The Fast Life

By RoseRomanovaMaximoff

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What if Letty wasn't the one who dies trying to bring Dom home and instead it's Jai, girlfriend to Dom and co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Updated Cast
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

631 16 6
By RoseRomanovaMaximoff

(Tej's POV)

"Mmm-hmm. Yeah, right." Roman mutters as he grabs another candy from the vending machine. "This is crazy, man."

"What are you talking about now?" I question. "Man, your mouth is always running about something. I'm surprised it hasn't run away."

Roman throws a mean mug my way as he unwraps his candy bar.

"You know what man, whatever, as I was SAY-ing I'm sitting here looking at these images, and it's like we're hunting our evil twins. You see it? Cause I see it!" Roman exclaims as he points at the display screens. "Look at this black dude right here, he's handsome. Clearly that's me!"

Shaking my head, I stare at Roman in bewilderment. There are children that have a better attention span.

"We got a white Hobbs, this is Han. Tej, it's an African in a beanie. That's like your mini-me, man." Roman laughs and I divert my attention away from the clear disrespect.

"And Brian! When did you do this photo shoot? I'm just playing, man. You know you're the prettiest blonde around here." Roman states as Brian flips him the bird.

Everyone's attention is diverted from Roman's babbling as Hobbs' drives into the garage.

"Alright, lock it up! We got two things. First off, this is the worst damn city in the world to commit a crime. They got cameras on every street corner. I got video footage from CCTV of the raid. Let's track that and see where it leads us. And secondly, we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol." Hobbs says as we all make our way towards him. "They've ripped off a database of every location that houses the final component that they need."

"So where are they at?" Brian asks.

"There are over two dozen of them around Europe." Riley interjects.

"But the list is only good for 96 hours. Which means, wherever Shaw's crew is going to hit next, it's going to happen within the next four days. They've gotta a window and so do we. We gotta move." Hobbs informs.

"Hobbs is right. So let's break this down. You've met 'em, so what do we know?" Dom leads.

"We know they have to be running custom engines. You heard that flip car going through those gears." I state.

"Sequential transmission." Han says.

"That didn't sound like a normal engine." Gisele questions.

"That was a turbo diesel." Letty speaks up.

"It sounded like something you hear at Le Mans." Brian agreed.

"Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners?" I question.

"Yeah, hydraulics." Roman answers.

"Or magnetic suspension." Brian questions.

"Who not only has access to those components but can build something like that?" Letty asks the question we're all thinking.

"Maybe a handful of shops in London." Brian says.

"Regular tuner shops aren't going to cut it on this one. We're going to have to dig deeper than that." Dom states. "Han, Giselle, Roman you're up. We find the guy that made that car, we find Shaw."


(Jai's POV)

Driving around London I take in the warmth of the early morning sun. The hustle and bustle of the streets mixed with the abundant greenery of the UK, has always been something I've admired about this part of the world. This is definitely a place I could see myself settling down. It may not be the streets of LA, but sometimes change is just what you need. Passing Heathrow Airport, I coincidentally spot none other than Mia Toretto attempting to hail a cab.

Now I know damn well she didn't.

Quickly making a very much illegal U-turn I pull up right beside Mia as she stands next to her suitcase in confusion.

Rolling down my window I give Mia the best disappointed face I could muster.

"Now I know damn well you didn't fly to London. Mia, what are you doing here?" I question.

"Jai! I'm here to see you actually." Mia says with every bit of confidence.

"And how exactly did you expect to find me without Dom finding your ass first? Does he know you're here? You know what just get in the car." I say frustrated.

Mia, completely ignoring my annoyance, places her suitcase in the trunk and happily hops into the passenger seat.

"No, he doesn't know I'm here, but that doesn't matter. What matters is you're here and alive." Mia states as she leans over to hug me while I keep the car steady. Returning the hug I slightly glared in Mia's direction.

"You're crazy, you know that. And where is my nephew?" I ask.

"He's with er- Elena." She says hesitantly.

"And who's this Elena? Did you at least do a background check on her before you just up and left her with your son? Mm-m-mmm, I should find Brian's ass just so I could tell him you're here." I emphasize.

"Er well Elena so when you were supposedly dead and Dom n' Letty split, she uh-" Mia stutters.

"Just say it like it is Mia, she's Dom's side bitch, right?" I ask.

"Basically, but you'd like her, she's super sweet. And she really took care of Dom when you and Letty weren't there." She spoke.

"Oh, I'm sure she did. Talk about insult to injury." I mutter, although I'm positive Mia still heard me.

"But seriously, why was it so important that you find me? Mia, you realize you're putting yourself in incredible danger being here. I should turn this car around and force you on the first plane back to LA."

"Jai, when Brian told me you were alive, I had to come. I know how you feel towards Dom and Letty, especially with how things went with your relationship. The point is you have every right to be angry with them. When Brian lied about being a cop, I never wanted to see him again, he destroyed our family. But I still had to admit that I loved him. Jai honestly, do you still love them?" Mia asks.

"No, I don't. Any love I had for them died with me. Do I still consider them family? That's incredibly debatable. Right now, I'd say we're strangers." I say as I shift gears towards Deckard and I's place. If Mia has to be here, she at least needs to be somewhere safe.

"Ok, I'm not going to argue with that. But I at least hope you can forgive them, one day. Even if you don't come home. Just promise you'll at least visit me and Jack, we miss you." She mentions.

"Now that I can promise." I say with a genuine smile on my face. Glancing over I can see that maybe Mia seeing me was just the thing she needed. She definitely seems relieved and far lighter than when she entered the car.

"Seeing as I'll only be here until tomorrow, maybe you can show me around London. I have always wanted to visit." She pleads.

"Oh, I know you have. I remember when you would stay up all night making collages of all the places you wanted to go after high school. And did you graduate nursing school? Not that I have any doubt you did." I state.

"I did! I brought pictures actually, even of Jack's first day at school, my most recent ultrasound, and Jack's birthday party that you missed." Mia sneaks in.

"Ul...ultrasound! Mia! I should whoop you! Does Brian know?!" I exclaim.

"No but I'll tell him when he gets home." She says completely unconcerned. Glancing towards her I try to see if there's a noticeable baby bump there without wrecking the car.

"My goodness woman, you're trying to kill me. We will see London, but then you need to go home, even if I have to put on that plane myself! Deal?"

"Deal!" She smiles innocently.

Trouble, just like her brother!


After leaving Mia at the house, and notifying Deckard in the process. I head to run a quick errand for Owen. Apparently, Dom found Owen's favorite mechanic, so now I have to go and clean up the mess. Jah and Denlinger quickly pull up beside me. Scoping out the area I spot Han, Roman, Gisele, and Owen's newest chess piece Riley. Giving Jah and Denlinger the signal, they both open fire as I set my target on Gisele. She seems like the smartest one in the bunch, well after Tej that is, maybe just maybe I can get them to see reason.

The reality of it is, they stepped into a world they know nothing about, and quite frankly they're pissing me off. I need Letty and Dom to back off. They're not getting me back and they need to accept that.

Bullets spray as the four of them scatter to safety. Bullets are exchanged back and forth as I notice Gisele is still in Firuz's office. Silently making my way over while dodging open fire I hide behind a pillar getting a clear view inside.

The shooting stops as Han and Roman make chase. Riley puts her gun away and non-verbally asks me what the next steps are. I signal her to go after them so as to not draw attention. Riley needs to make it look like she's still on their team or it will definitely blow her cover, and asking me what to do next was the wrong move.

Oh well Owen will take care of her, eventually. Peering into the window I see Gisele check Firuz's pulse. He's dead, good, one less thing for me to do. I step into the doorway as I hold my gun to the back of Gisele's head. She freezes as she hears me remove the safety. Glancing out of the corner of her eye I know she saw me. Good, that's what I want.

"Jai, what a pleasant surprise." She surmises.

"Don't even try to reach for your gun." I say as I pull it out of her pocket and throw it out the room. "Now I've come with a message that you need to relay to your team."

"What's that?" She asks cautiously but curious. She knows I'm not going to kill her so her posture relaxes slightly.

"Tell them if they want to live, leave. This isn't mercy, it's a final warning. But more importantly, Dom and Letty need to back off. It appears the bullet didn't send a big enough message for them. I'm going to make this clear; I faked my death for a reason. I don't want to be found. I've moved on, they need to learn to do the same. There is nothing to discuss, we're strangers. The next time they look for me I'm going to let my gun do the talking." I say firmly.

Taking no chances, I hit the butt of my gun on the back of her head. Gisele falls next to Firuz, as I set a loaded charge in the room. Cipher doesn't like loose ends and neither do I. Setting the timer I hop back in my car as I notice Han, Roman, and Riley heading back in my direction. Speeding off into a closed off area I watch as the three panic and quickly remove Gisele's body from the building. Setting off the charge I barely give them enough time to make it to their cars. If my words weren't enough, hopefully a near death experience should do the trick.


(Dom's POV)

Roman, Han, Riley, and Giesle avert my attention from revving my motor as they walk into the garage. Three of 'em look defeated as their ass whooping is clearly displayed on their faces. Gisele on the other hand looks far worse off than the rest. Blood drips from her head as Han gently sits her in a chair.

"What the hell happened?!" Brian and Letty ask simultaneously.

"We met Dom's other girlfriend, she's a peach." Riley states as Hobbs asks her if she's ok.

"Gisele, you ok?" Letty asks. Gisele lightly shakes her head as the rest of the crew gathers around her.

Letty sends me a look of concern. Gisele is one of the toughest of us, but looking at her now she looks confused and incredibly tired.

"What exactly did you both do to her?" Gisele finally speaks up.

"Excuse me?" Hobbs' questions almost offended.

"I'm not asking you, I am asking Letty and Dom." Gisele states. "I've have seen many things in my life but...what happened to her? I may not know her, but no one fakes their death for just anything." Gisele questions with a distant look in her eyes.

Confusion clouds my judgment on the topic, I only told her about Jai once and that was after her death. Looking at Gisele now she seems almost angry.

Brian kneels in front of Gisele cautiously. "Gisele, what happened?" Brian asks as he hands her pain meds and a bottle of water.

"Jai showed up with two of Shaw's men. She snuck up on me, no one has ever been able to do that before. She didn't want much, just for me to give you all a message. A message that I don't relay lightly." Gisele says.

"What'd she say?" Letty questions hesitantly.

"She said that if we all want to live we need to leave. She wasn't saying this out of mercy, but a final warning. For Dom and Letty specifically, she wants you to back off. She said she faked her death for a reason and she doesn't want to be found. She emphasized that she's moved on and you both need to do the same. She said you that you both are strangers to her and that she has nothing to discuss with either of you. She wants you to know that the next time you attempt to look for she'll kill you, both of you." Gisele confesses with a sigh.

"You both may not want my advice but I'm going to give it to you anyways. Jai has no remorse for either of you, and all you're doing is making this worse for yourself. Leave her alone. I know the plan was to get her back, but the situation is different from what we first thought. She's not with Owen against her will, she's a ghost. This is her new life, it's what she does. And she has made it abundantly clear that you both are interfering." Gisele states.

"No, I won't accept that unless Jai tells me herself!" I yell.

"Then you'll die trying." Gisele states solemnly.


What do think about everything so far?

Is Jai overreacting? Should she forgive Letty and Dom and attempt to work things out?

What do you think is going to happen next? Can Jai be redeemed?

Yours Truly,


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