Pokémon XY: Rubies & Sapphires

By Turboacek

1.7K 14 2

A 4 episode story if May did come back during XY as expected More

XY 124.2: Advancing to Kalos
XY 124.6: Fanning the flames
XY 124.8: Fire and Water

XY 124.4: Brothers and Sisters

436 2 0
By Turboacek

Lumiose Tower
The following day

Ash and Clemont were practicing to prepare Ash for the Kalos league

"Alright, Hawlucha Flying Press!" Ash said as Hawlucha launched into the air

"Heliolisk use Flash," Clemont said as Heliolisk flashed the falling Hawlucha

"Hawlucha now," Ash said as Hawlucha did its signature spin and then landed the attack on Heliolisk

"Clever using the spin to dodge the Flash Ash" Clemont said

"Thanks, Clemont," Ash said rubbing his nose a little

"Whatcha making there Serena?" May asked as she saw Serena sewing something

"Hawlucha asked to make something for the Lumiose Conference so I'm trying to make this costume for it," Serena said

"Oh you know what would be cool if you added some blue in there," May said pointing to a spot on the costume "You know it kinda matches with Ash"

"I think I prefer it keeping it to just yellow and orange," Serena said shrugging her off

May was a little curious if she said something wrong but didn't get to think it through fully "I want to battle too!" Bonnie said interrupting everyone

"Hmm well..." Ash said as he returned Hawlucha and Clemont returned Heliolisk "We could use the breather, we've been training for awhile

"Max do you have a Pokemon you can use too?! I have Dedenne," Bonnie asked

"Uh," Max said

"Not like you but Max can use one of mine," May said

"Really?" Max said as May nodded with a smile "I already know which one I'm going to pick!"

"Has Max battled before?" Serena asked

"Yeah a few times, he's not a trainer so he's still learning," May said

"Bonnie has had her practice with me and the times she's battled team rocket," Clemont said

"I would guess they're pretty even," Ash said as the siblings looked at him

"But you think my brother will win right Ash?" May said getting in his face

"No, he knows my little sister got this" Clemont said as Ash started to shrink into the wall

"I think it's best if they just show us what they can do," Serena said to put the pressure off Ash

"I'll referee to be more fair" as Ash ran to the spot

Bonnie and Max stood in their spots each holding a Pokeball as if it was an official battle

"Alright, one on one battle I'll decide when it's over, Begin!" Ash said

"Dedenne my sweetheart time to battle!" Bonnie said sending out Dedenne


"This will be a piece of cake, Munchlax I choose you!"


"An electric and fairy type versus a normal type could be interesting," Clemont said "But Bonnie's got this"

"Kick her butt Max and Munchlax!" May cheered

Serena just lightly laughed at the older siblings

"Battle begin!" Ash said starting the battle

"Munchlax let's use Solar Beam!" Max said as Munchlax started to charge the attack

"Dedenne Dodge it" Bonnie said as Dedenne dodged the attack as the wind from the impact started to even push Dedenne away

"Such power," Clemont said surprised by the impact

"It is my Munchlax," May said proudly

"Dedenne use Thundershock," Bonnie said as the attack quickly shocked Munchlax

"That was a quick Thundershock" May said surprised

"It is my Dedenne," Clemont said


The two Pokemon charged each other hitting each other in mid-air being even in strength, not giving the other ground "Focus Punch!" Max said as Munchlax started to charge its fist

"Nuzzle to stop it," Bonnie said as Dedenne started to charge its cheeks only for it to get hit by the Focus punch

"Not very effective but still hurts" Ash commented with Pikachu nodding in agreement

"We have the advantage let's try Metronome" Max said as Munchlax started to wag its fingers back and forth

"Don't let them! Use Nuzzle" Bonnie said as Dedenne started to run in

"What but that's-" May started to panic

"What's Metronome?" Serena asked

"Metronome is a move that randomly picks a move, it can be Thunderbolt, can be Water Shuriken, can be Wish, can also be Tail Whip it's completely random," Clemont said

"Yeah I can't believe Max picked that move," May said "It's-"

"The randomness you used to do a lot," Ash said as May looked embarrassed as Serena and Clemont chuckled a little at the embarrassed girl

Munchlax started glowing as Dedenne was running in

"Wait... that's Self Destruct!" Clemont said recognizing the move
"Oh no!" May said

"Dedenne get out of there!" Bonnie said

Munchlax finished glowing and detonated causing an explosion to hit Dedenne

Dedenne hit the ground it's eyes now swirls

"Dedenne is down," Serena said

The smoke cleared and Munchlax was also on the ground with swirls for eyes

"And Munchlax is down," Serena said

"Both Dedenne and Munchlax are unable to battle, it's a tie," Ash said

"Good job Dedenne" Bonnie said as she picked up Dedenne and put it back in her bag

"Nice battle Munchlax, I guess the Metronome backfired huh," Max said as the two laughed

"Well, it's a tie that means everyone wins right?" Serena said as she looked at the two older siblings who were staring each other down

"I am a gym leader you know," Clemont said

"I'm no pushover," May said

"Oh Serena I want to get some of those Galettes, can you take me?" Bonnie said

"Oh us it's up to Clemont," Serena said

"That's fine, I'll catch up soon this should be fast," Clemont said

"Fast?!" May said offended

"Mind if I tag along too, don't need to see my sister explode," Max said as Bonnie and Serena smiled and nodded

"Coming Ash?" Serena asked

"I think it's best if I stay with them, got to make sure things don't get out of hand with May here," Ash said

"Hmph" Serena said at that as she led the way out as Bonnie just smiled to herself

"What's with her?" Max asked

"You wouldn't understand," Bonnie said

"Snubbull I choose you," May said
"Bunnelby let's go," Clemont said as the three left the building

Serena, Bonnie, and Max made their way to the nearest cafe so Bonnie can get her Galettes

On the way, there was a crowd surrounding something in a plaza

"What's going on?" Bonnie said as she went to check it out with Max right behind

"Wait!" Serena said trying to get them to stop but they didn't, forcing her to follow

They got to the crowd and managed to make their way closer to see that a person in a weird suit was doing graffiti on the wall

"Stop right there!" Officer Jenny said as she came over "Vandalism is a crime you're under arrest!"

The person then at superhuman speeds started to run through the crowd as Jenny got on her bike in an attempt to chase after them

"That was something," Bonnie said

"Yeah, wait Bonnie where did your bag go?" Max said as her yellow bag wasn't around her "did you leave it at the gym?"

"No I brought Dedenne with me, the Galettes was to reward  it for a great battle..." Bonnie said, "Did that person take it when they ran past us?!"

"Maybe, if there's someone that can track down Dedenne it's Munchlax!" Max said as he went to grab the Pokeball as he then frantically started to search for it "Munchlax Pokeballs gone!"

Many people also started to search for themselves and were having a similar situation

"Did they steal that many Pokémon that fast" Serena said noticing the people around her "No worries guys we'll get them back... Bonnie? Max?" As the two kids were gone "Oh no!"

"They went this way," Max said as they were running in the direction they saw that person run off in

"I know this city there's a shortcut this way," Bonnie said as she started to lead the way

"Bunnelby use Wild Charge," Clemont said as Bunnelby charged in

"Snubbull Bulldoze," May said as Snubbull jumped on the ground hard causing a shockwave that made Bunnelby stumble a bit but still connected on the Wild Charge

"May has really improved since I last saw her" Ash said to himself

"Good move but not good enough," Clemont said

"You just got lucky that's all," May said

"Gotta... reach... Ash..." Serena said as she ran her way to the battlefield

Ash notices Serena run in "What's wrong?" Ash asked as May and Clemont paused their battle

"Bonnie and Max took off," Serena said


Serena started to explain what happened with the person vandalizing and stealing, etc

"Oh nononono, it took a ton to convince mom and dad to let Max come to Kalos, and then I lose him oh nononono!" May started to freak out

"If only I wasn't too focused on my own pride," Clemont said berating himself

"Hey no need to focus on that, let's focus on finding them," Ash said as he put a hand on each of their shoulders which made them calm down as Ash flashed Serena a reassuring smile

They made their way out gym

"Talonflame, Noivern come out," Ash said sending out his flying Pokémon "Look for Bonnie, Max, and Dedenne"

"You too Beautifly," May said sending out her flying type to help

"Pikachu try connecting with Dedenne," Ash said as Pikachu nodded and started to routinely spark its cheeks

"Oh, they have an electric connection?" May asked

"Yeah Dedenne cheeks kinda works like antennas, so with some electricity, they can connect" Clemont explained

"Alright let's start with where you all were before," Ash said to Serena who nodded

"Alright follow me"

"Is that them?" Bonnie said as she and Max peeked around the alley corner to see the figure standing there not doing anything

"Yeah, and I see your bag," Max said "Munchlax's Pokeball is probably somewhere in that suit"

"Alright, what's the plan?"

"Plan? I thought you had one?"

"No I just know how to find them I thought the plan would be your idea," Bonnie said as Max groaned Max looked up and saw Talonflame circling above them

"I have a plan," Max said
"See!" Bonnie said

With Ash and co

Ash and the others were running toward Talonflame when they saw it circling over a location

"Be safe Max"  May said to herself

"Don't be reckless Bonnie" Clemont said to himself

"Older siblings are really alike huh," May said as she and Clemont laughed "Truce?"

"Truce" Clemont agreed

They got closer to the location "I have a plan" Ash said "It's a bit..."

"We figured it would be," Serena said as the other two nodded

Back with Bonnie and Max

"Hey! Give me back my Dedenne!" Bonnie said as she stood blocking one of the paths

The figure just turned the other way "Yeah you're not getting away" Max said as he stood on the other path as he went around to block the other way

The figure looked both ways as if analyzing their options and then it grabbed two Pokeballs from seemingly nowhere and threw out the Pokémon
A Jellicent in front of Bonnie and Volcorona in front of Max

The two kids stood their ground not intimidated by the larger Pokémon

The person visibly sighed as it then looked ready to jump high up
As it jumped high up to its surprise Ash was jumping down and tackled the person back to the ground


"Are you ok Bonnie?" Clemont said as he checked on Bonnie

"May I'm fine" Max said as May hugged her little brother
"Don't run off again!" May said "You scared me!
"That's fair..." Max said

"Ash you ok?" Serena went to ask as Ash was holding the person down

"Yeah but they're really strong," Ash said starting to lose power

"We need to paralyze them to keep them down," Clemont said as Ash understood as Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and grabbed the bag, and ran toward Bonnie

"Dedenne!" Bonnie said thankful as she held the bag and opened it "You were asleep the whole time?!"


"Dedenne use Nuzzle on that person Ash is holding down," Bonnie said as Dedenne did as told

The person started to somewhat short circuit as they went limp now unconscious

Ash and Serena searched the body and found the Pokeballs and tossed May Munchlax's

"Munchlax!" May said as Munchlax came out as May hugged it "Missed having you around, when we're done you get a May's purple surprise"


"We have a battle to do," Clemont said holding a Pokeball as Jellicent and Volcorona were still looking to battle

"Let's go," May said as Max stood in front of her "Max?"

"Allow me," Max said

"Yeah we can take them," Bonnie said

The older siblings shared a look and both decided to have more faith in their younger siblings

"Munchlax Focus Punch Volcorona," Max said as Munchlax ran in

"Dedenne Tackle," Bonnie said

"No Bon-" Clemont said catching himself as he didn't want to big brother her

Munchlax landed the Focus Punch as Dedenne simply phased through the Jellicent

"What?"Bonnie said

"Jellicent is part Ghost-type," Ash said as the siblings looked at him then they understood better that as siblings it comes off as nagging but from Ash it's just advice from someone they but respect as a trainer so he could speak for them "But it's a water type so..."

"Oh I know," Bonnie said "Dedenne tackle again!"

"Bo-" Clemont caught himself again as Bonnie started to phase through Jellicent again

"Now Nuzzle" Bonnie said as Jellicent began to be electrocuted in its transparent state as Jellicent fell to the ground hard "Yes"

"Smart" Clemont commented as Bonnie cheeses at him

"Solar Beam is like the worst move for this, but Metronome is too unpredictable," Max said to himself

Volcorona started to charge for Overheat

"Thats..." May said recognizing the move

"Uh, what do I do?" Max said to himself

"Max, trust your Pokemon more," Ash said

Max looked at Munchlax and understood "Yeah Munchlax is crazy strong doesn't matter if we don't have the type advantage, Solar Beam!"

The attacks collided canceling each other out as Munchlax was now above Volcorona as it jumped "Big jump" Serena commented

"Metronome" Max said as the falling Munchlax started to move its fingers back and forth

"But last time it didn't help," Serena said

"Yeah sometimes you get unlucky and sometimes you use that window to be lucky when it really counts," May said more in general

Munchlax then started to form a huge rock and held it above its head

"Thats... Rock Wrecker! One of the strongest rock-type moves" Ash said remembering his friend Cilan's Crustle having that move

"And Volcorona is fire and bug type that's going to do a lot," Clemont said

"We're not going to let him outdo us, finish them off with Thundershock," Bonnie said as Dedenne launched Thundershock as Munchlax launched Rock Wrecker

The attacks connected leaving both on the ground and knocked out

"Way to go Max!" May said proud of her brother

"Good job Bonnie," Clemont said feeling similar about his sister

"Glad that worked out," Serena said

"I do wonder who was doing this?" Ash said focusing back on the person that caused all this

"Could take off that mask helmet thing" Serena suggested

"Yeah hold on..." Ash said as he struggled to take it off but he eventually did and the person was familiar



Couldn't find art source :/

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