Tainted hands

By Gracejenniferanne

412K 12.5K 4.1K

Angelina is a strong-willed and closed off girl although she has grown up in a strong family. Because of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57

Chapter 56

2.9K 95 17
By Gracejenniferanne

blood shed

When you grow up, you learn in life that there is always an alternative. There is always another way, another choice, another version, another reason. There is always a missing piece to the puzzle. Even if you don't automatically see the extra piece. There is always one there.. We never know how to solve the puzzle while doing it just like in life. We never know how we're going to solve our mysteries, our problems, our obstacles. Often the piece is either too big and may feel impossible to fit. But somehow we learn that even with the impossible, there is always another option.

I had tried to ignore my extra pieces and at first I didn't even realise that they were an option. Blaze and my family were the missing pieces I never knew I had. I never knew until now that they were my chance of getting through this obstacle.

"We should go to sleep." I say to Blaze as he and I are both still plotting and planning in bed. It is one in the morning and it is only a few more hours until we will be fighting.

"Do you really think you are going to be able to sleep." he cocks an eyebrow.

"No." I admit. I think the thought of sleep is ridiculous. The amount of pain I am still in and the amount of anxiety I feel. Sleeping is the last thing I think my brain can endure. "But my head is about to explode if i think about this anymore."

He pulls me closer to him so I can let my head fall onto his shoulder. "I know what you mean. I keep looking over the same thing over and over again."

I smile as I intertwine my hand with his and feel more at peace now that I am holding him. "I wish we could stay like this."

He wraps his arm around my waist and gives me a light squeeze. "I know my princess."

"What are we going to do after all this?" His hand caresses my skin and he kisses my forehead lightly.

"We will go somewhere where it is only us two. Perhaps in some small town. In some small country house.."

"We will go there." I smiled to myself at the thought and couldn't help but wonder more what our lives would be like.

"Will we get a dog? I have always wanted a dog." he scrunches his nose in distaste but eventually sighs.

"I had always guessed you were an animal person." he sighed. "But yes princess, we would get a dog. We will just live like those normal couples who have nothing to do but love each other." I spun my body around so I was sitting on his lap and facing him. His hands quickly found their way to my body and held me securely in place.

"I can't wait for that." His eyes twinkled with love and adoration. His hand then moved to the back of my head as he went to kiss me. His lips devoured mine hungrily as mine did with his as well.

I can never get enough of him

His hands were able to trail off and easily slip the flimsy nightgown he bought for me off. Just in seconds his hands were now cupping me, which let my hands explore down his body and onto the band of his pants.

"I need you."

This could be the last time we could hold, touch, taste and love each other. I didn't want to miss this opportunity as I want to be able to still feel, smell and taste his body when I am on the battlefield.

In the last hours of the night we kissed, touched and explored each other's body so much that I will never forget the way he felt.


Marchining, marching and marching. Some could say to our death and some could say to our destiny. Winning isn't everything but wanting to win is. And boy did I want to win today.

As I stepped a foot out of the van, adrenaline rushed through my veins and I knew I was mentally and physically ready. Blaze and I are walking to battle side by side. We had everyone we needed behind us. Which made all of the weight on me a lot lighter. As I knew if I wanted to win I wanted to win like this.

"Ange the enemy is in sight." Jace said, looking around as we could already spot some assassins in hiding. "Everything is going to be fine Jace. We can do this. We are a team" I reassured him.

He smiled widely and brought his pinky out in front of us while wiking. "Eternity and always."

I smiled warmly and took his pinky with mine. "Eternity and always."


My senses came back to me as a small explosion blasted just a few feet away from us. And from the smoke a large group of figures appeared. I rolled my eyes at one of bosses' dramatic tricks.

As if going to war isn't enough he has to put his dramatic effects into it. As we walked closer his evil grin was in view and I could see Tony's bloody lust eyes staring at all of us hungrily.

"Well hello all, isn't this just a marvellous reunion. It really does just feel like yesterday when we were all together." Blaze's hand tightened around mine as we both stared down at our enemy. When the boss's eyes landed on our hands I could see his smirk grow wider.

"You truly are a lovely couple. I guess this is you deciding you are not becoming my wife then." Boss placed his hand over heart and acted mockingly.

"I guess you can, I would much rather kill you." I said in the same mocking tone.

"Well isn't that just lovely then."


Three gunshots were fired and when I looked behind me I saw three of our youngest juniors dead. "Well lets not waste time then."

I let go of Blaze's hand and threw a grenade right in the middle of the enemies group. Before going in for shelter behind a number of crates. The blast went off and all the shooting began. Our side was all scavenged behind crates, rubbish and wood. We were shooting for ward and we were shooting behind us.

As I twisted through the blast of the bullets I tried to make my way through the docks. I felt my heart start to beat faster and my stomach flutters were going everywhere. Adrenaline surges throughout my body. Bodies were flying everywhere, as people were running and charging at people. Even if they had no weapons or had already run out of bullets. People were fighting with anything and everything within them.

I pushed past more people. Shooting anyone in sight that wasn't my own. My gun was quickly out of bullets and I could see a female charging towards me. Before I knew it she was out of sight and Madeline was on top of her. Stabbing her like a mad blood thirsty beast.

I kept going, dodging and ducking wherever I could. I saw from the corner of my eye Diego and Enzo fighting two men and I quickly picked up a lying axe that was already embedded into someone and threw it right into one of their backs. Hearing the man's screams I ripped it out of them and swung it at the other men before he could even think of what to do.

Not even looking at Diego or Enzo, I grabbed the man's weapons and swung them around me. I continued running before I was pulled and Blaze pulled me behind him and shot people who were just seconds away from killing me. I started shooting my own bullets real quick and soon bodies were falling everywhere around us.

I ignored every sound and every scream, I was only focussing on killing. That was until I saw him.


Sparing with my papa and i could see John unable to help him and all my other families unable to help. "Blaze, I am moving east." I didn't wait and I went straight for him before I was trampled over.

"You really think you are all that bitch." Grabbing the mens neck I twisted it painfully so I could get on top.

"Oh I know I am bitch" I quickly snapped the mens neck and got up. To go to my Papa's aid.

None of my family's blood will be shed on my watch.

Jace charged Tony and threw him to the ground throwing all the punches he could. Everything around me was happening so quickly that it all felt like a blur. So much so that I nearly missed the gun shot.

Stopping in my tracks, I felt like all the air had left my lungs completely. Everything around me paused and within all this madness and blood shed. It felt for a second that it all had stopped.

Nothing could have prepared me for this.


If only I was quicker it could have been me. It could have been me pushing Jace away from Tony's bullet and not him.

Not Louis.

"You are such a light in this world, peanut. Never forget that."

"No no no no no no." Jace tramples to Louis aid with tears already streaming down his face. My stomach drops but then turns as I hear Tony laughing and then all I could see was red.

I have never wanted to kill anyone so much as what I do right now. But I don't just want to kill him but I want to give the most painful death possible. Throwing my knife at him I was able to get it right into his chest as he wasn't able to dodge it.

"You bitch!" He screamed. He threw his own knife at me which plunged right into my shoulder. The smile on my face was sinister as right now all i could crave was his blood.

I licked my lips just at the thought.

Without another second I shot him in his crutch and let his petrified screams bless my ears. Tugging the knife out of my shoulder I walk to him slowly. I stalked him slowly like a lion would walk his mouse into a corner. Tears streamed down his face as he tried to crawl away from me but that was no use.

There was no getting away from me.

Before he could even beg for mercy from God I tackled him. He looked at me with so much fear that his whole body beneath me was shaking. Before he could even try to utter a word I then plunged as many stabs with his knife as I could.

"How is my little peanut going"


"What has gotten you so quiet peanut hmm?"

Stab stab stab

"You know I am not actually allowed to say this but considering i have always been a rule breaker. I will tell you a little secret. You have always been my favorite."

Stab stab stab stab

"Never let anyone that tries to bring you down win. Got that peanut?"

My body was  soon thrown into the air and I soon found myself in Blaze's arms. He was holding my body close to his as he was midst shooting. "You need to be a strong princess."

I nodded hastily trying my best to ignore Jace's sobs and screams. He had just lost the father he never knew he had. The father who he never had a proper chance with. The father who just sacrificed his life so he could save his sons.

I needed to ignore all of this. I needed to block this and let that numb feeling takeover. I need to kill.

I want my justice now. More than ever before.

I broke out of Blaze's hold and started shooting. Shooting with anger, with guilt, with tears, with grief and more importantly with blood lust. I couldn't even count the number of triggers I was pulling or the number of bullets that were flying. Because whenever I ran out I had picked up a gun and started shooting again.

It was only exactly two minutes later that all shooting had gone quiet.

Bodies were scattered everywhere and it looked like every person and every inch of the pavement had been painted with blood. It was only now that I let my gun fall to my side. Blaze followed my actions.

Wiping the blood that was dripping into my eyes I scanned to see who was still alive on our side. I was able to count all of my family members and friends. There were also quite a number of soldiers still standing. Some were wounded but nothingless they were alive.

I then scanned the battlefield once again to see if any enemy were still alive. Because there is one man that I still have not seen yet.

"Now that's what I call a show!"

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