Just a Bad Day

By Lonely-Psychopath

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You are Peter Parker's brother although you never had treated you as one, he treats more like thing then a pe... More

Chapter 1 - Cruel World
Chapter 2 - Weird
Chapter 3 - New Foe
Chapter 4 - Voice
Chapter 5 - Dreams and Nightmares
Chapter 6 - Reveals
Chapter 7 - New Friend
Chpater 8 - Alone
Chapter 9 - Love Again
Chapter 10 - Kingpin
Chapter 11 - Rampage
Chapter 13 - Goodbye?
Chapter 14 - Visiting and Forgetting
Hello Again

Chapter 12 - Break Out

995 21 3
By Lonely-Psychopath

[3rd Person POV]

A month in this mental hospital has changed you after a few incidents and a few talks from MJ you were starting to feel less sad and suicidal.

Y/N: "Why are you here?"

Steven: "Dissociative Identity Disorder"

Y/N: "That sucks"

Your still in the vest since they still don't completely trust you, you also still wear your mask since there are some nurses and doctors still sacred that you'll bite them.

Steven: "Why are you here?"

Y/N: "Well I'm Sickopath and they couldn't contain me at a prison so I'm here medication and injections to keep me in check. Although my body found a way for the medication to stop working on me so they inject me with stronger medicine"

You start to laugh.

Y/N: "It makes me high and make me see things like a dead Peter walking around with a blade in his chest. Also the headless men from the burning church"

You look behind Steven and see men walking around bumping into each other since they don't heads, sometimes the fall to the ground and they bleed out. Your the only who sees this.

Steven: "So you see and hear things that aren't there?"

Y/N: "Pretty much"

Gaurd: "Sickopath you got a visitor"

Y/N: "It it Ms Watson?"

Gaurd: "No some girl with blonde hair"

Y/N: "Fuck!"

You started to walk away from the visitor place but the door locked.

Y/N: "Fine I'll go then I'm going to bang my head until blood comes out and I bleed. Then your to watch me drink that blood as if it was water you p-"

Gwen: "Sickopath?"

Y/N: "Hi weird person who I obviously do not know"

You sat on the chair across from her and she was playing with her hands.

Y/N: "Okay let's do this hi I'm Sickopath"

Gwen: "I been preparing for this so here gors noth-"

Y/N: "I forgive you Gewn Stacy"

Gwen: "Wait what?"

Y/N: "I been going to therapy and it's helping well sometimes no since there's still a part of me trying to kill myself"

Gwen: "Okay but I just wanted to see how you are"

Y/N: "I'm fine"

Gwen: "Bullshit I know about your incidents here"

Y/N: "Let me guess MJ told you?"

Gwen: "Yes"

Y/N: "Why are you so insisted on me? First you didn't care now you care? Sometimes I question you why? Why oh why do you care for me?"

Gwen: "I know about your relationship with Peter"

You stayed quiet you looked down.

Gwen: "I know he abused you made you kill yourself once maybe twice. I believed his lies"

Y/N: "Don't remind me just go Gwen be you under that mask"

Gwen: "I'm not leaving you I'm staying and I'm going to listen to you. I don't want to fight you again nor separate from you"

Y/N: "How? Do you plan on fixing all that you caused? I don't want that Gwen I just want you to be forgiven so you can forget me and I forget you"

Gwen: "But I want too, please"

Y/N: "And why is that?"


Gwen decided she was going to wait for MJ to come back from her visit to the mental hospital. Then the elevator door opened and out came out MJ she had a bag in her hand she then looked up and was met with Gwen.

MJ: "What do you want?"

Gwen: "Can we talk? Please"

MJ: "Fine come in"

MJ unlocked her apartment door and gestured for Gwen to come in walking inside she eas met with the smell of lavender and coffee.

Gwen: "I wanted to apologize"

MJ: "Then you are in the wrong place"

Gwen: "I know I just want you to tell me where Y/N is"

MJ sighed.

MJ: "Why? He doesn't want to see nor really talk to you"

Gwen: "I just, I mean I can't know that it was my fault Y/N hates me the world hates him more. They don't give a shit that he's gone they live like it's every other day"

MJ: "If I tell you where Y/N is would you try and talk to him?"

Gwen: "Yes"

MJ: "He's not in prison"

Gwen: "Where is he?"

MJ: "A mental hospital"

Gwen: "The hell? Why there didn't they say he was dangerous?"

MJ: "I had to basically give your father and a few other people a piece of my mind"

She then walk to the couch and sat down taking of her beanie.

MJ: "What is it that you can't hold it in and only wish to talk about it with Y/N?"

Gwen: "Please don't get mad when I say this"

MJ: "What?"

Gwen: "I fell for Y/N after everything"

The room became quiet and everything stayed still as if time stopped, there was tension in the room.

MJ: "Why? Do you love him?"

Gwen: "I-i-i found a letter, I wasn't going to go through his stuff but I found a letter with my name on it"

MJ: "The letter Y/N wrote before the date or your side mission to tell you what he felt"

Gwen: "You knew"

MJ: "He told me after he came back crying from the date or whatever it mean-"

Gwen: "Please just stop with me being the bad guy I know"

MJ: "I never said you were the bad guy"

Gwen: "Just listen to me I know your with Y/N just let me get this off my chest let me rekindle what we had"


Y/N: "So you gonna tell me or not?"

Gwen took a deep breath.

Gwen: "I just wanted a second chance as friends to be what we had I fucked up. I wanted some type of peace or revenge but I lost you, I didn't mean the whole world to hate you I just the school to hate you. I wanted I just wanted to see Peter but instead he ended up being a piece of shit"

Y/N: "Well there's two of us that are shit me and Peter but we are shit in different ways"

Gwen still couldn't tell you how much she loves she just wanted to see how things were going to go, your with MJ she didn't want to break you both up.

Y/N: "Well goodbye Gwen since my visiting time has come to an end"

You got up and followed the gaurd back to the main area where all the patients were for recess since they didn't trust anyone go outside. You took a seat right next to Steven.

Y/N: "Hello Steven"

Marc: "Steven isn't here anymore just me Marc Spector"

Y/N: "Ah I see your sickness now"

. . . . .

Norman had been researching your blood and found absolutely no cure but did find a way to put your blood into his to make him better and stronger. After the formula was created he injected it in to him and soon enough he grew in size and strength.

When he had injected the serum into his system he had apparently had his suit on before you knew it the suit was apart of him, a monster he wanted to create. Now he had it now having a chance to take New Yprk down along with Spider-Ghost and you but first he needed recruits he knew the perfect place.

Norman: "Fisk I need a favor"

Fisk: "What is it?"

Norman: "I need to you to break out a few people out of jail. Doc Ock, Lizard or Dr. Conners, Max Dillon,  Rhino and I may need to borrow Tombstone"

Fisk: "Why?"

Norman: "I plan to end Spider-Ghost and Sickopath"

Fisk: "What time you need them out?"

Norman: "By 5:00pm"

Fisk: "Deal"

. . . . .

MJ was in her apartment place and was just admiring picture of you and her on her phone.

[MJ's POV]

Those pictures were taken when we went to a museum I miss him and his silly attitude. I just want to hold him I had to lie for him say that he left New York since he was tired of being treated like shit. Shit the world everyone and him to use to describe him.

MJ: "Just hol on Y/N"

I got up and went to the kitchen to make tea just to get mind off things but it didn't help I knew Gwen loved Y/N, I was mad and understanding but a bit mad. If she loved him why break him more why more he loved her with such passion buy she didn't care, all she cared for was her and Peter's pride and honor. I never met Peter but he must of been a lair and a huge asshole.

The kettle started to chir, the tea was ready. After making my tea I brought to the couch and sat down while drinking my tea then a knock was heard.

Gwen: "Hey it's me"

I sighed I didn't want to see Gwen today, I walked up and opened the door and saw Gwen who looked as she been crying.

MJ: "What's wrong"

Gwen: "I'm sorry what I'm about to say"

MJ: "Why?"

Gwen: "I, I want Y/N to love me. I keep holding my feelings for him and every time I do I just love him more I can't stand it anymore"

MJ: "Why? I thought you weren't going to break our relationship"

Gwen: "I'm sorry he was a friend I didn't notice cared for me"

MJ: "Is it guilt of it all? Or you just love him?"

Gwen: "It's not the guilt"

MJ: "Gwen can you please just leave? I don't want to talk anymore"

Once she left I threw the tea at the floor, she said she wouldn't fall for Y/N. After everything she wants Y/N I helped him made him feel like he meant someone. And Gwen has the arge to tell me she loves him.

. . . . .
[3rd Person POV]

At the prison the villains were all locked in their cells awaiting for what? Well the attack Kingpin ordered to have on the prison to let the villains go and other criminals, he also arranged a surprise for you.

Gaurd: "Y/N your being moved to a different cell"

Y/N: "But I like th-"

Just then a man in a black suit hit you with a baton across your face, you layed on the ground and the another man put a mask around your mouth.

Y/N: "A mask over a mask? Really motherfu-"

He hit you again with the baton and he put chains around your wrists and feet they dragged you out of your cell into a a room that was cold and felt like a interrogation room.

Man 2: "Kingpin has ordered a large samples of your blood"

Man 1: "Also a reward for your head"

One of them hit in the stomach then across the face, you start to laugh then you hit over and over again all you do is laugh and joke around.

Y/N: "Wow everything your father did to you and you do it to me. Something you promised your mother not to do"

He hits you again and you laugh and blood comes from your mouth. When your mouth is fill of blood you swallow it and then a new flavor begins to get your attention luckily you have fangs.

. . . . .

Gwen was at her house just doing homework but she couldn't quite concentrate on it all she thought about was you. Out frustration she threw a pencil at her window that's when a knock was heard at the door.

George: "Hey you okay kiddo? I heard someone break"

Gwen: "Yes I'm fine just great"

Not buying it he went inside and found Gwen sitting on her bed with a few broken pencils, ripped papers and a letter. George sat beside her.

George: "What's wrong?"

Gwen: "Will you be mad at me if I told you?"

George: "It depends"

Gwen: "I faked being Y/N's friend and when I had the chance I ruined him by sending the recording to the Daily Bugle"

George: "The one of him leaving Peter behind to die?"

Gwen: "Yeah but what made it worse was I didn't send the full recoding"

George: "What do you mean?"

Gwen went over to her drawer and took out a recorder.

George: "Wait this is for work did you go to my office?"

Gwen: "Yeah"

Gwen hands him the recording and George presses play~

Gwen: "Do you feel lonely and trapped?"

Y/N: "Sometimes when I look around the room and just see nothing"

Gwen: "How do you feel around Peter he must of been a great brother and hero"

Y/N: "He was"

Gwen: "Are you lying? You could tell I won't judge"

Y/N: "He wasn't"

There was a pause.

Y/N: "He lied, abused, and a jerk"

There was a laugh

Y/N: "One time I got the shit beaten out of on a alleyway by Peter he threw trash at me. I came home in a mess"

Gwen: "You d-"

Y/N: "Blamed me for my parents death. We were never closed, he once convinced me to fall off the highest place and die. I become suicidal I cut myself but Liz stopped me"

There a another pause

Y/N: "Liz she wanted to help me so I let her in we connected we fell in love but that was the illusion. She tricked me it meant nothing she video taped me and made me a joke"

Then there was sound of a sigh.

Y/N : "I was laughed at made fun of Peter joined in. He got the word out and also put that hat on me said Idiot or Dunce. So I walked to a bridge were Peter followed me but the second you came to view he lied to you"

Then a shaky breath.

Y/N: "I once asked why he does what he does, he told me I was a walking joke a piece of shit. Then Flash who doesn't get his parent's attention and takes all his anger on me"


Y/N: "May says I'm a happy kid, I wish I was a kid though. I know I'm not. I put on a fake smile or mask if I don't feel like it. Everyone watches from the sidelines to see you fall, beaten and cry"

Then followed by a laugh but it turns to a sob.

Y/N: "The day of Peter's death I was on the ground getting beaten Peter watched with pure amusement. Then came his turn when he was down"

Quiet again

Y/N: "I saw him but when I looked at him all I saw was me, Peter begged for help, forgiveness, and his brother. That was a first, I yelled at him and left him"

There was a long silence

Y/N: "I'm sorry I should go"

The recording ended and George put it beside him and ran his left hand through his hair.

Gwen: "Are you mad?"

George: "No just, I don't know I guess just confused"

Gwen: "Why?"

George: "Y/N's girlfriend defended him when after the whole Spider-Man's death I never knew why until this"

Gwen: "I just don't understanding why makes him better if he leaves Peter to die?"

George: "Then the question will be what makes you better then Y/N by sending the recording for it thne to ruin him"

Gwen kept quiet.

George: "I'm not mad nor sad about what you did, we all have a reason for what we did"

Gwen: "My reason was because I wanted to see Y/N to feel hurt or get a taste of what he did. I shouldn't have done it"

George: "And I shouldn't messed with MJ"

He was trying to lightened the mood.

George: "Other then that I did hate Y/N for it but now I can't blame him. He did it because he didn't want a reminder that he wanted to die. Not another abuse from Peter"

Gwen: "So you hate Peter Parker"

George: "Another question you can ask me at a later time"

Just then George's phone went off, he picked it up.

George: "Woah slow down I can't understand what your saying"

Gwen couldn't understand anything they were talking about but she heard "break out" and "Otto" once the phone call ended George got up and left to deal with the situation. The second the door closed Gwen suited up and went out the window to follow her dad.

. . . . .

After about a few beatings and extracting your blood you were on the floor in "happy state," you been laughing throughout the whole thing. Once the men had all there blood sample they were going to shoot you but you jumped on to one ripped off the mask then dig your fangs into his neck. Instead of inserting the poison you suck his blood the man fell over.

Y/N: "Well I missed lunch maybe a few more droplets of blood won't hurt anyone? Right Peter"

Behind the man you saw the ghost of Peter with the blade in his chest. You laughed as you then process to cut, slash and shoot then through the halls of the hospital. Once outside you saw a man crawling away you grabbed him by the collar of his suit and digged your fangs into his neck, once you had gotten the blood you dropped him.

Y/N: "Anyone else?!?"

You shot in the air, then you saw an walk out of the hospital.

Y/N: "Hey Steven or Mark?"

Jake: "It's Jake were is the nearest diner here"

Y/N: "About one mile?"

He then ran off into the distance.

Y/N: "Okay then"

Just then you saw Spider-Ghost xame in with black dust, a few scratches and a torn mask.

Y/N: "Hi"

Gwen: "I need your help"

Y/N: "Sorry no I have to kill Kingpin and then I have a girlfriend to go to"

Gwen: "Why?"

Y/N: "Kingpin took my blood samples to sell on the black market and he tried killing me. Instead I drinked the blood of his men"

Gwen: "Y/N! Listen help me! I can't do it alone there is a lot of bad guys I can't take them all by myself I need you"

Y/N: "I'm not your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man"

You start to walk away.

Gwen: "They have MJ"

Y/N: "Okay then let's go beat the shit pit of a bunch of people"

Gwen then swings away but unfortunately she left you behind.

Y/N: "Yeah sure wait for me I still need my glider but I have webs but waot I'm lazy to swing around. Wait I can't even call my glider because I don't have my gadgets"

You huff in annoyance before you swing off to catch up with Gwen.

Hi it's been a while anyways this was kinda rushed so sorry for errors. But other then that hope ypu enjoy

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