SMG4 Fanfic: The Alarm System

By DS123Products

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After the Castle got robbed... SMG4 decides to take action and fit in an alarm system. More

Chapter 1: Robbed
Chapter 2: The Situation
Chapter 3: The Test
Chapter 5: The (Dodgy) Alarm System
Final Chapter: The Morning After

Chapter 4: Rob's Brother

535 5 2
By DS123Products

SMG4: I don't know about you... but, I think this Alarm system seems to be a bit dodgy.

Tari: How come?

SMG4: It's made in North Korea and I don't want it in Korean language! I wanna set this machine to English!

Tari: Maybe, we need someone to fix it.

SMG4: Who the hell is gonna fix this stupid machine?!

The two Scarecrows came in.

Rob: Yo! What's up, y'all?!

SMG4/Tari: O_O

Mike: ...

SMG4: Hello.

Mike: Hello!

Rob: Ah! Guys, let me introduce to you to my brother; Mike.

Mike: Have you met our Lord and saviour... Cucumber?

Rob: Let me correct that for you! It's Corn!!!



Tari: You didn't us that you had a brother, Rob!

Rob: I actually forgot he existed until he rang me up and got a job.

Mike: Thank you, Rob...

SMG4: So, Mike... Tea?

Mike: Um... Vowel!

SMG4: Eh?

Mike: Consonant, please!

SMG4: We're not playing Countdown!!! Do you want a Cup of Tea?!

Mike: You said; the letter T and the letter A. What consonant are you picking next?

Rob: *sigh* He thinks we're playing a game and he won't believe that we're not actually playing... you might as well pick the next 7 letters...

SMG4: *grunts* Ugh...


When time was up...

Mike: I've no idea...

Rob: Brilliant... that's 30 seconds flushed down the Toilet...

Mike: I don't even know how to play this game.

Rob: You were supposed to make a word out of all of these letters!

SMG4: *sigh* I feel like I'm wasting my own time with this miserable day!!!

Tari: You could've had a 7, which was; 'Retakes'

SMG4: Thank you, Dictionary corner!!!

After that...

Tari: Anyways... why are you here?

Mike: Okie-dokie! So, I heard you've had a bit of a problem with your Burglar alarm system.

SMG4: I was trapped by those stupid cages!!!

Mike: Well... I'm gonna sort the machine out and I'm gonna fix it and run some tests on the system.

SMG4: Do you think you can do that?

Mike: Trust me! I'm a professional. I have the same Alarm system at my own home.

Rob: It's true! He's also a Alarm system repair man.


SMG4: Hmm... I guess you can give it a shot.

Mike: Don't you worry, mate! It will be done, in no time.

Rob: Do it, quickly! Chop chop!

Mike: Who wants a Cucumber?

SMG4: Take the machine and get out of my kitchen!!!

Mike left the kitchen with the machine.

Tari: I hope he gets that machine fixed.

Rob: Relax, Tari... He can repair it.

Mike: Hey there, you naughty machine! I heard you've been really naughty system!

SMG4: What the hell?

Mike: What's that?! You want me to turn you on? You are a dirty, little slut! And, you're freaky!

Tari: Um...

Rob: Oh yeah... he likes to pretend that Alarm systems are prostitutes... for some reason...

Bob: WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

Mike: Get outta here!!! A little privacy, please?!?!?!


SMG4: Let's just stay in here until he's finished...

Mike fixed the machine with his... um... I dunno...

Mike: Okay, SMG4! Try entering a code now.

SMG4 entered the code.

SMG4: 1-9-9-9.

Alarm: Alarm activated. You have 1 minute to leave your premises.

SMG4: Wow! It worked.

They managed to leave the Castle.

Tari: Wow! You really are an expert!

Mike: I have learnt all of this during my part-time job at B&Q.

SMG4: So, is it working grand?

Mike: It should do now!

SMG4: Thank you so much, Mike!


Rob: Once again, my bro is a life-saver.

Tari: He sure is.


SMG4: Alright, everyone! The Alarm system is now properly set up, and hopefully... this Castle will be fully secured.

Saiko: Well... I think you'll be right, SMG4! If anyone tries to break in this Castle... I'm snap their necks like a twig!!!

Bob: *coughs* That's a bit dark, isn't it?

Boopkins: Will you be careful with your E-Cig?!

Bob: *vapes* I know what I'm doing, Boopkins! I'm taking it, very slowly!

Boopkins: Good! I just hope that you're not gonna become a Chain-smoker...

Bob: Alright, chill!


Tari: Anyways... where's Mario, Luigi and Meggy?

SMG4: I don't actually know...


SMG4: Ah... phone's ringing.


SMG4: Hello?

Meggy: Hey, SMG4? We may have a problem...

SMG4: What's up?






Meggy: I think Mario and Luigi are auditioning for the new Mario & Luigi game...

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