Starks Shadow {1}

By pmjc88

28.1K 902 75

She was the gem of SHIELD, the one that everyone knew of, but no one had seen or met, except Nick Fury. She w... More



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By pmjc88

Izzy pulls back from Tony, giving him a quick kiss. She nods at him, letting him know she was ok. She gives Bruce a small smile, before heading back to her station.

'Thats the guy my dad never shut up about?'... Tony changes the subject, defusing the tension...'Im wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice'

Izzy chuckles, as she runs diagnostics of their encryption program... 'To be fair, he hasn't got laid since the 40s, if he ever did. Seven decades in ice? He's definitely got blueballs'... The other two snigger at her words.

  'Hes not wrong about Loki though, he does have the jump on us'... Bruce says, working through his readings on the screen.

'What he's got, is an Acme dynamite kit..'.. Tony walks over to Bruce, on the other side of the screen... 'Its going to blow up in his face, and we're going to be there when it does'

Izzy tunes the two of them out, as an idea formed. She could get information from Loki, but it would be as her. She looks over at the other two as they talk, and quietly slips out of the lab.


Izzy slips into the cell room, watching Loki pace back and forth. He stops, turning to her... 'Theres not many who can sneak up on me..'..

He gives her a leering grin, as his eyes rake over her... 'I figured the other female would come, after whatever tortures Fury can concoct. That she would appear as a friend, a balm'... He walks to the glass wall, watching her... 'And instead, I get you'

Izzy shrugs... 'Yet, you don't seem disappointed'... She folded her arms, walking forwards towards him, until she was a few feet from the glass... 'So, what did you do to Barton?'

'I would say, I've expanded his mind..'.. He smiles at her...'Are you here to bargain for him?'

'Its funny that you assume I give a shit about him. Was just making conversation. I'm here playing nice, until I get what I want'... She grins wickedly at him. She notes the shock he quickly hid.

Loki walks backwards, to sit on the bed...'And what is it you want?'... He was intrigued with this woman. There was nothing but darkness in her eyes.

'The truth. Considering who you are, I'm not sure you know what truth means..'.. She quirks an eyebrow at him... 'You're the petulant toddler, who's throwing a tantrum because daddy didn't love him enough'... She saw her words nettled him. She steps closer to the glass, almost touching it... 'Tell me Loki, how does it feel to be second best?'

Loki grinds his teeth, he wanted to kill this woman, but to also know her. She was dark, like him. Barton had told him about her, a desk agent for Fury in the past. Who was undercover, fell in love and retired. He smirked, he would use that to his advantage.

'I like this side of you. Does Stark approve of you being this way? You are so much more than what others see, are you not?'... He smirks at her, trying to get a reaction, any hint from her.

Izzy grins at him. He was playing right into it... 'Thats the best you got? Come on Odinson, you can do better than that'... She taunts him.

Loki growled in annoyance. This woman was good. Nothing he was saying was getting through, so he changed tactics...'Does he know the truth of who you really are? Of the things you've done?'...He watches her eyes, but sees nothing but the darkness. Something had happened to this woman in the past, that made her this way.

'Im actually disappointed Loki. Thought you were the god of mischief, and yet I'm bored'... She drops into the chair next to her, kicking her feet up on the rail at the side. She watches him stand up, rage etched on his face as he stalks forward.

'I will take them all and make them suffer. I will make Stark kill you. Slowly, intimately..'..He slams his fist against the glass as he seethes at her...'In every way he knows you fear. And then, he'll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams I'll split his skull'

Izzy just stares at him, waiting... 'Thats my promise, you mewling quim!'...He growls out at her.

'You done?'... He frowns at her, as she stands up. He was confused as to why she wasn't scared. She smirks at him, hands on her hips as she tilts her head... 'Everyone is making you out to be a monster, and you are certainly living up to their expectations Odinson'... She winks at him as she turns to walk away.

Her actions just threw him... 'You brought the monster'

Izzy throws her head back and laughs out loud. When she calms down, she turns to him, grinning... 'You really are so easy Odinson'... She turns back to walking out the door, hearing him shout at her.

'I am not Odinson'!'...

She taps her comm in her ear...'Loki means to unleash the Hulk. I'm heading to the lab now'


Izzy rushes through the hallways, racing back to the lab. She didn't want Bruce to feel overwhelmed or cornered by anyone, she was on his side. She makes it to the lab, just as she hears Tony.

'A hero? Like you? You're a laboratory experiment Rogers. Everything special about you, came out of a bottle'...

She watched everyone argue. This is what Loki wanted, everyone turning on each other. Izzy felt a wave of nauseous energy hit her. Something was affecting everyone.

Her mind fogged over, everyone's voices dulled, as flashes of images ran through her mind, all jumbled up. A beeping noise brought her back to her senses. Shaking her head, she steps forward, looking around the lab at everyone. She slips her hand into Tony's, giving him a gentle squeeze.

'Sorry kids. You don't get to see my party trick after all'... Bruce puts the scepter down and walks to the back of the lab, to her station, reading the monitor.

'You located the tesseract?'... Thor asks, as they all step forward

'Stark, you go. You'd be the fastest'... She looks up at him.

'The tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it'... Thor booms out.

'Not disagreeing with you there Sparkles'... She smiles at Thor.

Cap grabs Tony's arm, stopping him from leaving... 'Youre not going alone'

Izzy pushes Cap back, taking a stance in front of Tony... 'You put your hands on him like that again, and I'll snap that shield off in your ass, Captain douche. I'm not afraid to hit an old man'

They all felt the explosion as it ripped through the side of the helicarrier. Izzy gets thrown to the floor, between Tony and Rogers. She pushes herself up to sit, looking around for the others. There was a hole in the wall to their left, Romanoff and Bruce were nowhere to be seen.


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