Soldiers (Completed) •Soldier...

By janejane_jane

544K 16.7K 2.9K

When Bucky had saved Steve from the river, he was determined to find out about his past. He was lost and conf... More

Soldiers Cast List
Chapter 1: The Captain In Tights
Chapter 2: Betrayed and Used
Chapter 3: Illustration
Chapter 4: Beyond The Limit
Chapter 5: Meeting Natasha Romanoff
Chapter 6: Dinner
Chapter 7: Getting To Know Them
Chapter 8: Who Are You?
Chapter 9: Get Out!
Chapter 10: History
Chapter 11: Strangers No More
Chapter 12: Fresh Start
Chapter 13: Typical Monday Morning
Chapter 14: Exposed
Chapter 15: Family, eh?
Chapter 17: Remembering
Chapter 18: Training
Chapter 19: Torn
Chapter 20: New Assignment
Chapter 21: Smile Bucky
Chapter 22: Stick With The Plan
Chapter 23: Steve?
Chapter 24: Best friend And Best...Girl?
Chapter 25: Few Hours Ago
Chapter 26: The Voice
Chapter 27:Serum
Chapter 28: For Their Good
Chapter 29: Matron
Chapter 30: Lies And Confessions
Chapter 31: New Threat Revealed
Chapter 32: My Lottie
Chapter 33: Goodbyes And Kisses
Author's Note
Chapter 34: Night Falls Guards Down
Chapter 35: And It Begins
Chapter 36: New War And New Age
Chapter 37: Big Girls Cry
Great News!!

Chapter 16: Good Night

12K 442 61
By janejane_jane

"Matron? Call me back please. It's Lottie."

"Matron, I'm worried. Are you alright?"

"Matron, call me back for God's sake!"

"Lottie? I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I will call you back soon."

I heaved another box into my room and set it down with a grunt. I didn't even know what was in it. People from Shield merely cleaned up my flat and packed my belongings into boxes, which weren't much really.

My last voice message from Matron was a day ago. She sounded awfully tired, and I was growing suspicious of what her new job was about. I needed to pay a visit at her's at some point. She was genuinely worrying me.

When I headed into the main entrance of the floor that Bucky and I shared now, Tony was sitting on this long white sofa that he had ordered with a content expression. "I like this," He smiled in spite of himself. I glanced around the floor. Everything was modern and at its finest state. Of course, he would like it.

"It's not exactly home like," I commented, attempting to cover up the remorse in my words. Bucky entered by then, with two boxes in each of his arms. His reserved gaze met mine briefly before looking away once more.

Pepper arrived in five minutes time, with Happy following her orderly. He had a pile of folders in his arms and he seemed to be having a difficult time balancing everything within his grip.

"I hope you like how we have set the floor out," Pepper said cheerfully and pulled me in for a hug. I inhaled silently to take in her soothing perfume. To me, Pepper was the closest thing that I had as a mother figure. And Natasha would be the older sister that I always wished I'd have.

"You guys have done so much for me," I replied gratefully, finally pulling away from the enthusiastic woman, "I have no idea what to do to show my gratitude."

"Don't be silly," Pepper laughed lightly and tugged at my loose ponytail. "We're more than happy to do this." She glanced behind her to catch Bucky lingering at the corner. He must have felt out of place. Being the thoughtful and caring character that she was, Pepper headed over to Bucky after throwing a wink at me.

"You must be Bucky," Pepper began with a smile. "I have heard so much about you."

Bucky narrowed his eyes slightly as if he was trying to figure Pepper out. To make things less awkward, Pepper stretched a hand towards him. "I hope you will enjoy your time here. I'm Pepper."

Bucky shook her hand with his metal one. "Thank you," His reply was short but grave. He really needed to loosen up.

By the elevator, Happy cleared his throat and Pepper jumped. "Oh yes, a meeting in five minutes. How can I forget that?" Pepper busied herself while gesturing for Tony to follow, who whined and pushed himself off the sofa.

"If you need anything," Tony said as he joined Pepper in the elevator. He gazed at Bucky subtly before looking back at him. He grinned, "I'm just upstairs."

Just before the doors were close, I could catch Tony telling Pepper that this was something that he had always wanted to say.

Shaking my head, I turned on my heels to face the spacious room. Growling, I realized it would take me ages to get used to this new apartment of Bucky's and mine.

I laid down on the sofa and sighed, finding no motivation at all to unpack. Then I could hear Bucky entering the main room again from his bedroom. "This place is enormous," He muttered quietly. It did occur to me that Bucky didn't like to speak in front of others. But with only me in the room, he was somewhat comfortable about expressing his thoughts. I was secretly proud about that.

Patting the spot above my head, I glanced over at Bucky and smiled. He took several minutes before accepting the offer and sat down on the sofa with me. I sighed again, this time in contentment. "I do appreciate what they are doing for us," I started with knitted brows, "But this doesn't really feel like home."

When Bucky didn't answer, I tilted my head up to check. He leaned back but his hands were on his knees. He was in a stiff posture. Man, he needed to chill out.

"Bucky," I said and rolled my head down. "You can relax, you know. This is not the military or Hydra. This is different."

He didn't respond, or at least pick a more comfortable position. Biting the inside of my cheek, I decided at least I should try enjoying myself on our first day in the new apartment. Reaching above my head, I felt for the metal arm. "May I?" I asked with a beam. Without waiting for his reply, I pulled his hand over and held it above my head so I could look more closely. I traced a finger along the smooth surface. Then I turned Bucky's hand slowly and shaped his metal fingers with mine. The metal felt cold and hard against my flesh, but I was drowning in bewilderment with his hand.

I wasn't thinking much. In fact, I was dead tired from all that that had happened. So with my eyes blinking slower and growing heavier, I opted to feel Bucky's hand with my cheek. When his hand connected with my temple, I shivered slightly at the contrasting coldness. "Bucky, you're cold," I mumbled.

"It's metal, Charlotte."

II realized it was the first time he called me by my name. It felt special hearing him say it, so a stupid smile formed at my lips. I moved his hand lower so it was now resting on my cheek. Fluttering my eyes shut, I exhaled in comfort. "This is nice. By the way, just call me Lottie."


I rolled my eyes under my eyelids, my lips curving even more. "Stop being annoying, Barnes."

He grew quiet.

For a few heartbeats, I was drifting in and out of sleep. Then when I finally gave in and turned to curl into a ball, I clasped Bucky's hand in mine, holding it close to my chest. Yawning lightly, I muttered tiredly,



"Good night."


A short but cute chapter for y'all:) I hope you're enjoying the story so far and please vote:D I would really appreciate your support!


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