Dark Stones #1: The Rising Da...

By Skylacine

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After her family is killed, a young wolf named Libby and her brother Alex are taken in by a different Pack, t... More

Chapter 1 - The Pack of Fading Shadows
Chapter 2 - Into the Unknown
Chapter 3 - New Faces
Chapter 4 - The First Farewell
Chapter 5 - Cut Your Losses
Chapter 6 - The Pack of Dark Stones
Chapter 7 - The Ceremony
Chapter 8 - The First Day
Chapter 9 - Tales from the Past
Chapter 10 - First Signs
Chapter 11 - Unwelcome Guest
Chapter 13 - Feeling and Hunting
Chapter 14 - Intruders
Chapter 15 - Transition
Chapter 16 - Caught in the Act
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Discussing Terms
Chapter 19 - The Meeting
Chapter 20 - Aftermath
Chapter 21 - Trouble at the Border
Chapter 22 - Losing Battle
Chapter 23 - Preparations
Chapter 24 - Moving On
Chapter 25 - The Smith
Chapter 26: The Pack of Deep Hollow
Chapter 27 - Darkfur
Chapter 28 - Up Next
Appendices I - Name Pronunciations
Appendices II - The Packs and their Members

Chapter 12 - Encounter

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By Skylacine

The two wolves faced one another, circling slowly. Maggie had her teeth bared, while Libby wrinkled her nose bridge and had her ears laid back.

Kotan, Red Spirit and the other trainees were watching as the two she-wolves prepared to attack.

"Are you going to circle each other all day?" Kotan's remark was a jest, but it was enough to spur Libby into action. She lunged and tried to pin Maggie, but the Hunter-trainee was light on her paws and dodged. She whipped around and knocked Libby off her paws. Libby gasped as the air rushed from her lungs. Before she could take a breath, Maggie's paws were firmly on her chest.

Libby wheezed. "Okay, okay, get off me!"

"Hm." Maggie let out a self-satisfied noise and stepped off the other pup.

Kotan nodded. "Very well done. Libby, you need to work on your speed. You're more strongly built than Maggie, but you can't let that limit you. Maggie, that was an excellent use of your speed and nimbleness."

Maggie trotted back to the other three trainees and sat down beside Alex, who muttered a quick congrats. Meanwhile Libby rose and shook the sand off her fur.

"You okay?" Red Spirit inquired.

Libby nodded with an annoying grunt. "Yeah, yeah." Fight training often resulted with getting bruises and slight scratches, but somehow it was always her that ended up with the most.

"Okay. Next up is Alex versus Maggie."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to this one!" Maggie's voice was eager.

Alex scoffed good-naturedly. "I'm much bigger and stronger than you!"

Libby sat down beside Katie and watched as her brother and the purplish-brown she-wolf started to circle one another.

Alex made the first movie, however Maggie once again managed to dodge it using her speed. She spun around and was about to use the same move that she'd used on Libby.

Watch out!

As Maggie crashed into him, Alex managed to fasten his jaws around her scruff and with a rough movement thrust her into the ground. A cloud of dust rose up around them.

"Woah!" Katie exclaimed.

"That was fantastic!" added Umium.

Though she herself said nothing, Libby was pleased to see her brother was making good progress on his fighting moves. At least one of us is.

"I agree. That was great, Alex. Maggie, you must keep in mind that your light-pawed attacks won't work on everyone, especially larger wolves like Alex. Be quick, cut with your teeth, and evade any retaliation from your opponent. This way you can deal a lot of damage without getting hurt,."

Too bad I'm kind of in between when it comes to size, speed and strength, Libby thought. She didn't exactly show much promise in her fighting yet.

Katie apparently caught her looking somewhat annoyed. "Are you okay, Libby?" she asked in a hushed voice.

Libby flattened her ears. "Er, I'm fine. Just...irked that I can't seem to defeat Maggie or Alex."

"I'm sure you'll do great one day!" Katie assured her. "You show promise, you just haven't honed your skills enough. Remember how I taught you to swim? That took practice, but now you're pretty good! You'll do fine."

Libby once more felt herself grow warm inside. She really believes in me!

Kotan's voice interrupted her. "Okay. Last round. Umium versus Katie. Begin!"

The two she-wolves started going through the familiar circling routine, before Umium lunged at Katie. The gray-cream she-wolf was larger and had a much stronger physique than the petite and lithe Katie. However, Umium's movements were clumsy. Katie swung one of her paws to sweep her sister's hind legs, resulting in her collapse.

Umium quickly recovered and bit down on the side of Katie's neck without drawing blood. This knocked Katie off her paws, and Umium pressed Katie to the ground

Katie scooped some dust in one of her front paws and cast it into her sister's eyes. Umium released her grip, and Katie once more tackled her sister, this time standing firmly on top of her with her tail wagging.

Umium coughed, then rubbed her eyes with the back of her front paw. "Good fight," she croaked.

"I'm a natural." Katie's voice was warm and cheerful, not haughty at all.

"Good job, you two," Red Spirit bayed.

"You'll both make excellent fighters one day," Kotan agreed. "Though, Umium, make sure to always be prepared for your opponent to retaliate. They might not always give up easily." He turned to the other trainees. "Training dismissed for today. I'm sending you all out on separate hunting trips for the afternoon. Work together or alone, but don't stray too far from the rendezvous site."

"Sure thing!" called Maggie as the two mentors exited.

Umium broke the silence as the five trainees sat in a circle. "So...who'll hunt with who?"

Libby saw Alex look enthusiastically at Maggie. "Wanna hunt together?"

Maggie seemed somewhat offended at the idea. "Are you suggesting I can't catch my own prey?"

Alex was taken slightly aback, but nodded, clearly not very hurt by her words. "Okay. I guess I'll go alone then. See you all later." He bolted off in the eastern direction of the territory.

Libby thought it was a bit weird of him to be so quick to leave and not care about Maggie dismissing him like that, but she shrugged it off. Instead, she approached Katie. "Er...wanna hunt together?"

Katie looked apologetically. "I'd love to, Libby, but I already promised Umium I'd hunt with her today. Next time, okay?"

Libby's tail instantly drooped, but she nodded. "Okay. Fine." Her words came out way more blunt than she intended.

Katie didn't seem to mind, though, as she turned her back on the young she-wolf with a smile and left with her sister.

Libby met Maggie's purple gaze as the duo remained behind. "I'll catch something first!" the purplish-brown she-wolf declared proudly.

"Good for you," Libby said dryly. "Can you please keep your distance from my brother?"

Maggie narrowed her eyes. "You can't tell Alex who he can and cannot spend time with! Nor me! We're friends and if you don't like that, too bad."

Libby's ears flattened. "Look, you were really dismissive towards Alex! You're rude and mean sometimes. I don't want that to rub off on him!"

"I'm just confident!" Maggie didn't seem to mind Libby's scolding at all. "Alex is pretty good, too. Just unfortunate that you're attached to him."

Not wanting to continue the conversation, Libby turned tail and sprinted into the western part of the territory. Maybe being by herself would make her feel better.

As she slowed down, however, she quickly felt loneliness overtake her.

She started to pace to and fro. Alex keeps spending more and more time with Maggie. I only really get to spend time with Red Spirit and Kotan when we're training. Katie has other friends besides me. I just wish...

She stopped when she finally reached a small pool of dirty water and looked inside. She didn't like what she saw. She was half-grown now, but she wasn't beautiful. Just plain and average in her physique. Her coat was always a tad messy and had a boring sandy brown color. Her markings weren't anything interesting either.

She sat down and sighed. Why would Katie ever like someone like me? I don't even like me. I don't feel like I am me. Something feels wrong.

She'd had this feeling before, but now that she was growing older she was experiencing it more and more. Like something was off about her.

Her thoughts went to Red Spirit. They had been born with a "different" body, being intersex, yet they were still perfectly content with their form and accepted themself the way they were.

Libby blinked back at her own reflection. Then why can't I?

She rose to her paws and started wandering slowly through the western part of the territory, letting her feelings consume her.

The western Dark Stones territory was a dark forest with tall deciduous trees, and Libby took comfort in the musky plant and prey scents around her. Some whiffs of the Plains blew her way, making her think of her old home.

I wonder what's happening now in Fading Shadows territory. Have the Army wolves colonized it? Or is it just abandoned? Maybe another Plains Pack took the land for themselves instead.

Without truly knowing it, her paws guided her in the direction of the Forest edge. Only when more and more light started to seep through the treetops could Libby catch the first glimpses of the yellowish grass of her former home. She stopped in her tracks.

What am I doing? I don't belong there. Not anymore. I'm a Dark Stones wolf now. She was about to turn tail when a familiar yet dangerous scent caught in her nose. Wessels' Army. She gasped and instantly pressed herself to the ground.

It's not coming from our territory, is it? She inhaled the scent. The undergrowth of the Forest made it hard to distinguish the smells, but she soon realized that it was coming from what had once been Fading Shadows territory.

With her heartbeat rising, Libby stalked through the undergrowth until she could get a better look at the Plains. The yellow-orange grass and wide open landscape made her feel homesick for just the slightest moment. As she carefully poked out her muzzle from between the bushes, the scents became clearer now. There was still a very faded trace of her old Pack, so weak that one who didn't know the scent probably wouldn't even detect it. But there was also the overwhelming stench of the Army wolves, which made her breath catch in her throat.

Okay, Libby. Keep it together. You're not breaking any laws by just looking at the Plains.

She inhaled the scents again. One wolf, assigned female at birth, not far away from there, but she couldn't see them. She turned her head. The wind was making it hard to detect where exactly the scent was coming from.

A moment to her left made her look up. A reddish brown she-wolf with yellow eyes was staring right at her. She wore a helmet and long claw extensions.

Libby let out a wail and tried to retreat into the forest, but the stranger reached into the bushes, grabbed Libby's scruff between her teeth and dragged her out onto the Plains. Libby was about to yelp, but her muzzle was promptly stomped into the ground.

I'm caught! This can't be happening! Help me! Someone!

But her thoughts summoned no one. Instead, the female leaned closer into her face with an eerie smile. "Well..." Her voice was quite gruff. "Curious Forest wolf, eh?"

"Let me go!" Libby wanted to say, but nothing came out other than some mumbles with the wolf's weight resting on her upper jaw.

The Army wolf let out a dry laugh. "We of Wessels' Army don't take kindly to spying. Maybe it's better that I make sure you can't spy anymore." In a flash, she raised the paw that had been keeping Libby's muzzle shut, the extended metal claws gleaming in the sunlight. In that second Libby was free, she managed to half-evade the strike.

The claws sliced down upon her face and Libby let out a cry of pain. With a massive effort, she struggled away.

As soon as she was loose, she fled into the forest. The Army wolf was at her tail, but the moment as she threw herself into the undergrowth the stranger stopped giving chase. Scarlet blocked out Libby's sight and her face felt like it was on fire. She was relieved to feel the comfortable undergrowth of the forest below her belly again as she collapsed.

The enemy's voice echoed from behind the forest edge. "And stay away! Next time I'll take more than your eyes!" She let out a snarl, before vanishing pawsteps told Libby she left.

Despite the pain it caused her, Libby tried to rub her eyes and blink them open. It hurts! But she missed my eyes, didn't she? Why can't I see?

She rose shakily to her paws and tried to walk in the direction of the rendezvous, but hit her muzzle full force against a tree, knocking her over. She wailed while lying on the ground for a moment before she realized she couldn't do anything but cry for help. "Help! HELP!" She got to her paws again and tried to stumble around, but crashed squarely into another tree. Her entire face hurt now, as well as her right ear. "Help!"

"Libby?" The voice sounded a long distance away. She recognized it as Katie's.

Soon pawsteps approached her as she lay on the ground. Libby tried to rub her eyes, but the pain was too immense and she let out another whine.

"Libby! Are you okay? What happened?" Katie's voice was full of concern, and also much closer now. Another set of heavier pawsteps told Libby that Umium was with her as well.

Great! Why does Katie have to see me like this? I'm pathetic! She swallowed her pride. "I spotted an Army wolf and she scratched up my face! I can't see and it hurts!"

"Army wolf?" Umium's voice was full of horror.

"Let's take her back to the site, we'll discuss the Army later," Katie said quickly.

An agreeing grunt came from Umium.

"Libby, we're going to get you home. Me and Umium are each going to walk at one side of you to guide you. Don't rub your face, the wounds might get dirty and infected."

Home sounds good. With a groan, Libby was nudged to her paws, and she soon felt two pelts at her flanks. She tried to blink a few times more, but the blood still stung her eyes. She allowed Katie and Umium to take charge and guide her home.

I hope I'm not blind... How am I ever going to avenge my parents if I can't see? And what was that even wolf doing there?


"Holy Spirits, what happened?" Zrin's voice echoed across the clearing as the trio of young she-wolves entered.

"Your face!"

"That looks bad!"

Libby heard the pawsteps and voices of many wolves approaching. She longed to hear Alex among them, but he was absent. Probably still hunting. Red Spirit's voice wasn't among the voices, either.

Dreven's hoarse voice finally broke up the murmur of the crowd. "Libby! We'll get you help. Onor!"

The heavy and clumsy pawsteps of the Healer quickly approached, and she felt Umium and Katie at her flanks guide her in a new direction, probably that of the healer's cave.

The warmth of the sun faded from her back, and the scent of many plants and herbs overwhelmed her. The ground underpaw was rocky and cold.

"Set her down on that nest, please," Onor's careful voice said.

Libby felt Umium and Katie move her until her four paws touched a soft, mossy nest. She let herself settle down on the nest. Not much later, she felt something wet on her face. It was unexpected and painful, and she pulled back with a yelp. "What is that?"

"Wet moss. I'm cleaning your wounds. You're gonna need to keep still." Onor's voice somewhat calmed her down. Despite not liking the touch, gradually she allowed the Healer to tend to her wounds.

Dreven's voice kept her busy in the meantime. "What happened, Libby?"

"I was hunting in the west, but I detected Army scent coming from the former Fading Shadows territory. I took a look - without leaving our land, mind you - but she caught me and tried to scratch out my eyes! I can't see!"

"By the Spirits, this can't be happening!" Dreven's voice was full of horror. "I'd hoped they wouldn't claim that land."

"Bloody Storeckr," grumbled Libby.

"Language, Libby," Dreven scolded her.

She ignored the Leader-wolf and turned in Onor's direction as she heard him rustling with some herbs. "Will I be able to see again?"

"Hmmm." She didn't like the Healer's doubtful tone. Then again, when did Onor ever sound certain about something?

He continued, "I think the claws missed your eyes by hair, but the skin around your eyes is injured badly. It took a piece out of your right ear as well. I think your eyes should be fine in time, but for now I need to keep the wounds clean and put a poultice on them. Which means keeping your eyes covered to keep the leaf bandages in place."

"So I'll be okay?" Libby couldn't help but feel hopeful. Sure, her face hurt a lot right now, but at least she'd still be able to see.

"You'll be fine, but these wounds won't ever fully heal. You'll always bear them as scars."

Onor's words made her ears droop. Of course. Well, at least I no longer look boring, she thought sarcastically. But the chances of Katie ever liking me back are dwindling even more.

She heard Dreven's voice. "Hey, it's not that bad when you compare your injuries to mine." It was clearly a jest, but Libby didn't find it funny at the moment.

She sat in silence as Onor tended to her wounds. In the end, she had poultices on all of the injuries, which were protected by leaf bandages that Onor had spread all over her face. Libby finally rested her head at her paws as he finished.

"All done," the gray Healer said eventually. "You'll need to stay in my cave for the next few days as I make sure the wounds don't get infected. After that, I think you should be able to return to your duties as a trainee."

"You'll be relieved until then, of course," Dreven's voice confirmed. "I'll address the Pack and make them aware of the Army wolf. We'll send some patrols to check out the edge of the Forest, so see if there's any more Army wolves occupying the land. Having more of them this close could be dangerous."

Great. Days of time to be alone with my thoughts. Just what I need. Libby couldn't help but scrunch her nose at the thought.

"Where is she? Where is she?" An approaching panicked voice suddenly made her ears perk up. Alex.

Her brother's pawsteps neared until she heard his claws clicking on the rocky ground of the cave. "Oh no! Your face! Is she blind? I just heard about the Army wolf as I got back! I'm so sorry, Libby! If we'd gone hunting together, this wouldn't have happened!"

Libby was annoyed at the fact that her brother was only just now arriving to worry over her, but she decided to let those thoughts slide. What even was the use in fussing over it? "I'm fine. My eyes are fine. My face and ear are less so. That she-wolf just scratched me up a bit."

Alex's voice was full of rage. "I'm going to find that bitch and make her pay!"

"Easy there, young one." Dreven's voice was calm. "For now we mustn't make a target of ourselves, especially if more Army wolves could be roaming near."

"She'd still be better off dead," muttered Alex, just loud enough for Libby to hear.

"Libby going to be stuck in here for a while, so be sure to visit your sister sometimes," Dreven told her brother. "The wounds need to be kept clean."

"Will they leave scars?"

"Afraid so," said Onor.

"Ugh. Stupid Army wolf, stupid me for not being there to look after my sister!"

He's almost more shaken up than me, Libby thought. Then again, we are  each other's only remaining family. I guess it makes sense. I wouldn't know what I'd do if Alex got hurt, either.

She heard him approach until his scent was very strong. "I promise I'll visit! And I'll hunt for you until you're back on your own paws again!"

"Thanks," said Libby, a little awkward. I don't like having to rely on others, but Onor is right. I don't want these injuries to get infected, and I can't exactly hunt with these bandages covering my eyes.

"I'll check up on you from time to time as well, and inform Red Spirit," Dreven promised. She heard him leave.

"Bye, Lib," Alex told her before following him.

Libby didn't respond. Bye... Guess I'll be stuck in here for a while, huh? Right.

The sounds of Onor shuffling his herbs around gradually faded into the background, up until she drifted uneasily into a sleep filled with nightmares about Army wolves.

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