Pokémon my regret us a champi...

By YunoWolford

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--- This story is about Ash Ketchum, who, after achieving his long-awaited victory against Leon, finally beca... More

Chapter 1 At The Beginning
Chapter 2 May
Chapter 3 Ash
Chapter 4 Ash
Chapter 5 Ash
Chapter 6 Max
Chapter 7 Ash
Chapter 8 Professor Oak
The Trade Pokémon Part 1
The Trade Pokémon Part 2
Pokémon Master TeamPart 1
Part 2
Part 3
Chapter 10 Ash
Chapter 11 Ash
Chapter 12 Ash
Chapter 13 Red
Chapter 14 Lance

Chapter 9 Ash

1K 13 15
By YunoWolford

Ash Pov

In the past 2 months I captured back my old pokemon and the new one that I own when I was the pokémon master on those time I captured some new one and trained them to there at most potential

I have some new pokémon I get when I traded them from my taurus from what professor said he traded them from different regions so most pokemon I traded ware different pokémon from different regions

The pokémon league also gave me something and it was different from the past because they did not gave me a reward in the past I know now that the future will change also I was able to obtain my pokémon ranger license like the past while from the past when I won the World Coronation Series and defeated Leon the pokémon ranger reward and promot me to become a pokemon ace ranger because this status have many benefits to many trainers you can gain access to many worldwide information because I need this status because I want to join the rotom pokedex trial because today we don't used rotom phones not like the past or future but since I am a pokemon ranger I can be a beta tester and get some pokémon date for them and after I get my rotom phone I started to upload my pokémon data to my rotom phone and send it to them but let's stop for now currently I am in professor oak ranch to wait for Gary to arrive like last time so while I wait i decided to play some music for my pokémon because I used to play to them in the past I mean future I also send I farewell song for my tauros before I trade them

I called my band pokemon that are my two Toxtricity and Rillaboom then the other pokemon saw me and understood and preparing there own performance while I sing then Rillaboom started the bet and I started to sing

Then many pokemon saw and listened my performances even the wild pokémon and listened to my performances while everything was doing gary, mom and professor oak saw my performance was shock and amazed at the same time

" will Will I don't take you for a musician ashy boy" said gary

" will I don't know that you can gave compliments Garbear" I said back

" what made you smart ashy boy" said gary trying to teas me

" when you become a junior professor" I said

" not like your not" said Gary with a smirk

" your right" I said

Then both me and Gary laughed and mom and professor saw our little fight just laugh

" it's been a long time gary how are you doing great" I ask

" am going great I see that you have some new pokémon with you and all so from different regions when grams informed me about your 2 months training I was surprised because I take you for the go to every league type of a person you are I see that you grow up from a little kid " said Gary with a smag

" will people change gary so what are you into this day " I ask

" I work for professor assistant in sinnoh and how about you what's your plan after your training " ask Gary

When Gary ask that mom and professor was interested

" am going to sinnoh too gary " I said

" so when are you going " ask Gary

" after taking someone back home " I said

That leave everyone confused what I said

" taking someone home what "ask gary confused

" you will see  but I want to ask you gary want to have a pokemon battle for old time sake " I ask

Then Gary smirk

" your on " said gary

" then I will act as the referee " said professor oak

Then we go to the battle field in the ranch and mom also watch with pikachu

" this battle will be 1 VS 1 so trainer chose your pokémon " said professor

" then I choose first I choose you Electivire" said Gary

" mmm an Electivire interesting so I choose this pokémon go Hydreigon" I said

" a dragon type ha it doesn't matter" said Gary

" Electivire VS Hydreigon battle start" said professor oak

" elective used thunder punch" ordered gary

" hydreigon used dragon pulse to intercept that thunder punch" I ordered

Then Electivire charged towards hydreigon with thunder punch then hydreigon intercept the thunder punch with dragon pulse then create a small explosion and smoked

" elective used cross chop" ordered gary

Then elective jumps towards hydreigon

Then gray saw ash smirking and found out its a trap

" wait elective it's a trap" said gary in a panic

" to late hydreigon used tri attacks while elective it in the air" I ordered

Then hydreigon shoot a tri attack point break in elective and get burned

" Electivire are you all right" ask Gary

Then Electivire nood

" good then Electivire used wild charge" ordered gary

" hydreigon used head smash to intercept" I ordered

Then Electivire and hydreigon clash

" now hydreigon follow it with fire blast" I ordered

Then fire blast hit its mark on Electivire and fainted

" elective is unable to battle hydreigon win" said professor

Then I came and congrats my hydreigon for it hard work and Gary returned Electivire  and I returned hydreigon back at the same time

" congrats ashy boy you grown stronger than that last time" said Gary

" you to Gary you grown stronger than last time" I said

While everything was going brock saw the whole fight and was amazed by ash

" hi ash I did not know you have some new pokémon" said brock

Then I saw brock and was surprised

" brock long time no see and way are you here " I ask

" will you plan on going to sinnoh right because I am going to there so way not travel with again to sinnoh" said brock

" sure way not but I will not be going to sinnoh until next week are you sure you can wait" I ask

" of course and also I want to meet your new pokémon too" said brock

Then the rest of the day we talk to each other and our plans and inform brock that I became a junior professors and pokemon ace ranger too  and he was surprised and happy with me

" ash am happy for you as a friend am happy that you able to achieve something" said brock

" thanks brock o right I when I am going to meet up with you to brock and Gary I want to gave you both something" I said

Then both Gary and brock look at each other in confusing

Then I take out 4 stone in the table when professor oak look at it was surprising

" ash were did you obtain them those are mega stone" ask professor oak in surprise

" I found them while I was traveling to each different region last month" I said

" gramps s what are this" ask gary

" let me explain those are mega stone that make pokemon mega evolve" said professor

( timeskip with the explanation)

Then everyone understand the used of the stone then gary look at me

" ash way did you gave us this" ask gary

" because Gary you are like my brother that I don't have and brock you are my closest friend that help me in my journey so I want to gift you this as my thanks for everything " I said

That leaves gary and brock happy with my reason

" thanks you ash" said both Gary and brock

" so professor oak and Gary let's go to have dinner mom said she is cooking dinner" I said

" ash will help me to cook today" said mom

When Gary heard it was surprise

" wait ash you can cook" ask Gary in surprise

" way am I not supposed to know to cook" I ask

" what no am just surprised" said gary

And the rest of the day we talk and end the day with dinner

( I hope you all like it)

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