Reign from Da Future

By BAMonster2

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Mature for language, soft BL, and violence. Reign Akien Myogotchi, a Newborn Iblis, is bored out of his min... More

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By BAMonster2

A couple of people looked worried as kiomi rushed through the doors. He followed shin as briskly. Shin's robes flutter around like the high official he was.

Everyone gave way for them. No one dared touch Shin, not without his permission even by accident.

The fra'nok'to worried as they didn't get to see dangerous things through the front door. Most was hidden through the back door.

"What's going on?"

"Who is that child?"

"Is that an orange tattoo on his face?"

"cosmos that baby is hurt!"

Rushing to his chambers, he ordered reign to be placed on his personal bed.

"You know what to do..." Shin looked at Kiomi who looked a little uncomfortable.

"Child, you need to deactivate your powers." Shin told Reign

They eyed each other then Reign's eyes became less like a whirlpool of color and more solid.

"Now can you put your tattoos back behind your ears." They were a set by his jaw and the other around his eye.

Breathing in and out slowly reign focused on pulling the marks back to their hiding spot. He could only move them like this if they were on his face and neck. Trying to pull it from my foot to his head was too mentally exhausting. It gave him eye aches. Like headache but behind the eyes.

Once Reign disengaged his powers, he faintly watched Shin.

As he did this the man in black took out a knife and handed it to Shin. He looked reluctant but he had no choice his master's words were usually not said twice.

Next Shin rolled up is sleeves to reveal his pale arm, than he sliced down his wrist with the knife making blood poor out.

The blood dripped off his arm but stood in suspension in the air.

"What are you doing?!" Reign asked in surprise and pain.

"Healing you my child." Was the light reply.

Then a red blood barrier formed from the suspended blood and Shin directed it to cover the teen.

The subordinate named, Kiomi had a dark face as he watched his master do self harm but didn't stop him.

The blood barrier covered Reign and he felt oddly warm like in a warm embrace. Then slowly his wounds started to heal.

Well, all expect the hand print burn that Rye'ut placed on him.

While he was being healed, the door to the room slammed open and two middle aged women stormed in. The two were well maintained.

"Where is he?!" The one that had pinkish hair yelled in anger. It was obviously Reign's mother, Seifa.

The tribal marked tanned woman next to her placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

This was Reign's aunt. His uncle Teio's wife. She had long waist length dark blue hair and was the new host body for Iblis of Pain. The previous host was Teio's best friend but she died at a young age of 19 due to fighting against that bastard Iblis and using up all her energy.

Yuri, the man who harbors the Ibis home was able to send Pain more energy so she didn't have to go into slumber but could head right into a new host.

Pain had made a promise with Teio with her younger host to get married to him, and have some children. Hoping to create more iblis.

As Shin healed Reign the blood red barrier slowly thined untill to totally disappeared.

The black dressed man pulled out some gauze from who knows where and wrapped up Shin's wound.

As Shin was being attended to he walked over to check out Reign's body.

He ran his hand over the places he saw previously that were hurt and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he stared daggers at the handprint burn that was still on the teen's side.

"Mmm... looks that that is something healing abilities won't fix." Shin poked a finger on the burned skin. Then brought it to his lips to lick.

"Ow! It hurts you know!" Reign compained.

"... it seems there is alot of the planet's energy in this wound. You would need a child of earth with a common element to pull that energy out of your body so that you can start to heal again." The pale man informed the teen as well as the two women behind him.

"Great... just great." Reign grumbled as he slowly sat up.

"what type of element?" Seifa asked.

"...mmm ... water, electricity or maybe fire? It was hard to pin point the exact element." He told them

"Ugh... that guy was a water and electric type." Reign mumbled to them as he pulled himself off the bed with a wince.

"I don't know any child of earth with that power... well not any that are near by anyways." His aunt said outloud.

The others shook their heads as well.

Uh... fuck. Reign thought as he looked up at his aunts dates above her head instinctively.

"Wait!" Reign exclaimed as he remembered the white date and his new ability.

"I got this new power! It lets me go back in time..." Reign started as he tried to explain the use of the new Iblis ablity.

When he had finished his aunt and mom had a surprised look. His aunt looked more worried about then Seifa did.

"And when were you going to tell me that this appeared?!" She grabbed her son's torn jacket and shook him. Making him groan in pain.

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