until you're all healed." Through out the next three or so months the two strange beings chatted and drank tea many times, it was like a never ending tea party, Cheshire enjoyed the personality and company of the Hatter, however one day a question poked at Molten's mind. It bothered him for awhile, wondering if he should ask. Finally he decided. "Hey uh...Hatter, can I ask you something?" Bryan's attention perked, turning towards the dual eyed creature. "Go ahead!" Cheshire swallowed the lump in his throat before asking."I was wondering...why do you live out here all alone, there's no other houses anywhere." The question made Hatter pause, he hummed a bit before answering. "Ah well... I was cursed... and exiled from the kingdom... I was thought to be a threat..." Cheshire's eyes widened at the answer he had gotten. He shook the expression off and came up next to the Hatter, gently grabbing his hand into his own. "Well you certainly don't seem dangerous to me..." A soft red covered Bryan's face, he gave a small cough and grabbed back at Cheshire's hand. "Thank you... It's nice to have someone that doesn't mind it for once." A smile and more blush covered the Hatter's face. Molten's tail wagged a bit and blushed slightly as well. The two held hands for a bit, just looking at each other's blushing faces. A thought ran through Bryan's mind for just a moment, he barely processed what he had thought about before his body acted. He let go of Cheshire's hand and grabbed his waist, pulling the creature towards himself. Cheshire let out a squeak that was cut off by lips catch his own, it took a moment but he closed his eyes and kissed back. The colors of his fur shifted once again as a new soft pink fur appeared along side the orange and gray stripes. His tail was swinging faster than before, he wrapped his arms around Hatter's neck, falling deeper into the kiss. They finally separated for air, and Hatter got a good first look at the new color coating the creature's body. "Oh my..." Molten tilted his head. "Cheshire dear, it seems you've turned a bit pink." He looked down at the new color adorning his fur with the other colors. "That hasn't happened in a while..." He was pulled back in by the Hatter wrapping his arms around Cheshire's waist. "It suits you well my dear~" Molten giggled a bit as Bryan placed kisses all over his face.

      -Present time-

   "After a while of staying with Hatter I ended getting a second tail and my powers, it was confusing at the time but it was still nice to have someone like Hatter with me." Steve was in awe with the story. "So you used to be the king's pet? Your technically royalty then aren't you?" Cheshire nodded, moving the tuff of hair covering his forehead to reveal the kingdom's crest. "I tried to get rid of this thing before but I never was able to." The Alice's thoughts were running wild. 'It's horrible what the king did to him...' He gave a small hum before asking the creature a question. "Does Bryan know about this story?" Molten shook his head no. "I haven't told anybody, I didn't want to be connected to the royals anymore. Besides, we were together, and that was all that really mattered to us." Another question crossed Steve's mind. "What are you going to do if the king brings that dire-wolf to fight?" Cheshire looked to the star filled sky. "I'll do what I promised myself I would do... I'll tear its ugly head from its stupid body." He turned to Steve. "You should try to rest now, you'll need the energy." The Alice nodded and they both headed inside.

   Spring sighed as he looked over the picture frame he held, the photo inside holding the memory of who he was before. A knock on his bedroom door startled him but he placed the frame down and headed to the door. When he opened it he was greeted by Glitch and Vanny. "What do you two want?" Glitch's voice was a tad bit laced with concern. "We were checking on you to see why you were up so late, it isn't like you." Vanny nodded, Spring sighed. "It's nothing I've just been thinking..." Glitch's expression was noticeably dampened. "You're thinking about Ennard again aren't you?" He got a soft nod in response from the king, who moved from the door, allowing the other two to come in. "You still miss him so much after all these years..." Vanny's voice was soft. "How could I not?... I had him for over 11 years!... And I lost him in one night...." Glitch sat next to Spring on his bed, the king on the verge of tears. "What happened that day?...You never did tell us...."

-The morning after Ennard was put in the garden-

   Spring let out a yawn as the light from dawn bombarded his face. He got into a sitting position, stretching his arms before getting up to get dressed. He hurried down the stairs, heading for the kitchen. "Morning Spring! Already heading out to grab Ennard?" He nodded to Ai. "Yeah, gonna get a quick bite first though, then I have to get a bowl of food for him ready." His brother chuckled. "You really like spoiling him don't you?" Spring rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, and continued to the kitchen. He ate some of the bacon the staff had made, taking some and putting it in Ennard's food bowl along with his regular food. He made his way outside, heading for the rose garden on the outside of the kingdom walls. He hummed as the garden came into view. Opening the gate to the garden he called out for Ennard. "Ennard! Come here boy, I've got your food with some bacon for you!" He got worried when the creature didn't come running to him excitedly. "Ennard?" He walked farther into the rose garden, still calling out the name of his pet. "Ennard? Where are-" He paused, his voice catching in his throat. His face turned to one of terror and he dropped the bowl. "No...no...nonononono!" He ran over to the bloody corpse on the ground, its head nowhere to be seen. "Nononono! ENNARD!!!" Tears forced themselves from his eyes as he placed a hand of the white fur, now stained red with blood. "No.....why...." He heavily sobbed next to the body. He stayed there for what felt like an hour, the tears refusing to stop. He jumped when a hand was placed on his shoulder, he looked over to see his brother, who had a horrified expression on his face. He was then pulled into a hug, which he gratefully accepted, even more tears rolling down his face. "I'm so sorry brother.... How could something this horrendous happen...."

   They were back in the castle now, Ai trying his best to console his weeping brother. Their father walked into the room, looking over at the boys. "Such a terrible tragedy, but even so life goes on." Ai glared a bit at the king, Spring's sobbing still showing no sign of stopping. The boys father rolled his eyes. "Ai go to your room, I'm going to have a chat with your brother." The prince hesitantly left the room. The king stood in front of Spring, he forcefully grabbed his son's face. "Stop it with the pathetic crying, you are the future king. Get over that stupid mutt and focus on the more important things. Unless of course you're too sensitive to take on the roll of king, maybe I'll make your brother king instead." Spring stared at his father with wide eyes. "But....You...You wouldn't do that right?..." The king's cold gaze was piercing his son to the core. "Perhaps I would... actually... If you prove to me that you can handle disposing of your little handicap, I will still make you the next king." Spring tilted his head in confusion. "My...handicap?..." His father nodded. "Yes. If you want to become king you'll have to kill the emotional handicap that is your weakling of a brother." Spring's face was one of pure shock and horror. "You want me to kill Ai?! But why?!" The king smacked him. "He is holding you back. And you will do as I saw if you want the crown." The prince gently held his own face. "Yes father..." "Good, now go."

       -Present time-

   Tears poked at the king's eyes, Glitch pulled him into a hug. Vanny placed a hand on Spring's back. No words were spoken, the two just comforted their friend in the silence. They stayed with him the rest of the night, the sun slowly rising, turning part of the sky to a lovely orange. The king had tear's slightly rolling down his face, his thoughts repeating. 'I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect you Ennard...'

-HOLY SHIT THIS WAS LONG, This shit is 6,130 words long, and it now holds the title for longest thing I've ever fucking written-

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