An Enigma (ORV x Reader) (DIS...

By DreallPhynks

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When an apocalypse occurs, two people who read a novel determined the lives they would live. A male who decid... More

Chapter 0(Prologue)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

948 47 12
By DreallPhynks

Hello! I am back again, hopefully in the same day.. Well, this is chapter 2 and I really hope you enjoy, let's get right in!


-♥- (name) POV -♥-

.....the world we once knew, was about to change, and not for the better.

I couldn't hear much, but one thing I did hear struck hard, too hard. "It's a Dokkaebi!"

I couldn't hear myself breathing. I don't even know it my heart is working. Time froze all around me, but I knew one thing, this was no longer a world run by people. we follow the new rules. the paragraph from a novel I would have never thought of in a situation like this kept repeating itself in my mind, 'two small horns. a downy creature wearing a straw garment was floating midair.' my mind kept wandering, but, then I saw it. it was no angel, but, it looked too... cute? to be a demon. but, I knew otherwise. it was going to be our worst nightmare.

the white fur, the two golden looking horns, and the black, garment that seemed to wrap around the body. it was definitely the chosen name of a dokkaebi. 

but, for some reason, that..creature, wasn't the main cause of my mental disturbance. "w-what the hell?" I couldn't place it, but, I felt like this was going to happen. that's when I remembered, the gift.

I opened my phone to the email, finding the attached document and opening it. it was TWSA, the entirety of it. but before I could question anything about the novel, the dokkaebi tried to.  talk? 



"What's that thing saying?"

"Is this augmented reality or something?"

"Ew, it's so ugly!"

I heard people talk around me, but one thing caught me off guard, and I really couldn't let her do that.

"I think it's speaking spanish. should I try talking to it?"

I went up towards the man and women.

"that is not the best choice, I mean, do you even know what it is, what are you going to ask it?"

the two flinched, looking right at me with wide eyes, not expecting someone to come up to them amidst this chaos.

"ah! w-well, I-I don't know..."

hahh. this is already enough difficulty. and now that Kikai has humbly decided to place himself of my shoulders, makes it a lot better.

"Testing. Testing. Can everyone hear me?"

"Gosh. The language patch was malfunctioning for a bit."

"Can everyone hear me now?"

"hey, what do you think you're doing?"

...stupid. he's going to get himself killed. does no one really understand that random thing like this don't occur in real life?


"are you filming a movie? I have to to go my audition."

"Oh, an audition at this hour, huh? Haha!"

"I guess I should have done more research. They told me I would have the most customers if we put up the paywall at around 7 PM."

"what? what on earth are you talking about?"

"Okay, everyone. please calm down. why don't you take a seat and listen? I have something very important to tell you all!"

"what is it? just start the train already!"

"you can't do this without our consent!"

oh my god, no one has an ounce of common sense here, I swear, if I make it out alive, I specifically will take one of these people out myself. I mean, does it look like a random movie effect can occur without CGI!

"how are you going to compensate for this?!"

"mommy, what is that? is it a cartoon?"

there was so much screaming. I looked at the man besides the women who though she could talk the dokkaebi, though if I was is her situation, not knowing,  I would try to. he seemed lost in thought, but, not scared, nervous, nothing of the sort. almost calm and collected. it weirded me out.

"Sangah, uh, you, don't move."

huh? what is he planning.


"yeah, no, I don't get ordered around by strangers."


"It sure is noisy here, isn't it?"


"...Told. YOU..."

"...TO BE QUIET!" was fast, the sound of the mans head exploding echoed around the cabin. it didn't effect me as much as everyone else, they started backing away. but, that was expected. people should know better than to question strange creatures.

"We're not filming a movie."

"This isn't a dream..."

"...or a novel..."

that's what you think...okay yeah not the time.

"...And it certainly isn't the reality that you are all familiar with! Do you understand?!"

I could only look around. Sangah, I think her name was was absolutely petrified, and the man beside her looked the same, just not as bad. I almost forgot most people weren't use to this much death. but, even then, to think this was becoming the reality of the world, any doubt had now faded, and as the floor quickly became painted in blood, realization hit. my survival instincts aren't ever going to leave, no matter how hard I try to leave them, not in this new world.

"All of you have had quite a cushy life until now, haven't you?"

"You were able to breathe, eat, excrete, and reproduce without paying the costs! HA!"

"But it's all over now..!"


"is it money you want?"

money? money?! does this b**** think money is going to solve this s***?! I really can't deal with humanities ego of having to lead to money.

"Sangah, isn't that Mr. Han from the finance team?"


he spoke again, so this dumba**'s name is Han, yeah, let's see where this is going to lead to.

"if it's money you're after, I'll give you as much as you want. and just so you know, this is what I do."

"how much do you need? a million? or two million perhaps?"

"Hmm. So you're offering me your money?"

"I'll give you as much as you want if you let me out of here."

him? to he wants to save his little petty a** instead of everyone else's. sounds about right coming from a man like him. hm.. wait a minute, why do I feel like he was the one staring at me. now I really want to sock him in the face.

"Money is good. It is an object that signifies an intersubjective agreement between humans."

in just a snap, the dokkaebi had the money burning into a flame in his hand. I could get used to that face he had of pure astonishment, rather than the one of pure human greed.


"But it's only valid within the confines of your space-time."

"That paper has no value in the macroscopic dimension. This is a warning. If you ever pull a stunt like this again, I'll blow your head up."


"Ha... There's no time for chitchat. Your debt is piling up as we speak. I won't bother explaining it to you. I will be faster for you to try to earn the money yourselves.

with another snap, the dokkaebi's horns grew and flew over everyone on the cabin.

[Channel #BI-7623 Has Opened]

[The Constellations are now making an entrance]


"what is this?"

screens appeared in front of everyone in the cabin, well everyone alive. it seems that might adaptability is quite high, oh well. the screen read 'The Main Scenario Has Arrived'. it seems to have begun, officially.

[Main Scenario #1]

[Prove Your Value]

Kill one or more living organisms.

Category: Main

Difficulty: F

Time Limit: 30 Minutes

Reward: 300 Coins

Penalty for Failure: Death

"Well, good luck, everyone."

"I expect to see an interesting story."

and with a flash he was gone. there was murmuring all around the cabin after a few minutes of the dokkaebi being gone. the two people next to me looked stressed, more over Sangah.

"the police..."

"the police aren't picking up! what do we do?"

"Sangah. Stay calm." 

I decided it was my time to interrupt again.

"you're going to have to calm down, take a deep breath through your nose, then out your mouth."

she follows my directions, I can see her face muscles relax, though not a whole lot.

"Sangah, you've played the game the development team is currently working on, right? you know, the one where only a handful of people survive the apocalypse."

he caught on quick, wait, I don't even know his name yet...wait, another thought, wasn't he the one who was quite flustered a bit ago when Sangah sat next to him. eh, he's quite cute.... there is a damn apocalypse and I'm here thinking a random guy I don't even know is cute, I really need to focus on what is in front of me.

-♥- Dokja POV -♥-

"huh? what's that got to do with anything?"

I looked at Sangah, trying to get her to understand the situation, though the mysterious women who approached us before seemed to do a bit of a better job. she was the one I was thinking about before when I saw her, the world not only brought TWSA to life but brought a women who was absolutely stunning near me. what the hell....I'm done.

"think of it this way."

"we're part of that game now..."

"that is a good way to describe it, and not to ruin the trying to keep calm atmosphere, but in this we can actually die."

she was right, whoever she was knew that are lives are at risk, she adapted strangely well. but that's beside the point.

"a game...?"

"it's simple. every game has rules. we just need to follow them." I answered Sangah, but when I looked to my left, the mysterious women was no longer there. I'll worry about that later.

"rules? what are you-"

"we just have to figure out what those rules are."

I still can't believe this is really happening. ...but I can't deny it any longer. no... I have no choice but to admit it now.

-♥- (name) POV -♥-

I made my way towards the little boy from when I was waiting to get on the subway. he was with his mother, but she seemed out of it and completely ignoring her son that was more out of it than her. when I made my way to him I knelt in front of him, he didn't notice me though. out of this entire situation, I finally brought Kikai into my arms and placed him at the boy's feet. I placed my hands slowly on the child's shoulders. he flinched, but looked right into my eyes.

I gave him a small smile and looked down at Kikai as he started rubbing against the boy's leg, trying to cheer him up, in his own way. I wanted to ask him a question on how he was, but his facial expression told me everything, it seemed his mother didn't even bother shielding his eyes and ears from the horror of before.

I pulled him into and hug and kept him there.

"don't look up, you can tell me how you are when you can talk, alright?"

he nodded in my stomach. it's good he can still hold his sanity in all of this.

"someone please open the door!"

there was a lot of banging, Kikai climbed up to my shoulder, he was smaller than most 3 month old cats, but had a normal weight, so it didn't hurt or strain me at all. I covered the boy's, who is snuggling into my stomach, ears so he didn't have to listen to the banging.

"try breaking it with a hammer!"

it was becoming too chaotic, and I don't really know why, but this boy meant a lot to me now, and I really don't want to see him hurt. guess he reminded me a bit of myself. 

"okay, everyone! calm down."

"take a deep breath, and stop what you're doing."

and now someone is taking control. as I look up at the man, I can't help but find similarities to something, or rather, descriptions in the novel. but I still need to be sure.

"have you all calmed down? may I have your attention for a moment?"

"as you all know, in a national emergency such as this one, even a small commotion can lead to heavy casualties. so from now on, I will take charge of the situation."

"what? who the hell are you?"

"a national emergency? what are you talking about?!"

"I'm...and army lieutenant currently serving in unit 6502."

!my suspicions were correct. but that doesn't make sense, Lee Hyeonseong wan't to make his appearance until after the first scenario. well, I can't expect everything from the novel to go as planned, but it still doesn't add up, if the author, which somehow new this was going to occur, new everything down to the last detail, how could they mess something up like an entrance.

"a lieutenant?"

"he's from the military."

there were murmurs all around, but I just couldn't wrap my head around it correctly, just why is he introducing himself now and not later on.

"I just received a a message from my unit."

"oh my god."

"a n-national emergency?"

"hey, army man! what in the world is going on?"

"I'm trying my best to contact the army base but..."

"what about the blue house?! contact the president right this minute!"

who actually thinks an army lieutenant has access to contact the president. honestly, none of these people deserve to be saved. where would it lead us anyway, it doesn't matter what happens, the president most likely isn't going to live either way.

"I'm sorry but I'm just a soldier, so I don't have clearance to contact the blue house directly."

"then how on earth are you going to control this situation?!"

this is getting far too out of hand.


!did he just?

"ah, uh yes?"

"I-I feel better.."

I gave him a small smile, "that's good, now can I ask a question?"

he nodded his head giving me his approval.

"do you think you can tell me your name?"

"i-it's Gilyeong, Lee Gilyeong.."

"well, Gilyeong, do you think I can hold onto the cage you got there until the right time?"

he nodded again, he is still nervous on the whole situation.

"for everyone's safety..."

I couldn't care less about that. I focused on the cage Gilyeong handed me and I held tight onto it. his mother hadn't even realized him hugging me like a giant stuffed bear in the midst of this. if I had the luxury, I'd take her out along with the other dude, Mr. Han or whatever his name was. 

"the prime minister is making a speech! it really is a level one national emergency!"

I hear Sangah over the loud murmurs, "Dokja, look..."

!!huh? what? his name's Dokja? as in, Dokja my online best friend? that's not possible, but, yet again, who else is named only child. it would also explain why he seemed so calm and instantly related this new world to a video game. there is only one way I can figure out if it is really him or not.

"Dear citizens of Korea..."

"There have been reports of unidentified terrorist attacks, in Seoul as well as many other areas of the country."

"The government will combat these attacks using all means necessary..."

"but why is the prime minister making the speech? what happened to the president?"

"apparently, the terrorists already got him."

"what? really?"

"I don't know. I saw it in the comments of the video."

"then it's just a groundless rumor!!"

I couldn't care less about the prime minister, this occurred in the novel, and my priorities are on something else right now. if he is really the Dokja I know from when we read the novel together, then, I'm going to need to watch his reaction when he shows up. I can't believe I though he was cute! well, I mean he is, but...





"the p-prime minister..."

this was the outcome one way or another, but now we just made the dokkaebi angry.

"I already told you."

"This is not some joke..."


"I guess you still don't get you? No, this won't do..."


"Do you think we're playing a game right now? Fine. According to my research, people from this country are good at games."

"Then, let's..."

"...Raise the difficulty, shall we?"

and just like that, from nearly 23 minutes left, we were down to 10.

[The remaining time has been reduced.]

[You now have ten minutes left.]

[As an added penalty, if the first death does not occur within the next five minutes...]

[...Every living organism in this cabin will be terminated.]

"w-what kind of a sick joke is this?"

"did you hear what that thing just said? did you?"

"army man! what do we do now? where are the police?!"

no one is going to listen, I hope he realizes there is no point in trying to calm them down.

"everyone, please calm down and listen to me..."

of course he tries, eh, too bad.

now, something more important than anything else, where the hell is the protagonist?!


"someone has been murdered in the cabin behind us!"


"don't let them come in!"

"don't let anyone through!!"

"we have to block the--"


and electric like force came out when someone touched the door to the other side.

"w-what's wrong with this?"

"there's some kind of invisible wall in front of the door..."

I quickly took Gilyeong in my arms again and held onto him tightly, I did not have a good picture of what is going to happen next.

[No one may enter or leave the cabin until the scenario is complete.]

"Haha, it's getting interesting for some cabins, while others haven't even started yet."

"Fine. I'll give you a little jolt to get the ball rolling. How about showing you what will happen if you don't do anything in the next five minutes."

I looked down at the boy who could only shake. "Gilyeong, cover your ears, don't look, got that?"

he nodded and covered his ears, burying his head in my stomach once again. I looked up again to see the screen above all of us. I knew all too well what it was about to show.


"that's taepung girls' high school."

there was a lot of noise and beeps, as well as deathly screams.

[You have exceeded the time limit.]

[Proceeding with checkout.]

the noise made was not pleasant to the ears. there was a whole lot more screams and the teen girls crying for help or to let them out. it was overall, a huge massacre. but there was another girl who reacted differently, and that was Lee Jihye, and she was seen strangling a different girl. she did what had to be done, and soon, people will realize that.

[The survivor of channel #BAY23515 is...]

[...Lee Jihye...]

[...A second year student from class B at taepung girls' high school]

"What do you think? Fun, right?"

I caught a glimpse of 'Dokja's' face, and that was enough to prove to me, anyone who can be angry at something that can kill you in a time like this, knows enough to have seen it coming and right as descriptive as me. now it comes down to the point, if I tell him who I am, or let him figure it out.

"f***! what is this?! what the hell is going on?!"

if you haven't figured that out by now, then you are really done...


Welcome to the end of chapter 2! I hope it was to your liking! Well than, I don't have a clue when chapter 3 will come out but hopefully sometime soon. Until next time!


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