Reckless Desires | Park Jimin...


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⚠️ The following content is a work of fiction and the story has nothing to relate with the mentioned idol or... More



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Y/N'S POV ::

"So you want me to cover up for you just in case if your step-mother tried to reach you?" Sam questioned as I hummed. "Yeah. She keeps her eyes on me. Keeps finding reasons to make me look like a bad one in front of my father." I stated with a sigh. "She should use that time on her own daughter." Sam muttered while sipping on her cola as I let out a scoff. "I don't care. Not about her and neither her daughter. I know how my father's brain work.. he married her because of the business." I said as I chewed on my sandwich. "That's right." I nodded at her. She eyed me and I can imagine her building up some question in her brain but hesitating to ask actually. "Spill it, bro."

Sam shook her head while keeping the cola can on the table. "You know I get that you're getting a punishment and you told your father that you'll be studying with me but.." she tilted her head while I waited for her continue. "What exactly were you doing with Jimin in the library?" I choked on my sandwich and started coughing while she kept staring at me. "Was it that bad?" She asked as I glared at her. "He bumped into me!" I exclaimed still not forgetting the image of him in the glasses. Since when did I start finding guys in glasses attractive?

Since Park Jimin.

Shut the fuck up.

No but how the heck he looked so sexy with those glasses?

I mentally shook my head and focused on Sam. "I heard you both were eating each other's faces!" She exclaimed as I gasped. "And you believe it?" Before she could reply someone else showed up at our table. "What the hell am i hearing, y/n?" I looked up and saw frank as I rolled my eyes. "How the fuck I'm supposed to know if you're the one who heard it?" I said with monotonous voice as the guy let out a sigh and stared at me but i was busy checking out my nails. Should I get a new nail art?

"Why would you get yourself in a situation with, Park Jimin?" Frank asked as I let out a sigh and averted my gaze from my nails to the guy. "I suppose its not your business." I mumbled as he opened his mouth to speak but I cut in. "You should keep more focus on your marksheet, frank. It will do some good to you and your family business." I smiled at the end. "Right! I should pay attention!" He exclaimed before leaving as I rolled my eyes before moving my gaze towards Sam who has been staring at the direction where frank left. "You okay?" I asked and she snapped out. "Yeah. I am." I hummed at her.

"Are you really going to clean library?" Sam asked. "Why not ? It won't be boring if coldie is there plus it's fun to get him all riled up!" I exclaimed as she shook her head. "Make sure that your sister doesn't fine out." Sam said as twisted my lips. "Step sister." I corrected. "If she gets time from banging boys and bunking her classes then she might find out which I assume won't happen." I shrugged my shoulders.

After the college ended I forced myself to walk towards the library. It was empty as I looked around to find certain someone but instead of him I was met with a lady. The damn librarian. "You're late, miss Kang." I rolled my eyes while placing my hands inside the pockets of my jacket. "I didn't hear you mention a specific time back there." I remarked as she let out a sigh. "Get to the work. I'm leaving but I will check up on you two." She said and was about to leave when I stopped her. "Two? I don't see the other one." I said with a pointed stare. "Mr Park is already doing his work. B side shelves." I nodded at her.

When Mrs Han turned around to leave I pulled out a sticker from my pocket and sneakily paste it on the back of her head. "What?" She asked as I pulled away. "There was something in your hair, I pulled it out." I smiled as she nodded before leaving. I let out a chuckle when she finally left. If she is making me do this then it's only fair if I make a little fun of her. So a sticker of a weird cartoon character wearing a bikini and saying "this is who I am." will work.

I let out a sigh as I looked around the huge library. Why it is so huge again? I mentally shook my head. If Jimin is at the B side shelves then I'm going towards D. Because I'm still trying to avoid him. As much as I'll like him to be close, for now I want him as far as possible. I nodded at myself while taking off my jacket and tying it around my waist before putting my earphones in my ear and starting to get to the work.

I have no idea of how many student and people I've cursed at today because what the hell do they even do in library?

All the book stocks were messy and so I gave up with a huff leaving my gape. Grabbing a random novel, I started flipping through the page. Just few minutes passed by and suddenly a familiar pair of shoes popped up. I narrowed my eyes and looked up to see Jimin standing right in front me while I was sitting on the floor. I turned off the music in my earphone. "So you indeed are here, huh?" He scoffed as I rolled my eyes and got up from my seat. "Yeah well, thanks to you." I muttered as I started to arrange the book shelves.

"The book belongs to accounts section." I snorted without paying attention to him and his words. "You're doing it all wrong, little Siren!" He exclaimed but I still paid no attention. "Stop using your mouth and use your hands instead." I muttered and instantly shut my eyes. Fuck. That sounded so wrong. "Actually, you're right." I heard him say that before he took five long steps towards me and then I felt him stand right behind me while his one hand held my wrist in the mid air as I was trying to put a book on the top shelve.

I was feeling so small under him. I was sure that if I moved even a inch my back will brush or press against him. "I told you to stop messing around! You're keeping the books in wrong section." He muttered behind me and the voice directly went to my ears. The manly cologne hit my nose and that was enough to make me feel things. Jimin's scent was so addictive. What kind of perfume does he even use? Jimin snatched the book from my hand and I took the chance to get away from him.

"If you're so creative then do it all yourself!" I exclaimed before turning my heels to leave but his words stopped me. "Are you trying to avoid me?" I turned my head and saw him smirking at me. "What?" I frowned as his smirk only widened. "I mean Kang y/n is avoiding me just because of one kiss?" He raised his eyebrows in amusement as I twisted my lips and glared at him. "What makes you think that?" I questioned as he took a step towards me. "You couldn't forget that we kissed." I stepped back while he stepped forward. "I forgot." I muttered while gritting my teeth. He smirked. "Then why avoiding me? I mean you're so matured, you told me to forget about the kiss and all."

I was glaring at him while he had the stupid smirk plastered on his face and between the back and forth game,I didn't realize when my back hit the wall and Jimin stood few inches away. "You're so full of yourself. I've kissed countless guys before you. You aren't any special." I said as he let out a sigh. "But none of them was me, right?" He said as a thing popped up in my brain and I smirked while looking at him. "Perhaps, you couldn't forget the feeling of my lips on yours?" His face turned into scowl and I mentally threw my hands in the air at the victory.

"Why are you getting red again?" He questioned stepping more close and I wish for the wall to open up and consume me but for now, I was consumed by him. "Is it hot in here, little Siren?" He whispered against my ear while placing his arms above my head and I was trapped. "What are you trying to do?" I gritted out as he tilted his head. "I'm thinking if you'd kiss me again if I kissed you right now." My eyes snapped towards his as the corner of his lips curved up a little. "Should we try?" The tingles in my stomach were getting wild.

I swear to almighty god I've never craved any guy this much. Why was I so attractive towards him? I hated how my body reacted to him.

I gasped as he leaned in. Our lips brushing against each other. I involuntarily closed my eyes, wanting more of him. I was waiting for him to do the next but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw two feets away from me. "You were waiting for that kiss." He shook his head as I huffed. "And there your little friend paid me a visit telling ME to stay away from YOU." he said as I confusingly stared at him. I cursed under my breath remembering frank.

I'm so going to break Frank's jaw.

"It was just a one time thing, miss Kang. You better move on and forget about it so we can focus on our project." While he was mumbling the words i grabbed a book and was ready to hit his oh so pretty face and oh so intelligent head but the man grabbed my wrist before it could hit him.

Jimin twirled my elbow as the book fell down and I let out a yelp while my back was once again passed against his chest. "Don't try your tactics on me. It will lead you to nothing so now, be the good little girl and do your work while cooperating with me for the project as well." He muttered before letting me go. I massaged my wrist while glaring at him. "The world was in peace when you had no voice in your throat." I said as he shrugged his shoulders. "It was even more peaceful when you weren't involved with me." With that he left.

After that few days were hell and nothing else. Me and Jimin were always on each other's throat but we were completing the punishment. God knows how many times I refrained myself from ruining his face but then again, he was pro at fighting. Not only did we cleaned the library but we also decided to start working on the project again. Most of our arguments ending with either of us getting in second hand embarrassment. At this point I was confused. I'm not supposed to fight with him.

I will make him fall for me.

[Time skip ]

Today marks the last day of us cleaning the library. I let out a sigh while placing the books back where they belonged. "You done?" Jimin questioned as I gave him a boring stare. "What do you see?" I questioned back while he shook his head. "You're done." He nodded. I opened my mouth to speak but my eyes landed towards my foot or more like the dirty cockroach crawling near my shoes. I let out a gasp with wide eyes and involuntarily jumped forward which resulted in me landing on Jimin who's back hit the book shelves behind him and we both were showered with tons of books on us.

I let out a groan so does he. "Are you stupid? Oh hell, what am I even asking. Indeed you're the dumbest girl I've ever seen!" He grumbled underneath me. Unlike last time, I was on top of Jimin. "How dare-" I was cut off by a book landing straight on the back of my head. "Fuck that hurts." I muttered. "Get up, y/n. You're holding onto wrong thing!" He exclaimed as I blinked.

Holding onto wrong thing? I crooked my brows while looking around and my gaze landed on my right hand which.. was resting on his crotch?

"Are you planning to measure the size? Get the fuck away!" I quickly diverted my hand and attempted to get up but my foot slipped and I landed back on his chest as he groaned louder this time. "The hell is wrong with you?" Jimin muttered.

"Miss Kang?" I looked up at the voice and spotted the librarian who shook her head. "No! It's not what it looks like!" I exclaimed while quickly getting up. "Mrs Han!" Jimin exclaimed while fixing his shirt. "I actually saw the cockroach and then I.. I jumped and... it just I landed on him and we.. just.. we just slipped! The books fell on us! Nothing else!" I had no idea why I was even explaining but I guess it's a right thing to do. "Do you always happen to slip in a library?" The librarian asked as I shook my head while Jimin stared at me as if he has seen a ghost.

"Anyways, I came here to inform you that you've completed the punishment so no more library cleaning from tomorrow. I hope you will stop violating the rules. They are made to be followed not break. Got it?" She said as I let out a sigh. FINALLY! "Thank you Mrs Han." Jimin muttered as she passed him a smile. "Hope you learned something, miss Kang?" She turned to me as I tilted my head. "I'm not going to step inside the library ever again. Absolutely not when this guy inside." I said as she chuckled before dismissing us.

No more cleaning the damn library.


One week. I handled her tantrums for one fucking week. I still wonder how we both managed to get out of the punishment without actually murdering each other. I still remember her throwing books at me out of frustration when I told her that she wasn't keeping books on the right side.

I look at y/n as she walks through the hallway with her hands inside the pocket of her black jacket. No matter what kind of clothes she wore, her demeanor spoke the confidence and fierce. She has everything under her feets but whenever I looked at her eyes, they were empty. She lacks something that I can't decipher.

I step towards her and walk side by side. "So you're afraid of a cockroach?" I questioned as she rolled her eyes. "I must say that I should credit the little creature for scaring you." I muttered and she finally turned to face me. "We are done with the punishment so now, you go on your way and me on mine." She said while pointing towards me as I nodded. "Right but I didn't come here because I want to. I came because I had to." She raised her eyebrow while crossing her arms. The expression on her face is something that I carry with me. "The fuck do you want?" She muttered. I leaned closer to her face while glaring in her eyes. "You at my house, tomorrow on sharp 1pm."

I pulled away to see the shock expression on her face. "W-what?" Did she just stuttered? Amusing. "For the project, you unholy woman." I grumbled as her cheeks reddened. "Oh the squad of monkeys is coming for you! See you tomorrow, little Siren!" I exclaimed as I glanced at the group of her friends walking towards us. "Have a decent evening." I muttered before leaving.

I think I just found my hobby and that is to get little Siren all riled up. I swear to God,I fucking love it when she gets all red under my gaze or words only.

[ Time skip ]

"I still didn't understand it!" I let out a sigh after hearing Jungkook through the video chat. "You really are the dumbest one." I mumbled before explaining him the sums again. "I'm not explaining again, this was the third and last." I warned while the guy let out a chuckle. He was about to say something more when I heard the door bell ringing. "I'll call you later, kook." I muttered before walking outside my bedroom. I know who is standing at my doorstep.

So when I open the door I'm not surprised but rather amused. "Do you have a rule to arrive late everywhere?" I questioned while leaning against the door frame. Y/n ignored my words and she was immersed in her phone. "If the phone is so damn interested then its better if you-" she cut me off as she walked inside while not paying attention to sny of my words. She was busy texting someone. I took a moment to stare at her. The black jeans and beige top suited her perfectly. The hairs are tied up in a high pony tail today. She suddenly let out a curse before shutting her phone. "Who are you planning to kill?" I questioned as she glared at me.

"I'm not a assassin, Park. However I can become one for you if you don't stop giving me reason to murder you." She rolled her eyes as I nodded. I didn't push her further and she decided to tell me herself when I went inside the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for her. "Its Sam. She has been ignoring me." If I'm not wrong then Sam is her best friend. "Maybe, she finally decided to be her true self with you." Y/n gulped down the water before replying. "I know her better than you so mind your own business." She muttered before walking upstairs in my room.

I followed her behind and noticed how she wrapped her arms around herself the moment she entered in my room.

Maybe got some flashback?

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the books. "Don't stand there still,get to the work." She again rolled her eyes at me. I hate how much she rolls her eyes. "Is that a girl in your bedroom?!!" We both startled at the sudden voice and my eyes diverted towards my laptop. Still open. "Jungkook!" I exclaimed before hanging up the call and shutting my laptop. "Who was it?" The little Siren asked. "My friend." I muttered as she tilted her head. "Didn't know you had friends! That's something new!" She smiled as I rolled my eyes. "Well breaking news! I do have friends!" I exclaimed.

"I almost feel bad for them because they have to deal with you." She grimaced while I glared at her. She should feel bad for me because I have to deal with not one but two dorks. "Breaking news that Kang Y/n can feel." I said with a smirk. Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth to speak but I cut in. "Get to the work."

We both were doing our part of work but something inside me wasn't feeling good. It's too silent in here. Like a peace before a storm. I shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable suddenly. Since when I started feeling uncomfortable in silence? No, this is different. And suddenly there was a loud knock on the front door. "Damn dude someone is going to break your door. Go get it." Y/n said as I nodded before walking out.

The moment I opened the door, I was thrown inside by the person who barged inside my house. "Where is she and who is she?" Jungkook asked while looking around as I cursed under my breath. "What are you even doing here?" I questioned while holding my waist. "This! I didn't understand it!" He threw his notebook at me which I thankfully caught. "But where is that girl I saw in a video chat?" I raised my brows while I went on his searching mode and I started following him behind. "You seriously didn't just drove here only to see if I actually have a girl in my bedroom?" I said as he turned to face me.

"It's been ages. I was shocked and I came here to make sure. I want to be confirm before I tell this to,tae because he won't believe me!" Ok he is being dramatic now. Before I could stop him the guy stormed towards my room and opened the door wide. Y/n stared at him up and down while Jungkook stared at her. "Are you the one trying to break his door?" The little Siren questioned as Jungkook walked in. "Are you real?" He asked. "Excuse me?" She eyed him again and Jungkook sighed. "No its really rare to see a girl in his bedroom that to, so gorgeous!" Y/n rolled her eyes at his remark. "Has anyone ever told you before that you're creepy?" She asked.

"This guy tells me that everytime." Jungkook pointed at me. "Talk about having a filter in the mouth." The little Siren smiled. "But hey who are you and what are you doing here?" Jungkook questioned as y/n sighed. "Nice that you can speak normally too. I'm y/n. His project partner and I assume.... you're the guy from a video chat. Right?" Jungkook nods at her before turning to face me. "She is sassy! Totally your type!" He exclaimed as I shook my head. "I'm still here." Y/n muttered. "What are you doing here?" She questioned Jungkook who twisted his lips. "I couldn't believe he has a girl in his room so I came to confirm."

I want to kill this guy.

"Wow but too bad that we are just doing a project together!" Y/n exclaimed with a smile. "I thought you came to solve these?" I threw the notebook back at Jungkook who let out a groan. "Yeah that too!" He exclaimed as y/n blinked. "Looks like you're busy. Let's do this later, Park." Before I could protest she turned her feets and walked past us. "Did that happen because of me?" I glared at Jungkook before letting out a sigh. "Not entirely. She keeps looking for the chances to run away." I sighed. "She is cool tho." Jungkook muttered with a smirk plastered on his face. "She is the most reckless one. Trust me, you don't want to get involved with her." I grumbled.

At this rate, I will never be able to finish the project and get rid of her.

-to be continued

A/N :: This chapter was not supposed to end here but I couldn't make it more long so I guess in next chapter ? 🗿🥂

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