Bocchi the Love Story!

By Kawaii_Lumine

200K 7.8K 5.3K

Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wante... More

1. Prayers
2. Sandwich
3. Mission Impossible!
4. Lethal Hugs
5. Answer
6. Experiences
7. Boy hogging
8. His side of life
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 1 )
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 2 )
10. Bitter
11. Rain, Rain, go away~
12. Please don't be a rental, please don't be a rental, please don't be rental-
13. Asachin! ( 1 )
13. Asachin! ( 2 )
13. Asachin! ( 3 )
Special Chapter: Special Feelings
14. Kessoku Band
15. Last Will
16. Mayafumi Akemi
17. The Realm
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 1 )
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 2 )
Omake: Short Stories
19. Resolve
20. Lie
21. Gifts
22. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 1 )
23. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 2 )
25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )
26. Mothers can't help but be worried!
27. Halloween! [ 1 ]
28. Halloween! [ 2 ]
29. Halloween ( 3 )
Omake the Sequel: More Short Stories!
30. Icepops
31. Alleviate
32. Fornication ( this is a joke please-- )
33. " Gotou-san, I love you."
33. Thou shall respond in kind! ( Actual chapter )
34. The three red flags are Bassist, Bassist, and.....THAT'S RIGHT! BASSIST!
35. I guess that confession is being pushed back to chapter 50 after all...
36. " Is Gotou-san okay?"..." Oh yeah, she's totally fine. I think."
37. Sent and Sent Back
38. We're Bocchin' Now!

24. Costume Hunt! ( 1 )

3.2K 118 95
By Kawaii_Lumine

" Mommy, big Sis is going crazy again..."

" Huh? What for? "


" Oh this is bad. Futari-chan, please call your father."

" Daaadddd!!"

" What is it?"

" Follow me!"


" Take a look, Honey..."

" weren't's been a while since I last saw her like this..."

" I know right? Should we call the hospital or start praying?"

" Can we call the hospital? I want to ride in the ambulance with Big Sis!"

" Haha, silly girl. We're not going to call an ambulance just to give you a joy ride."

" Ehhhhh? "

"  Your father is right, Futari-chan. But let's not stray from the real subject at hand, yes?"

" On it, Michiyo. I'll call the usual?"

" Mhm."

" Yay! Mr. Excorcist is going to come to the house again! I can't wait to watch him do funny things to big Sis. The one where she dances all weirdly and begins levitating and stuff! It's awesome!"



After the Gotou family closed the door of the eldest daughter's bedroom. The camera slowly panned horizontally, and slowly revealing the dark, gloomy, mess of a room owned by none other than Bocchi.

A girl's body laid on the floor, seemingly dead, but her limbs were twitching-- and they were all over the place.

" C...Costume..." Bocchi said in rasps before she closed her eyes and died.

~~~ Cue the intro ~~~


" By the way, have you found a costume to wear for Saturday?" Akihiko asked.

A costume...?

Why would I need....a costume...

No, hold on just a minute. Why does that suddenly ring a bell...?

" Costume...?" I repeated.

He nodded. " Yeah, for the halloween event on the 30th, remember?"

"..." I stopped walking.

He stops too and looks at me with a confused face.

" Is something wrong?" He asked.


" You...?"


I smiled, reassuring him. " I remember now! Yes, I did prepare a costume." I said a bit too cheerily.

" Oh, that's good." he seemed to believe me, and so we continued walking....

I'm sorry Akihiko-kun....but...



( Starry's, Sunday. )

" So you need a costume, huh..." Kita says.

" Yes..." I nodded.

" That's no problem. We can go shopping right now!" Kita cheered.

" Shopping for a costume? Ah, actually, I'll come with." Nijika interjects, a look of realization on her face. " I also don't have a costume yet."

" Do we really have to wear costumes?" Ryou inquired.

" Well, no not really! But, but, but!" Kita-chan holds a finger up. Why so many ' buts'?

" If you wear a costume it will definitely improve the experience! You can even prank people with a really scary one." Kita smiles.

  What is there to smile about from that?!

"" Ryou seemed to take that into consideration. 

But as if a lightbulb had suddenly popped above her head, she began to speak.

" So if I--"

" No, you can't scare people and take their food OR money." Nijika says.

"..." Ryou-san deflates. can you live  with such malicious intent?!

Suddenly, we hear the manager speak.

" If you four are going to shop for costumes. You should head out as early as possible." We turned to her, and she was staring right at us. " The mall should be packed by now with families buying costumes or decorations. You don't want to get caught up in the long afternoon check-out lines."

" Sis is right!" Nijika agrees and stands up, " So are we going? Because we should definitely go now!"

" Ehh..." Ryou-san seemed neutral about it.

Kita shoots up from her seat. " I'm up for it! Let's help with each other's costumes--

" Helllooooo~~~!" A loud drunken voice enters the room.

I immediately notice Manager Seika's expression turning sullen.

" And what are you doing here?" She sighed.

" Ijichi-senpai~! That's not how you greet your lovely Kohai-- WAH--"

Thud! She tumbled down the stairs.

" H-Hiroi-san?!" Nijika immediately went to check, worried for the older girl. I also went with her to check.

Is she oka--

" I'm okay!" She sat up immediately, and then sipping from her alcohol juice box before sighing in drunken relief. " Haah~ That healed me immediately!"

" The only thing that did was putting your liver at risk--" Nijika tried to say,

" Ah, Bocchi-chan! Great to see you, eh?" Hiroi-san turns to me, beaming with a smile. Though her breath smelled like sake.

" N-Nice to see you again too, Hiroi-san..." Come to think of it, it really has been a long time since I've seen her.....I wonder why?

" Someone posted your performance during your time in Shikoku, senpai." Ryou-san pops out of nowhere, scrolling something on her phone before showing it for us to see. " It was amazing. I wish I was the one being spat on by your alcohol." 

I looked at the video...

" HAHAHAHAHA~! Sorry, everyone! My strings just snapped.....SO WHY DON'T WE HAVE A DRINKING PARTY, YEAH!" She screamed into the mic, pulling out cans of beer out of nowhere.

" Huh? where did that lady get all that--"

" WOOOOOOO~! " Hiroi shakes one can and opens it, spraying everyone with its contents while her bandmates watched in astonishment, but also looking accustomed to it.




" Spit on me!" A blue haired girl yells from the crowd.

" PEWWWOROROR~~!" Hiroi spit on the fan.

That.....That's horrifying to see...

Hiroi-senpai never fails to....showcase her wildness...

" Wait a minute, go back a few seconds and pause." Nijika spoke in a rather serious tone.

"....Why would you wanna do that?" Ryou-san asked, a bit nervously at that. Her eyes slowly turning to Nijika with caution.

" Yeah, was there something wrong? " Kita asked.

Was there anything right?!

" No, no. I think I spotted something-- or rather, someone." Nijika did a pointed glance at Ryou. " Ryou-chan, rewind it back a few seconds, would you?"

"..." Ryou gulps before her fingers shakily rewind the video back a few seconds and....

N-No way.....

T-The one who got spat on-- NO, the one who BEGGED to be spat on was--!

" Just as I thought." Nijika said. " So this is the reason why you snoozed me last Thursday, huh? I wanted to talk to you about our partner project for this semester but you snoozed me, Ryou-chan."

Ryou slowly scoots closer to me, and I flinched. Is she going to use me as cover?!

" Ehh~? What's happening?" Hiroi-san looked between them, confused.

" H-Hey!" Kita gets in between them, trying to mediate the situation. " C-Calm down! Shouldn't we go shopping for costumes as planned? " She mostly tried to placate the scary looking Nijika-chan. 

" Nijika-chan, don't you think it's a good idea? To shop right now? Remember, we don't wanna get caught up in the afternoon check-out lines....r-right?" Kita smiled the best she could.

But nothing on Nijika-chan's face had changed.

" H-Hitori-chan, y-you agree don't you?!" She turned to me for support. Her eyes pleading, and I knew saying no was impossible when she does those eyes. Damn you Kita-chan!

I shakily nodded. "Y-Yes!" I flinched when Nijika's eyes glanced at me.

" See? Even Hitori-chan agrees! So let's--"

" Ohhh~! So you guys are going shopping? Lemme in on that!" Hiroi-san says as she sloppily slung an arm over my shoulder, causing me to jolt in suprise.

" E-Eh? You want to come?" I asked her. And she nodded with a close-eyed smile.

" Of course! Why not~? It's been a while since I  had some girl time, ya know?" She laughed before drinking more sake juice.

" ' Girl ' time should be spent with other people your age, Hiroi." I hear Seika-san say. " You're far too old compared to them. Aren't you 27? "

" Bwaahh~ Who cares about that? Besides, you never want to hang out with me, Senpai!" She pouts as she points at her accusingly.

" Or perhaps you're jealous that I get to hang with Bocchi-chan, eh~~?" As if to make a point, I feel Hiroi-san pulling me closer, basically choking me in her hold. " Maybe because you feel too old, you never tried it! Hahaha~!"

" You little--" 


" Hey! You're choking Bocchi-chan!" Nijika snaps out of her cold fury and helps me out of Hiroi-san's suprisingly strong hold.

I coughed as soon as I got free, and Kita-chan patted my back.

" Nijika-chan~! " Hiroi smothers herself all over the younger sister.

" You'll let your beloved Kikuri-onee san come, yes~?" She said as she rubbed her face next to Nijika.

" Senpai, please let go." Nijika said.

" I'm coming with you." Seika-san suddenly announced.

" Eh?" Nijika looked suprised, but so was everyone else. Even the drunk Hiroi-san was caught off guard for a moment.

Manager Seika stood up, arms crossed, and with a stern look. " Someone has to keep Hiroi in line. I'll make sure she won't make trouble for you girls."

" Oh? It's been a while since I last shopped with Manager..." Ryou said.

" Eh? Senpai, you shopped with Manager-san?" Kita asked, suprised.

Ryou nods. " Yes. And let me tell you all about her cutesy--" but then she paused, freezing up. It didn't take any of us a brain to figure out why she paused.

" Tell her anything and I'll reduce your pay." Seika interrupted.

" Let me tell you that I know nothing about Manager! " Ryou corrected herself immediately. " Absolutely nothing humiliating, embarrassing, or downright horrendous about Manager!" She adds. do realize that's basically implying that you do know, right?

" Sis, are you sure you're willing to come with us? You said you had something to do today..." Nijika looked...hopeful. The eyes of a younger sister seeing this as a rare opportunity to spend some time together.

M-My heart! And I'm not the one she's even looking at!

This is making me want to spend more time with Futari-chan myself...

" Ah, no need to worry about that." Seika smirks as she turns to PA-san, who was using her phone till now. " I'm sure my dear co-worker can fill in the work for me just for today."

I see PA-san freeze for a bit, she turns to Seika-san with a confused look.

" Wait what? Me?"  She pointed to herself, bewildered.

" Yes, you. You can handle it, right? It's not your first time." Seika smiles.

" That was because you were sick! This is different--"

" Okay, ladies, let's head out." Manager Seika didn't bother waiting to hear out PA-san's complaints.

" Eh?" Both Nijika-chan and I say at the same time after being picked up from the ground.

" S-SIS/MANAGER?!" We both yelled when we realized we were being carried by her on separate sides.

" S-She's strong!" Kita-chan said in amazement.

" Ahahah~! Just like how Senpai was back in college! Haah~ Glad to see that didn't change." I hear Hiroi-san say.

" Let's go you two~!" She said to Ryou and Kita.

" Yes!" They both said and finally followed along...


" T...They really just left me...." PA-san muttered, her back slouched in deep sadness.

~~~ To be Continued ~~~

*Sigh* again, I had to split the chapter due to several rewrites...

I apologize for not updating for....3 days.....or 4 days.....again.

I was just so overwhelmed by how good I wrote the last chapter that I...honestly...

I DONT KNOW HOW THE FUCK I CAN TOP IT *bangs head on the door*

I PUT TOO MUCH DAMN EFFORT ON IT FOR MY OWN GOOD DAMMIT ( Surely, you can notice my lack of enthusiasm when writing this chapter. Prolly my lowest point so far for this fic )


Well, it's not like I don't know what to write for the halloween chapter but....

I don't feel ' it' yk? The ' it' im talking about here is that feeling that writers get when they reach nirvana and write like a literal machine.

I have a few good ideas for the halloween chapter for sure, but I need to feel the ' it' before I can publish-- let alone, finalize it.

Not to mention, I have school ( again ) tomorrow. Fuck.

Updates will be slow since my brain will use this time to recover and continue providing quality chapters for myself and ya'll

 I need to be satisfied here too fr!

So....look forward! I really do wanna finish this fic since I've already planned all the major events. I just need to figure out how to GET there and achieve my vision for how i want this fic to go.

I won't publish any more chapters till I can confidently say that it's worth publishing. So just give me time to gather myself again hehe!

So to compensate, here are two fanarts I found on Pixiv.

See ya~ ( No horny )

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