Assassin Farmer

By K_A_R_E_N_4

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Su Shuilian was the first legitimate daughter of a renowned embroidery family, but she was murdered by her je... More

Chapter 1-5
Chapter 6-10
Chapter 11-15
Chapter 16-20
Chapter 21-25
Chapter 26-30
Chapter 31-35
Chapter 36-40
Chapter 41-45
Chapter 46-50
Chapter 51-55
Chapter 56-60
Chapter 61-65
Chapter 66-70
Chapter 71-75
Chapter 76-80
Chapter 81-85
Chapter 86-90
Chapter 91-95
Chapter 96-100
Chapter 106-110
Chapter 111-115
Chapter 116-120
Chapter 121-125
Chapter 126-130
Chapter 131-135
Chapter 136-140
Chapter 141-145
Chapter 146-150
Chapter 151-155
Chapter 156-160
EXTRA 6-10

Chapter 101-105

812 18 0
By K_A_R_E_N_4

Chapter 101: Very Melodramatic

This slumber of Su Shuilian lasted two days and one night. Although Long Xi Yue and Ouyang Xun took turns to check her pulse regularly and emphasized that she was alright and she needed to sleep deeply as she was too exhausted, Lin Si Yao was still frightened. He was scared that she would sleep and never wake up. Except for three meals a day when Si Chong and Si Tuo had dragged him to the dining room, he had spent almost all of his time by Su Shuilian's bed.

Two hours after Su Shuilian began to experience labor pains, Elder Wangye Jing and his Elder Wangfei Feng Cai Yun had arrived. They were the first to hold the precious dragon-phoenix twins* Qing Lan was brought out of the delivery room. That was because the father of the dragon-phoenix twins paid no mind to them and had only set his attention on his wife inside the room. Liang Xuan Jing (Elder Wangye) and his wife Feng Cai Yun exchanged smiles. How could they not be satisfied with such a son-in-law? With such an excellent appearance and was even better to Shuilian. No matter what social status, isn't this the kind of caring spouse every woman longs for? Thus, the worries that had lingered in their hearts were lifted. They finally eased their hearts.

(*Twins with one baby boy and one baby girl)

Luckily, prior to the labor, Liang-momo had found wet nurses from the city. When Su Shuilian gave birth to their little Young Lady and little Young Master, she had sent the guards to the city to pick them up. Otherwise, with Guye solely focused on their Young Lady, the newborn dragon-phoenix twins whose mother had gone sleeping right after her labor, would be starving. Liang-momo and Chun Lan exchanged looks. Fortunately, they had followed the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei's order to come and serve the Young Lady. Otherwise, they couldn't imagine how disorderly the house would become.

When Su Shuilian woke up, the outside was still very dark. Perhaps it wasn't even yín-shí (3-5 am) yet. She lazily stretched her body. With the feeling of fatigue finally gone, she felt comfortable and refreshed.

Her stretched hands touched a warm object. She was surprised, turning around to see. It turned out Lin Si Yao was sleeping on the side of her bed. At the moment she touched him, he awoke. He lifted his head and saw her smiling face, Lin Si Yao pulled her small hand up to his face, asking her in a hoarse voice, "You woke up. How do you feel?"

"I'm alright." Su Shuilian gently caressed his chin, which had many stubbles, and looked in his bloodshot eyes. She felt her heart ache. "Why didn't you go sleep in the bedroom?"

"It's all the same no matter where I sleep." He enjoyed her caring words.

He carefully helped Su Shuilian sit upright with her back against the headboard of the bed. "Are you hungry? I'll get you some food."

"A little hungry. Where are the babies?" Listening to him, Su Shuilian suddenly heard her stomach gurgle. She couldn't help but admit shyly. Turning back, she was surprised when she didn't see the twins she had labored to deliver. Astonished, she looked around the room and found that the two small beds she had placed in this room weren't here, either.

"Shuilian, your parents cough... I mean the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei of Jing's Mansion came. They are taking care of the kids." Lin Si Yao looked at her deep in the eyes. Before he knew her, he had never thought he would get married, let alone to such a gentle and beautiful woman. What's more, a high and noble daughter from the imperial city...

When Elder Jing Wangye and Wangfei got off the carriage and carefully assessed him, he was unexpectedly restless and anxious because of his blood-stained past. He was afraid that they would take their daughter back and they wouldn't admit this son-in-law, who used to be an assassin.

He thought that he didn't care about how people would look at him, or the position and the wealthy family behind Shuilian. This was because they weren't what he wanted or what he wanted to pursue. He just wanted this little woman. If her parents didn't accept him, if they didn't accept this marriage of theirs, they would apply every method they could to separate them... He will run away with her, even to the end of the world. However, he couldn't stop the bloodline bond between her and her parents.

Fortunately, his parents-in-law weren't as he thought. Not only did they happily accept him at first sight, but they also tried their best to handle all the decisions the seniors like them should do, including preparing the items they needed for her puerperium. They had even asked the maids to move the two little beds to their temporary bedroom in Bamboo Garden, so the kids could stay overnight with them. Of course, because of the cold weather and that newborns shouldn't be exposed to the wind, they were arranged to stay in the room in the East Wing. Their grandparents would take care of them during the day. Thus, he could stay focused and stay by Su Shuilian, waiting for her to wake up. "My parents?" Su Shuilian was surprised, her graceful brows rising. "The Elder Wangye and Wangfei of Jing's Mansion?"

Was she in a dream? Didn't they say that this current body of hers was of an illegitimate daughter? And her mother's memorial tablet was only brought into Prince's mansion's ancestral hall after her plea in the runaway letter that she had left? She was just an illegitimate kid that the Jing Mansion could have just forgotten about. How could she have gotten the favor of her father, Elder Wangye, to personally come during her labor?

The Elder Wangfei has even less of a reason to treat her so well... Even if this was to raise the prestige of the Prince Jing Mansion, it was still a little overboard, right? Not only sending the maids and servants here, she also came personally with the former Prince? No woman would actually be generous enough to take care of the child her husband had with another woman. Su Shuilian patted her cheeks, trying to wake herself up from this dream.

Lin Si Yao smiled, pulling her hand. "Don't think too much. You should eat something first. They will talk to you directly about it later..." Yesterday, after dinner, the Elder Wanye had invited him to talk with him in the study room. They had talked for almost an hour and now he roughly understood the whole story.

Su Shuilian's real name before she lost her memory was Liang En Xu. She was the blood daughter of the Elder Wangfei, the main wife of Elder Wangye Jing. When she was born, because of the concubine's jealousy, she was plotted and brought out of the Prince's Mansion and thrown into a small pile of crushed stone. Luckily, Fang Jing, a distant cousin of Feng Cai Yun, saved her. However, although Fang Jing had saved Liang En Xu, because Elder Wangye Jing denied to take her as his concubine, she had left with Liang En Xu, far from her home. She didn't bring her back to Prince Jing's mansion or tell Feng Cai Yun about her daughter. Moreover, when En Xu grew up, she had made up a story and told her that she was the daughter of her (Feng Jing) and Elder Wangye Jing. And, because the Prince's mansion didn't accept them, they had to live in exile, just the two of them. 

Because Fang Jing was afraid of suspicion arising from her acquaintance, Fang Jing didn't bring En Xu to her parents. She had intentionally stayed in a remote town. She had completely cleared all traces of herself in the imperial district. That's why when Liang Xuan Jing sent his men to investigate his missing daughter, he had missed Fang Jing.

When En Xu was thirteen years old, Fang Jing got typhoid fever. She died because of having the illness for a long time without proper treatments. Before she died, she had asked En Xu several times to go to the imperial city to find Prince Jing. She told the little girl that she was the Elder Wangye's biological daughter. However, she told En Xu no word that she wasn't her real mother. She was afraid that En Xu would hate her. She left her a letter to give to Elder Wangye Jing. Her letter told the truth that En Xu was the real daughter of Elder Wangye Jing and his Elder Wangfei. She also told the stories of what the two had encountered during thirteen years and her deep regret. If she hadn't been blinded by her resentment, she would have had her own family and children. She had been consumed in hatred so much so that it had weakened her.

Thus, in her letter, she begged Elder Wangye Jing and his Elder Wangfei to forgive her so she could close her eyes and finally rest in peace. Liang En Xu didn't know the truth. She had thought that her mother had died of depression and that the Prince's Mansion didn't want to shelter them. That's why she deeply hated the Prince's mansion. However, she couldn't ignore her mother's last wish. After she had buried her mother, sold their house and anything of value, she headed to the imperial city to find Prince Jing's Mansion.

To vent out her grievances, she didn't give her mother's letter to Elder Wangye Jing but directly declared that she was Elder Wangye's illegitimate daughter born from a private affair outside the mansion. She wanted to see how her heartless father would treat a daughter that came out of nowhere without any notice. Indeed, Elder Wangye Jing had assigned people to investigate her explanation. And, she had to bear the mocking from the other Young Ladies from different concubines in the mansion.

After recognizing the fierce situation she might have to confront later, the bold and unrelenting Liang En Xu, had left a letter, asking Elder Wangye Jing to welcome her mother's memorial tablet to the ancestral hall. She had placed her letter together with her mother, Fang Jing's, last letter on the desk in his study room. Then, she escaped from the mansion. Afterward, it was Lin Si Yao's chance encounter with Su Shuilian, who had lost her memory with a completely different personality, in Mount Da Shi...

When Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei had found out what had actually happened from the last letter. They were finally convinced that Su Shuilian was the daughter they had lost for so many years. And that was how the successive arrangements had happened.

They were afraid that if they announced the truth before they found and welcomed her back to the house, she would be skeptical and avoid them. Thus, they had followed her ideas. First, they had welcomed Fang Jing's memorial tablet to the ancestral hall, making her a yiniang (concubine). This was to repay her grace for saving the Elder Wangfei's daughter, and hopefully convince their daughter to return when she hears the news. Then, they posted the high profile, missing person announcement with a large money reward to bring their daughter back to the Prince's Mansion.

Fortunately, their oldest son Liang En Zai's best friend, Xiang Wangye, had seen a lady that looked extremely similar to the drawing in their missing notice while going to visit a far, but famous temple with his wife.

Liang Xuan Jing immediately sent his men to search near that area. Eventually, they found Su Shuilian in Fan Hua Town. He then sent the trustworthy Chief Manager An and Xia-momo, his two best subordinates, to check the case. That was how they had found out that she was married and pregnant. Besides the joy, they were very worried. Would she be able to deliver the baby safely in such a desolate, mountainous village thousands of miles away from the capital? Thus, they had sent the momo, maids, and servants, even the imperial bodyguards to her... Su Shuilian was in awe as she listened to the two elders sitting across from her, taking turns to tell her the truth. She managed to get a hold of herself a long time later... Heavens, how lucky was she?

She had thought that the girl whose body she had possessed was just a lady from some wealthy family, like the Su Family. Then she found out that she was the illegitimate daughter of Prince Jing's Mansion. Her mother had passed away but at least her memorial tablet was now in the ancestral hall of the Prince's mansion. With that, she had erased her worries. Her mother, who had lived with her for more than ten years was gone, and her father didn't care much about her or accept her identity. To her, that was a good thing. At least, she didn't need to bear extra pressure and could live with A Yao for the rest of her life in Fan Hua Town. But, no one had expected that, after many twists and turns, she had become the only blood daughter of Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei! How could a lone and ordinary soul, like her's, accept it! 

Chapter 102: The Shocking Truth

"My dear... You've suffered a lot... sobs..." After Wangfei Jing spoke, she wanted to hug the dazed Su Shuilian who was leaning against the headboard. However, she was afraid that her daughter wouldn't allow that, so she leaned on Wangye Jing, sobbing and wiping her tears. Since she knew Su Shuilian was the daughter she had mourned for dozens of years, she became very emotional.

"Sigh, it's to blame me for not investigating meticulously. I didn't expect that Fang Jing had taken you away..." Wangye Jing said in a low voice. Although the daughter he hadn't met for two years had been married and she didn't look as arrogant or heartless as he had seen her two years ago in the mansion, it didn't mean that she would accept the explanation from her biological parents.

"Cough... That... I..." Su Shuilian originally wanted to say that she had lost her memory so she couldn't remember what had happened. However, she didn't want to lie to her parents.

Before she could continue, Feng Cai Yun, who was blaming herself, had interrupted. "My dear, I know you've suffered a lot. Everything is our fault. Don't blame yourself, okay? Ah, it is your mother who is muddle headed to speak of such a subject. During your puerperium, it's best if you don't overthink and harm your body. My dear, rest well. We don't want to force you. It's your choice to accept us or not."

"Yes, Xu'er, as long as you want it, we unconditionally support you no matter what you want to do or where you want to live. It's your choice to return to our family. As long as you welcome us at your home, everything will be as you wish..." Liang Xuan Jing nodded and added in agreement.

In this life of his, he had many daughters. However, she was the only daughter he had with his Wangfei. Although he wanted to see Su Shuilian returning to his family, he knew the knot in her heart. Thus, on the way here, he had a discussion with Feng Cai Yun. As long as their daughter forgave and accepted them, it was her choice to return and accept her family and ancestors. They would never force her.

Su Shuilian was surprised. She and Lin Si Yao exchanged looks. Didn't the rumors say the Prince Jing's Mansion in the imperial city was famous for their overbearing Elder Wangye? Why was it completely different from what they had heard?

Of course, Lin Si Yao could guess Su Shuilian's doubt. He raised his brow, grabbing her soft hand, smiling. "Don't think too much. It can wait after your convalescence."

Su Shuilian nodded, talking tenderly to the Elder Wangye and Wangfei who were looking at her, and softly said. "That... This place can't be compared to the Prince's mansion. If... If you need anything, please tell us. Or, do you plan to return to the imperial city soon?" She had trouble calling the two in front of her mother and father. It wasn't that she didn't forgive them. It was because she wasn't the real Liang En Xu.

"No, no, no. We planned to wait until you've fully recovered before we return. Moreover, the one-month ceremony of the babies, no matter what, should be a grand event. At that time, your big brother will come, too. Of course, if Xu-er wants to go back to the imperial city, after the one-month ceremony, we can go back together."

Liang Xuan Jing and Feng Cai Yun waved their hands when they heard their daughter's words. They had come here through many difficulties traveling great distances from the imperial city and did not want to leave after a brief stay.

"Big brother?" Su Shuilian blinked. She got herself together after a moment. This big brother wasn't her big brother. The one they had mentioned should be the only heir of the Prince's mansion, the current Wangye: Liang En Zai. It wasn't Su Tingyu in the Su Mansion.

"Yes, although he's not your blood brother, he's the closest brother to you in this life..." What Liang Xuan Jing had just said had astonished people here, except for Feng Cai Yun who knew the truth.

Su Shuilian was bewildered as she listened to Liang Xuan Jing's low voice narrating a shocking past, a secret that the mansion had kept in layers of dust for a long time...

It turned out Liang En Zai wasn't Liang Xuan Jing's biological son. Or, to be exact, Su Shuilian's three older brothers weren't Liang Xuan Jing's biological sons. They were the sons of his brother, Liang Xuan An.

That year, Liang Xuan An didn't listen to his father. He didn't get married to the noble lady of the High Official's family. He eloped with a woman from a brothel house, which had enraged father Liang so much he decided to break all ties with his oldest son. Then, the Liangs had only one son — Liang Xuan Jing — from that day onward.

No one would have expected that one year later, Liang Xuan An sent Liang En Zai who was still in his diaper and a letter to the Prince Jing's Mansion, asking them to take care of the baby.

When Father Liang found out, he was so enraged but he had no choice. No matter what, he didn't know his oldest son's whereabouts, and En Zai was the golden grandchild of the Liangs.

So, even though he was furious, the grandfather tried his best to raise En Zai and had him under Liang Xuan Jing's name. And, at that time, Liang Xuan Jing and Feng Cai Yun hadn't gotten married yet. They had to give En Zai to Yan Qun, Liang Xuan Jing's first-grade maid, to take care of the baby. Later on, rumors had it that En Zai was the son of Liang Xuan Jing and his maid. Fortunately Liang Xuan Jing had Liang Xuan An's letter to disprove the rumors. Feng Cai Yun was then wed to Liang Xuan Jing.

After a year that she had lived in the Liangs' mansion, Feng Cai Yun got pregnant. At that time, Liang Xuan An sent them a pair of twins, Liang En De and Liang En Yi, who died young afterward.

That was when father Liang discovered that his oldest son had hidden the fact that he had an incurable illness and didn't have much time to live. Not only was he afraid to burden his parents and siblings, Liang Xuan En did not want his fiancee to live a widow's life. That was why he had decided to ask Liu Tang, a courtesan, to help with his act of an unfilial son. Unexpectedly, Liu Tang and Liang Xuan En developed real feelings for each other and became husband and wife. Thus, they decided to send their three infant sons to the Prince's mansion and requested his father to take care of the babies. He begged his father not to tell the three sons that their real father was a selfish person and had died young. They didn't want to see people jeer at their sons.

The short but peaceful happiness had lengthened Liang Xuan An's life for another three years. Except, after sending the twins to the mansion, Liang Xuan An couldn't endure through the harsh, cold winter and died shortly after. Liu Tang was so heart-broken. Not long afterward, she followed her husband.

After the truth was revealed, father Liang had been seriously sick for a long time. When he finally recovered, he called for Liang Xuan Jing to talk with him in the study room. From that day, Liang Xuan An became the forbidden topic in the Prince's mansion. En Zai, the oldest grandson, had become Liang Xuan Jing's eldest son. He was the one who would rightfully inherit the Wangye title later.

It was strange to say, Liang Xuan An had three sons continuously while Liang Xuan Jing had ten daughters. After his main line daughter En Xu's incident, he had a big problem with his wife Feng Cai Yun. To stimulate Feng Cai Yun, Liang Xuan Jing continuously took in concubines. In total, he got ten daughters, but he wasn't lucky enough to have a son. 

Perhaps it was their fate... First, he got the title that should belong to his brother. And then, his brother's son got the title that his son should have inherited...

Anyway, Liang Xuan Jing didn't mind those extrinsic things. He just hoped to reclaim his wife's — Feng Cai Yun's — heart.

And now, as they had finally found their daughter that they thought to be dead fifteen years ago, still alive, he didn't care about wealth and titles that others appreciated. Immediately, he solved En Yan who had provoked En Xu and made her run away. And, he had also seized the chance to fake his serious sickness and relieve himself from the responsibility he had to shoulder. He forced and made Liang En Zai, who was just seventeen years old, inherit the Wangye title (albeit reluctantly). And, before the young man had reached his eighteenth birthday or even moved into his own mansion, Liang En Zai was left to take care of the internal and external affairs of the Prince's mansion. As of now, finally free of all responsibility, the elder Wangye resolved all of the problems with his wife. Together, they had crossed thousands of miles to a place, where birds didn't even want to lay eggs, to spend time with their daughter during her convalesce month (following childbirth).


"I didn't misunderstand things, did I?" After a long moment, the room was only left with the tired Su Shuilian and Lin Si Yao, who was hugging her as they were resting.

Liang Xuan Jing and Feng Cai Yun had told Su Shuilian the secrets of the Prince's mansion in a carefree manner. They didn't mind if she would spread the secret and affect her big brother, Liang En Zai, as the current Wangye.

Perhaps, they wanted her to understand that she was their real daughter, the one they had always cherished. At least, she was the result of their love when there was no other person intervening. Her three older brothers weren't her blood brothers. They were her cousins.

Heavens. This shocking truth was really big to her, a soul from another world coming and occupying this body.

If she were the real Liang En Xu, with such news, she would immediately lower her emotional walls and call the yearning couple "father and mother." However, she wasn't.

Sigh, how does she deal with this shocking and messy situation?

"No," Lin Si Yao rubbed her soft, smooth cheeks as he lowered his eyelids and said. The Prince's mansion's secret had nothing to do with him. He just needed this little woman in his embrace. As long as she was happy, nothing else would matter to him. Even if they told him Prince Jing's mansion would collapse after tonight, he wouldn't even bat an eye.

"A Yao, should I accept them?" After knowing so many things about her real identity as the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei's only daughter, should she be able to keep the distance and think that she was just a soul that had occupied Su Shuilian's body?

Let alone that the former elder Wangye and elder Wangfei would be hurt badly, other people would think that she was a heartless woman who didn't care for her parents, right? For example, Lin Si Yao, her most loved one, and what he might think about her.

"It's up to you. As long as you're happy..." Lin Si Yao answered without thinking. He also placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth.

"A Yao..." She didn't know if she should laugh or cry. His tolerance and protection made her feel safe. His indifference towards the secular world was both funny and embarrassing. To him, the only working principle was to keep her happy. The other social or moral rules weren't in his eyes or burdened his mind.

"A Yao, thank you. Until today, if I didn't have you, I'm afraid I..." If she didn't die in the deep mountain, she would be struggling to live. How could she have been able to live such a peaceful and calm life like what she had now? She didn't need to care about many things. She just needed to be herself.

"I should be saying that..." Lin Si Yao claimed her tender and soft lips. He didn't want to let her be grateful for a long time since it would affect their intimate time.

"Oh... A Yao..."

"Shhh... Just feel it... Shuilian, thank you, darling, thank you for giving me two more family members besides you." After a long time, he finally left her lips. Caressing her blushing cheeks, he mumbled to her. After she had given birth to the twins, he finally had a chance to tell her those words.

Su Shuilian's eyes twinkled. The corners of her mouth rose high. Until now, he didn't show that he cared much about the kids. Especially when the doctor told him that she could encounter danger, he had even wished that she wasn't pregnant. He had given her an impression that he didn't want to have children.

It turned out that he was afraid of losing her. It didn't mean that he didn't love his children. Just like what he said, they were the closest family members to him in his life... 

Chapter 103: I Also Lived Two Lives

After Wangye Jing and his Wangfei had revealed everything to their daughter, they began to live their life leisurely in Fan Hua Town. During the day, they played with the most adorable grandson and granddaughter and occasionally chatted with their daughter. When their grandchildren and daughter napped, the couple enjoyed strolls around Fan Hua Town, taking in fresh air and the beautiful natural scenery of the area.

In early winter, when it was a nice day in Fan Hua Town, although it wasn't as beautiful as spring with hundreds of kinds of flowers blooming or as lively as the summer sky, it was enough to warm people's hearts.

The pair wore fox fur coats to keep themselves warm, walking on the clean and quiet roads, casually watching some houses along their way.

They would walk until they reached the center of the town where the flower bed laid. When idle, Wangye Jing would be seen sitting in front of the ancestral house, playing chess with other elderly men in town. Wangfei Jing would walk to the lake in the East to talk to the married women who were sewing, chatting, or sunbathing there.

Not to mention, as residents from the imperial city, the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei also had great interpersonal skills. It hadn't even been six days, but they had already gotten to know most of the older population in Fan Hua Town.

No matter whether they were young or old, Fan Hua Town's citizens only knew the two were the famous Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei of Prince Jing's mansion that had come to see their daughter. Although they were a little afraid at first, after talking to them, the villagers' reluctance subsided. Gradually, the entire town began to treat them as normal parents.

Su Shuilian laughed when Liang-momo reported this to her.


Fortunately, the Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei had brought only two maids and two bodyguards. Otherwise, there would really be no room for them to stay.

When Elder Wangye and Elder Wangfei arrived, Xiao Heng and his guards had proactively moved out of the Bamboo Garden, so the couple could stay there, and moved in with the other servants. Thus, when Su Shuilian fell into a deep sleep after giving birth to the twins, Wangye Jing and his wife were invited to stay in Bamboo Garden. As their beloved grandson and granddaughter couldn't go out yet, they had to stay in the East Wing.

When Su Shuilian woke up after her long slumber, Lin Si Yao carried her to the East Wing's room to stay with the kids. Since it was their bedroom, it was conveniently equipped with even a bathroom. And, although it was soon to be winter, the room in the East Wing had direct sunlight. In the afternoon, even when lying on the bed, one could comfortably bathe in the warm sunlight.

Thus, Su Shuilian stayed with her precious cuties in East Wing's bedroom to convalesce for a month*.

(TLN: to convalesce for a month following childbirth, following a special diet, and observing various taboos to protect the body from exposure to the "wind". A traditional one-month confinement period)

The West Wing's bedroom that was once the delivery room was not renovated back as a bedroom for the twins. The twins would move in with two wet-nurses after their one-month ceremony. Although they were Lin Sin Yao's daughter and son, he wouldn't allow them to occupy all of Su Shuilian's time and attention. Hmph, no matter how much the kids were loved, they shouldn't seize his wife.

"Chun Lan, after you change their diapers, bring Long'er to me!" As Su Shuilian felt her milk accumulating, she got up and called Chun Lan, who was changing her daughter's diaper. She wanted to breast-feed both of her babies. However, her milk came later and it wasn't enough to feed both the twins. So, they still needed the two wet-nurses. Fortunately, Liang-momo had contracted them for one year. After one year, Xiao'er and Long'er should be weaned off milk and start to eat solid foods.

Chun Lan held Lin Long, who had stopped crying after getting her diaper changed. Su Shuilian sat up, leaning against the headboard. She held the baby in one hand to breastfeed her while her other hand caressing the little face that already had a gleam of stubbornness.

Genetics was really amazing. Lin Long's appearance took after her, while Lin Xiao resembled A Yao. However, their temperaments were complete opposites. Lin Xiao was quiet, and he didn't like to make noise. If his diaper was wet, he would only slightly call out. Lin Long was totally different. As long as she didn't feel comfortable, she would cry and scream until she was cleaned.

Su Shuilian smiled at her little girl drinking her milk. When Lin Xiao was hungry, he would cause people's heartache. And when Lin Long was hungry, other than heartache, everyone's eardrums would also be pierced through.

Thus, when it was time to feed them, Su Shuilian would give milk to Lin Long first. Lin Xiao was the big brother after all!

Moreover, he was a quiet and well behaved big brother.

Lin Xiao and Lin Long were the names bestowed by Wangye Jing, requested by A Yao. Although it seemed like this was to show respect to his in-laws, Su Shuilian knew that he was too busy and lazy to think of names as he was also taking care of her and preparing for Lunar New Year's celebration.

The boy lacked water in his Five Elements. Thus, his name was Xiao (霄) – Sky, Lin Xiao. With this, he would be an ambitious man, gazing upon the sky. And, according to Wangye Jing, the girl will grow up to be well behaved and sensible. With a clever heart (líng lóng tī tòu). Thus, she was named Lin Long.

But life is unpredictable, names are easily made, but temperament is hard to control. The coveted dragon and phoenix twins, how they fare in the future, will be mentioned later.


"How do you feel today?"

Today, Su Shuilian got up, walked several steps around, and played with her daughter for a while. After the twins fell asleep in their cradles, she went back to her bed to rest.

Long Xi Yue visited her every day. Today wasn't an exception. She followed in with Bai He, who had brought some tea. Long Xi Yue smiled and greeted Su Shuilian.

"I'm much better. I do feel more comfortable after walking around everything." Su Shuilian smiled as she replied. Chun Lan helped her sit up. Su Shuilian stretched her arm out so Long Xi Yue could check her pulse.

Su Shuilian felt grateful to Long Xi Yue not only because she had been there to help her during her labor, but also because Long Xi Yue personally cooked her medicinal food every day. Three days after her labor, Long Xi Yue asked her to walk several steps around the room daily, this was to help her discharge excess blood and other dirty fluids in her body. Even when Ouyang Xun was called back to the imperial palace, Long Xi Yue refused to go with him. She stated that she would only leave after a toast during the twins' one-month ceremony.

Ouyang Xun couldn't persuade her otherwise, so he took his young medicinal assistant and left first.

He was conferred an imperial doctor by the emperor, but his apprentice, Long Xi Yue, wasn't. Thus, she had her right to decide everything she wanted to do. As for why Long Xi Yue followed him to the imperial palace to assist the king's concubines in their labor, it was because she had nowhere else to go.

Because it was rare that Long Xi Yue would actively request for anything, Ouyang Xun chose not to interfere with her wishes. Moreover, this apprentice of his was going to be eighteen next year. It was time for her to start looking for a suitable man.

Though, it seems Long Xi Yue didn't mind this matter at all.

"Yes, your pulse shows nothing out of the ordinary. Remember to walk more and eat simple but nutritious food and you will recover soon. Your health is much better than what I had imagined." After checking Su Shuilian's pulse, Long Xi Yue helped her lie down. She had never approved of that sort of sitting and leaning on the headboard. Keeping that posture for a long time would be detrimental to the spine.

"I heard that you've lost your memory?" Long Xi Yue sat on the edge of the bed before she started to chat with Su Shuilian.

"... mhm..." Su Shuilian nodded reluctantly. Worries churned in her heart. Did Long Xi Yue find anything abnormal in her? But even her biological parents didn't discover anything. How could Long Xi Yue suspect her?

"How did it happen? Don't be nervous. I am just casually asking. You know, as a doctor, rare illnesses fascinate me." Long Xi Yue smiled and comforted the flustered Su Shuilian. Although she said that, she had different thoughts. Was it as she suspected? Using amnesia as an excuse... when in fact, like her, she had transmigrated from another world? 

The reason as to why Long Xi Yue had suspected this was because she saw something that shouldn't have belonged to this world: The embroidery piece called <Along the River during the Qingming Festival>. As soon as she saw the picture, joy rose within her. She had never thought she would meet another person who shared a similar fate as her.

Yes, Long Xi Yue, was another transmigrator. In the twenty-first century where she had lived, she was a doctor in Renhe Hospital, one of the best obstetric hospitals in the nation. However, as soon as she had been made the head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, she was killed in a serious car accident. When she woke up, she had become a nine-year-old orphan of the Long family.

Ouyang Chun, a good friend of the Long's, had adopted her. However, on the way to the imperial city, nine-year-old Long Xi Yue couldn't endure the rough journey and caught a cold. After several days unconscious, when she woke up, the soul of the thirty-one-year-old Long Xi Yue from the modern world had entered her body.

Face reality and move forward optimistically was the motto that Long Xi Yue had formed since she was a little kid. Thus, she had focused on learning the medical knowledge Ouyang Xun had imparted to her for almost nine years in this world. She had made the goal of integrating modern treatment techniques to what is currently used in Da Hui Empire.

It was the first time she saw the dragon and phoenix twins in this ancient world. As she had followed Ouyang Xun for almost nine years in the imperial palace and assisted so many cases, she had never seen twins before. Perhaps, twins were rare in Da Hui Empire. She had read records of the nation's birth history, but she didn't find anything about twins, let alone the dragon and phoenix twins. The outlier was the Liang family in Prince Jing's mansion. Twins were a common occurrence every other generation, be it identical or fraternal twins. Though this was the first time a pair of dragon and phoenix twins appeared.

Seeing that Long Xi Yue was really curious, Su Shuilian pondered for a while before informing her of what occurred. Of course, she concealed the fact that her soul had taken over the body after she had fainted.

"I... I don't remember clearly what happened before that..." Su Shuilian added at the end. She was afraid that Long Xi Yue would ask further. She didn't know how to deal with her then. One lie would need countless more lies to cover it. She had never done that before but she may be forced to do so now.

Long Xi Yue nodded as she listened. She strongly believed that the woman lying in front of her had also come from another world. Just like her. If she truly had amnesia, how was she able to embroider such exquisite works? However, with Su Shuilian's graceful and elegant actions, Long Xi Yue wasn't one hundred percent sure this woman had come from the twenty-first century like her.

"When I was nine, I had also lost my memory. After I woke up, I forgot everything. It seems my life has been divided into two different parts." Long Xi Yue gazed up at the vase of blooming Dragon Claw Chrysanthemums and said faintly.

Su Shuilian covered her mouth when she heard that. What did Long Xi Yue mean? Could she...

Long Xi Yue cleared her mind of the winding thoughts. She turned around, gazing at Su Shuilian, smiling with a complex look in her eyes. She asked a question that had made Su Shuilian almost fall off her bed. "The <Along the River during Qingming Festival> embroidery reminded me of my previous life I've seen in my dreams." 

Chapter 104: You too?

"Previous... previous life?" Su Shuilian covered her mouth in disbelief. Heavens, did she hear it correctly? Long Xi Yue was... was just like her? A soul that came from another world?

"Yes, my previous life," Long Xi Yue gazed at Su Shuilian and didn't blink, her expression was serious without a hint of humor.

"Xi Yue..." Su Shuilian mumbled. It seems like it wasn't just her that had encountered such a bizarre event in this world...

"Do you assume that I'm a monster? An alien, different from the norm?" Long Xi Yue sighed.

For close to nine years, she had carefully concealed her identity and never done anything that could show her origin from another world. Even so, she couldn't help but reminisce.

She missed her family and her friends there. She missed the developed medical technology and her trustworthy operating instruments.

And it was because of that, she had privately requested the blacksmiths in the palace to forge her a full operating surgical knife set. Even so, she had never used them. The only function of her set of knives was to keep her memory alive.

This time, she had thought that she would have a chance to use them, but Su Shuilian had endured through it. The mother's body looked fragile and the twins were a big bundle. It was hard to believe that this weak-looking woman in front of her had bravely completed the challenge.

"How could I (think so)?" Su Shuilian sat up all of a sudden, pulling Long Xi Yue's hand. The question that Long Xi Yue had asked reflected the fear in her heart.

"How could you not? Although people in this world are pure and honest, it doesn't mean they can accept someone like me. A change of souls after being unconscious for a while, if it happened to you, wouldn't you be scared?" Long Xi Yue smiled faintly. Her low-pitched voice reached Su Shuilian's ears, allowing her to confirm her decision.

She wasn't a lonely soul anymore. There was someone like her here. Her soul also came from another world. This thought had unconsciously made Su Shuilian feel safe. This safe feeling was different from the safe feeling A Yao had brought her. The subtle fear in her heart had quietly dissipated.

"It's true that I used to feel fear. I feared that, once discovered, people would tie me and burn me on a stake." Su Shuilian talked gently. The lonely gleam in Long Xi Yue's eyes made her forget her hesitation.

"So, you didn't really lose your memory, right?" Long Xi Yue listened to her before nodding with a smile; it was now confirmed. Thus, she asked directly, "But you don't look like someone from the twenty-first century?"

"The twenty-first century? What dynasty is that?" Su Shuilian was surprised, raising her elegant brows. "I remembered it was year twenty-three of the Republic of China*."

*(The Republic of China ruled the Chinese mainland between 1912 and 1949)

"Heavens!" Su Shuilian's words had surprised her greatly. This woman came from the Republic of China! No wonder why every move of her's was so elegant, it reflected the manner of a noble lady from an aristocratic family!

"Let me guess, you must be a young lady from a rich family, right?" Long Xi Yue said resolutely after pondering for a while.

"Yes, you can say so. Have you ever heard about the Su's Embroidery House in Suzhou?" Su Shuilian smiled shyly, nodding. During the time of the Republic of China, the Su family was famous in Suzhou, right? At least, the Su's Embroidery House in Suzhou was famous all throughout their country.

"Embroidery House in Suzhou? That means... ah! You're from Suzhou? Your family name's Su? No wonder! Oh! You're from the Su Family's Embroidery House in Suzhou?" The more Long Xi Yue spoke, the more astonished she became. Eventually, with both eyes opened wide, Long Xi Yue exclaimed, pointing at Su Shuilian.

Long Xi Yue's maternal family was in Suzhou. She had heard from her grandmother that the mansion with many towers and big houses surrounded by high walls not far from her house was the renowned Su Family's house who had been there since the Republic of China. Her grandmother told her that it was the famous Suzhou's Embroidery House.

When she was small, Long Xi Yue often visited her grandmother's house in Suzhou during the summer. Being a mischievous kid, she had swaggered around with her cousins. They used to climb the high walls of that Su Family's House. The government had issued the area as a "protected cultural heritage"; public entry was forbidden.

Such a complicated mess! How did this even happen? Two girls that weren't related to each other, now be it place or time, have now met after crossing from another world and time...

They exchanged looks before bursting out in laughter. How fortunate, in the heavily populated Da Hui Empire, they had actually met someone from the 'same hometown'.


"Look at this baby girl, so full of life! She looks exactly like Shuilian! She'll surely be a famous beauty later!" Aunt Lao and Aunt Tian had come to visit Su Shuilian. They chatted for a while when Lin Long woke up. The two women happily teased the lovely and delicate baby.

"Say no more! Xiao'er looks like A Yao and Long'er resembles Shuilian. They are truly a dragon and phoenix pair!" Aunt Tian clicked her tongue in admiration. The old proverbs were always correct. Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes give birth to phoenixes... Like Su Shuilian and Lin Si Yao; the wife was tender and graceful and the husband was tall and hunky. How could their kids be ugly! If they wanted to seize the fortune, they should engage their grandchildren to Su Shuilian's children before it was too late.

Speaking of another auspicious event, Aunt Lao's daughter was two-months pregnant. She was due next summer. And because of that Aunt Lao happily rushed to prepare baby clothes and shoes.

And as for Tian Niu, who will get married next year. Due to the groom's family persistence to marry earlier. Eventually, the two families agreed to hold the wedding before Lunar New Year. To be exact, they would have the wedding on the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, which meant they had only half a month to prepare. And so Aunt Tian is currently happily prepping for her daughter's wedding.

"Aunt Lao, please give Xi Cui these little clothes." Su Shuilian asked Chun Lan to bring out two baby clothes made of fine cotton, two green embroidered doudou, and two pairs of tiger shoes to Aunt Lao.

"No, no, no. You little girl, Xiao'er and Long'er are still small. They can still these. Don't worry, I still have a lot of time to prepare for her." Aunt Lao waved her hands continuously to decline her offer.

Those two cotton clothing sets should cost at least several hundred taels. How could she bear to receive them?

Only the outfit that would be made of new cloth will be used during the one-month ceremony of Xi Cui's baby. The rest of the clothing she had made were resized-old-clothes worn from when her son and daughter were children. They couldn't afford to use new fine cotton to make clothes every time a child grows out of their clothes.

"Aunt Lao, just accept them. I made them myself. The fabric is really soft. Moreover, Xiao'er and Long'er have enough clothes to use." Su Shuilian was insistent as she asked Chun Lan to wrap the clothes and give them to Aunt Lao when she leaves.

Su Shuilian had calculated that she didn't need to make any new clothes or shoes for Lin Xiao and Lin Long for the next five years. Before she gave birth to them, she had prepared several sets of clothing for different ages. Furthermore, when Liang-momo came, they brought multiple closets full of clothes. When Wangye Jing and Wangfei Jing had visited, they had brought even more.

It was actually a humble calculation, to say that Lin Xiao and Lin Long had 'just enough' clothes to wear until they were five years old.

"This..." Aunt Lao was still somewhat reluctant.

Su Shuilian had given them plenty of gifts already. They received gifts from her almost every time they visited.

Previously, Liang-momo had sent Chun Lan with a box of brocade to their house. Although it was hard to accept, she knew if she didn't, her oldest daughter in-law would take it instead. Thus, she made her and her husband a new set of clothing for the Lunar New Year's celebration. It was a good chance to show her maternal family, too.

"Since she said it's for Xi Cui, just take it. We're neighbors. There are many chances to repay the favor." Aunt Tian nudged Aunt Lao's elbow, smiling and coaxing her to take it. She's a straightforward person. Since Su Shuilian said she wanted to give it to her and even asked her maid to wrap them, why is she still hesitating? Later on, once they've returned home, (Aunt Lao) can pack some fresh foods over to repay her favor.

"It is just as Aunt Tian says. We happily remain as neighbors for a long time." smiled Su Shuilian.

After that, Su Shuilian requested Chun Lan to take out the finely-carved silver phoenix bracelets from her jewelry box. Wrapping them in a silk handkerchief, she handed it to Aunt Tian. "When Da Niu gets married, I'll be still in my puerperium. So, I want to give her this as a wedding's gift."

"But... these are too much!" When Aunt Tian immediately knew these were an expensive pair of pure silver carved bracelets.

"Oh, yes, I remember Da Niu likes porcelain... Chun Lan, you go to the cellar and check if you can find a suitable porcelain vase. Bring it to Tian House for me as a congratulatory gift."

"Yes, Lady. Chun Lan remembers that we have a vase decorated with auspicious dragon and phoenix. Let me look for it now."

"That is great then." Su Shuilian nodded and signaled Chun Lan to go and find a good vase to be the wedding gift. 

There were many porcelain pieces in the cellar. Some of them were ancient and extremely precious, but others could be used to hold flowers. There were about fifteen/sixteen pairs, wrapped in thick cotton and placed in a big wooden chest.

When they moved to the new house, she had chosen four pairs of simple, but elegant white vases to replace those Feng Qing Ya had broken.

"You girl..." Although Aunt Tian was a frank person, she now felt a bit embarrassed.

These were real porcelain! Decorations that only the rich could afford!

The porcelain items they saw in the city were bottom tier. However, they were still priced at several hundred taels, and were used only as a flower vase.

Thus, although Da Niu had wanted to buy a pair as her dowry, her mother had stopped her. The money they would need to fork out to buy the porcelain vases would be enough to buy multiple yards of new fine cotton cloth!

"Aunt Tian, I know Da Niu loves flowers. If I give her these porcelain vases, they will help her decorate her new house." Su Shuilian smiled, comforting Aunt Tian.

Tian Niu* was different from Xi Cui. Xi Cui was quiet, but she has excellent embroidery techniques. And, Tian Niu was like Aunty, who was frank and generous. She didn't like needlework, but enjoyed picking flowers, plants, etc. Every time she came to visit Su Shuilian, she loved to sit and admire the porcelain vase with flowers on the table. She often took seasonal flowers from the other neighbors' garden to put them in Su Shuilian's vases.

(TLN: In case it's confusing, Tian Nu and Da Niu are the same people. The Da in Da Nu means big/eldest, so it's like an enduring name for Tian Nu.)

Eventually, Aunt Tian couldn't dissuade Su Shuilian. She received a pair of auspicious 'dragon, phoenix, and red apricot blossom' white vase from Chun Lan. She adored them very much. Carassing and feeling the smooth surface, she couldn't help but ask, "Shuilian, this... Aren't they really expensive?"

"Expensive or not, they are just to display the flowers. As long as Da Niu likes them, they are worth it already." Su Shuilian shook her head as she comforted Aunt Tian. In this Fan Hua Town, there were only two or three families that she was truly close to.

Now that she was in her puerperium, she couldn't go out to select gifts for Tian girl's wedding... Su Shuilian could only choose something that was sent from her parents to give Tian Niu. It was relieving to know that Tian Niu truly loved these kinds of elegant vases. 

Chapter 105: Boundless Spring

NFSW warning

"You're in a good mood, hm?" It was early winter morning, Lin Si Yao hugged Su Shuilian's soft and fragrant body as they laid in their warm bed. After several busy days, today was a rare occasion when they both did not need to do anything.

It had been a while since he had last shaved. Lin Si Yao rubbed Su Shuilian's white, smooth cheek with his stubbled chin. These days, he was so busy that his feet barely touched the ground. Only during late in the evening does he return to their house. Peacefully sleeping while hugging Shuilian.

"Mhm, Xi Cui is now pregnant and Tian Niu is also about to get married." But the most important news was that Long Xi Yue was like her: they were both souls from another world.
The past few days, whenever they had free time, they would sit and talk about the memories of their previous lives. They exchanged stories about years during their childhood, their adolescence, and other events before they came to this world.

Su Shuilian gently placed her palm on his warm chest, as if trying to transfer her joy.

"Oh yes, you've been quite preoccupied these days. Is it the matter about the fields discussed with the Town Elder?" Su Shuilian recalled Liang-momo's report. After the Elder Wangye and Wanfei confirmed that Su Shuilian and her husband wouldn't leave Fan Hua Town, they decided to purchase the neighboring land here. They wanted to build a separate courtyard so it would be more convenient when they want to visit their grandchildren and daughter.

"No, we're working on the Winter Festival. Aunt Lao the tributes/offerings during this festival can not be shortened because it is our first year with children. Moreover, it'll be our twin's one-month ceremony in half a month. We have to prepare a one-month ceremony banquet for them. Not only that, it will soon be New Years; we have a lot of extra guests this year. Si Tuo had sent a letter. He said that they would return soon..." Lin Si Yao explained to his wife the reasons why he was unable to spend time with her these past few days. However, before he could finish his explanations, he heard a "pfft" sound.

Su Shuilian could not help but laugh. It was a very odd sight. The man in front of her looked as cold and aloof as an icy mountain, but the words that came out of his mouth were the trivial matters, chores of the ordinary people.

"What?" Lin Si Yao arched his brows, embracing the woman as if he wanted to punish her for not concentrating.

He was in the middle of informing her about domestic matters, how dare she interrupt and even laugh? Unforgivable!

He turned around, placing her underneath him. Although the doctor said that they shouldn't do any 'extreme exercises' until a month later, he could still give her some light punishment.

"Ah... A Yao..." Instantly, Su Shuilian turned soft under his strict and strong punishment. He was bullying her soft, red lips until she was breathless. Slowly, he loosened his hug.

"The next time you laugh again, I'll be sure to 'punish' you harder." His breath was hot in her ear. After he finished stressing his words, Lin Si Yao raised his head to admire her shy face bloomed red. This little woman was now a mother of two, but still got shy easily.

"Mk, it's time to get up. The babies need to be fed." Su Shuilian pushed him several times. However, her gentle pushes not only did not move him, but it provoked Lin Si Yao to make a second 'attack'.

"You shouldn't breastfeed them anymore." Lin Si Yao said in a husky voice as he gently stroked her swelling **, which were full of milk after one night of accumulation. Then, he lowered his head, gently nibbling her. She was his. He was jealous even though it was his kids who claimed her soft **.

"A Yao... don't..." Su Shuilian could not resist his bold teasing.

Although they had done much more intimate things, it was early in the morning. The sunlight at the dawn of a winter day shone through the thin, purple, flowered curtain, illuminating the room. The twins in the cradle would awake soon. They needed to be changed and fed. Moreover, Chun Lan and Bai He were outside, waiting for their call.

"Don't move!" Lin Si Yao laid on her, grabbing her hands which were shoving him away. He tried to press the flame of lust at his lower abdomen. The punishment that he gave her was more of a punishment for him. He wanted it but he wasn't allowed...

"A Yao... you, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Both of his eyes were closed tight as he forced a painful sigh. Flustered, Su Shuilian hugged Lin Si Yao to support him. His hot temperature frightened her even more, "A Yao... Do you have a fever?"

"No!" He gritted his teeth, "Woman, don't move so carelessly." His voice turned hoarse. He held both her hands, signaling her not to provoke his weak will. His desire had already risen up, he couldn't endure her tender caresses.

"A Yao..." Su Shuilian wanted to ask further, but she was startled when a hot, rigid feeling touched her lower abdomen. She was instantly enlightened. Why couldn't she move carelessly? Because as soon as she moved, that thing would become hotter and harder.

"A Yao, I... How can I help you?" She gently moved her body. It has been several months, hasn't it? Since she was six-month pregnant, A Yao did not do anything to her. So it should be more than 2 months now.

When she was pregnant, he had worried about the kids in her belly. And now, he was afraid that he could hurt her body, which hadn't recovered fully.

"You..." Lin Si Yao was in shock as he stared at his delicate and shy wife. Did she know what kind of 'help' a man would need in such a given circumstance?

"I... I don't know how. But... can't you teach me? I... don't want you to endure and suffer." Su Shuilian suppressed her inner embarrassment and the rising heat on her face. She gathered up her courage before looking up at Lin Si Yao, into his puzzled, but bright, shining eyes.

The more he stared at her, the more embarrassed she became. Just when she was about to retract her offer, Lin Si Yao stretched his arms and held her face. "A wife's request, how could a husband deny?" His low-pitched voice had a gleam of laughter.

Lin Si Yao leaned against the headboard and picked Su Shuilian up. He then gently placed her on his legs. Half of her soft body leaned against his. Then, he guided her small hand, helping her hold his big, hard **. "(Do it) like this..." He instructed her how to release his fire with her hands.

"Okay..." She followed his movements, gently holding that slippery, rigid thing. When she thought she had heard a short groan, Su Shuilian lifted her head, confused. But she did not want to look into his bottomless eyes. Except for the usual cold and calm, there was also a blazing fire that she could not bear. It was a burning flame that was ignited by her actions.

This thought helped Su Shuilian clear her shyness. She became braver. Following what he had just taught her, she helped him resolve his desire.

He was her husband. When his desire came and she didn't help him, would he be forced to find another woman? No, she would never allow it! She would never give him a chance to be in contact with the tenderness of another woman. Never!

"Mnh..." That was a definite sound this time. Did this mean that he was satisfied with her actions?

Lin Si Yao didn't blink as he continuously watched his wife, who had suddenly become more bold. Sweat beaded his forehead as his lower abdomen felt a stronger stimulation. His body ached for her. In his mind, he imagined his member thrusting hard into her body.

Looking at her joyful smile, he could not help but let out another groan.

"Umh...." He grabbed her small hand. Together, they stroked his hardness faster and faster. His other hand caressed her soft tenderness.

"Ah... A Yao..." Receiving the stimulation all of a sudden, she had almost collapsed in his chest. The small hand grabbing his rigid ** squeezed. This attack put him on his edge. In just a glimpse of time, his desire that was accumulated for several months was released. The thick milky fluid shot sticking on her hand, body, and even on her face...

"A... A Yao..." Su Shuilian was bewildered, stiffly sitting on his legs. She watched his member slowly fall down, lying between his legs after it had shot all the fluid on her. This was a foreign scene to her, and left her in a daze.

"Is it ugly?" Lin Si Yao laughed when he saw her bewildered face. He picked the towel on their bed stand and helped her clean the fluid off her hands, body, and face. After that, he gently pulled her into his embrace.

"No... Not that...I ... I didn't know it would be like that..." She quietly mumbled. Her small face buried in his chest. She didn't know how to face him. Recalling her daring actions, her voice became more quiet and her face was buried deeper.

"Haha... You were the one who said you wanted to help me..." He enjoyed her aromatic, soft body against his. "Or, is it, you regret it, don't you?" He asked faintly. If Su Shuilian lifted her head, she would have caught the smile in his eyes.

However, because she was busy reprimanding herself for her actions, Su Shuilian only heard the indifference in his voice.

"No, I don't..." She hurried to deny it. "I just feel too dissolute. ..Oh!..." As soon as she said that, she became even more embarrassed. Su Shuilian covered her face and refused to look up at him. 

"But I like it a lot..." The corners of his mouth rose. He tenderly kissed her forehead. "I hope you can act without restraint when you are with me."

"But... but don't you think I... was too impudent?" Su Shuilian asked in a low voice. Since she was still a little girl, she was taught proper etiquette that matched her noble status of a young lady. And before she was taught a couple's private life by her mother, she had already crossed world, married, and even bore children. Thus, she had never learned bedroom manners.

"As long as you do it for me, I will always be happy..." Lin Si Yao said as he nibbled her earlobe.

"You won't deem me as too presumptuous?" She blushed, trying to get his confirmation.

"Mhm, let me just say, your passion and enthusiasm brought a lot of joy to me today. Shuilian, there aren't many things to mind between a husband and wife. Just as long as you listen to your heart..."

Just listen to your heart? He said she should just listen to her heart, right? Then, when she wanted to kiss him, could she hug and kiss him? If she wanted to laze in bed and not get up so early in the morning, would he also allow it?

"What? You don't agree?" When he saw her frowning silently, Lin Si Yao had thought that she did not believe his words.

Hey! Woman, don't ask for a mile when I give you an inch*! To relieve her shyness after she had helped him realize, he had used up all the words he could use in his head to comfort her. Trying hard to hide the blush on his own face as he continued to comfort her, yet she has the nerve to have such an expression!

(*得寸进尺: not satisfied with small gains, give him an inch, and he'll want a mile)

"No, no! I was just thinking about what you said. So in other words, I can do anything I want to do?" After a while, Su Shuilian opened her mouth to speak.

"Eh, yes..." He didn't really get her meaning. However, as long as she didn't doubt him, he had no objection.

"Then, A Yao, can you not get up before I wake up?" She shyly asked him what she had always kept in her heart. She didn't want to wake up and not see him by her side.

"Yes ma'am!" He smiled, looking straight into her bright eyes. Slowly, he nodded. He stooped to suck her succulent, red lips. His ** stood up once again.

"Wahhh..." However, the sudden cry of their infant child stopped them from continuing their intimate act. The couple exchanged smiles. Lin Long woke up and a new day had lifted the warm curtains...

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