It's a Long Way To Dearest Gr...

By ALorenaE

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Camila, Luz, Amity, Hunter, Gus, and Willow return to the Boiling Isles to find things are a bit messy. Raine... More

Chapter 1: The Boiling Isles
Chapter 2: Hexside School of Magic and Demonics
Chapter 3: C.A.T.s Headquarters
Chapter 4: The Owl House
Chapter 5: The First Night
Chapter 6: Breakfast with Eda
Chapter 7: Briefings
Chapter 8: Making Home
Chapter 9: Castle Heist
Chapter 10: Friendship and Insecurity
Chapter 11: Rest
Chapter 12: Gifts
Chapter 13: Looking for Answers
Chapter 14: Notes, Realizations, and Friendship
Chapter 15: Return to Hexside
Chapter 16: The Golden Guard
Chapter 17: More Than Just a Dress
Chapter 18: Weekend Fun
Chapter 19: Meet the Parents
Chapter 21: Firsts
Chapter 22: Preparations and Conversations
Chapter 23: The Night Before Everything
Chapter 24: Sacrifice
Chapter 25: Belos
Chapter 26: Endings
Chapter 27: Closure
Chapter 28: Recovery
Chapter 29: Healing
Chapter 30: One Door Opens
Chapter 31: Home

Chapter 20: Things New

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By ALorenaE

The five friends wake up together and start their day with breakfast and sharing their plans for the day. They talk about what they expect of their classes and how they hope the day will go.

Luz turns to Hunter, "So...what about you? You coming to visit us today?"

He shrugs, "Maybe. I haven't talked to Steve yet."

Almost as if on cue, a very tired, bedraggled looking Steve enters the kitchen, "Huh? What?"

"Might want to wake up a bit there before you join us making plans," Gus says.

Steve shakes his head, "Nah, I'm fine. What's up?"

"Well," Hunter begins, "I'd like to take you up on that offer of going on a ride this morning, if you're still willing. I realized last night that you're probably one of the only people I'm ever going to get the chance to spend time with who actually knows what it was like being a coven scout. It would be good for me to share some stuff with you, even if you can't relate all the way, just because you'll get it. And I'd like to stop by Hexside to see my friends for lunch and have a chat with Principal Bump about starting classes."

Steve nods, "Sure, we can do that. There's some places on the Isles I love to go to sit and think – great views, quiet places. So maybe we can check out a few and have some time to talk."

"I'd like that. But fair warning, I get jumpy in the woods. Like, too many trees, too easy for somebody to sneak up on me," Hunter says.

"Well they won't be sneaking up on the bike," Steve says, "and I'll keep that in mind when picking our stops."

"Thanks. Well...guess I should get ready for the day, then." Hunter stands and stretches, "See you guys later."

"Remember," Willow says, "Gus and I will be going home after school. We won't be back tonight."

Hunter nods, "OK. Well...guess I'll see you later than later."

Willow stands and gives him a hug, "No, I'll see you at lunch. Then it'll be later than later."

Gus and Luz both stand to give him a hug as well before he leaves the room to bathe and get ready for the day. They quickly finish their breakfast, wash their dishes, and head out the door for school, saying goodbye to Eda and Camila in the living room as they pass.

They're gone by the time Lilith staggers into the kitchen to find Steve, now ready for the day, sipping a steaming mug of tea at the table, "Good morning, sleepyhead," he says, "You OK? You're usually up before me."

She nods, "I'm just exhausted. I have so much to do...I'm supposed to be researching the Collector and I've been to every library on the Isles I can find and there's just nothing. I've read so many books on draining spells and ways to counter magic that my head's spinning with all the ways Belos could destroy us. I miss King, and knowing he can't get free makes all this seem so much heavier. If I can't learn about the Collector, I can't bring him home." She sits down across from him, "Steve, I'm failing the family if I can't do this."

Steve shakes his head and rests his hand over hers, "'re not failing. You're doing everything in your power and then some to try to figure this out. You've read books on magic that made me cringe – that Grimwalker book you and Eda read a little out loud from when we were in Latissa? That's some wild stuff, and pretty disturbing. All the books on forbidden magic? It's just incredible what you're willing to put yourself through in order to try to help. Just...take care of yourself, OK? Maybe take a day off."

"But there's so much to do. Raine has more reports we need to go over and Darius has a map he's made of the cultists and they both were talking about going out with Eberwolf to see if the four of us can take on Terra Snapdragon...she's apparently been following Graye around and he's been using illusions to try to make people believe the Day of Unity was something benevolent gone awry...."

He sighs, "Look, Lilith, if you keep running yourself into the ground, you're not going to be able to help anybody. Take a day off. Find something fun to do with Hooty and Eda. Have Camila tell you about this human story called Cosmic Frontier – Hunter and Gus love it and probably would be thrilled if you could talk shop with them."

"What about you? What are you doing today?" she asks, noticing he didn't include himself in the list.

"I'm taking Hunter out for a ride. We're going to talk about being coven scouts and he wants a ride to Hexside so he can have lunch with his friends."

"Oh. I was wondering if I could spend some of the day with you," Lilith says, "Seeing as it's you trying to convince me to take a day off."

"After Hunter and I are back, sure, all yours," Steve replies, "But first, I'm gonna be the best Uncle Steve I can be."

She smiles, "Aunt Lilith and Uncle Steve...I bet neither of us ever thought we'd have those titles."

Steve shrugs, "Yeah, pretty much. My sister has a kid, but when you're a scout and you only get one day off a year, you don't really get to be a part of your own family anymore. So I missed a lot of that kid's life. I don't know anything – not even a name. Amy didn't want me to only see her kid one day a year and then to just disappear and be the absent uncle. So I've never even met her baby. I think she'd be about Gus' age by now."

"The Emperor's Coven took a lot from us," Lilith says.

"I miss my Palisman. And knowing that Beos killed him...I blame myself for not understanding what that all meant a lot earlier," Steve adds, "So yeah...he took that from me, too."

"I still don't understand why he didn't take mine. It doesn't make any sense. Unless he was using it as a way to make sure I felt special and stayed in line. But even that doesn't seem right, given what we know now."

Hunter sits down with them, "I guess losing our little friends to Belos is another thing we have in common."

"Yeah, and it's a terrible thing to have in common," Steve sighs, "Belos fooled everybody. He built up a personality we all thought we could trust."

Hunter nods, "And it's pretty terrible to realize what you've dedicated your life to was all just a lie."

Steve smiles at him, "Yeah, it is, but it's something we can work on together, right? And you know, if you ever want to meet them, I've kept in touch with several former scouts who all left before the Day of Unity. Severine would love to see you – she's been worried. And she's not the only one."

"Worried? About me?" Hunter asks.

Steve nods, "Of course. We knew you were just a kid. I know that we weren't all great to you – some of the guys were absolutely horrible. But once we each realized that Belos wasn't some nice guy trying to make the world a better place for all of us, we defectors started meeting up here and there to keep in touch, especially after the Day of Unity. One of our meetings, Severine asked what it must've been like to be a coven head and come to realize all you'd worked for was all to make sure everybody died together on one day. And I think it was Frankel – he said he saved your life in Hexside when somebody was gonna kill you with a spell – he asked us what it must've been like to grow up you. Kinda put things into perspective for us. And we all started wondering what happened to you."

Hunter sighs, "Huh. Well...I don't think I'm ready to meet them today. But maybe some day."

"No rush. I've told them you're alive and you're doing OK, working through some stuff with your friends, and that's helped to ease their minds. But I think it would do you some good to be around some other folks who were soldiers on the wrong side, same as you." Steve gets up to wash his mug, "But right now, let's hit the road."

Hunter follows him out of the house and they take off, Hunter laughing as he speeds along.

At their first stop, Hunter and Steve sit and watch sea birds soaring above the water while they sit on a hill overlooking the ocean, "It's peaceful here," Hunter says.

"I like being up here – it's a good place to sort out thoughts."

Hunter nods, "I can see why." He waits a little while, listening to the call of the birds before he continues, "Why did we put up with all of it? The loneliness, the grueling training, the constant injuries from our missions, somehow thinking that only one day off was reasonable...that kind of pressure.... Looking back, I just don't get why we never questioned it. Other people didn't live like that."

"Because we were told this is what it meant to be the best, and we all wanted to live up to that. Who wouldn't want to be able to say that they were special to a guy who said he could talk to the being on whose corpse we make our home?" Steve asks. "I mean, it sure made me feel good to feel like we were doing this for some higher purpose."

"Yeah. Same. For a long time after I found out, I didn't think I could trust myself. I mean, I'd been fooled, too, you know? I'd believed I was doing a good thing for somebody who just wanted to take care of the whole of the Boiling Isles. Every step of the way when we were in Belos' mindscape, I kept telling Luz that there were other explanations for what we were seeing. Good reasons for the terrible things, we just didn't understand. He could talk to the Titan, right? So there had to be something there that was good. The Titan wouldn't do something to hurt us. I wanted to believe it so bad.... But that didn't make it true. And I didn't trust my judgment for a long time after that – I still hoped there was something in Belos that was worth saving. But I was wrong. I knew that on the Day of Unity and I know it even more now."

Steve nods, "'s worse for you because you're a kid – and I'm not saying that to diminish you or anything. I hope you know that." Hunter smiles in acknowledgment, "But you grew up with that as your normal. So this idea that you would somehow know what wasn't right about it on your own kinda baffles me. I think you need to remind yourself of that sometimes."

"I do. And when I can't, that's when my friends do. And I'm grateful for that."

"You've got a good group of friends," Steve says, "They're cool kids. I hope you stick with them for the long haul."

"I hope we stay together, too," Hunter replies.

Steve gently nudges his shoulder, "Especially Willow?"

Hunter blushes, "Seems like everybody's noticed...."

"Dude, you made her a dress with your Palisman on it. Kinda obvious you're sweet on her...and she's sweet on you."

He laughs, "Yeah...seems like I'm not the kind to be subtle when somebody's special to me. Not that I'd know how to, anyway. I was taught to hide my heart and never show emotions someone could take advantage of. So now that I can...I guess I just don't know how to tame it. And I kinda don't want to."

Steve shrugs, "You don't need to. I love that you put that bird on Willow's dress. It's so cool, especially since Clover likes to sit on your shoulder. It really shows how much she means to you that you trust her with that. Maybe if more of us were willing to share how much we care for each other, we'd all be better off."

Hunter sighs, "Well...maybe I'm doing at least that one thing right, then. Some days, it feels like I'm really just drifting along and none of it's 'right'."

"I felt that a lot when I first decided to leave. Doubted every choice I'd ever made, including that one."

"How do you get past the feeling that everything you've done has been a horrible mistake?" Hunter asks.

"I don't know if you can. I guess I'm to the point where I just've accepted that I can't change it, regardless, so...all I can do is go forward, you know?"

Hunter nods, "Yeah. Maybe."

Steve gently rests his hand on Hunter's shoulder, "Hey...don't beat yourself up about the stuff you did as one of his scouts. You weren't just following orders. You were following family. And you've got to accept that. It's OK to know you were wrong, make amends when you can, and start on a new journey."

"Well...on that note, let's head to Hexside. We've been out a while and I think we'll get there a little before lunch. I can talk to Principal Bump about starting class, then we can meet up with my friends," Hunter says. "There's no time like the present, isn't that what they say?"

Steve stands and offers Hunter a hand; he accepts and they head back to the motorcycle, "You know, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and I think you need to give yourself a lot more credit for the awesome things you have in your life. You've got some incredible friends, adults who support you and guide you. You're gonna go to school, you've found yourself a place to stay that's're a remarkable kid, Hunter. A survivor. And I'm proud of you for all of it."

Hunter settles in the sidecar and smiles, "Every time someone says they're proud of me, a piece of my heart breaks because it shouldn't be this new...and at the same time, a piece of my brain shouts, 'eat that, Belos, you worthless piece of slime,' because if everybody else can see something in me that's worth liking and encouraging and being proud of, and he couldn't, then that proves it's not a problem with me. It's a 'him' problem. And it's helpful to think like that sometimes."

"You could also go on the, 'he tried to murder everyone, so maybe he doesn't have the best judgment,' angle, too," Steve suggests.

Hunter laughs, "Yeah, there's that, too."

Steve revs the engine and shouts over it, "So...let's get you to Hexside! Time to get your witch on!" He takes off, Hunter whooping and laughing as they fly down the road.


Hunter and Steve stand outside Principal Bump's office door while Hunter gathers the courage to knock.

"Need me to?" Steve asks.

"No, I'll be fine," Hunter says, "Just...need to do it."

"You've got this. You survived the Day of Unity, you can knock on that door," Steve says, lightly patting Hunter's back.

"Yeah. I can," Hunter says. He steps forward, takes a deep breath, and knocks.

"Come in," they hear. Hunter hesitates, then opens the door. Principal Bump smiles at them from behind his desk, Frewin napping on a pile of paperwork, "I was hoping you'd come by today, Hunter. Have you thought about starting classes?" He notices the person behind him and nods, "Hello, Steve."

"Hey," Steve replies with a wave.

Hunter takes another deep breath before answering, "Yes. And I'd like to start soon. Maybe even this week."

Principal Bump looks at a document on his desk and taps the paper, "Well...if you want to start as soon as tomorrow, we can arrange for it."

Hunter nods slowly, "OK. What do I need?"

He's handed a few pages, "Here is your list of school supplies. According to your sister, you already have most of them at home and anything you don't have, your friends will be willing to share or lend. Amity has assured me that you've been practicing connecting with your magic and she's offered to be your tutor when you need extra help, along with Gus, Willow, and, of course, Luz. I'm sure you'll find them quite helpful, as they've spent an hour a day since you enrolled to learning how to most effectively help you catch up."

Hunter skims the pages, then looks up at Principal Bump, "Camila helped me figure out what we can tell people about my family history, the concealment stone, and why I don't know magic. Should I share those now, or later?"

"Now would be fine. Let me find a notebook so I can write this down." When Principal Bump indicates he's ready, Hunter tells him the explanations from Camila. When he's done, Principal Bump sets aside his pen and looks his new student in the eye, "Hunter, this is very thorough. I have a question for you, and I want you to answer it honestly. How much does what Belos did to you change the way you go through a day? Are there sounds or actions from others that make you flinch or feel unsafe? Are there things your teachers should know that might be helpful for them to know?"

Hunter nods, "Maybe. I mean...I still get jumpy in the woods. I'm never going to feel safe when I can't see what's around me. A part of my mind still expects punishment to be painful when I get something wrong. And to be honest, if anyone tries to tell me Belos wasn't that bad, I'll try not to start an argument, won't be easy. I wasn't allowed to show big feelings, so I'm still figuring all that out. But I really don't know. This is all a lot. Until I came out to try to find new recruits and ended up playing flier derby with Willow's team, I'd never been around kids my own age. When I ran away and ended up hiding out was literally the only place I could think to go because it was where I'd felt safe and like somebody might be on my side. It's going to be a big adjustment to go from never being around anybody, to having just a handful of friends, to suddenly being surrounded by other teenagers and being asked to trust adults I don't know."

"I understand, and I'll talk to the staff to see what they can do to make this as smooth for you as possible."

"I just want to do well enough that I can get by," Hunter says, "I did a lot of growing up in the few months I was in the human realm, but that also means I know the human way to do things, not the witch way. And I'm scared I'm going to mess this all up."

Principal Bump stands and walks around his desk to stand beside Hunter, "You'll be alright. Your friends are right here, ready to help you, and we'll make sure your teachers understand you've grown up in unique and difficult circumstances. Some of them might know who you are and who raised you, and we'll make sure it's clear that's not something to share. Just be prepared for word to eventually get out. For now, though, I want you to do one thing to be ready for tomorrow."


He hands Hunter a class schedule, "I want you to come with me for a walk to your classrooms while the halls are empty. We'll be done before the bell and then you can go see your friends for lunch." He hands Steve a bundle of fabric, "He has one uniform at home, but here's a second. Amity assures me this one will fit and we weren't sure about the other. If something doesn't, come to me first thing in the morning and we'll get it straightened out."

Hunter swallows hard, nervous to walk the halls, "Can Steve come, too?"

"Of course." Principal Bump leads them out of the office and takes them on a tour of the school. Several of his classes, he learns, are intentionally the same ones as his friends, while others are more introductory and he will have to catch up before he can join them. He is already overwhelmed when he says goodbye and heads to the cafeteria to find his friends. Steve heads out to the motorcycle to wait and to give Hunter some time to just be a kid with his future classmates.

Willow sees him first, "Hunter! You're here!" She runs to him and throws her arms around his neck.

He lifts her and twirls her, "Yeah, I made it."

"Wait, does this mean...?" she asks.

Gus joins them, "What does what mean?"

Hunter nods, "I'm still scared, but tomorrow's my first day at Hexside."

Willow and Gus cheer, drawing the attention of their other friends. Luz runs to join them, hand-in-hand with Amity, Ed and Em close on her heels. Viney and Skara hurry to join them.

"What's going on?" Viney asks, "What are you doing here?"

"He's coming to school with us tomorrow!" Gus squeaks, "I'm so excited!"

"So...I take it that means you'll be on the flier derby team?" Skara asks, grinning.

"Absolutely. I mean, that is if the Captain lets me," he says.

Willow takes his hand and playfully swings her arm, "Of course I will. You're one of the founding members of the Emerald Entrails. It just wouldn't be right to play without you."

"Come on, let's sit together for lunch," Viney says, "I'm sure we can make space for all of us."

Hunter finds himself being partially dragged, partially herded over to a cluster of tables already pushed close together. In a moment, they have them arranged and everyone sits, swapping snacks and sharing things with Hunter.

Gus hands him a sandwich, "Here. You know you want it – it's a pretty good sandwich."

Hunter laughs, "Yeah, I kinda remember another 'pretty good sandwich' you handed me once."

"I make a good one," Gus says, "Ever want one that isn't from my lunch, just holler and I'll make you one at home."

"Thanks, Gus."

"So where are you living?" Skara asks, "Last time we talked, you didn't have a place to stay."

"I'm at the Owl House," he says.

"So, with Luz?" she clarifies.

"Yeah. We've kinda adopted each other."

"He's my Bro," Luz says.

Viney leans forward and asks, voice low, "'re you handling the whole Golden Guard and Belos thing with the other kids? I don't want to say something and make it weird."

"Well...I mean, a lot of you already know, thanks to that whole me-living-here thing and the trick Graye pulled. But I don't really want to talk about it and I don't want questions about it," Hunter answers, "So whatever people say, please remember I'm trying to be myself, not who Belos made me."

Skara nods, wide-eyed, "So...what are you telling people who do ask?"

Hunter runs over the story he just told Principal Bump. Skara and Viney both agree to stick to it if they're asked about him or about his concealment stone, or even if they hear people being cruel because of his lack of magical skills.

"Thanks, guys," Hunter says, "I'm feeling a little better about starting classes."

"Do you know what ones you have?" Willow asks. He finds the paper from Principal Bump and lays it out on the table. The friends pour over it together.

"You're probably going to want our notes from this one," Ed says, tapping the page, "The teacher's not too bad, but he's not the best at getting to the point. Some of his lectures are a little longer because he likes to tell side-stories. But I'll have Mittens bring you our notebooks tomorrow. You'll see her in the class right before it."

Em points to another class, "This one's hard, but really useful. The healing track is the one I'm on, so it's something I can help you with. Ed's a wiz with potions and beastkeeping, so ask if you need help."

"I can help with beastkeeping and healing, too," Viney offers.

"I'm not the best student," Skara says, "But if you need study strategy, I'm your gal."

"I feel like we should have a study group at somebody's house at least once a week to make sure we're all on the same page and we're helping in a way that works," Ed says, "I can ask Dad if he'd be willing to let us meet at our place."

Em shifts uncomfortably in her seat, "It's not the manor. It's kinda...rough. But it's where we are right now, until he figures out where our mother went and if she's ever coming back to the manor. But he doesn't want to risk her bringing an army to the doors, you know?"

Amity pats Em's arm reassuringly, "'s OK. Dad's always said that anyplace can be home. And there's enough room there for everyone to study, even if it's not fancy, like where we used to be. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll ask him tonight."

"Thanks, guys," Hunter says, "But let's just get me through this first week and then we can be study buddies after I know I can even remember where my classes are."

Willow nods, "Well that's where we can help. We'll figure out where your schedule overlaps with ours, or when our classes are close enough together that one of us can come walk with you. It'll be fine – you won't get lost. You have all of us!"

Hunter looks around the table and realizes he's sitting with eight other students and all of them want to help him be the best student he can be; he smiles, "Yeah, I do. And I'm really lucky."

They finish their lunches and say their goodbyes. Hunter meets Steve outside and they head back to the Owl House. Hunter is exhausted and, after he goes through his school supply lists with Eda and Camila and tries on his uniform, he lays down for a nap.


Willow and Gus fly home together on their staves, talking while they're in the sky.

"So...Hunter's starting classes tomorrow – that's going to be something he's gonna need our help with a lot after school. I hope my dad's not going to make a fuss," Gus says.

"We'll figure it out. I have a feeling Hunter's going to be fine, once he has a chance to adjust to what it's like at Hexside," Willow replies. "And if he struggles, we'll help. There's very little that some good cuddling can't make better."

"Yeah, I know. And he's pretty tough, given all the things he's been through. But I know how much this has been worrying him. You might need to up your snuggle game. Not that I think you'd mind that," Gus says, winking.

Willow blushes, "It's pretty obvious...."

"I'm happy for you, Willow. He's good to you and he's already a part of our family. It'll make it easier to help each other through any rough patches that come up. He's already one of us."

"I know I said I'd never date a friend, but...this feels right," Willow says, "And I don't want to be so rigid that I miss something beautiful blooming right in front of my face. But at the same time, I'm still scared something is going to go sideways and I'll lose this incredible friendship I already have with him."

Gus shrugs, "Yeah, I know. But I want you to remember that Amity and Luz are doing OK, and they've been through a lot together. If they can do it, so can you."

"I don't want a breakup to mean the end of things," Willow says, "And, I mean, we're not dating and we don't have words for this, but...I think it's heading in that direction. We've talked it through, but I just don't want to take too big of a risk."

"What did he say when you talked it through?" Gus asks.

"That we didn't have to do this like anybody else and if we wanted to let the relationship change over time without letting that define if we could be together or not, that was OK. He's never done friendship before at all, so he's OK with making this whatever works for us."

"That's great!" Gus says, "See, this is why I think you'll be fine and this is a long-term thing. You already trust each other, you already care about each other, and you talk things through constantly. You've got a great foundation here, Willow. Just let yourself build what you're gonna on it."

She smiles, "Yeah, you're right. I hope he feels OK tomorrow. We might have some time to talk after school, too – Luz said there's a meeting in Latissa and Darius wants us all there. Apparently they did some tracking of the Belos cult and have an idea of where he might be right now. We're getting closer."

"Well...hopefully it'll all be over soon. Then you and Hunter can get to being adorable without the impending sense of doom hanging over your heads."

Willow laughs as they begin their descent, "Yeah, that sure would be nice!"

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