Unlikely association (Mori x...

By Ravennest13

1.8K 74 18

Working at the ADA has always been nice, but you get quite the change of pace when your sent to the port mafi... More

Warm welcome
Comfortable Sleep
Goodmorning to you too
Chaotic dinner party

Cold wounds

368 15 4
By Ravennest13

Warehouse: raided, the guild members: dead, hotel: trivago. it wasn't that hard of a job, especially alongside the black lizard. Tachihara might act like an idkot but he sure knows what he's doing when it comes to combat. You get along pretty well with them now, after a few other missions you started to enjoy hanging around with Gin. You only had one more job to do, after that atsushi and Akutagawa would take down the moby dick, and you would be out of here.

That, doesn't really seem as appealing anymore. At first you'd count down the days untill you could finally stop coming here. It was akward, everyone knew you didn't belong, and you were hyper aware of it too. But after awhile, everything just fell into place, they seemed to accept your presence, and some would even go as far as to enjoy it. Working for the PM is a bunch bloodier than at the ADA though, you're not specifically against killing for moral reasons, it's just highly uncomfortable being drenched in blood and you'd prefer not to. You're not going out of your way to kill people, that just takes to much energy. Besides, you loved your coworkers at the ADA dearly, and they wouldn't exactly accept any murderous tendencies.

"Good evening boss" you say as you walk into his office again. "Ah, (y/n), you look horrible." Well, it is true that you had a rather nasty cut across your stomach from today's mission, the blood must've already soaked through the bandages. "Wouw, thanks, you look quite bad yourself actually." You sarcastically asnwered back to him. For a second, you were scared that you've gone to far this time. Sarcastic comments were nothing new by now, but you were still unsure how much of your bullshit he'd put up with.

He chuckled, and walked over and crouched down  to examine the wound. You're a little stunned to say the least, this would look very odd if anyone were to walk in on you. "let me take a look at it, lie down here please." It might've been phrased as a request, but you knew better then that. You obeyed his orders and lied down on his desk, lifting up your shirt a little to give him acces to the cut. He carefully unwrapped the bandages around your waist, looking a little dissaproving. "Did you go by the infirmary?" He askes, his eyes still trained at the wound. "No sir, i didn't want to bother them, so i patched it up myself." You answered truthfully. "I will have to stitch it, otherwise it won't heal properly." He mentions to you. Since when do you care, you ask youself, but deep down you appreciate the attention.

He comes back a little later with some threat and a needle. "This is going to hurt, you might want to hold on to something." Not that he gave you any time to find something, since before you know it theres a stinging feeling in your side. You groan out and just decide to grab the first thing in sight, which happens to be his coat. Tears start to spring in your eyes, even with your attempts to will them away. As soon as it started, the horrifying feeling at your side died down just as quickly aswell, and your left grasping for air as you slowly come back to your senses.

"It's all closed up, you should be feeling better a couple days from now." He says while helping you sit up, so he can apply some new bandages. This puts you in an odd position were your legs are either side of his waist. When the bandages are securely in place he lingers his hand on your side as he look back up to face you. You gotta do something, quick, anything, your faces are so close together. You've been having conflicting feeling about Mori for a while now, but you haven't quite figured out if you wanted him to take your first kiss or not.

So you hug him, but its far from just a friendly hug, you can feel his breath at the back of your neck. Instinctively you close your legs around his hips, and you hand goes up to play with his hair. It takes him a while to reply by closing his arms around you, most likely confused by any act of genuine comfort. That's how you stay for a while, halfway you open your eyes and stare at the other side of his office. Tomorrow you'll go back to the ADA, yet here you are hugging the presidents nemesis. You smile softly as you inhale his scent, those are problems for later you suppose, first you have to find a way to end the hug that isn't completely akward. You pull back and touch foreheads with him. "I have a feeling we'll see eachother again soon." He says, you just hum in return, once you get home you'll definitely freak out about this.

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