Our Incomplete Story[KL Rahul...

By cricketloverAk_18

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I downloaded this cover from Pinterest, Book #1 in loveforever series... Disclaimer: This story is complete... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6(Part-1)
Chapter 6(Part-2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
New Story
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
About this Book (QnA)

Chapter 30

176 20 23
By cricketloverAk_18

Third person pov

All the cars stopped at Shetty manison compound. Bhupathi is still angry, he took Nisha's hands and grabbed her inside the house angrily and thrown her on the floor rashly , Aarav and Kishore were present and they are shocked to see the behaviour of Bhupathi.

She fell on the floor and her forearm started paining "Ahh....." Nisha screamed in pain. Aarav and Kishore rushed to Nisha.

"Are you ok.?" Aarav made Nisha sit on the floor and gave her water to drink.

"Dad, are you out of your mind? , what did you.?" Kishore asked angrily.

"Don't make me more angry, y..you know what this stupid girl did, she loved that guy for real, how dare she.?" Bhupathi rushed towards Nisha to hit her, Nisha started shivering as she was scared.

"Dad stop behaving like this." Kishore stopped Bhupathi "You ignited the fire inside her, you gave her the idea, didn't you.?"

"I accept it , I gave her idea, but that's doesn't mean, she needs to love him for real." Bhupathi said.

"You made a mistake, anna." Rukmini said.

"I wanted to take revenge that's it." Bhupathi said.

"But still..." Rukmini looked at Nisha "She didn't know anything, anna, you made a mistake." Rukmini said.

"She knows everything mom."Aarav said and Rukmini was shocked to learn that Nisha knows about everything. Rukmini went to Nisha and cupped her cheeks "Even after knowing everything, why just why?" Rukmini asked.

"I..i just can't stop falling for him, he loves me truly." Nisha's said.

"Bhupathi anna is not wrong , Rukmini, this shameless girl is wrong, who is in love with a guy from a rival family." Bhadra gave a angry look to Nisha, almost everyone was looking angry towards Nisha, Nisha was terrified and scared to see them, she held Aarav's hand in fear.

"Guys, stop being angry, she didn't anything wrong, she loved ,there is nothing wrong in that, I know everything about them before only." Aarav said.

"Even I also support Nisha." Kishore said.

"You both stop taking here side, what she did is wrong." Rukmini said.

"I'm sorry mom but love can't wrong, even you also loved that man, after knowing everything about families, love just happens, mom." Aarav said, Tears started rolling from Rukmini eyes hearing his son's words.

"Aarav, mind your words, you are talking with your mom." Ram said.

"They love each other ,what's wrong?" Kishore said

"You both stay out of this matter, and stop taking side of this shameless girl." Shyla said "You come this side, Rukmini" Rukmini went aside, Shyla sat in front of Nisha "You know Aarav, your dad caught this girl kissing that guy, they both stayed in same city, don't know what all wrong this girl do?, you didn't slept with that guy, right.?" Shyla asked, Nisha didn't answered in fear "Answer me you idiot girl." Shyla snachted Nisha's purse and took her mobile.

"Aunty, you don't have right to check others phone, respect privacy." Nisha said.

"Just give me your password, It's asking finger print." Shyla forcefully took Nisha's thumb and opened the mobile, Kishore and Aarav stood helpless as they were looking by the angry eyes of Bhupathi.

"Phone screen is his pic only, You slept with him, didn't you.?" Shyla smiled.

"Enough is enough I can't tolerate this more." Nisha thought and said "Yes, I slept with not once but multiples times, I'm major, I have right , what will you do.?" Nisha asked. Nisha's answer angered everyone, especially Shyla.

"You characterless girl, how dare you to talk with me like that.?" Shyla slapped Nisha's cheek, blood started coming from left corner of Nisha's mouth.

"I wish you died with your mother and father in that accident, so we didn't have seen this day, what will people say if they came to know about this, you shameless girl." Bhupathi rushed towards Nisha, but Rukmini hugged Nisha from back, and others stopped him.

"Leave me, attha, let me talk." Nisha came out of hug and stood up and wiped blood "Atleast he asked my consent before doing anything, unlike you people who is marrying me to rich guy without my consent, to grow your business." Nisha smiled sadly.

"How dare you talk like that with us.?" Bhupathi went to her and slapped her hard, she fell on the floor, Bhupathi tried to hit her with his legs.

"Anna, please don't hit her." Rukmini again hugged Nisha, Nisha hugged her back and Rukmini carresed Nisha's hair.

"Bhupathi, stop hitting our house's lakshmi." Ram stopped Bhupathi hitting Nisha.

"What to do with this stupid girl, bava, because of her we will loose the respect of our family." Bhupathi said and Nisha's phone started ringing.

Shyla who was holding the phone looked at caller id "My love with a heart, it's him only, right?" Shyla smriked, Nisha got up and tried to reach the phone, but Shyla throw it floor and it was broken into parts , Nisha took the mobile and started arranging it into parts.

"Let's do one thing, let's do her engagement tomorrow, I will talk with Ahuja's." Ram said

"That's a good idea,talk with them,convience them ,we will do her engagement tomorrow." Bhupathi said Nisha was shocked to hear and looked around and saw a knife in fruit basket, she took the knife.

"If you guys do that, then I will cut my hand." Nisha took knife near wrist and cut her hand little and blood started coming from her wrist, Rukmini ran to kitchen and came out with turmeric box and put some turmeric on her wound and blood stopped.

"Are you out of your mind.?" Kishore asked while covering her wound with a cloth.

"Yeah, she is." Bhupathi grabbed another hand of Nisha, and took her to her room, and locked her inside the room.

"Uncle, please open the door." Nisha begged from inside.

"I'm not, you will stay here till your engagement, and everybody listen to me careful don't dare to open this room door." Bhupathi went from there, Nisha sat on the floor.....





Meanwhile, few minutes back in Reddy house.

Everyone reached the house and started questioning Rahul.

"Shh.." Kanika raised her hand in air "Stop shouting." She went to Rahul and asked "Do you love her truly.?" Kanika asked.

"Yes granny." Rahul kept his mobile on chair, "I can't live without her."

"If you love her that much, then who are we to ask, tomorrow morning I will go to that house and ask Nisha's hand for you." Kanika said, but she had other plans inside her heart.

"Bu..." Gopal tried to say but Kanika said "My grandson's wish is my wish, I want his happiness." Kanika fake smiled.

Rahul hugged Kanika "Thank you granny." Rahul came out hug "I didn't thought you accept us easily, I need to tell this Nish.. I mean Nisha." Rahul ran to upstairs to his room in happiness.

"Aunty, what's this?, you going to rival house for marriage proposal." Gopal asked.

"For his happiness." Kanika said

"You go to that house for his happiness." Gopal asked angrily , Rahul went near his room and touched his pocket in midway and realized that he kept his mobile on chair, so he went nears stairs and saw some discussions happening, so he hide and started listening the talks.

"I just acted to gain his trust, he didn't leave him any option, he will become rebel if I say no, I'm going in his way to bring him my way, that family definitely gonna reject the proposal, even if they agrees, I know how to stop this, if marriage happens also, I will take my revenge from her by torturing her." Kanika laughed, Rahul started clapping while climbing down the stairs "I didn't except that my sweet granny can play with my emotions."

"Rahul listen." Kanika tried to say.

"No granny." Rahul took his mobile "Please don't try to clarify, and loose the small amount of respect that I still have for you." Rahul went and sat in his car and called Nisha, first it ringed and after that it was switched off, he was tensed, he drove the car away from his house and after few minutes he called Aarav.

Aarav was in his room, when he got a call from Rahul, he picked "Hello, Rahul I expected your call." Aarav said.

"Is Nisha ok?, is everything ok.?" Rahul said.

"I don't know from where to start." Aarav said.

"Is she ok.?, please tell me I'm worried." Rahul asked.

"No Rahul, nothing is right, people are very angry on Nisha, some of them are even slapped her, now she is locked inside her room, and tomorrow evening is her engagement....." Aarav told everything to Rahul.

Rahul was shocked learn what all happened "What, is she ok.?,I will there in a few minutes." Rahul started his car in a hurry.

"Listen, Rahul, a lot drama happened,so please don't create more drama by coming here, it's just small cut, she is fine." Aarav said, Rahul stopped the car "But, I want to talk with her badly, I want to see her, that's it." Rahul said in a crying voice.

"It's better you stay in your home and Nisha here, to avoid drama, all here are super angry, so please stay there , I hope you understand." Aarav said.

"Yeah." Rahul cut the call and switched off his mobile to avoid calls from his house, Rahul tried to sit in the car, but he couldn't able to sit calmly, he was only thinking Nisha "It's better to go and see her, if they caught me, they will handover me to police Or they will beat up that's it, I'm ready for everything." Rahul started the car and reached the backroad of Shetty house, he locked the car and went near compound, he jumped the compound and turned , he was shocked to see the person standing in front of him... .

Hi everyone

How's the chapter?

What do you think, what's gonna happen next?

More drama and a big revelation.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on your opinion.

And last but in the list, I wish K.L.Rahul and Athiya Shetty a happy married life ❤💕

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