Here There Be Dragons

By mparasko

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A Dance of Dragons reimagined. Raised by families that detested one another, Aemma Velaryon and Aemond Targa... More

Children of the Dragons
Where Wild Dragons Roam
Departing Dragons
A Dragon Entombed
Dragon's Leave-Taking
Words Borne on the Wings of Dragons
Dragons Return
An Awaited Dragon's Ride
A Clash of Dragons
Flight to Dragonstone
We Are But Dragons
One Dragon Falls, Two Dragons Rise
Storm of Dragons
To Wed a Dragon
Author's Note
Dragons Contested
A Dragon Plays His Hand
The Will of a Dragon
A Dragon Outnumbered
Dragons of the Same Cloth
To Claim a Dragon
A Dragon Names Her Hand
Dragons Near and Far
A Dragon's Bargain
The Fate of Dragons
A Dragon's Revenge
Grieving Dragons
Heir of the Dragon
Dragon of the People
Descent of Dragons

Dragon Awakened

222 12 1
By mparasko

129 AC

"Look, Aemma!"

Aemma followed the finger Aegon excitedly pointed over the railing of the ship to see Shadowbane skimming the surface of the water before soaring over their heads. Aegon laughed in glee and trotted over to the other side of the ship to follow her dragon's progress as he lazily flew alongside them. Her younger brother could not get enough of the ship and watching his small dragon, Stormcloud, furiously beating his wings to keep up with the much larger dragon. It had been two days since they set sail from Dragonstone. Two days since Aemma watched Joffrey and Rhaena take to the skies to fend the Eyrie. Two days since she bade her mother, Jace, and Luke goodbye. Two days since she and Aemond parted with a kiss and the whispered reminder of a promise to be kept.

Aemma touched her lips with a small smile and signaled Shadowbane to land on the makeshift platform the Gay Abandon trailed behind it. She knew they could have flown there already, but she did not wish to outdistance her brothers, nor did she want to wait for them in Pentos. So she and her dragon made do. The sound of retching drew her attention from her dragon to find her less-enthused brother. Viserys was not taking to sailing as well as his elder. His face, almost as pale as his hair, surfaced from the bucket that was constantly clasped in his hands and padded on uneven feet to reach her.

He burrowed against her side and she brushed her fingers through his hair. "Go lie down, sweetling."

"Aeg said there were dolphins."

Aemma winced as she glanced at Shadowbane happily munching on bones. "Not anymore."


She and Shadowbane glided through the grey blanket of clouds until they pierced the cloud cover to the cold air above where the sun shone brightly. Aemma and her dragon were both antsy to fly. The slow progress of the ships often saw the two of them up in the sky, flying ahead of the ships for an hour at most before turning back to rejoin her brothers. Aegon begged repeatedly to go with her, and she would take him and Viserys (who faired much better in the sky than on the sea) on a flight around the boats. But these flights were for her and her dragon only.

Aemma smiled and patted Shadowbane's neck, leaning forward to press her cheek to his heated scales. Always a relaxing experience, she was unprepared for Shadowbane's sudden tensing. A ripple of unease passing between them. Aemma sat up. "What is it?"

She urged Shadowbane to drop down below the clouds, but spotted nothing on the horizon in front of them. The disquiet did not fade. So Aemma prompted Shadowbane back towards their ships, his wings beating swiftly as if he too was anxious to return. It was not long before the sound carried over the water. The shouting of men. The hiss of cross-bolts. The creaking of wood as it splintered. What started as mere dots floating amongst the waves became almost one hundred war ships. War ships that surrounded what remained of her retinue. She could spy the Gay Abandon floating uselessly in the center of the Velaryon warships-three of them already sunken. They stood no chance.

Aemma's stomach seemed to drop as if Shadowbane had done a sudden loop, but her dragon remained steady as they swiftly approached the sea battle that unfolded before her. She thought of her brothers, all alone and frightened, while she was off gallivanting through the sky. The thought spurred the welcomed ire to rise. How fucking dare they. With a hissed demand, Shadowbane banked and swept toward their ships. She faintly heard the yells of the men below when they spotted her dragon. She faintly noted the arrows that whizzed past or bounced off Shadowbanes scales. Yet her focus was on the ten ships that were currently in the process of attacking the Velaryon galleys.


Shadowbane roared. Bright orange flames, edged in black, spewed from his gullet and engulfed the ships below. He was not large enough to set the entire boat aflame, but it left enough damage to see that the men were more focused on trying to temper the fire or escape it. A sting of a phantom pain on her arm and Shadowbane's coughing snarl alerted her to the arrows that had pierced through his wing membrane. He wobbled a little in the air, but adjusted himself quickly. Aemma bared her teeth and spun Shadowbane around to face the boat where the archers were scrambling to reload their bows. Aemma didn't give them the chance. With another word, Shadowbane reduced them to blackened husks.

Shadowbane was just turning back to the Gay Abandon, when agony exploded on her shoulder. Aemma screamed, darkness edging her vision and Shadowbane echoing her pain with an earsplitting roar. She suddenly found herself slumped over her dragon's neck, unaware of having fallen forward in the first place, and she blinked against the dizziness that threatened to take her under. Sitting up, her shoulder a ball of fire and pain, she glanced down and spotted the cross-bolt that jutted from her left shoulder. It did not seem real. Aemma had a hard time consolidating what she was seeing, but she knew the wound was real. Each movement of her body, even each breath, caused her shoulder to scream in response.

Blood seeped slowly but thickly down her arm and chest. Turning away from the sight, Aemma found Shadowbane perched on the platform that was miraculously still afloat. Aegon's terrified face suddenly filled her vision as the men aboard the ship started pushing him to her on the saddle. She could see her brother's mouth moving as he climbed in behind her and clung tightly to her middle, causing her shoulder to flare in pain, but she could not seem to process what he was saying. Stormcloud scrabbled up after his rider and settled somewhere behind Aemma, out of sight. Viserys came next, clutching his egg with tears streaking his cheeks. He sat facing her as he situated himself in front of her, the egg crushed between them as he wrapped his arms around her just like his brother.

"You must go, princess!"

The fog broken, Aemma blinked at the men watching them from the ship. Shaking her head as denial bubbled up. "I cannot leave you, you are outnumbered."

They smiled sadly. "We were entrusted to keep you safe. Do not worry about us. Get to safety."

"I will send aid to," Aemma wanted to help, but she knew the cold logic. One dragon against this many ships was not a guarantee. Especially with a wounded rider and precious cargo astride it. She only hoped she arrived back to Dragonstone in time to send more dragonriders to aid them.

"Fly home, my shadow." Aemma bade her dragon. "Fly swift,"

Shadowbane took off, his wings a blur. Aemma managed to stay conscious, even though each jolt of his wings caused her agony. Her left arm hung uselessly at her side, but she clasped both her brother's arms with her good hand to ensure they stayed with her. Viserys was still sobbing against her chest, but Aegon was silent behind her as he patted her back and his brother's arm assuredly. The journey was one edged in grey. Aemma distracted herself from the pain by focusing on the distance yet left to travel. They had probably been halfway to their destination when intercepted-two and a half days from Dragonstone by boat. The flight would take five hours for most dragons. Usually, Shadowbane could halve any travel time, but he was wounded and carrying more weight than normal. So four hours passed by the time she spotted Dragonstone in the distance. The sun still shone, past its peak but not yet into fully setting.

Once closer, Shadowbane started to roar repeatedly, rousing the other dragons but also the people on Dragonstone. But instead of landing on the Dragonmont, Shadowbane soared over to the keep and started to descend into the training yard. Her clever dragon. He knew more people would be nearby. He landed onto the ground, the air still shaking with his roar. She saw a lot of movement out of the corner of her eyes as the knights and guards ran over. Once her dragon quieted, she could make out Aegon and Viserys yelling for help. For a moment she could not understand their sudden panic. She blinked up to one of the walkways overlooking the training yard to see the council running out, her mother and Jace leading the throng as they stared down at her in horror. Jace was suddenly roaring orders while her mother clutched the railing. Aemma could not understand the terror on their faces, but then she glanced down. Oh.

Her entire front was soaked in blood. And when Viserys wiggled back to look up at her, she noted the blood that stained his fair hair and skin. She raised a hand as if to comfort him, her mind moving sluggishly now. They were home. Home. The thought seemed to give her body permission to fail. She slumped to the side, but her strapped legs kept her from toppling to the ground. Her body was begging her to slip into oblivion, to leave the pain behind. But her mind kept nagging her. There was something she had to do. What was it?

Arms were suddenly supporting her body and she blinked open eyes she hadn't realized were closed. She found Aemond perched beside her, his face stricken as he took in her wound. She vaguely noticed others swarming around her and undoing her leg straps, but all she had eyes for was Aemond. He gently carried her down to the ground and quickly strode after the maesters who buzzed around her. Jace and her mother appeared at Aemond's shoulders, Luke she could spy running ahead to throw open doors. She was lain across the maester's table, Aemond still cradling her head.

"The Triarchy..." Aemma suddenly remembered what was so important. "A fleet almost one hundred strong. They sail for us as we speak. Dragonriders must go stop them."

Jace appeared above her, his face pale, but he nodded and ran from the room. The maesters ordered everyone to leave, pressing milk of the poppy between her lips. Aemma sputtered but swallowed it down. Aemond leaned down to press a soft kiss to her forehead, fire burning in his eyes, before leaving. Her mother sidled into view, a similar rage simmering on her face-she looked much like her brother then, Aemma noted with her last sane thought. Then as the milk of the poppy did its job, she slowly drifted into a soft darkness, the pain in her shoulder reduced to a pale throb, the rushed tones of the maesters to a soft hum. And the last thing she heard as she was swept away entirely was the deep bellow of Vhagar.


Aemma awoke to a sea on fire and a ghost on dragon back. She was still puzzling over the sight of Seasmoke when she returned her attention to the water. Black smoke rose in thick columns on the horizon. Aemma assumed the dragonriders had heeded her message. A throat clearing softly to her right had her turning to find Baela sitting at her side. She smiled at Aemma as she moved forward with a cup in hand. "Here, drink. You have been out for almost five days. Everyone will be most happy to learn you have finally awakened."

Aemma sipped the cool water thankfully, allowing it to sooth her sore throat. "Aemond?"

Baela smirked as she set the goblet back down. "Careful now, you inflate his already swollen ego. Imagine how he'd act knowing his name was the word you first spoke upon waking."

Aemma rolled her eyes and tried to sit up, but immediately hissed at the burst of pain radiating from her shoulder. The encounter above the Narrow Sea and her injury came back at her in a jumbled mess as she looked down to see her shoulder swaddled in bandages. "I take it I will survive,"

"Yes." Baela busied herself with straightening Aemma's blankets, but she could see the faint fear that shimmered in Baela's eyes. "The first day was touch and go. Your mother never left your side when they released you after removing the bolt."

"What of the Triarchy?"

Baela grinned savagely. "You see their remains upon the sea. The Hand led the five of them to a swift victory."


"Ah, was a busy few days while you were gone. Seasmoke, Vermithor, and Sheepstealer were all claimed by dragonseed. They accompanied Princess Rhaenys, Jace, and your husband to deal with the warships."

Aemma blinked at all the bombarding information. Not only did Aemond ride out to fight alongside the blacks, but three more dragonriders had emerged to join them. "Who?"

"The more apt question would be who did not." Baela shook her head. "Over a dozen men died trying to claim the dragons. But some blacksmith-Hugh the Hammer they call him-claimed Vermithor. Addam, a bastard son of Vaemond, claimed Seasmoke. And some girl by the name of Nettles was able to claim the wild Sheepstealer...much like you did with your dragon."

"Where is Aemond?" Aemma was desperate to see him, was slightly taken aback that it was not him by her bedside when she awoke.

"Had to be dragged from you side," Baela snorted. "The queen tried to convince him to leave by insisting he smelled something awful and should go refresh himself. So he had servants bring a tub up and started to strip before her until she was forced to leave. Jace offered for him to sit in on our council meeting, but no luck there. You will be surprised to hear that it was Luke who finally convinced him to leave."

Aemma smiled. "Of course it was,"

"But I will go fetch him now,"

Baela rose and left the room. It did not take long for Aemma to hear the sound of fast approaching footsteps, and then the door was thrown open to reveal her husband. He froze at the door, his eye dragging over her as if to soak in the sight of her. She smiled at him, overjoyed to see him, yet concerned at the haggard edge to him-dark circle under his eye, skin pale and waxy, hair limp. At her smile, his motionlessness seemed to break and he rushed forward to kneel at the bedside. He clasped her good hand between his own and squeezed as he pressed a kiss to her wrist. She could tell he longed to crush her to him and she wished to do, but her shoulder held them back.

Aemma broke the strenuous silence. "I hear you flew Vhagar to battle."

"Aye, I did." Aemond spoke darkly. "They deserved to burn for what they did to you."

"Were you able to save any of our ships?"

Aemond shook his head, tracing a finger lightly down her face at her saddened expression. She knew it was high hopes to think they had made it in time, but she wished it to be true. "You mustn't blame yourself. They did their duty, and you did yours. There was nothing else you could do."

"I could have not gotten shot," Aemma spoke darkly, turning to look back out at the sea.

"There were ninety ships." Aemond said. "Ninety ships against one dragon. You were bound to be injured. Any dragonrider would be."

Aemma opened her mouth to respond, but drew up short when she heard the familiar trill on the wind. She smiled as Shadowbane swooped into view, hovering outside her balcony with the steady thrum of his wings. He turned his head to regard her with one eye, as if to ensure that she was awake and well. "My shadow,"

He trilled again before disappearing from view. Aemma turned back to Aemond. "I suppose you are right...and I kept my promise. I returned to you, did I not?"

Aemond grimaced, but then smiled. "Not in the condition I would have preferred."

"Ah, you have known me long enough to know I rarely do what others would prefer me to do."

Aemond laughed, leaning over to press his forehead to hers. "And I would have it no other way."

Aemma frowned. "The Triarchy was no doubt sent by the greens...your family. Word of your role in their demise will reach your brother."

"Let it chafe at him. One more of his plans foiled." Aemond pulled back. "It will be all he can come to expect if he or his actions threaten to harm you."

"He will be angry. What if he retaliates?"

A dragon stared back at her. "Then he has no one to blame but himself for what will befall him."

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