I dreamed you were the werewo...

By anoushachaos

333 17 17


I dreamed you were the werewolf I loved...

333 17 17
By anoushachaos

In the middle of nowhere, I froze, tears dwelling my green eyes

Only distances afar, we were lost in each other with soundless cries

Your empty misty eyes locked into mine

Even thought you were transformed now, your eyes convinced me you were fine

Diamond-like tears shone in those eyes, but they broke not

As you told me to be scared not.

I felt for the first time that you concealed something for years

It was what you never admitted to confess for all these years

Golden feelings and cherished memories of our togetherness

But today you were a mess.

I afraid not when slowly towards me you walked, not lethargically by your new nature

Your mesmerising blue eyes now golden, your soft tanned skin now shone in the moonlight your dark fur

Heavily jumped next to me, astounded, your precious mother asked waht was the noise

The dark shiny purple crow just hit the clear glass, to her I lied in a soft voice.

Silently you changed and sitting by my side you caught my hand stealthily

Deeply, I knew you wanted to taste my blood, but partly,

You held back, if I would acknolegde

Warmly I offered you this privilege.

Hesitantly, you turned your back -having this terrible feeling in you

Gracefully, I insisted -I felt you.

Bittersweet was the pain, but your mouth hadtsted something sweet and rich

Bravely, I tried to cry not and the atmosphere left no speech

Blurry and dizzy the wind I felt when I opened my eyes

But I wished blindly that it were no lies.

By good light's grace

I was then in your dark embrace

This was how the love you wished to confess and promis

Even though you knew you wouls have your life at risk.

Our dead childhood friend knew we were bound to be together

Even we hid this feeling too, despite many times taking falls for each other

She was right I was your precious Red Riding Hood.

Today we stood here, in the glowing night

You gave a roar at the moonlight

In your warm and dark enchanted embrace

I was forever yours, your Red Riding Hood with the crimson hair

In my dream, though you were unseen I fell it was your face

Though you were a werewolf, I"m fearless when I'm with you in your lair.

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