3 Sides of a Coin

Af GokuGV

743 52 9

Fuutarou Uesugi, the top student at Asahiyama High school. He's a well known person at school with him partic... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A day off
Festival and Stuff
Nightmare/ Act2


69 6 1
Af GokuGV

Trying this type of writing format, if I suck, It's my skill issue 💀


Going back with Kazetaro, he had just made it to the bottom of the stairs. "And we finally reached the bottom," He said, panting slightly. He had just taken Miku up the stairs while she was on his back, and he had to go back down without resting.

"Fuutarou, take over for me" He said out loud
(Wait wha-?) he said, swapping with Kazetaro
Fuutarou instantly felt how tired Kazetaro was and nearly collapsed on the ground.

"W-What the hell?! I feel like my entire body is going to explode!" He said, with his hands on his knees. He decided to sit on the step of the stairs.
(Hahaha, I can't believe you almost fell down) Kazetaro said

(That was mean, Kazetaro. You knew that would've happened if you swapped to Fuutarou.) Kintarou told him. (I can't tell if you're trying to defend me, or make fun of me...) Fuutarou replied

(Hahaha, maybe a little bit of both) Kazetaro said in between laughs. (Ugh...let's just go and find the others) Fuutarou said. he didn't want to continue the conversation since it wasn't gonna lead anywhere but an argument.

(Hold up, let's go get something to eat first.) Kazetaro said, before he swapped, he already wanted to eat something. (We have to find the others fir-) As he said that, his stomach rumbled.

(It seems like we should find something to eat) Kintarou said

(Yeah! Not anything sweet though.) Kazetaro told him

Fuutarou had stood up. "Hopefully we'll find them while we're getting food"

He started to walk around, looking for something all of them would agree to eating. Kintarou told them that anything was fine, it was just up to Fuutarou and Kazetaro to decide.

Fuutarou had walked around for at least a minute or two till Kintarou started a conversation.

(Hey, it's a good thing that Miku still considers us friends, right?) Kintarou said, trying to start a conversation. He usually would try to start one since he didn't like the silence between them.

(Yeah, I couldn't imagine how I would befriend her again...) Fuutarou said, thinking of how he would befriend her again

(Hey! It worked out in the end!) Kazetaro told them (Thank the heavens for that.) Fuutarou said, as he rolled his eyes

(He's right though, plus, Kazetaro was spot on with what he said. All of us felt like she had really changed from our first encounter.) Kintarou said with a smile (...I guess) Fuutarou replied

(If we really were spot on, what do you think made her have no confidence?) Kazetaro questioned. (You think it had something to do with her old school? Maybe that was why they ended up transferring?) Fuutarou replied

(I don't think that's the reason, if it was only her. Why would the rest transfer over?) Kintarou asked (...I don't think we should try and pry into their private lives, we're only just their tutor) Fuutarou responded.

(We're not only their Tutor Fuutarou...They consider us friends. You were just happy earlier that she still considered us friends, and Kazetaro told the girls that came up to us the same thing.) Kintarou said sincerely.

(Fuutarou is somewhat right, we are their tutor, and we barely even know them well enough.) Kazetaro said

(Wouldn't it be better to understand our Student and Friend, by figuring out what causes them to feel this way? We should try and find out more about the rest too!) Kintarou said. he really wanted to find out more about the girls, and try to help out Miku.

(I don't know about the others, but we could try and figure out the Miku case.) Fuutarou said. he didn't want to hear Kintarou try to convince him for the next couple of months.

(Yeah, we could try. If we do end up figuring out what's wrong with her, we should treat ourselves to a meal!) Kazetaro exclaimed

(Do you always want a meal as a reward, Kazetaro?) Fuutarou said. (I sure do!) Kazetaro replied to him.

(Speaking of food, why don't we try that?) Kintarou said as he swapped with Fuutarou. There was a food stand that sold Yakitori.

Fuutarou had just noticed he'd been walking without trying to find the remaining girls and his sister!

(Ah! The conversation had me so occupied, I forgot about the others!) He said. He felt like a fool getting sidetracked. (Don't sweat it Fuutarou, I was keeping an eye on the people around us. I didn't see anyone we knew.) Kintarou reassured him.

(Thank the heavens for you Kintarou...) Fuutarou said. (Let's go and get some Yakitori! Itsuki could be around here y'know?) Kazetaro told Fuutarou
(You're right! Itsuki and you both like food, so she would probably be around here!) Fuutarou said.

Kintarou had swapped back into Fuutarou. So he could get the Yakitori. He ended up getting 5 of them, 3 for Kazetaro and one for Kintarou and Fuutarou. In total, it costed him 750 yen. He was happy that today was payday. Kazetaro had swapped with Fuutarou and ate his portion of Yakitori.

"Wow! These are amazing!!" He said with stars in his eyes. (Hey, don't try to eat our portion now.) Fuutarou told him.

(I'm not!) Kazetaro replied to him (Well, I'll go next than since your done with yours, Kazetaro.) Kintarou said, as he swapped with him. He ate his and was enjoyed it. Fuutarou than swapped with him. He was almost done eating his Yakitori till he heard someone that sounded like Itsuki

"What do you want from Uesugi-kun?"

"Was that Itsuki?" The three of them said at the same time. They turned around and saw Yotsuba, Itsuki and Raiha looking forward to 3 people dressed in all black. He saw one of them reach their hand out to Raiha, and without thinking he ran towards them.
-Perspective of ???-
It was right before the start of the fireworks. At the top of a random rooftop, 5 individuals can be seen.

"I've gathered you three here to discuss what we will do." ?1 said, with his hands behind his back.

"According to my son, the Nakano Quintuplets and Fuutarou are here at the Firework festival today. Zen, Kai and Kote, I want you three to go and spy on them." ?2 said seriously.

"We are trusting you three on this mission, unfortunately the Young Master wasn't able to come" ?1 told them.

"I see, thank you for entrusting us on this mission, Katsu-sama," Zen said, as he bowed his head, with the others following him.

Zen is a tall person, roughly the same height as Fuutarou. If you were to look at him, you could clearly tell he worked out. He had all black on, while having a mullet

"Why wasn't the Young Master able to come today? He would've wanted to meet Uesugi-sa-" Kai said, as he was cut off by his superior.

"You don't refer to Uesugi as that anymore, not after what happened." ?2 said with a glare

Kai is the tallest out of the three, standing at a strong 6'1. He looked like a very lanky person if you saw him. But the thing is, his entire muscle was hidden. if he were to tense up his muscles, they would pop up. That was one advantage he had in fights. He was quite an egotistical one, he would usually be the one to cause trouble for others while being a super insensitive person. He wore all black too, he had fluffy black hair

"Sorry, Sir. I'm certain none of us will refer to Uesugi like that." Kote said bowing.

Kote is the captain of the mission. Although he was the shortest of the three, standing at 5'6. His swiftness and battle smarts are the main reason he's the Captain. Like the rest, he's dressed in all black, but he has a black hat on.

"Well, then, you three are dismissed." Katsu told them. The three of them headed off to spy on Fuutarou and the rest.

Surprisingly, they didn't attract a lot of attention. None of them were used as "spies " before, but they usually were attackers if anything. So they really didn't know how to be spies, but they tried to keep a low profile.

They were on top of a building
"Hey, do any of you guys see them?" Kote told them. They shook their heads.

"I heard that Uesugi changed his entire appearance, is that true?" Kai asked. "He did. A couple of years ago he had a spiky blonde look to him, like his father." Zen replied to him.

"But, he changed his entire look. He had blonde spiky hair like his father. If i recall correctly, he dyed it to be like him. But, he ended up dying his hair two more times, one a dark blue and now he has jet black hair." Kote told them.

"Huh? He changed his hair color a lot...what even is his natural hair color then? Why did he even change his hair color?" Kai asked

"Something had happened. Kote knows what I'm talking about. I'm certain that thing was the cause of him wanting to change." Zen replied. "To answer your Question on what his natural hair color is, I don't even know. When I joined, his hair was already blonde, '' Kote said.

Kai wanted to keep on asking Questions but Zen told him he's still a newbie so he can't tell him everything. Kote also said they had to focus on the mission.

Throughout the entire thing, they found Ichika, Itsuki and Miku. They were surprised to see Isanari but not Fuutarou. Isanari was accompanied by Mauro, they saw them meet up with a woman and an older man.

They decided it wasn't of any importance so they left to go and find Fuutarou. They looked for a little while, till they decided to take a short break so they could figure out what was the best possible way to find Fuutarou.

"We've been here for quite some time, yet we haven't seen Uesugi once." Kote told his teammates. "We should keep on looking for him then?" Zen replied.

"That's the thing, we should try to split up and look for him. Instead of us being in a group." Kote said. he had felt like that was the fastest way to find him.

"That sounds even more boring than us being together." Kai said. he was already fed up with the entire spy business. He knew it wasn't made for him at all.

"Hey, these are the captain's orders. We will fal-" Zen was cut off by Kote. "Hold on, what do you want to do instead than?" Kote asked Kai.

"Why don't we look for one of the Nakano's, and ask them where he is. Katsu-sama did say they were with him, and we had seen a couple of them" Kai replied to Kote.

"I see, that idea isn't too bad." Kote said he was wondering if he should go through with what he said. But at the sametime, they weren't supposed to interact with them. But they were supposed to spy on them.

"Look! I see one of the Nakano's right now. Let's go" Kai told them, as he went down to see them.

"Wait no!" Kote tried to stop him but he already left. "Shit."

Zen let out a sigh "We shouldn't tell Katsu-sama about this." Kote had just nodded. They quickly followed Kai.
Pov of Itsuki, Yotsuba and Raiha.

"I don't think we should ever go back to that cotton candy stand." Raiha told them.

"Why? They seemed nice." Itsuki replied to her. "They even gave me more cotton candy!" She said as she started to eat it.

Raiha and Yotsuba just looked at each other when she said that. When they were getting the cotton candy, people were looking at the both of them. Well, some looked at them since they looked identical, while others looked with different intentions.

"Raiha is right, I don't think we should go back.." Yotsuba told Itsuki. "Hm, fine then. Well, let's go to the clocktower."

As they were walking back to the clocktower, Raiha had looked up to the fireworks.

"Wow, the fireworks are beautiful.." She said, looking at them.

Yotsuba and Itsuki had looked up

"Yeah...they really are," They both said. They had remembered how they would come with their mother and father, as it was their yearly tradition.

"My dad used to tell me how he and mom would sneak out and come and watch the fireworks together." She told them. " Hey, where is your father and mother? Yotsuba asked her

"Ah, My father probably already arrived from work, and my mother...she passed away." Raiha told them. "I'm sorry for your loss.." Yotsuba and Itsuki told her.

"It's fine, I didn't really get to know her alot. She passed away when I was still very small." She told them, trying to reassure them that they did nothing wrong.

"Fuutarou would often tell me stories about her and what she did." She added. She remembered the times Fuutarou and her would just talk about random things, and how he'll tell her what his mother did during her time alive.

They had continued to talk amongst themselves. They had talked about school mostly. Raiha said she had it covered since Fuutarou would help her if she ever needed help. Somehow the topic of Romance was brought up, although the topic was quickly replaced by a different topic. What was that topic? Well they decided to talk about each other's families, not in a bad way, just them saying what silly thing their family members would do.

Yotsuba and Itsuki were both laughing. "So you're telling me, Uesugi-kun would do air kisses when he sleeps?" Itsuki asked. "Yes haha, I've seen him do it many times when he doesn't wake himself up in the morning.

"I think I might've seen Nino do that before haha." Yotsuba added "Are you talking about that one time she ended up yelling at you to get out?" Itsuki asked.

"Yes haha. I apologized to her since when I saw her, she had woken up." Yotsuba said. Itsuki had looked to her side and saw a Yakitori stand.

"Hey, let's get some Yakitori." She asked. "We should probably head to the clocktower instead, Itsuki." Raiha told her.

"Yeah, Uesugi-san is probably mad at the fact we were gone for a while." Yotsuba told Itsuki. "I guess you're right." Itsuki responded.

"Yo! You guys are Uesugi's friends right?" A voice called out to them. They all looked ahead and saw Kai with Kote and Zen quickly following him.

"Yes? Why?" Itsuki responded to him. "Well, can you lead us to him?" Kai asked him.

"But who are you guys? We can't just lead some strangers to Uesugi-san." Yotsuba said. "We've known Uesugi for a long time." Kai responded.

Kote noticed Raiha. "Wow...she just looks like a miniature Natsumi-sama..." Raiha was taken aback "How do you know my Mother's name?" She asked.

"Eh? Don't yo-" Zen was cut off by Kote. He signaled for him to not say anything anymore. (Did Fuutarou not tell her?) Kote wondered.

"Hey, I'm asking you something, how do you know my Mother's name?" She asked once more. It was weird to her, that some random people knew her mother's name and they were looking for Fuutarou. But, one thing that confused her the most was the fact they called her mother "Sama"

"It doesn't concern you, just tell us where Uesugi is, and we'll be out of here." Kai told them. Kote would've cut him off, but something had caught his attention. He felt like someone was watching them from afar, he looked at the top of the building and saw something move. (What the hell was that?)

"What do you want from Uesugi-kun?" Itsuki asked. "Like Yotsuba said, we can't just lead some strangers to him. And you guys don't seem like his "Friends", considering how you treated his sister." She said

"No wonder Kote said she looked like a smaller Natsumi-sama, she's her daughter" Zen said. "You're Uesugi's sister?" Kai asked, Raiha nodded.

"Well, I think us taking you would be better than looking for Uesugi" He said, as he started to reach for Raiha's arm. Kote snapped out of his thoughts "Kai what are you doing!" Kote yelled.

Kai had reached out to grab Raiha...but he felt something grab his wrist. He looked over to his side and saw Fuutarou. He looked like at any moment he would snap his wrists

"Yotsuba...cover Raiha's ears for me" He said with a smile as a vein was popping out from his head. Yotsuba did as she was told

"What the fuck do you think your doing, trying to lay your filthy hands on my sister? He was clearly pissed off from the entire situation.

"Filthy hands? Watch who you're talking to like that, fucker." Kai said seriously

"C-Calm down...we could resolve this with words, there's no need for any violence..." Itsuki said with an uneasy smile. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. (There's three people...there's no way Uesugi-kun would be able to take the three of them on.)

"Tch...fi-" He was cut off by Kai

"Hey, who does this bitch think she's talking to?" Kai said. Itsuki and Yotsuba was taken aback from what he said


Fuutarou glanced back at the girls. He didn't know why, but seeing them in that state of shock reminded him of someone

"Today was supposed to be a good day"

Kai was a new recruit to the team, he didn't know too much about Fuutarou. But Zen and Kote knew what was about to happen.


Fuutarou grabbed his wrist and pulled him down towards him, he ended up kneeing his stomach and pushed him to the side. Zen tried to land a straight but Fuutarou was able to hit his hand back. Kote threw his hat towards Fuutarou

"The He-" Kote landed a hit into the hat, making Fuutarou go backwards landing on the ground
Raiha, Yotsuba and Itsuki ran towards him

(Holy shit that hurt like hell) Fuutarou said in pain

(The fuck is happening, I'm supposed to be in charge today but I'm letting you be the main one) Kazetaro said in anger

(You have to beat them, Kazetaro. There's no reason for them to talk to Itsuki like that, and to make matters worse they tried to get Raiha. Use whatever means necessary. ) Kintarou said seriously

Fuutarou and Kazetaro were surprised to see Kintarou this serious but they knew what had to be done.

"A-Are you okay Uesugi-kun/San" Yotsuba and Itsuki both said at the same time. "Fuutarou..." Raiha had said concerned.

"I'm Fine...he just caught me off guard" Kazetaro said getting up "Y-Your Nose is bleeding Uesugi-kun!" Itsuki said shocked

Kazetaro touched his nose and she was right, he was bleeding. (When was the last time we bled from our nose? Was it from fighting Him?) He wondered. (It doesn't matter, it's time to get serious) Fuutarou told him.

He wiped the blood that was coming down his nose. "Come on you fuckers, I'm ready" He said getting into a fighting stance

Kai got up from the ground. "You caught me off guard, it won't end this easily." Zen had sighed. "Sorry things had to turn out this way, Uesugi. Someone had to ruin the plan" Zen said, looking at Kai.

"So you guys were the losers that were spying on me at the Park then?" Kazetaro said, waiting for one of them to attack. "Huh? We weren't at a park?" Kote responded confused.

"It doesn't matter, take this!" Kai said as he rushed towards Kazetaro.

Kazetaro had ducked under his hit, he landed a hit to his stomach and was gonna try to hit him once more, but he saw that Zen was going to try and hit him so he went for a guard position. Zen's blow was caught by Kote

"Don't interfere with their fight, Zen. Kai picked it, so he has to finish it, " He told Zen. "What? But why?" Zen asked

"Do you want to get involved? If so, I'll kick your ass too" Kazetaro said. Kai saw that Zen got mad from that comment. "Ignore him, this isn't your fight." Kai told Zen to calm him down.

Kote and Zen walked to the sidelines to watch them fight somewhat besides Itsuki and the others.

Kai went back. "Fuck...I should've seen that coming." He said, grabbing his stomach. "You should follow your friends. I don't want to humiliate you In Front of them" Kazetaro said with a smirk.

"If you said it was their fight, then why did you hit him when he pulled Kai downwards?" Zen asked Kote. "Heh, I just wanted to land a quick hit on him, that's all." He said with a smirk. Zen was somewhat confused on his reasoning but decided not to ask anymore.

Kazetaro and Kai had just stared at each other, waiting for one of them to make the first move. It took a solid minute for Kai to do something. He had gone for the same thing he did the first time, to rush towards Kazetaro.

(He's doing the same thing? This is too easy, I'll just end it with an uppercut.) Kazetaro thought. (Don't get too cocky, Kazetaro. He could be planning something..) Fuutarou said.

Kazetaro ducked under and went for the uppercut, but he didn't feel his hand hitting something...instead he felt something hit his face instead. Kai made it look like he was going to rush for Kazetaro, but he went back instead. The moment Kazetaro went for the uppercut, Kai went for a blow to the face.

The blow had made Kazetaro stumble a little and caused him to sit down. "What the hell is it with you guys and hitting me in the face!" He said, holding wiping away the blood that started to drip from his nose. "Says the one that keeps on going for my stomach" Kai responded.

(I told you not to get cocky, idiot) Fuutarou said. (Yeah yeah, save it for later) Kazetaro responded.

Kazetaro had gotten up, and rushed towards Kai. Kai decided to do the same thing. They both were going to hit each other, but Kote had grabbed their fists, to stop the attack. "That's enough, you did well, Uesugi. Considering the fact you aren't as good as you were a couple of years ago." Kote said, as he released their fists.

"The hell?" Kazetaro said. "Why'd you stop us? I would've beat him here and now." Kai told Kote.

"Knock it off, Kai. Just listen to Kote's orders." Zen told Kai. Zen had a feeling if Kote didn't interfere, something bad would've happened. "Tch," Kai said as he looked away. He went towards Zen.

"We'll be off then. But before we leave, do you have some sort of admirer? This girl has been peeking her head around the corner for a while, Uesugi." Kote asked Kazetaro. "Admirer?" He looked to see what Kote was saying, he saw Ichika looking at them. The moment they locked eyes, Ichika pulled away. (Was that Ichika?) He asked

When Kazetaro looked forward to Kote, they were gone. "Where the hell did they go?" He wondered. Itsuki, Yotsuba and Raiha went towards him

"Are you okay Uesugi-kun/San?" Itsuki and Yotsuba asked. "Yeah, thankfully my nose isn't broken or anything" he responded.

"You need to be more careful, Fuutarou..." Raiha said. They all were worried for Fuutarou, they had thought the three of them were all going to go against Fuutarou. "I know, next time it will be different," Kazetaro said.

"Do you even know them, Uesugi-san? They kept on looking for you." Yotsuba asked. "...No, they don't seem familiar at all. Sorry you guys had to get involved in whatever mess I somehow caused." He said.

"It's fine, Uesugi-kun." Itsuki said. "Where did they even go, anyways?" Kazetaro asked, since he didn't see them nearby anymore

"They walked into the crowd after you looked somewhere else." Raiha replied. "What were you looking at anyways?

"One of them told me someone was looking at me. I think it might be Ichika, but I'm not totally sure about it." He said. "Ichika?"

"Yeah Ichika, but I'm going to go and check. I doubt they'll come back, so you guys stay out here. I'll be back shortly" he said, as he went to the place he thinks Ichika is at.
"Ichi-" He was cut off by Ichika pulling him inside the alleyway and doing a Reverse Kabedon to him. Kazetaro had a slight blush from the position he was in. "You were cool out there, Fuutarou-kun." She said,

"T-Thanks?" He cleared his voice, "Come on, let's go with the rest of your sisters, aren't you five going to see the fireworks all together?" He said.

"About that, I can't watch the fireworks with them." She said, as she locked contact with Kazetaro.

Kazetaro had just blinked. "Huh?" All 3 of them were confused on why Ichika doesn't want to watch the fireworks with her sisters. "What do you mean you can't watch the fireworks with your sisters?"

"Something came up, plus, if I'm gone they won't notice at all. We look similar to each other." She said with a smile. "...That makes no sense. You guys have been with each other since birth, they would definitely know if someone is gone" Kazetaro said.

"Plus! I know I didn't fight someone trying to look for you guys, just for you to tell me you can't watch the fireworks with the rest!" He said slightly angry about the situation.

"Why are you involving yourself with us?" She said, "Why are you curious about my personal business? Is it because you're our Tutor?"

"What? It's...It's because we're friends!" Kazetaro said, slightly embarrassed. "Friends?" She said

Kazetaro was sweating. He had just told her that they were friends, and there was a chance she didn't even consider each other that. (Does she not consider us friends?) He wondered. (Well...we barely know each other.) Fuutarou said.

"Friends give each other advice, right?" She told him. "Do you think it is okay to work in this period of Student life?"

"Do...Do I think it's okay to work in this period of Student life..?" He said. (She should be focusing on her studies, not working.) Fuutarou said.

"I...I think you should try to manage your studies. So you can try to graduate at least, if you can do that. You could try to get a job. That's what I think, at least." Kazetaro responded to her Question. "I see. You usually have studying on your mind. Why is that? Why do you care about studying so much?"

"Why...Why do I care about studying so much?"

A girl with a white dress and pearl-pink hair had popped up in his head. "Let's make a promise. A promise that the next time we meet, we would have good grades and be role model students!"

"It's...It's be-"

"Ichika! I've been looking all over for you! We need to go to the audition before they finish!" The mustached man said, as he looked into the alleyway. "What? Audition? Are...Are you a model Ichika?" Kazetaro said, confused. He looked over at Ichika and she had an embarrassed look on her face.

The three of them had walked out of the Alleyway, Itsuki and the others had gone towards them.

"You found Ichika, Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba said. "You weren't lying, Ichika. You and your sister look very alike." Oda said.

"Who's this, Ichika?" Itsuki asked. "It's her Co-worker? Manager? Something like that. But he's from her job, " Kazetaro said.

"But the thing is...will you really not watch the fireworks, Ichika?" He asked her. "..Please pass my words to Nino and Miku, Fuutarou-kun." She said, as she faced forward.

(How can she just leave like that? I thought these Fireworks meant a lot to her and her sisters?) Kintarou said. (We weren't able to get all of them together.) Fuutarou said.

"Dammit...I wasn't able to get her to watch the fireworks with you guys, sorry." Kazetaro told Itsuki and Yotsuba. "It's fine, Uesugi-kun." Itsuki told him.

"Uesugi-san, go and follow Ichika. You seem like you don't know what to do." Yotsuba told him. "What?"

"You looked Upset, Fuutarou. I guess you can't tell haha" Raiha told him. "I looked Upset...?" None of them knew why he had an upset look. But he decided to go and follow Ichika.

"Raiha, I'm going to send you the location of the Rooftop Nino and Miku are at. Afterwards I'm going to send you something else, just wait." He said, as he ran towards where Ichika was heading.

She had turned around and saw Fuutarou at the top of the stairs. "Do you really not intend to watch the fireworks with your sisters?" He asked once more.

"I'm sorry. But this is important to me, "she replied to him. "How is this more important?" he said. As he descended down the stairs.

"I thought these Fireworks meant a lot to you and your sisters." He told her as he reached the bottom. She had handed him a paper which looked to be a script from a movie.

"Half a year ago, I started the process of accomplishing my dream. I entered a competition to find talent in acting, I ended up getting hired by a director and offered a job. Over that half a year, I was given multiple unnamed characters. And with this audition...it could be my chance to finally debut." She told him

"Your chance to finally debut...is this what you really want to do?" He asked her. "Yes, ever since I was little, this is what I wanted to do."

"...I'll Support you then." He told her. "You'll support me? ...Thank you, Fuutarou-kun." She said with a smile. (Huh? She smiled differently...)

"I have an idea! Help me practice my lines!" She asked him. "P-Practice your lines?"

Although Kazetaro was embarrassed, he went through with it and helped her practice her lines.

"Ah, the director is already coming. Thanks for your help, Fuutarou-kun, "she said. "It's no problem" He responded somewhat still embarrassed.

"I'll definitely get this role!" She said with a smile. (What the hell! It's like she puts on a different smile each time!). He said. (It's because she's putting on a fake smile, Kazetaro. And it's annoying.) Fuutarou said. Fuutarou had swapped with Kazetaro. He went to Ichika and grabbed her cheeks.

"Hey, put that damn Fake Smile away" He told her. "Haha...what?"

"You always smile to hide your feelings, that's what I just caught on too. Even during important occasions, it's Annoying." He told her. "I know I'm your tutor and your friend, I got paid today. I feel like I've done nothing to deserve that pay, so I want to at least make my salary meaningful. So why are you making choices like this?" Fuutarou told her.

"Being an Actress is my dream. But that's not the only reasonI...I thought that I would finalize myself as the eldest daughter if I were to become independent and get a job." She told him. "I ended up deciding to not tell my sister's about this, so I left in silence even though we made a promise to watch the Fireworks together.

"If I fail this audition, I don't think I'll be able to face them..." She told him, with her face towards the ground. "That's why I'll accompany you. You shouldn't try to do this all by yourself, Ichika." He said.

She had looked up at him.''Thank you Fuutarou-kun." She said with a small smile.

Her manager had pulled up towards them, and the both of them got into the car and headed to the audition place. Ichika and her manager walked into the building while Fuutarou stood outside. He made a call to Raiha and told her that they would meet up at a park.

"Well, now we need to wait for Ichika to finish up her audition." He said

(Today was something, wasn't it?) Kintarou said. (Yeah, I got to fight today. The last time we fought someone was that Made dude) Kazetaro added.

(Also, you acted way different today, Kazetaro. Are you feeling well? Did that guy mess you up that badly?) Fuutarou asked. (What do you mean I acted differently? And that guy would've lost in no time, I just had something in my eye. That's all) He responded

(Now's not the time to fight. But Fuutarou is right, I didn't expect you to help Ichika rehearse her lines.) Kintarou said. (Is that wh-) Kazetaro was cut off by Fuutarou

(Or the fact he told Ichika that they were friends, and he was embarrassed when he said it!) Fuutarou added. Bit by bit, Kazetaro was getting more mad.

(And he told Ichika to keep up with her studies, I thought you would tell her that, not him.) Kintarou said. (Haha! And he al-) Fuutarou cut himself off since he felt the terrifying aura Kazetaro was giving off.

(I swear to everything, I'm going to kick both of your asses.) He told them. (Haha...it was just jokes Kazetaro...please don't hurt me) Kintarou told him

Fuutarou saw something move, the shadow was human-like.

(Hold up! Don't fight!) Fuutarou told them (You shut up before I kick your ass!) Kazetaro told him

(Idiot, someone is watching us. It can't be those guys from earlier.) Fuutarou told them. (It has to be someone else.)

"I know you're here, come out and face me!" Fuutarou said out loud. (Are you even sure you saw someone? If nobody is there, I'll just continue to beat up Kintarou.) Kazetaro told him

"I know someone is here" He said again, as he looked around. "How correct you are." Someone whispered into his ear. It made him jump and he went forward
"What the hell?!"

"Eh? Don't you recognize this voice" they told him. "N-No? Who are you?" Fuutarou asked them, as he rubbed his ear.

They had sighed "Has it really been that long?" They had taken off the mask they were wearing. Fuutarou was shocked to see who it was.

"T-Takebayashi?" He said shocked. "Bingo, how ya doing, Fuutarou-kun? Haha I don't know why I'm asking this, if I've been keeping an eye on you."

"You've been keeping an eye on me? For how long? He asked her. "Hmm...Maybe since the start of this school year?"

"THE START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR?!" He Yelled. "Yes, there's no need to yell." She told him

Fuutarou slowly moved away from her. "Why are you moving away? Even though we're childhood friends you still act surprised" she said with a sigh. "Yeah but we're older now. Feels kinda creepy"

"Your father and grandfather told me to keep an eye on you, that's all." She told him. "Why'd they tell you to do that?" He asked

"It's because They've been keeping an eye on you too. I also heard one of them is currently going to your school, the thing is, I don't know who exactly." She told him. (Someone else is watching us...) Kazetaro said.

"Anyways, how's my Favorite disciple doing?" She asked him. "How can you just tell me that and instantly change the conversation." He said as he let out a sigh.

"I know you started Tutoring a group of Quintuplets, have you finally moved on from that one girl from Kyoto?" She asked him. "No...She still holds a place in my heart."

"I see, the good thing is, you aren't showing me her photo every 10 seconds now haha" she said laughing. "Ugh...don't remind me about that" he said embarrassed

"Fine fine, what about Kintarou and Kazetaro? How are they holding up?" She asked. Fuutarou was taken aback, but let out a sigh. She was his childhood friend, and of course she would know about them. After all, She was the first person he felt comfortable telling about them.

Kazetaro swapped with Fuutarou. "We're doing fine. You saw the fight, right?" He asked her. "Yes, I had a feeling it was you that fought them, Kazetaro. You've gotten rusty haven't you?"

"Yeah mostly. Fuutarou's been doing nothing but Study mostly, and Kintarou would help around at school." He told her. "Yeah, I've seen him a couple times helping out the club leaders''

Kintarou swapped with Kazetaro. "Yeah! I like to help them whenever they need too. But lately I haven't been able to since Fuutarou started his Tutoring job." He told her. "Nice going Kintarou, it's good that you help the people at school around." She said with smile

Fuutarou swapped back. "Well, you heard it from them."

"Yeah, I should get going. That girl should be coming out any moment." She told him. "Alright, I'll see you...somewhere?"

"Here, I'll give you my number. Let me see your phone." Fuutarou had handed her his phone. She put her phone number down. "Call me whenever you need help, or when you want to spend time with your old Teacher"

"Yeah yeah" he said. "Before I go. Tell your Dad to start training you again." She told him

"Eh? What for?" He said, confused "That school trip you guys have around late October/ early November. Just be ready for that day, you have an entire month. Make it count" She said seriously. With that she left.

"Wait, Takebayashi!" It was too late and she had already left. "Dammit..."

(What the hell??. What did she mean about the school trip?) Kazetaro said. ( I don't know, we have to ask her later. She says it so ominously , then proceeds to leave.) Fuutarou replied.

(Ichika's coming out.) Kintarou said. Ichika had walked out the building alongside her manager.

Fuutarou had asked her how the Audition went, Ichika didn't know if she got the role or not. She told him that she had to wait and see. Her manager on the other hand was interested in getting Fuutarou involved in the acting business. He felt somewhat weirded out and left with Ichika. They are currently walking down a road together.

"Come on, they're waiting for us up ahead." Fuutarou told her. He had arranged for them to meet up at a nearby park. "If you think they're still waiting at the festival, they aren't. We decided to meet up at a nearby park, so you don't have to worry.

"They're going to be mad at me, aren't they? I need to apologize for missing the fireworks." She said looking downwards. "Hm, maybe. But don't give up on the thought of fireworks yet. He told her. They walked into the park and saw the rest of the Quints playing with Sparklers.

"Hey, where is Raiha at?" He asked. "She's over there sleeping. Sorry that we started early without you guys." Yotsuba replied to him

"It's fine. But good thing you got those Fireworks for Raiha, Yotsuba." He told her. "Yup! It helped in the very end"

Nino had walked to Fuutarou. "In the end you weren't able to gather them all." She told him. "Oh uh...sorry for not being able to get them all together, Nino" He told her.

She let out a sigh. "I'm just playing, at least you were able to get the majority of them, thanks for helping us, Uesugi." She told him with a slight smile.

Ichika had told them she was sorry about everything that happened because of her. The others had agreed that it wasn't all of her fault, that each of them had their faults today. Fuutarou had gone and sat down on a bench next to the sleeping Raiha. In little to no time, he ended up falling asleep from how exhausted he was today

Ichika had teased Yotsuba and Itsuki about how Fuutarou had basically fought for them, which caused them to have a blush on their faces. Nino and Miku were surprised to hear that Fuutarou had any fighting experience. They had continued to light the remainder of the fireworks they had.

Ichika had started to walk towards Fuutarou and sat at the same bench he was at.

"You can rest now, Fuutarou-kun. Thank you for your help today. You've done a great job." She told him as he laid his head on her lap.

After they had finished, the Quints ended up calling Ebata to pick them up. Fuutarou had waited with them so nothing would happen to them. After they left with Ebata, he went straight home as he carried Raiha on his back. As soon as Fuutarou got home, he noticed that his father was already asleep. He put Raiha to bed and decided to sleep too instead of cramming in some late night studying.

Once the girls had made it to the Pentagon, they had their phones buzzing with messages/calls from their Father. He had sent messages asking if they went to the fireworks festival, and that if they did, for them to meet up together.

Once they made it to their apartment, they noticed that this Father was asleep on the couch with a box of fireworks on the table.

"Dad wanted us to view the fireworks together," Nino said, as she looked at her sleeping father. "It seems like he did. He even got a box of Fireworks" Yotsuba added.

"It's nice to see that he wants to do something with us. He usually doesn't get a lot of time off work" Miku said. "Itsuki, bring Dad a blanket. We don't want him catching a cold." Ichika asked Itsuki.

"Alright then." She had gone and got a blanket and covered her Father. All five of them told him goodnight and went up the stairs. They told each other goodnight and entered their room to sleep. Overall today was an alright day.

Longest Chapter I've made aaaaaa
The Takebayashi part was originally going to be in the 4th chapter, but I ended up changing it last minute lol.

What is going to happen during the School Trip? Who else knows about Kazetaro and Kintarou? Who is the person keeping an eye on Fuutarou during school hours?

These random thoughts will be answered in the next episode of Dragon ball Z!

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