Reign from Da Future

By BAMonster2

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Mature for language, soft BL, and violence. Reign Akien Myogotchi, a Newborn Iblis, is bored out of his min... More

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By BAMonster2

For the next couple of weeks Reign still kept thinking about Rye'ut and that white date. It bothered him enough that he walked several times to Fye Co to try and get Nore the iblis of Vision to track him down.

The older scientist didn't have time to spare cause he was in a bad mood.

He was of no help .... At all

Reign sat in Nore's chair behind his desk with his fists clenched. This was the fourth day he had visited to try and find Rye'ut. Reign was more then annoyed.

Keipt noticed this and tried to chill the teen. Keipt was Nore's assistant and the iblis of creation.

"so, you want to find this guy that badly?" The teal haired assistant asked.

Reign glared at him. "this is the 4th day. He could be dead by now. That psycho could have gotten to him." He looked at Nore with impatience.

"that fuckin psycho is out there, killing COE and none of you guys care! You just care about your stupid Demon asses!' Reign yelled at the two iblis. Then crossed his arms tightly.

Reign had been using his powers more often to read people. But it also had been making him itching for a fight due to the prolonged activating.

Keipt tensed and placed a hand on the desk. A scary face formed the usual care free one. Keipt's yellow eyes leered at him.

"knock it off brat." Reign didn't retreat. And did the same look back. Then reign looked at Nore who held paper and had a serious face that told him to not bother him.

"You're fucking assholes!" Reign activated his Clax speed in anger and slammed his foot against the desk sending it a few feet back.

Keipt dodged it easily.

Reign's speed boost made yellow mist form around him. Showing the end of the boost.

"i ... at least expected you to understand." He pointed at Nore as he stood.

"You being a freaking COE and an iblis." Reign waved his hand marched to the door.

"fucking useless..." He mumbled as he walked out.



Nore held his eyes. As he waited for the young iblis to leave the building.

Keipt quitely walked over and grabbed the light blue haired man's shoulder.

"you ok?" Keipt asked his boss

"Yeah..." Nore replied.

"his friend, Rye'ut will die soon and all this ... the shit world will fucking change." Nore smiled. It almost looked evil.

"i've fucking gone and fucking told them. Only a little though." Nore continued.

"Then Reign will be able to fix this shit hole.... fuck !That's only an fucking part of what i fucking saw! So long as it's his fucking choice"

Keipt only sighed. Nore was a bad example for that kid. He cusses too much.


Reign was not happy as he left the lab. He was fuming.

That would have been the easiest way to find Rye'ut. The Only other way was going to the blood cauldron in The Dark. but that's like an hour away and he would have to take the bus or a cab. Or Reign could do it the old fashion way and wonder around.

"God, Rye'ut! why are you so hard to find?" Reign held his head in frustration and anger.

Stomping the teen went back home. After turning off his powers he sat in his room trying to calm down.

Reign tried to empty his brain as he lied on his bed. His eyes roamed his room. It past the standing mirror that reflected him. His eyes sharply went back.

Reign shot up in a hurry.

"what the?" Reign asked confused. He had dates like everybody else but normal ones.

Now a white one appeared above his head . HIS head.

"what does this mean??" Reign asked him self. Bringing up prince's power he tried to figure it out.

Reign saw his name, age and other personal Stats. Looking deeper he could see his abilities.

About how he was connected to prince and the mental link. His always *active passive ability of seeing dates. Then he saw that if he stared at a date/event long enough there was an option to see the past or future of it. It was called [Time Rush.]

He tried to look at all them but not all his abilities were available.

Pushing that aside Reign looked for a reason for the white date. It was under one that wasnt all the way disclosed.

[White letters]. That is what it was called.

If he had faded a white from another. It is given to him as a chance to change the past. Remember the date. It's your doorway day.

"this is pretty vague..." he mummble.

Reign read it again.

Door. And change the past. Those were standing out to him the most.

Reign purched his lips and eyed himself.

"don't tell me I can time travel." A misciviouse smile came on his face.

He looked up at the mirror to see the date in white. April 9th. In Three days.

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