Portal To One Punch Man

Av fubukisexy

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Your name is Caleb, and you're from real life. You have no powers will you're crush protect you from danger... Mer

character bio
chapter 1
chapter 2 it was a dream
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 money
chapter 7
chapter 8 Tatsumaki
chapter 9 a new power
chapter 10 recovery
chapter 12 rescue mission
chapter 13
chapter 14 war
chapter 15 the big fight
chapter 16 round 2 fight
chapter 17 the beginning
chapter 18 a day in hell
chapter 19 love is hard
chapter 20 absolute evil.
chapter 21 torture
22 chapter excape attempt
chapter 23 war
chapter 24
chapter 25 counseling
chapter 26 the repercussion
chapter 27 a day to remember
chapter 28 rival
chapter 29 the morgue
chapter 30 the real reason
chapter 31
chapter 32 it was only a dream
chapter 33 forgive me
chapter 34 monster uprising.

chapter 11

56 5 8
Av fubukisexy

Caleb walks up and sees she's still holding him, and he smiles. 'I never can get used to laying in bed with her.' He gets up out of bed an7d takes a shower. A few minutes later, Fubuki wakes up and hears the shower running. She gets up and takes her clothes off. She opens the curtain and steps inside.

"Ahh," he yelled. "Shhh, it's okay it's just me, baby." Fubuki said "Jesus you scared me."

They bothwash their body's and get out together. "You know I'm still not used to being around you."

"You're not?" She asks him. "No, the reason why is because I've only been with you for 9 days. I still can't believe that I came here and got together with you."

"Well, to be honest, I'm the same way. I mean, I'm not used to having a handsome and smart boyfriend like you."

"Anyway, let's get dressed and go downstairs and eat." They both get dressed and head downstairs.

Meanwhile, 1 minute before they headed down stairs

"So how did my sister fight Garou?" Tatsumaki asked. "Well, she fought him using martial arts." Lily said.

"H-How? She did she learn it so fast?"  Tatsumaki said. "Well, Caleb had showed her how, and I guess she mastered it the first try." Lily said

"That's impressive. Did she put up a good fight?" Tatsumaki asked. "Yeah, she held her ground against Garou  they both tried their best to protect each other."

"Well, I'm glad my sister has someone that can protect her, unlike you all." Tatsumaki said. "TAKE THAT BACK!" Eyelashes yelled. "Or what all of you gonna try and hurt me i would like to see you try."

Eyelashes sat back down on the couch. "That's what I thought you're weak."

Fubuki and Caleb walk downstairs hearing all of the yelling. "What's going on, sis?" Fubuki asks

"Nothing going on other than your weak group saying that they try to protect you when they can't."

"Well, they try their hardest too." Fubuki said. "I think you should just disband your group they do nothing but get in the way." Tatsumaki said.

Fubuki was fixing to say something when Caleb cut her "No." Tatsumaki stands up. "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to my sister."

"I don't care who you were talking to. I answered for her." Caleb said. "You best stay out of it before you get hurt." Tatsumaki said. "I don't want to disband my group." Fubuki said.

"Either you disband it or ill do it for you." Tatsumaki said. "No, I won't disband it."

"Everyone leave and don't come back, AND IF YOU DONT ILL HURT YOU SO BAD TO WHERE YOULL NEVER PLAY HEROS AGAIN!" Everyone starts leaving. "Now it's time for me to punish you for not doing what you were told to do." Tatsumaki raises her hand up in the air, and it sends her flying back into the wall. "It's time I teach you a lesson about disobeying me." Tatsumaki said as she sent the couch flying, and it hit her through the wall. Fubuki slowly gets up to her feet "sis please stop. I don't wanna fight."

"I don't care what you want." Tatsumaki said as she lifted her up in the air, starting to choke her. Caleb sees her in pain hold her neck, and something inside him switches. He jumps forward. "EXPLODING HEART RELEASE FIST!" It catches Tatsumaki off gaurd she gets sending flying into a wall. Caleb runs over and catches Fubuki in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay now thanks to you." She smiles. Tatsumaki lifts the rubble off her. "YOU BASTARD YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT." Tatsumaki yelled as she walked towards them. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!"

She was fixing to use her powers when Caleb shot a web and it traps her against the ground. "What the hell?" She snaps out of it and tries using her powers again to try and lift her but to no avail. "What the why can't I lift you?"

"The reason why you can't lift her is because my web stops you from using your powers."

Fubuki's eyes widen in shock. "AS SOON AS I GET FREE IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Tatsumaki yelled. "Good luck trying to get free." Caleb said as he walked back inside, carrying her bridal style. "Caleb."

"Yes, baby?" He asks. "Can you go after my group?" She asks. "Yeah, just watch your sister and make sure she doesn't get loose."

"Okay, I will after you put me down." He puts her down. "Sorry." He said, "It's okay now, go after my group." He runs out the door while she walks back outside and watches her.

He opens the gate and runs out. "BLIZZARD GROUP WHERE ARE YOU!?"

"I guess we go to the association and rent a house." Eyelashes said "yeah I guess we have to." Caleb remembers association "Dammit" he runs towards the association minutes later he sees them "HEY WAIT!" Caleb yells as all of them turn their heads. "Caleb, what are you doing?" Lily asks. "I came after yall."

"Why did you come after us?" Eyelashes asks. "Because you don't have to leave."

"Miss Tatsumaki demanded us too." Eyelashes said. "I don't care what she said. Fubuki needs you, and I do, too."

"Why we are weak, so why would she need us?" Eyelashes asks "because she cares about you all, and she wants you to come back."

"She does?" Lily asks. "Yes." They walk back over and follow Caleb back home.

Meanwhile, back home, "GET THIS STUFF OFF ME!" Tatsumaki yelled. "No." Tatsumaki looks at her, getting pissed. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?"


"I would like to see you try." Tatsumaki starts to tare the webs. Fubuki uses her powers to try and hold her down, but it only helps so much. Tatsumaki then gets free. Fubuki jumps forward, "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST." Tatsumaki blocks it with her psychic barrier. She lifts up a house sized rock. "It's time I finally teach you a lesson." She sends it flying at her. So fast Fubuki couldn't even block it with her powers or even hit it with her martial arts. Then, at the last second, Caleb comes in and pushes her out the way. Caleb then hits it with all his strength, and it shatters.

Fubuki looks back and sees the boulder had shattered. "I admit you're strong but not for long."

She slams both hands on the ground, and big chunks slam around him. "NOOOOO!!" Fubuki gets back on her feet, "PSYCHIC STRIKE." Fubuki yelled as her attack hit her, but Tatsumaki had a barrier up blocking it. Fubuki jumps forward and hits her through the house wall, destroying it further.

Fubuki then uses all her powers, pulling apart the gigantic slabs of rock. "CALEB!" Fubuki runs over and sees he's all bloody. "Caleb?" She shakes him, but he doesn't respond. "Caleb, answer me, you idiot." She said as tears rolled down her face. "C-Caleb, please don't play dead with me."

Tatsumaki gets up again and flies back. "Looks like he wasn't strong after all." She puts her hands on her hips. "SHUT UP JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP." Fubuki screamed as tears keep flowing out her eyes. "See, this is the reason why I don't have a significant other they just get in the way."

Fubuki gets up, wiping the tears from her eyes. "YOU KILLED THE ONLY PERSON THAT LOVED ME FOR WHO I WAS!" Fubuki's body starts glowing green. "I love you for who you are."

"NO, YOU DONT IF YOU DID YOU WOULD LEAVE ME ALONE!" Fubuki yelled as she lifted up a house sized boulder. She sends it at her, the dust clears, and Tatsumaki had a barrier up. Fubuki starts crying tears of blood  as she lifts up 3 house sized boulders she sends them flying at her, hitting her barrier.

Fubuki keeps on sending more and more at her barrier. Tatsumaki then sees a crack. A smile appears on her face. "She's cracking my barrier. Where did she get all this extra power from?"

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" She screamed. Fubuki throws them faster and faster as her power slowly increases.

Then boom, Tatsumaki's barrier shatters as the last one hit it. Fubuki jumped forward and tried to hit her into the ground, but Tatsumaki sent a meteor down, hitting her. Fubuki sensed it and put a barrier up at the last second.

"LADY FUBUKI!!!!" The blizzard bunch screams in panic. It shakes the ground on impact. The dust clears, and Fubuki is on her knees, with blood coming out of her mouth.

"Now you're coming with me." Tatsumaki said as she grabbed Fubuki's wrist and flied off with her. Fubuki looks back at Caleb. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." She said as tears fell off her face, hitting the ground.

Lily runs over to him. "SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE QUICK!" Eyelashes calls the association they send an ambulance.

"For now on, I'm keeping you in my house." Tatsumaki said as she flied to her home.

Timeskip 30 minutes

The doctor walks into the waiting room. Lily and Eyelashes stand up. "We finally got his heart beating again." Lily and Eyelashes sigh in relief. "Is he stable yet?"

"Yes, he's stable, but he's still unconscious." The doctor said. "Can we see him?" Lily asks, "Yes, you can see him."  the doctor shows them where his room is. They closse the door. "I dont know if you can hear me but thank you for saving lady Fubuki. You're a real good person."

Back at Tatsumaki's

"You're staying here. That's your punishment for talking to me the way you did." Tatsumaki said. Fubuki just sits there really sad. "Don't tell me you're still mourning over that random guy."

"He's not a random guy he's my boyfriend, and yes, im still mourning over him. SINCE YOU HAD TO KILL HIM!" Fubuki said in a serious tone.

"I didn't intend to actually kill him." Tatsumaki said. "BUT YOU STILL DID IT ANYWAY!" She yelled as tears kept rolling down her face. "I can tell he meant a lot to you, but if I could bring him back, I would."

"Yeah, right, like you would ever do anything nice for me." Fubuki said, rolling her eyes. "I'm going to lay down. If you try to leave, I'll know you did."

"What's the point in leaving my boyfriends d-dead." Fubuki fully breaks down crying.

Tatsumaki heads upstairs and into her room. Timeskip 2 hours Fubuki had cried herself to sleep meanwhile at the association hospital. Caleb slowly opens his eyes and tries to move but can't. "Hello?" He weakly calls out. Lily wakes up and looks at him she sees his eyes open. "Oh my god, you're awake."

"Why can't I move?" He asks. "You have medicine running through you that's helping you rest."

"Where's Fubuki?" He asks her. "Tatsumaki took her after you died."

His eyes widen in shock. "I died?" He asks "yeah when she used that attack on you, it killed you."

"Oh my god." He said, shocked. "How am I alive?" He asks."The doctor brought you back after 20 minutes of resuscitating you."

"Does Fubuki know I'm alive?" He asks. "Sadly no." Lily said as she looks at the group sad. "When this medicine wears off were going after her."

"You're still willing to fight even after her sister killed you?" Lily asked "well yeah." He said. "If she killed you the first time, she could do it again."

"I don't care. I got to try to get my girlfriend back no matter the cost or risks. I'm not giving up hope no matter what." Caleb said.

"You must be deeply in love with her." Lily said. "Of course I am. If I didn't, I wouldn't have risked my own life to save her."

"Well, I'm really glad you love her that much." Lily said. "Anyway, what time is it?" Caleb asked. "It's 10p.m."

"It's already nighttime?" He asks "yeah you were out for 3 hours. But anyway you need to rest so when you wake up you'll have all your energy for tomorrow."

"Yeah, good idea." A few minutes pass. "I don't think I'm gonna get much sleep." He said, "Why not?"

"Because she's not hold me." He said as tears rolled down his face. "Will it make you feel better if I held you while you sleep?"

"Yes, but that would be weird since you're not my girlfriend."

"It doesn't have to be weird it's only gonna be a one night thing besides, you know I don't mean nothing by it." She said "yeah I guess you're right." She rolls him on his side, and she gets in the hospital bed with him. She lays her arm over him. They both say goodnight he quickly does off.

Meanwhile, back at Tatsumaki's

Fubuki's having a bad dream of Tatsumaki killing him over and over again when she could do nothing but just lay on the ground crying and begging her to stop.

"See, this is the reason why I don't have a significant other they just get in the way." Those words kept repeating in her dream. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." All the past memories start repeating in her head just like an endless nightmare.

Fubuki then jolts awake, sweating she looks around and remembers she's at Tatsumaki's place. She pulls her knees up to her chest and starts crying into them. "I c-could'nt save you even after I got stronger, but in the end, I was still to w-weak to protect y-you." She hugs her knees, crying. "w-why does everything always get taken from me when I feel happy. It's like I don't belong in this world no matter what I do. I always end up heartbroken and sad. I wish I could just end all my suffering just so i can be happy again." She said heartbroken.

End of chapter 11

[A sad chapter finally comes to an end. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to leave comments and show me support I put alot of emotion and hard work into this chapter anyway till next time. "Peace" Fubuki said]

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