She's Sunshine, She's Grace...

By brinxiethebear

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Marinette struggles to stay happy nowadays, but what better way to change your mood than with a change of loc... More

Chapter 1: The Start of What's to Come
Chapter 2: Running into Fate
Chapter 3: A Fearful Altercation
Chapter 5: Being Caught Off Guard
Chapter 6: A Morning with Friends
Chapter 7: A Sudden Change of Plans
Chapter 8: Meeting Damian Wayne
Chapter 9: Trash Talking the Liar
Chapter 10: The Start of Something New
Chapter 11: The Manor
Chapter 12: Titus and the Rose Gardens
Chapter 13: Dinner and a Surprise
Chapter 14: Alfred's Interesting Past
Chapter 15: Repairing and Confessing
Chapter 16: Discussing an Opportunity
Chapter 17: Cleaning Up the Mess and Getting Good Advice
Chapter 18: A Peaceful Morning
Chapter 19: Sketch Book Drowning
Chapter 20: The Rooftop
Chapter 21: First Kiss
Chapter 22: Accepting the Opportunity
Chapter 23: Sparring
Chapter 24: Chasing the Nightmare Away
Chapter 25: Telling the Friends and a Terrible Tour
Chapter 26: Yelling at the Liar and Stealing the Mask
Chapter 27: Ladybird
Chapter 28: Two-Face
Chapter 29: Ladybird's Debut
Chapter 30: Tim Makes a Plan
Chapter 31: Walking Around Town
Chapter 32: Harley and Ivy
Chapter 33: After Effects and Opening Up
Chapter 34: Informing the Parents
Chapter 35: Video Games and Refinement
Chapter 36: First Blood and Showtime
Chapter 37: Lies Crumble and Fall
Chapter 38: Legal Action
Chapter 39: Resentment
Chapter 40: Apologies
Chapter 41: Moving Forward
Chapter 42: Finding a Distraction
Chapter 43: A New Yo-Yo
Chapter 44: Toying with Boy Wonder
Chapter 45: Word Getting Out
Chapter 46: Paparazzi
Chapter 47: Patrol with Batman
Chapter 48: The Warehouse
Chapter 49: A First Time
Chapter 50: The Morning After
Chapter 51: Everyone Knows
Chapter 52: Blindfolded
Chapter 53: Overcoming Darkness
Chapter 54: Honesty and I Love You's
Chapter 55: Learning of Damian's Friends
Chapter 56: Sincere Apology
Chapter 57: Arkham
Chapter 58: The Joker
Chapter 59: A Busted Lip
Chapter 60: Puzzle Pieces in His Game
Chapter 61: A Friendly Challenge
Chapter 62: Letters
Chapter 63: Winning with Embarrassment
Chapter 64: Adorable
Chapter 65: Soulmates
Chapter 66: Plagg Has an Announcement
Chapter 67: The True Black Cat
Chapter 68: Distracted by Grace
Chapter 69: Trapeze
Chapter 70: Typical Plagg
Chapter 71: Ivy's History Lesson
Chapter 72: Love Can Change for the Better
Chapter 73: A Glowing White Rose
Chapter 74: Uprooting the Plant
Chapter 75: Tikki's Creation
Chapter 76: Rooftop Date #2
Chapter 77: Split Vision
Chapter 78: Distance Testing
Chapter 79: Patrol with Catwoman
Chapter 80: Infatuation
Chapter 81: Stronger Than You Know
Chapter 82: Realizing Your Worth
Chapter 83: Koriand'r
Chapter 84: Swimsuit
Chapter 85: Pool and Picnic
Chapter 86: Snooping
Chapter 87: Deciding the Punishments
Chapter 88: Learning a Lesson
Chapter 89: Sword Play
Chapter 90: Fast Learner and a Calm Breakfast
Chapter 91: Greeting New Guests
Chapter 92: Kori's Big News
Chapter 93: Sewing with the Girls
Chapter 94: Welcoming Damian Back
Chapter 95: Returning the Favor
Chapter 96: The Riddler
Chapter 97: Solo Patrol
Chapter 98: Debriefing
Chapter 99: Finishing the Gifts
Chapter 100: His Favorite Painting
Chapter 101: Passing Out the Gifts
Chapter 102: The Surprise and Training with Jason
Chapter 103: Movie Day and Purring
Chapter 104: Suspiciously Quiet at Crime Alley
Chapter 105: Captured
Chapter 106: Unwanted Laughter
Chapter 107: Rescue
Chapter 108: Mrs. Dunley
Chapter 109: Food and the Woman's Shelter
Chapter 110: People Watching
Chapter 111: Vee
Chapter 112: Lunch with the Class
Chapter 113: The Feeling of Family
Chapter 114: Peaceful Morning
Chapter 115: The Kent's
Chapter 116: Turn to Jelly
Chapter 117: Speechless
Chapter 118: Red Carpet
Chapter 119: Valerie Vale
Chapter 120: Remembering
Chapter 121: Epilogue

Chapter 4: Learning Something New

8.1K 239 12
By brinxiethebear

"So, how much longer until Sunshine wakes up?" Red Hood asks.

"It shouldn't be too much longer." Red Robin informs. "Once she wakes up though, we will need the paramedics to check her over one last time and Gordon still needs to take her statement. I still can't believe she beat Scarecrow while under the influence of the fear toxin. My readings here show that this was a more strong and potent strain than the one we are used to."

"Wow." Nightwing turns his attention to Red Hood. "Why didn't you tell me that this 'Sunshine' of yours was such a bad ass? You know when B finds out about her, he will immediately want to adopt her."

Jason sighs heavily. "Yeah. I honestly had no idea she was a bad ass. According to all the witnesses, she single handedly took out two of the tree guards Scarecrow had plus the creep himself. Her friend over there," he points to a blonde boy just on the other side of the police tape "he took out the last one. He's also the one who triggered the alarm for the emergency exit. We really need to look at the surveillance camera when we get back to the cave."

"Uh, hello?" All three hero's snap their heads into the direction of Marinette, who seems to just be waking up. "What happened?" She asks, slowly sitting up while rubbing her head.

"You were hit with Scarecrows fear toxin and you tackled him through a window." Jason answers first. "How are you feeling, Sunshine?"

She narrows her eyes at him for a long moment before finally responding. "I guess that explains the bandages on my arms." Marinette looks over herself to inspect the damage then looks over at Wayne Tower and the broken second story window. "Mr. Wayne probably won't be too happy I smashed his buildings' window."

"This isn't the first time something like this has happened, little lady." Nightwing reassures her. "And it certainly won't be the last. I know for a fact that he wont hold this against you."

"So Parisian girls crash through Mr. Wayne's window with a super villain on a weekly basis or something?" She jokes, trying not to feel too bad about what she did.

"No." Red Hood laughs. "It's usually just the villains and possibly one of us. You are one of a kind. Although I gotta say, I am very impresses. I don't think anybody in that entire building could have done what you did."

The bluenettes face goes red with the embarrassment of his complement. "W-well I don't know about that. I just wanted to save my class. We all used to have to deal with villains all the time back when Hawkmoth was still running the streets."

"Hawkmoth?" Red Robin questions. "Who's that?"

Marinette looked puzzled for a moment before answering. "He was Paris's villain of just over three years. He would target people with strong negative emotions and send out an akuma. A butterfly corrupted with dark energy that possess them. He would give people super powers in exchange of promising to obtain Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. I can't believe you have never heard of this."

"No offence but that just sounds insane." Red Robin says. "And we deal with the clinically insane all the time. Plus, who is Ladybug and Chat Noir anyways? And what's a miraculous?"

Smiling, Marinette nods. "I guess from an outside perspective it would sound strange, but here, let me show you." She pulls out her phone from the small bag she is carrying. After tapping on it for a few moments, she turns it around to show the three heroes a video from a news helicopter.

They watch on as a news anchor describes the scene before her in French. She is above the Eiffel Tower and the camera zooms in on a large swarm of butterflies making out the face of none other than Hawkmoth. They also see a small girl in red polka doted spandex swinging a yo-yo, seemingly capturing all of the butterflies. She ends up making a lovely speech on how her and 'Chat Noir' would always be there to protect the city. At the end it showed her releasing all the butterflies, but instead of them being a sickly purple color, they are a beautiful pure white. She then shouts a few words and throws something into the air. Ladybugs swarm all around the air and seem to fix things that were once broke. The camera cuts to a stone statue before the magical ladybugs engulf it and replaces them with ordinary people. Then the video ends.

Marinette puts her phone back into her bag before saying "That was the first time Paris had to deal with Hawkmoth and this video doesn't really show all of the battle. It mainly just focuses on Ladybug and her speech. The miraculous are the jewels that give Ladybug, Chat Noir and Hawkmoth their powers. But dont worry, Ladybug and Chat Noir just recently caught Hawkmoth about a month and a half ago though so we no longer have to deal with the Eiffel Tower being destroyed every other week." She joked.

"The Eiffel Tower was destroyed?" Nightwing asked, a little confused. "You'd think that would make international headlines."

Marinette shakes her head. "No, it wouldn't because every time it was destroyed the miraculous cure fixes it. That were those magical ladybugs you saw in the video fixing things that were broken and bringing those people back that were turned into stone monsters." She went silent for a moment before speaking again. "You know, now that I think about it, it all makes sense. The mayor probably blocked international news media. Paris thrives on tourism and he knows that our country needs that income. I guess I don't really blame him. Not nearly as many people would come visit if they thought it was too dangerous"

"Uhm, okay." Nightwing says after a long pause. "By the way, we need a paramedic to look you over before your class can leave and the police also need to take your statement. You good with that?"

She nods and Red Robin goes to grab the nearest paramedic while Red Hood grabs Gordon. After she was looked over and her statement was taken, Madame Bustier quickly ushered her class onto the bus. Clearly the teacher didn't want to be there any longer than necessary.
Back at the hotel, Marinette and her friends gathered in her room for a sleepover. "That way we will all be late if Lila decides to pull something." Alix had said.

So, there they were, all piled up onto Marinette's hotel bed laughing at Disney movies. Chloe, Adrien and Mari were the only ones up now.

"I hate to admit it" Chloe whispered. "but they really are just the cutest thruple I have ever seen."

They all look over to where Kim, Alix and Max are sleeping at the head of the bed. Alix was in the middle with both Kim and Max draping their arms over her. All three teens smile at their adorable friends sleeping peacefully.

"Yeah, its so sweet it almost makes me sick." Adrien scoffs. "Hey, but now that they are sleeping can I see him?" He asks eagerly.

"I'm here kid." Plagg pokes his head out from behind the TV and zooms over to sit on the boys' lap. "How's it hanging?"

"I've been doing well," Adrien looks fondly at the kwami. "but I've really missed you. I almost miss the smell of stinky cheese too... Almost."

"Hey, you were the one who wanted to stop being Chat Noir and gave up the ring. That wasn't me kid. But I do agree. The bug is nice and all but I miss you too."

"Are you being nice for once?" The kwami sticks his tongue out at his previous holder. "M'lady has started to rub off on you, hasn't she?" He pauses for a moment. "I do think giving you up was a good thing though. I never had a chance to be a normal kid and now I do. Its freeing. Plus, I know our new guardian over here can handle you."

"Barely." Marinette scoffs. "He's a handful. It's like watching a toddler with a potty mouth that has an addiction to cheese. Don't you think so Chloe?" She looks to Chloe for her answer but finds her slumped over and gently snoring. "I guess we bored her."

"Her loss." Both Plagg and Adrien said at the same time before bursting into laughter.

Marinette watched the two fondly for a minute before briefly standing up. "I'm going to take Tikki and Kaalki up to the roof with me to sketch out some ideas I have. I think I should leave you two to catch up."

"Okay bug, but take a jacket with you. It's a little cold outside."

"Sure thing, Kitty." She smiles at her best friend. "And make sure you call Kagami before you fall asleep. I know she probably misses you."

Pulling on her jacket, she lets Kaalki and Tikki snuggle up into her inside pocket before taking her room key and sketch book and leaving for the roof. Her room was close enough to that top that she only had to climb about four stories to reach the rooftop access.

Sitting closer to the edge of the roof, she looks off to the horizon for inspiration. She finds herself sketching out elegant ball gowns and men's suits. Something about the moonlit city rooftops made her think of something you would dance in. Sighing deeply, she sets her sketch book down and stands up, gently tugging off her jacket.

"What are you doing Marinette?" Tikki squeaks from inside her pocket.

"I want to dance Tikki." She smiles down to her kwami. "I don't want you guys to get sick so make sure you two stay bundled up."

"We will." Kaalki says, excited to watch her guardian dance. It's a little-known secret that Marinette, even with all her clumsiness, is a fantastic dancer.

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