Reign from Da Future

By BAMonster2

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Mature for language, soft BL, and violence. Reign Akien Myogotchi, a Newborn Iblis, is bored out of his min... More

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By BAMonster2

Rye'ut glanced at the pouting teen. He looked at the uniform again, the same school when he was younger.

This kid was legally an adult considering the color of the uniform. Though, his features were a bit to cute for one. It was probably the pink in his hair. The kid was to his shoulder but even with his tiny statute his gaze is what scared Rye'ut.

Those swirling deep pools. Like when they met in the store. But the darkness of the building shaded around them made them glow.

While Rye'ut was still assesting the student, his arm was grabbed and the boy was trying to lead him away.

"some one activated a power" the boy whispered out loud while dragging him along quite forcefully.

This kid's stronger than he looks. Ran inside Rye'ut's head as he was led forward.

"Who are you?" Rye'ut mumbled this as more then one meaning. He felt worn out but he could still keep up. It was more mentally worn then anything.

"oh" the kid tighten his hold and look up " i never told my name. Did i?" He gave a 'my bad smile' then said

"it's Reign. Reign Myogotchi."



Reign shifted his eyes away from Rye'ut's. Why does it feel like there was a "moment" there? Reign's mind suddenly derailed. Eh... whatever. He ignored it and tried to focus on what's at hand.

There were several places that had people who activated powers. But he couldn't pin point who just yet. And reign's main objective right now was to protect this guy. If he could.

Reign felt iffy but tried to put up a cool front.

" i know you're hurting. But- " reign didn't finish. For Rye'ut all of a sudden went on a play act.

"aww Reeee," Rye'ut whined lightly like a drunk, " i want to stay and play with the games and girls stillll," he added little slurs and pretended to lean on Reign.

Rye'ut put his arm over reign after slipping out. Reign subconsciously grabbed the man' waist to hold him up.

"Ooh yoouu." was all Reign could get out in reply. Reign made a fake face of trying to hold in his annoyance but was really him tryin to not smirk. Luckily half his face was hidden inside Rye'ut's chest.

Then the two continued on. Ever now and then Rye'ut would play act. And that would let Reign look over to see if they were still following and if powers were still active near by.

They almost made it to The White Manson/Castle. That's when the crowd thined drastically. This made Reign worry.

It was getting darker too. The sun was going down faster . The lights were become more brighter then before and the single white building shined just blocks ahead.

"If you were aiming for Fra'nok'to place ... I doubt we'll make it." Rye'ut told him halfway giving up.

"shit i didn't even expect to find you... let me at least try." Reign turned to look behind him to see a group of individuals who looked like they hadn't slept in weeks.

He got their names, ages, abilities and events. These guys events were weird too. **Two black events and one red.

They had powers activating. [Tracer.] [Strength]. And shit. [Barrier].

" fuck. fuck. fuckty fuck." Reign cursed.

"Wha-" Rye'ut started.

"Hold on." Reign ordered as he grabbed Rye'ut's back tightly.

Taking a sharp breath reign pushed up his Clax speed power and ran the two of them forward at lightning speed. Yellow mist surrounding them as he used his boost.

Reign's eyes not only due to the clax race but also because of his iblis race was able to see everything at fast forward easily.

So it pissed him off when the were cut off by their enemy's [barrier] by just so. They had planned a big one! Damn it!

Reign twisted around angryly powering his Slovic ability to harden his body but it only last a few seconds. After reign's back hit the [barrier] and Rye'ut came crashing face into him, it came off.

"Shit. Fucking cosmos." Reign gasped "i wish i wasn't a common right now." he mummble to himself as he whinced at his body's impact. He wasn't hurt but it still hurt.

Rye'ut was catching his breath. And towering over the teen. His hands were on the barrier. He hovered over reign.

"You're an idiot." Rye'ut belittled him. Reign looked up with an angry annoyed expression. His face a little red from it.

"i'm freaking wing it! I didn't plan on meeting you, or anything!"

Reign ducked under Rye'ut's arm and went to stand infront of him.
His eye twitched and he clutched his fists. He wanted to hit Rye'ut... but he didn't.

"Hey," Rye'ut yelled as he turned around to face reign's back who was acting like he was going to protect him.

"i don't need a kid to protect-" Rye'ut tried to move. Reign pushed the hand that was heading towards him ruffly.

"mmm then who?" Reign turned A little to look a the older man.

"no one else is gonna stand up for a gangster like you. And i know for a fact that it's not your fault..." Reign turned forward again .

"You're just some guy that man wants to kill because you happen to be an elementist." Reign gritted his teeth

"And he's not even doing it himself. He sent some fucking lackys to do it." He grumbled the last sentence.

Reign still stood ahead of Rye'ut making sure nobody got close. They were within sight but not close enough to hear them speak to each other. (Like 800 /1000ft.)

Reign tensed as he saw the men laughing together.

"a child. " one of them yelled loud enough in a scoff.

"such a man." the other teased.

Reign could see they were activating a taunting skill towards Rye'ut. Reign raised his arm to hold Rye'ut back and said over the two's words to try and block.

"Old ass fucking creepsters!" He said it long and loud. Making the two offended.

"I am not!"

"What?!" The two said together. But it made the [taunting] skill stopped.

Then Reign began a raid of insult that he and the others shot back and forth.

Reign's goal was to throw off the [barrier] skill through the process of interruption. But that guy wasn't talking so far, so it didn't work, and it didn't seem to have any effect. At least he was making his second part of his goal work. Pissing off the other two.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Rye'ut asked from behind.

Reign just smirked. He just ignored Rye'ut and tried to look calm in front of their enemies when he wasn't.

He didn't want to tell this adult behind him. He was winging it big time, expectally in front of their enemies.

He already told him once. Why did he ask again? Did he not hear him? Reign tried not to give Rye'ut a glance back.

Alright, fine... Reign thought. He'll let him have the 2nd biggest guns.

Most of Reign's abilities were time limited. His speed. It would run out of energy. Or his hardening because he wasn't fully prophecent. He needs more practice, even though he was a pure mixed blood. He had a [controling] skill with his eyes, but it didn't work half the time. He still needed to figure out the quirks of all these heritage skills.

The only ones he trusted were his iblis skills, which he could use all the time, but still had more information and more abilities on them to learn and were better for supporting. His 2nd trusted was his heritage skill from the Glow race. Which was [tattoo markings] that, if taken off, would form into fluid shape weapons.

Reign's marks were hidden behind his ears. They were five orange dots. On each side. If reign brushed his fingertips over them, they would activate and transfer to his hands like thin sharp nails. It was barely noticeable, except his fingertips were tinted orange.

That is exactly what he did. Reign took his hands and made it look like he was brushing his hair behind his ears. Then, he flexed his wrists, stretching his fingers. He got in a pose like he was going to move away from Rye'ut.

What Reign didn't notice was that Rye'ut was keeping an eye on him the whole time. He was quick at learning and had more experience in almost everything. He was only leti g Reign take the lead because he was a little tired and he was weary of him.

Instinctively Rye'ut reach out and took the younger man's neck.

"Ack!?" Reign made a surprised sound then went to grab his accuser's hand but stopped just before he made contact. Reign's hand, which had his ability on it, would have sliced Rye'ut's hand off.

Reign turned a little to look at the older man holding his neck.

"What?" Reign asked, confused. His hand moved away.

"Why are you going that way? Break the [barrier], you moron." Rye'ut tightened his grip. Reign blushed a little in embarrassment. But at that moment Rye'ut's voice command vibrated through his brain forcefully.

They had compatible races. Rye'ut was Slovic-guyvan, and Reign was Slovic. They both had [control] abilities, but Guyvan was stronger in most control property skills. It was set on their planet to have Guyvans as the higher class with the Slovic Lower.

The two heritage skills were combated together. Reign's Slovic, and Rye'ut's guyvan. And of course, the Guyvan mastered the other.

"i knew that... " reign mumbled as the two switched spots.

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