Black Sheep

By goldenscares666

436K 20.9K 10.6K

Y/N gets more than she bargained for when getting to know the mystery creature that's been living in her shop... More

Pins and Needles
Panic Attack
Prom Dresses
I Hate Bubblegum
Familiar Faces
Bad Dreams
Devilish Deal
Prom Night
Bed Rest
One Hell of a Castle
Stubborn Silence
The Worst Luck
Hellish Creature
Unfinished Business
Caring Companion
New Beginnings
Silent Familiar
Power Restraints
The Fallen Angel
Dinner Plans
Marquas and Eric
Accidents Happen
Servant for a Day
Seduction of the Inferno
Sibling Rivalry
Lambs of the King
A Loving Demon
Underworld Beasts
Coffee Date
Common Misconception
Threads of the Heart
Wonderful Affection
The Fortune Teller
Medicine Man
The King's Quiet Tongue
Unexpected Visitor
Passer of Judgement
Mephistopheles II
Unstable Recovery
Attention, Attention
Painful Thoughts
Reverse of Curses
Snake Coils are Surprisingly Warm
Head Stuffed With Wool
Cain II
Fateful Decisions
When the White Fleece Greys
Lord Lucifer
A Story's Other Half
Human's Choice
You Have Such Dazzling Eyes, Darling
Slow Moving Feet Quicken
The Things We're Afraid to Hear
Gluttonous Song
Don't Poke the Scorpion
Apologetic Offerings
Bachelorette Party

Long Forgotten Roots of a Dying Tree

1.2K 58 40
By goldenscares666

•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:


My eyes squint at the invasion of light in my retinas, resisting the urge to close them fully as Koda used his fingers to ensure the E/C optics stayed open during his examination. I get it helps him see better, but does it have to be on the highest setting?!

"Well, it's still there. It didn't disappear," the demon declares, stepping back from me and clicking the light off with a puzzled look on his face. Luther wore a similar expression as he brought a hand to his chin in thought.

"How strange. If it isn't broken, then, for certain, she shouldn't be able to see through it well enough that it disappears almost entirely. Adjusting to it is one thing, but for it to go this far is unheard of, isn't it?" Looking to his brother for a second opinion, the doctor receives a nod from Koda's head.

"Definitely." Humming, Luther crosses his arms, turning his naturally stern gaze over to Phil, who sat on a chair in the back of the room. We were in the same one where I got my check up before. It was no less unnerving being here, but with all that's going on, I was able to brush it off a little easier.

"Has she been in any contact with another demon? It could be a counter spell of some sort maybe." The King shakes his head with certainty.

"That would be impossible. No one would've had the chance, I'm sure if it. No one so much as glanced at her."

"Now that's creepy if you ask me," Koda mutters, when something suddenly occurred to me.

"Phil?" My voice gathers the attention of the room as my hands clutched the hem of my shirt tightly. "Didn't you mention before that you were invisible when you first met me, that you didn't intend for me to notice you?" A stunned silence followed my question.

"Yes, that was the reason I decided to get close to you in the first place. I thought it was odd. You were able to see me clearly without issue when you weren't... Supposed to." Coming to the same realization as me, his eyes widened a tiny bit. I nod and turn towards Luther as he spoke next. For once, he broke from the usual stoicalness and appeared a slight bit shocked, even arching one of his thin brows.

"Well, that's something. Your abilities are never faulty. Why didn't you mention this before?"

"It hadn't really occurred to me."

"You think she might be immune to things involving eye spells?" Koda wonders, seeming intrigued as he bends in closer towards my face, as if he were admiring it.

"Might be, but not total immunity. She might just break from them easier than most," Luther answers.

"But this spell isn't the least bit broken. This is something totally unique. I know that some humans house magic, but damn, in this day in age, even gifted ones can only do measly parlor tricks." Sounding quite giddy, Koda broke into a wide grin as he slapped his hands lightly upon my cheeks, squeezing them. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

     "Koda, please," I request, wearing a pleading smile as I tapped at his wrists to urge him to let go.

"You're saying she has an altered bloodline?" As Dakota's hands slipped away, I looked to Phil as he stood up at walked towards me, as if he just had just learned the most shocking thing in the world.

"A what now?" I jumped when an arm slung around my shoulders and a hand patted my head.

"Nothing on a grand scale, that's for sure. Totally useless in terms for a day-to-day in the human world, but here, where beings like us use our abilities all the time, it could come in handy. If I had to guess, your willpower would have to be through the roof to even punch a dent into anything." Peering down at me, Koda beams brightly. "In simple terms, Y/N, humans are normally pretty helpless, resorting to rudimentary force, but there are a few oddities that appeared many, many years ago. They started sprouting up like wildfire, and I got so curious I decided to research all about them! What I discovered were a few cases of interspecies mingling from another plane of existence in your world being the cause."

     "... That was in no way simple to understand. Wha—" I look to the other two for help, and Luther shakes his head at his brother's excited ramblings.

     "Koda is a researcher of magic for all realms, human, heavens, ours and others. What he's saying is that creatures that possess magic and the ability to cast spells started mingling with humans, much like how Mephistopheles and you have decided to pair, having children who posses talents of their own, some stronger than others. It isn't the only reason some humans possess little gifts like this, but it appeared to be the main cause."

     "Yeah, but through the times, magic became so hated that such users had to hide and suppress it. Eventually, it whittled down as more generations passed. It's turned itself into nothing but a fairytale to modern humans. Only few have such powers now, and most will go their whole lifetime without even knowing it, just like you." This was a lot to take in. If I hadn't gone through so much unusual shit already, I might've actually doubted the things they were saying. Could it be true? Did my mom or dad know about this? Of course they wouldn't have told me. I was nothing to them. Maybe they weren't even aware of it themselves? "And, truthfully, knowing this now, your bad luck is really starting to make sense."

     "What do you mean?"

     "You see, there is always a bit of catch when a human has their own set of powers. It's not always so severe, like in your case, but they tend to be a beacon of tragedy, experiencing abandonment, torture, major heartbreak, loss— You name it! My theory is that there are just some forces in this world that don't quite like that humans were breaking the mold. This was their way of keeping them in their place before they could start getting careless. I have plenty journals on the matter if you'd like to borrow them. They're my best sellers." Phil heaves a deep sigh as he covers his face with a hand, soaking up all the information just brought to him. Admittedly, I was a bit drained from it as well. "I should reiterate, that this is just a theory. I can't really know for certain if you are of an evolved bloodline. Luther, you took a blood test on her not too long ago, didn't you? Find anything curious?"

     "Looked normal to me." Koda shrugs.

     "Then, there's nothing I can say. It had to have been heavily watered down for him not to notice. We can run a few tests if you'd like, though. I'd certainly enjoy it." His smile twisted with unusual sort of excitement which seemed to set Phil off.

     "Enough, hand off of her." Flinching, the demon retracted his arm from me and held up his hands in surrender as he backed away from the King who stood between me and him protectively. "I will not allow you to use her as a Guinea pig for your curiosities."

     "Even if it might be a defense for her?" Luther chimes, cutting through the tension with his cold tone. Phil turns his gaze over to him as he elaborates. "If his assumption is true, then that gift of hers could work to your benefits, especially considering the recent circumstances. In this world, she is a liability." My body tensed from his cold but truthful words. I know I'm not so strong to stand against demons.

    "Watch it." Phil warns eyes narrowing.

     "It is not an insult, it is a fact," Luther retorts, completely unshaken by his threatening aura.

     "So, I'm supposed to let the two of you experiment on her? Hasn't she gone through enough?" Phil's anger was starting to get scary. The curse steadily started to seep its way back into my brain, blurring my vision and hyper focusing on the face he was making, twisting it into something more frightening. I gulped hard and reached a trembling hand out to his coat, gripping it with a taught fist and tugging him to be closer before resting my head on his back as I squeezed my eyes shut. "Y/N?" His voice shifted to worry as he turned himself and hugged my head to his torso. Phil spoke more calmly then, but still firm.

     "I don't want her to be in pain. If what Koda says is true, then I'm glad it was able to give her assistance in fighting this, but considering this is something you're not even sure about, I'd rather she not be put through such things." Opening my eyes, I look over to Luther, finding his shoulders lowering some with a sigh through the nose.

     "May I speak with you in private?" I shuddered at the sound of a growl building in Phil's chest and pressed harder against him.

     "It's okay," I whisper, forcing myself to pull away, avoiding his gaze in case the visions returned to me.

     "Are you certain?" I nod and slide off of the operating table. Clearing his throat to shake off the intense air between his brother and the King, Koda ushers me over with a hand.

"Come on. Let's see what Cory's up to."

Author's POV:

"You can't expect to shelter her," Luther started as soon as the door shut behind the human and his brother.

"And why not? I have every right to be cautious, especially with your practices. Koda's especially."

"We have no ill will towards her. I can assure you, she won't stand for this treatment, Mephistopheles. You are treating her as a helpless child."

"She is fragile."

"Maybe so, but she doesn't have to be. If we get to the bottom of this eye trick of hers, she might have a defense. Ignoring this will be a mistake, I assure you." Phil falls silent, knowing that he is correct; however, he couldn't help fearing. He didn't know who to trust anymore. At this point, he was ready to confine Y/N eternally to keep her safe, but he knew that was wrong.

"You know I won't hurt her. We'll give her sleep hypnosis at the most. That should be enough to see if there's actually something there to work with. There would be no pain involved. I understand your reservations. In your shoes, I would be just as untrusting, but if I knew my Delaney had a means to protect herself when I am not around, I would leap for joy." Breathing a laugh, Phil shook his head.

"Can't imagine you leaping for anything." Sighing roughly, Phil returns to his seat gathering his hands and leaning forward onto his knees as he thought. "Nothing more than sleep hypnosis, is that right?"

"Nothing more, I assure you. It's Y/N's decision too, though, so ask her if she'd be willing. If she is just as uncomfortable with it, then there's no need to discuss it further. We'll leave it alone until your minds change, which I'm certain they will."

"I really can't stand how curt you are." Chuckling, Phil glances up at Luther before straightening out. "But, I know it comes from a good place, so thank you. I'll ask her what she thinks and will let you know. Forgive me for snapping. As you can imagine, I've grown highly possessive of my sheep."

"You have every right to be protective of your future queen. Just remember, she is an adult. Human, but an adult one nonetheless. It's best to let her have her own choices. Though, sometimes, you might feel you need to shoulder everything, remember that she is capable of holding herself as well, even if only a few things. She is not your pet anymore, she is to be your wife soon." Nodding in understanding, the both of them take their leave of the room in search of Koda and Y/N, finding them in a parlor room, sitting at a table playing some card game with Koda's sheep. The moment they sensed their strong auras at the door, all three spun their heads towards them. The demon of the group grins brightly.

"Finished chatting all ready? Hope you're not planning to go just yet. We're right in the middle of a game." Phil looks over to Y/N for her answer and felt a tug on his heart when she gave him a strained look that revealed to him that her visions were being a nuisance again. She smiles through, albeit a bit watery.

"I wouldn't mind staying."

"I'll have the servants prepare dinner, then. Excuse me." Luther dips his head and leaves to do just that as Phil walks up to the couch.

"So, Mr grumpy, should we spice up this game and deal you in for a round of strip poker?" Choking, Y/N leaned forward with a hand on her mouth as Phil gave him a warning glare— Koda's own sheep hiding behind his cards with a blush. The cheeky demon laughs as a leathery claw shoves his head hard from behind, making the King huff as he seats himself beside his sheep, rubbing at his eyes with emotional exhaustion. Smiling at the man, Y/N moves in closer, grabbing his arm and draping it around her shoulders, making him calm.

"Forgive my outburst earlier. I didn't mean to startle you," he mutters leaning down to kiss her head.

"It's okay, Phil. Guess whatever's going on isn't that big of a miracle worker after all. It's starting to come back a little bit." Sighing, the woman looks down at her cards, completing her turn.

"The important thing I would suggest, Y/N, is to keep your fears at bay." Koda chimes as he placed a card down onto the table. "Easier said than done, I know, but you've been managing this far. Magic is a power of will. The mind is your weapon." She nods, feeling a bit more confident as Phil's eyes drift over to the sheep belonging to Koda. After catching his stare, Cory hides behind his cards a bit nervously, making Phil's eyes narrow in suspicion. His soul put off a sour odor he didn't quite like.

"Foul," he mutters under his breath, causing Y/N to look at him a bit surprised.

"Well, he is a servant, Phil. His soul ain't cleaned up yet. Never you mind him." Koda spat coldly, something that surprised her even further. No more was said about it, aside from a muttered apology. Phil knew it wasn't his place to judge what is done with another demon's servant, nor decide who was worthy of becoming a sheep. That wasn't really the issue he had with the man, though. Something truly felt off about him, like he was hiding something sinister behind that meek exterior. Y/N shook her head at all the tension and sighed.

'Everybody's moody today, huh?'

"After this," she starts to end the silence, looking to Koda and catching his interest. "Would it be okay if we watched a movie? I see you have a TV in here. I can't remember the last time I watched something." His eyes lit up as he nodded his head.

"That's a great idea! We'll have a movie night with the whole family!"

"Family?" She mutters before smiling. Koda chuckles at her reaction as Phil smiled softly as well.

"You could've told me to put a TV up if you wanted one. I just usually prefer books, so I never got one." Y/N shrugs.

"I've been managing fine without it, but once in a while, it's nice to take your mind off things. Just, nothing with blood and guts, okay?" The human looked queasy just thinking about it.

"It's settled! We'll have our dinner in here, then. Cory, go tell Luther."

"R- Right." Placing down his cards, the man got up and ran out of there like his life depended on it. Y/N had wanted to ask Phil about the conversation he had with the doctor, but for now, she just wanted all this tension to fade. There would always be later, when they got home.

For now, everyone just needed a way to relax.

Author's Note:

     Have a good morning, afternoon or night. Love ya to bits. Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

~ Golden ~

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