After All, I'm Your Secret Ad...

By pluckypikachu225

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Paige is a normal teenager with nothing up his sleeve. What would happen if something were to rock his world... More

Ch1 - Notes from the Locker
Ch2 -Liar Liar
Ch3 - Dodge that Ball!
Ch4 - Of Nurses and Cats
Ch5 - Soup's On
Ch6 - Foxy
Ch7 - Snooper Supreme
Ch8 - El Piña Pizzería
Ch9 - Kevin Makes an Entrance!
Ch10 - Boarder-line Dangerous
Ch11 - Mom and Me
Ch12 - Powered Point
Ch13 - Slip of the Tongue
Ch14 - Crab Guy
Ch15 - Broken and Changed
Ch16 - Greenery is Always Nice
Ch17 - Rocky
Ch18 - The Yin Yang Cutter
Ch19 - Transfusion
Ch20 - Well? We're Waiting!
Ch21 - Two of Them
Ch22 - Bro to the Rescue
Ch23 - Ring-a-Ling
Ch24 - Solidarity
Ch25 - Pipsqueak
Ch26 - Spoilsport
Ch27 - Party On!
Ch28 - Sneaky
Ch29 - Poetry's Not My Strong Suit
Ch30 - Backlot
Ch31 - Lunatics
Ch32 - Warmer Together
Ch34 - Hey.
Ch35 - It's Just One of Those Days
Ch36 - It's Getting Kind of Hazy
Ch37 - Baker's Man
Ch38 - Status Quo
Ch39 - Nighttime Talk
Ch40 - Lonesome
Ch41 - Pop, Sizzle, Crash
Ch42 - This is a Heinous Night
Ch43 - Peer Review
Ch44 - Information SuperHighway
Ch45 - Don't Worry, Buddy
Ch46 - Tripping
Ch47 - Days In
Ch48 - Days Out
Ch49 - Let's Talk
Ch50 - Here We Are!
Ch51 - Pickup
Ch52 - Delivery
Ch53 - Simply Sebastian
Ch54 - BOGO
Ch55 - Let's All Love Leaf
Ch56 - Prerequisite

Ch33 - Notes of Another Name

191 10 8
By pluckypikachu225

The next day is spent at Paige's house, playing games, watching TV... doing whatever the two wanted before it's time for OJ to go back home.

So, here Paige is, Sunday night, sitting at his desk in despair.

We both know! he thinks. What do I write? Do I write in the first place? Oh gosh...

"Is this really worth all this goddamned stress?" Leaf interrupts roughly, rolling their eyes. "If you both know, just walk up to him and tell him. That's how this thing is supposed to work, isn't it?"

"...Nnno?" Paige says, unsure. "I... Look, I don't know! I'm new to this!"

"Well hurry up and make up your mind," Leaf huffs. "The light is bothering me."

Paige pouts, upset. Leaf never made things easy for him, did they?


The next morning, Paige shuffles out of his mom's car, Brandon right behind him.

I didn't even tell Brandon... Paige thinks to himself. Should I? I normally tell him everything, but he might say I should do something if I do...

"Yo!" Brandon shouts suddenly. "Earth to Major Control!"

"Huh?" Paige asks, blinking out of his thoughts. "Um... what—what is it?"

"I asked for your note, dude." It's true, Brandon has his hand out like he normally does when waiting for the notes. "I gotta get to class early, so I wanted to make sure I got it before I bolted."

"Oh... u-um..." Paige shyly takes out the note he wrote last night and hands it to his brother. "Here..."

Brandon takes the note skeptically. "You alright man?" he asks, putting a hand on Paige's shoulder. "You're normally like, super hype about this."

Paige nods, but it's a little pathetic. "I'm just... worried about how he'll take this one, I guess."

"Psh!" Brandon smirks, ribbing the other. "You've been going back and forth strong so far! I'm sure he'll love it no matter what." He turns around, shrugging. "Besides, nothing's changed, right? So you'll be fine."

"Right..." Paige mumbles. "Nothing's changed..."

"That's what I just said, dude!" Brandon laughs. "But look, I gotta get t' stepping. I'll see you later, 'kay?"

"'Kay..." Paige waves. And like that, Brandon is gone.

I hope I didn't screw this up... Paige worries as he slowly follows the crowd into the school.


Paige heads into the cafeteria, chewing his lip. He's not looking where he's going, navigating by muscle memory the whole way, so when he gets off of the lunch line, he's not looking at the table the Crew normally sits at. So when he hears a "Paige!" he's surprised by whose voice it is.

"Oh!" he perks up. "OJ!"

OJ waves, beckoning Paige over. "Hello, hello!"

Paige rushes over, thoughts dispelled. "Hi!" he beams, sitting down and turning towards the other. "What are you doing here? Isn't your lunch period after ours?"

"It is," OJ nods. "But I had an empty period, so I thought I'd come visit everyone today!"

"Oh!" Paige smiles wide. "That's awesome!"

"We're all happy to see you too, Paige," Brandon says with a fake pout. Everyone else laughs, but Paige flushes.

"Ah! Sorry!" he apologizes. "But it's not everyday OJ's here, you know? I just got a little turned around."

"I'm sure you did," Brandon says not unkindly, but he does roll his eyes. "Here, by the way." He holds between his pointer and middle fingers the reply note for today.

Paige gasps and glances over at OJ, who is conveniently sipping at juice with his eyes closed. Can I read this with him right here? Paige wonders. Is that weird?

"Go on," Brandon urges. "Read away. I think today's is pretty good!"

"Oh, Brandon! Honestly!" Paige pouts, snapping up the note. "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times..."

"Yeah, yeah," Brandon laughs. "Go on, loverboy. Read your note."

Paige huffs, but opens the note regardless.

Today's note reads—

Before Paige can properly read it, there's a loud slam on the table in front of him, an arm shooting between him and Brandon. "What the FUCK is this?" booms a loud voice.


It's PB again.

"What the fuck is what, asshole?" Brandon immediately frowns. "You interrupting our wonderful second-rate-bully-free lunch?"

PB growls and points down at what he placed on the table. "This," he stresses. "What the fuck is this."

Paige blinks and slowly looks down at what it is, which happens to be the school newspaper. On it in big letters is the headline: PAIGE IS A FIGHTING MASTER? The Yin Yang Clipper's Response!

"Um," is all Paige can say.

"Is that all you can say?" PB laughs humorlessly. He then grabs Paige by the collar and lifts him a bit. "Get up you little twerp. I never got the chance to beat you up last time."

"Hold on," Brandon says, shooting up and grabbing the hand that holds Paige. "First, put my friend down. Second, what the hell does this have to do with you anyways? You just trying to find reason to fight?" He rolls up his sleeve. "'Cause I can fight if you just want to fight."

"Brandon—" Paige tries, only to be cut off by PB.

"That kid you beat up is my cousin," he spits. "Not that I actually give a shit, but I'm not about to let his reputation ruin mine."

"S-so you're going to fight me?" Paige squeaks.

"So I'm going to fight you," PB replies, unkind smile on his face.

"No," Brandon says, removing PB's hand from Paige's collar and pushing him back, "You're going to fight me."

"No," says a third player, throwing their hat into the ring, "I think he'll be fighting me."

Paige blinks as OJ stands, pushing Brandon back down. "OJ...?"

"Aww, are you his little boyfriend or something?" PB sneers mockingly, then takes a closer look at OJ. "Wait a sec. Aren't you that one nerd everyone smart hates?" Paige frowns at the remark. Did OJ have problems with other bullies? "Pfft. You think you're gonna beat me with what, some math facts or some shit?"

OJ carefully steps over to the other, a cool look on his face. Paige panics. "OJ, no! You don't have to—"

"Nah," PB says, drawing himself up. "He does now."

OJ and PB stand only inches away from each other, an intense staredown happening. OJ doesn't seem the slightest bit scared, even though PB is at least a foot or two taller than him.

And then PB swings first.

...And OJ deflects him like it's nothing...!?

"What the—" PB groans and throws another punch, only for that to get blocked as well. "What the fuck!?"

OJ's expression is neat and put together, a small smile on his face. "What? Did you not take martial arts as well?" He tuts. "I assumed someone who wanted to fight would actually know how."

"Martial—are you fucking kidding me?" PB sounds completely dumbstruck.

"I'm not," OJ says, shaking his head. "But I am done with this fight."


OJ does what can only be described as a turnaround, grabbing one of PB's still outstretched arms and twisting with his whole weight, pulling the older skinny teen with him. OJ spins on an axis, taking PB from off his feet to being slammed on the floor with a loud thump.

"Oh my gosh," Paige gasps as OJ dusts his hands off. "OJ, are you okay?"

"Quite fine, Paige," OJ smiles. "I don't take kindly to bullies, is all."

"That was so cool!" Brandon cheers. "Did you really take martial arts?"

OJ nods along with Sue. "Orville took some classes around 3rd grade if I recall correctly." They smile wryly. "I knew this fight would be open and shut."

"Woah..." Bro breathes. "H-how did you know th-at?"

Sue shrugs. "He told me once."

"And WHAT is going on over here?" booms a voice suddenly.

Uh oh.

It was the Lunch Squad.

Ms. Meredith storms over, Mr. Memphis and Mr. Merlyn right behind her.

"I-it was that insane kid!" one of PB's lackeys accuse, pointing at OJ. "He threw PB down on the ground for no reason!"

"Literally a lie," Brandon breaks in, only to be cut off by the other lackey.

"Is not! It was completely unprompted violence!" they shout.

"B-but..." Paige mumbles.

"It's—it's—" Bro tries. "That's—it's—they're—"

Sue places a hand on theirs and gives a steely gaze to Ms. Meredith. "Peewee decided to fight Paige, and Orville stood up for him." They raise an eyebrow. "Surely you're going to punish the right party?"

Ms. Meredith shivers, frowning. "I will be doing whatever I want to do, Ms. Cruz."

Sue frowns, but says nothing more.

"Hmph!" Ms. Meredith huffs, snatching up OJ's hand and PB's right after his two lackeys help him up. "Both of you will be receiving punishments for fighting on school grounds." She turns to Mr. Memphis. "Memphis, watch this area while I'm gone." He nods and she then turns to Mr. Merlyn. "Merlyn you..." she falters. "You do whatever you want." He also nods and then the three of them break away, OJ and PB in tow with Ms. Meredith.

"Oh no..." Paige frowns, upset. "OJ got in trouble because of me..."

"Orville will be fine," Sue assures. "As far as I know, he's got no offenses prior to this, so Mr. Parlett will most likely just let him off with a warning."

"Do you really think so?" Paige asks, worried.

"I do," Sue nods.


Paige and OJ text all night. It turns out Sue was right, OJ only got a slap on the wrist while PB was suspended for a couple of weeks.

Paiges: You really didn't have to do that for me you know! I'm sorry I made you...

hyaku% oj: It's quite alright, Paige. You didn't make me do anything, I assure you. I simply did what I thought was best at the moment. If someone was going to fight you, I wasn't going to sit back and watch it happen. After all, it's you we're talking about. I don't mind a bit of fighting for you.

Paige tries really hard not to let his blushing distract him.

The two go back and forth until it's time to sleep. Paige sighs heavily as he curls up under his bedding with Teds.

Well, he thinks, With PB gone, at least tomorrow can't be any worse than today was.

Still, he worries. He worries and worries until he falls into a fitful sleep.


Tomorrow is worse.

Paige goes through the motions of waking up, getting dressed, eating, going to school with Brandon... Everything is fine for all of that.

And then he steps inside of the school. Almost immediately giggles fill the air, causing Paige's anxiety to spike. He wasn't a stranger to laughs being thrown his way, but this seemed almost concentrated. He could almost swear people were staring and pointing at him.

"Jeez," Brandon huffs. "What's with everyone today?"

Paige's phone rings. He blinks and checks the caller ID.

It's Bro.

"Hello?" Paige answers, worried. "You don't usually call, Bro. Is something wrong?"

"Don't—don't—d-don't—" Bro stutters, groaning after. He takes a deep breath before managing to get out, "Don't go to your locker."

Paige furrows his brows and stops, causing Brandon to stop too. They were close to it by now, they only needed to turn the corner. "Why? I'm almost there."

"Just don't," Bro stresses. "Not right now."


"Paige!" Bro shouts. "Do not! Go! To your locker!"

"O-okay!" he yelps. "I won't!"

"Good." With that, Bro hangs up.

"What was all that about?" Brandon asks. "And what aren't you doing?"

Paige sighs. "I don't know... Bro called and told me not to go to my locker..." He bites his lip. "But my books are in there..."

"Maybe there's someone there waiting to fight you or something?" Brandon suggests, making Paige gulp. "B-but maybe not!" he backpedals. "Look, I'll go with you. Whatever's there can't be so bad, right?"

Paige hums as Brandon takes his hand and starts to pull him to his locker. The closer they get, the more the crowd concentrates. In fact, it all seems to be surrounding... his locker?

"Alright!" Brandon shouts as they reach the outskirts of it, completely cut off by the amount of students around it, "Anyone who wants to get the snot beat out of them is welcome to stay! Everyone else, get the hell out!"

Brandon's patented Scary Face is on when he says it, forcing a majority of the crowd to immediately dissipate. There's a couple of stragglers, but Brandon jukes at them and they rush away. There's only one left, who's taping something... to Paige's... locker...


Paige's locker is covered in notes.

"What the hell is this?" Brandon frowns, stomping on the ground next to the outlier, who scrambles away once they realize they're being threatened. Brandon stares at the many pieces of paper stuck to Paige's locker and blanches.

"Paige," he breathes. "Paige, leave."

"What?" Paige asks, breath starting to speed up. First Bro and now Brandon? What was this all about? "Brandon, what—"

"Paige, leave." Brandon stresses, taking out his phone. He takes a picture of the locker before looking back at the other. "Please. You don't want to see these."

Paige is really upset, but he's honestly too scared to actually read what's on any of the notes now. So he bites his lip hard before nodding. "Can you... get me my books?"

"Yeah man," Brandon says, still distracted by his phone. "No problem. Just wait in front of your class, alright? I'll be there in a minute."


Paige stares a little longer before turning around and walking away.

Just what did any of those notes say? And why were they so bad nobody wanted him to see them?

...And why was everyone else so interested in them?

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