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By -starfragments

306K 12.1K 4.3K

๐–ค“ ๐‡๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐‡๐ˆ๐‹๐ˆ๐€. (n.) desire to stay in the sun; love of sunlight โ If you want to shine like a sun... More

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3.1K 144 44
By -starfragments

the last olympian

CAMP WENT LATE THAT SUMMER. It lasted two more weeks, right up to the start of a new school year, and Lucia had to admit they were the best two weeks of her life.

Everything seemed to be looking up. They didn't have an inevitable war hanging over their heads. Grover had taken over the satyr seekers and was sending them out across the world to find unclaimed half-bloods. So far, the gods had kept their promise. New demigods were popping up all over the place—not just in America, but in a lot of other countries as well. So many were arriving at camp that the Satyrs could barely keep up.

The Hermes cabin was a lot less crowded now because most of the unclaimed kids had received signs from their godly parents. It happened almost every night, and every night more demigods straggled over the property line with the satyr guides, usually with some nasty monsters pursuing them, but almost all of them made it through. Chiron even said he was expecting twice as many campers next summer.

Because of that, more and more cabins were being built daily. Everyone was helping and Lucia seemed to be the go-to when it came to lighting.

Nico even had some undead builders working on the Hades cabin. Even though he was still the only kid in it, it was coming out pretty cool: solid obsidian walls with a skull over the door and torches that burned with green fire twenty-four hours a day. When Lucia went to check on him she didn't miss the figurine of Hades sitting on his shelf.

Next to him were the cabins of Iris, Nemesis, Hecate, and several others Lucia didn't quite recognize yet. More and more campers poured in and Lucia was happy they all could have a space to call their own. They kept adding new stuff to the blueprints every day. It was going so well, Annabeth and Chiron were talking about adding an entirely new wing of cabins just so they could have enough room.

Tyson led a group of Cyclops builders. They were hoisting huge stones in place for the Hecate cabin, and Lucia knew it was a delicate job. Each stone was engraved with magical writing, and if they dropped one, it would either explode or turn everyone within half a mile into a tree. Lucia had to admit, It was hard to look at the cabin without feeling bitter, but she just hoped she'd never have to face the goddess again.

Lucia was making her way to the canoe lake. Where she knew Grover and Percy were. She stopped behind them and heard them talking.

"I'll be traveling a lot," Grover warned, "between protecting nature and finding half-bloods. I may not see you as much."

"Won't change anything," He said. "You're still my best friend."


"Fine, one of my best friends." He laughed,

"and Lucia?" Grover grinned,

"That's different."

"Yeah," he agreed. "It sure is."

Lucia stepped forward. "You guys talking about me."  She hummed, skipping forward. "Only good things I hope."

Percy looked up and winked, "Always, Princess."

Grover teasingly gagged,

Lucia shoved him as she sat between the two, "Oh shush groverberry."

His goat eyes widened, "You said you wouldn't tell anyone about Juniper calling me that!"

Lucia snorted, she looked at her boyfriend. "Did I tell you that?"

Percy grinned and kissed her nose, "No no you did not."

"Percy!" Grover complained.

"She didn't!" He defended,

"What happened to friendship." Grover pouted 

"Oh you have it easy" Annabeth appeared behind them. Lucia scooted over allowing her to sit down as well. "You won't be having to third wheel all next summer."

Lucia scoffed, pointing her thumb to the boy at her right "Booo no! Percy's the third wheel!"

"Hey?" Percy was the one to complain this time, he pouted dramatically.

Lucia looked up at him with a grin, "Sorry Perce." She pecked his pouting lips. "Get used to it."

He didn't seem too bothered. He stopped to look at them, and a crooked grin splayed his lips. "I love you guys...."

Lucia wrapped an arm around his waist. The other rested on Annabeth and Grover's back. "We protect each other, Real."

Annabeth smiled, she leaned onto Lucia's shoulder. "Real."

"Real." Grover agreed.

THAT EVENING WAS THE LAST NIGHT OF CAMP—the bead ceremony. The Hephaestus cabin had designed the bead this year. It showed the Empire State Building, and etched in tiny Greek letters, spiraling around the image, were the names of all the heroes who had died defending Olympus.

There were too many names, but Lucia was proud to wear it. Once it was on her camp necklace she stared at the clay attentively—she now had her first bead.

Percy held his hand out, "Don't forget this one."

In his hand was a red bead with an intricately designed maze painted in white, the mark of Daedalus' was boldened in blue at the center.

"You saved one for me?" She asked softly,

He nodded, "You've been here two summers. Two beads."

Lucia looked up at him. A beaming smile formed on her lips which only looked brighter amid the campfire light. She looked at his neck. "Why don't we string your shell on your camp necklace? That way you don't have to wear two."

He grinned and raised his chin to give her access. "All yours, Sunlight."

Lucia chuckled, she reached up and made the change. When she was done her hand softly touched the seashell pendant that now lay atop his heart at the center of the clay beads.

"Never forget this summer!" Chiron announced. He had healed remarkably well, but he still trotted in front of the fire with a slight limp. "We have discovered bravery and friendship and courage this summer. We have upheld the honor of the camp."

He smiled, and everybody cheered. As Lucia looked at the fire, She saw a little girl in a brown dress tending the flames. She winked at her with red glowing eyes. No one else seemed to notice her, but Lucia realized maybe she preferred it that way.

You are but a lost soul right now. Taken from her home. But you will find the warmth of your hearth again.

"And now," Chiron said, "early to bed! Remember, you must vacate your cabins by noon tomorrow unless you've made arrangements to stay the year with us. The cleaning harpies will eat any stragglers, and I'd hate to end the summer on a sour note!"

Lucia and Percy held hands as he walked her to her cabin. When they made it to the front, Lucia waited as her siblings poured in.

"Don't keep her too long Jackson!" Austin chided,

"I'll try!" but the look on his face told her he wasn't going to try at all.

Lucia snorted, she let go of his hand and rested her arms on his shoulders. "You heard Chiron, you have to be out by noon tomorrow."

"We could be out by noon tomorrow." He suggested,

Lucia raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? And where would I go."

He kissed her forehead. "With me...Paul could try and enroll you in my school. We could be together the whole year. Nothing would separate us."

"And where would I be sleeping?" She hummed,

"Well, when my parents aren't home—"

She gasped, hitting his chest playfully."That was a joke Kelp head."

He grinned, "So was mine?" He said innocently.

"I'd say yes but..."

"Mmmnobuts." he mumbled and poked her waist, "Say yes."

"Perce, The press would ask too many questions. I'm supposed to be in Maine right now. And think about all the monsters we'll attract..."

"You and I." He said simply, "Together we win."

Lucia was trying hard to think of the situation logically. But when it came to Percy, it was clear that her heart always won.

"Your mom wouldn't mind?" She said sheepishly

Percy laughed, "She already bought sheets with little suns on them."

"You told them I was coming before I said yes!" She exclaimed, "What if I say no?"

"Was counting on that not happening," He shrugged

She tilted her head and tapped his forehead "Just a bunch of algae up there."

He rolled his eyes, but the smile didn't leave his lips. "Is that a yes?"

Lucia flashed her teeth, she held his face and kissed him softly. "See you tomorrow, Ocean Eyes, I have to go pack"

THE NEXT MORNING, PERCY AND LUCIA STOOD AT THE TOP OF HALF-BLOOD HILL. They watched the buses and vans pull away, taking most of the campers back to the real world. A few old-timers would be staying behind, and a few of the newcomers, but Lucia was heading to Goode High School for her sophomore year with Percy—Apparently, her guilty verdict had been overturned. 

She had no idea how it happened, especially considering she didn't exactly obey the court order. But she had a strong feeling that the green-eyed boy had something to do with it. That and the fact that when she saw him this morning he smelled like a hefty coat of sunscreen.

"Goodbye," Rachel said to them as she grabbed her bag. She looked pretty nervous, but she was keeping a promise to her father and attending Clarion Academy in New Hampshire. It would be next summer before they got their Oracle back.

"You'll do great." Lucia hugged her.

Rachel bit her lip. "I hope you're right. I'm a little worried. What if somebody asks what's on the next math test and I start spouting a prophecy in the middle of geometry class? The Pythagorean theorem shall be problem two. . . . Gods, that would be embarrassing."

Lucia laughed, and it made Rachel smile.

"Well," she said, "you two be good to each other."

Rachel wished them well and ran down the hill to catch her ride.

Annabeth then made her way towards them, her bag was swung over her shoulder and her Yankee cap hung on the straps. Lucia immediately pulled her in.

Annabeth would be staying in New York. Which had Lucia elated. She'd gotten permission from her parents to attend a boarding school in the city so she could be close to Olympus and oversee the rebuilding efforts.

"Are we still on for burgers?." Percy asked as the girls pulled away from each other. He put his arm around them both. Lucia nuzzled into him.

"Yup!" Annabeth said, "Thalia said she'd Iris message us when she was back in New York."

Lucia bounced on her heels, "Are you excited O great Architect of Olympus."

Annabeth laughed, "Yes but you seem even more excited."

Lucia grinned, "I'm just really happy for you Beth." Lucia remembered what she'd told them in New York, about building something permanent.

Annabeth's smile faded. She moved from her place under Percy's arm to look at them."You two need to know something."

The air suddenly turned colder. The sun child frowned.

"I found this near the strawberry fields yesterday." She pulled something from her pocket, a silver bracelet with a dangling scythe charm. "I thought it might have been Silenas but... why would it be there?"

Lucia stared at the bracelet like it was cursed.

"You think there was another spy?" Percy asked, he looked like he was about to be sick.

"I don't know." Annabeth said, "Maybe? But Percy, if there was..."

"Kronos is gone." Percy reassured, "We don't have to worry about him anymore, even if there was another spy at camp. There's nothing they can do now."

"But that means someone's lying." Lucia frowned, "To all of us..."

"They could be afraid," Annabeth suggested,

"Or conspiring..." Lucia felt her stomach twist in knots.

The guard dragon Peleus curled contentedly around the pine tree underneath the Golden Fleece and began to snore, blowing steam with every breath.

"What about Rachel's prophecy?" Lucia frowned. "Eight half-bloods shall answer the call. We're going to have so many new faces next summer."

"Yep," Percy agreed. "And all that stuff about the world falling in storm or blaze."

Annabeth pursed her lips. "And foes at the Doors of Death. I don't know, but I don't like it. I thought...well, maybe we'd all get some peace for a change."

"Wouldn't be Camp Half-Blood if it was peaceful," Percy affirmed.

"I guess you're right...Or maybe the prophecy won't happen for years." Annabeth tried

"Could be a problem for another generation of demigods," Percy agreed. "Then we can kick back and enjoy."

Lucia nodded, but she still felt uneasy. If it was a problem they didn't have to deal with then she wouldn't be feeling this way, right? Something was emerging, something was going to happen. Lucia didn't know what. But she knew it was coming. She had no idea if that meant soon if it meant she would be there to see it. Because once again all she could do was wait.

"Hey," he said, his voice smooth. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours."

"It's just weird" Lucia whispered "This new great prophecy...The bracelet..."

He drew circles on her back, "It's a nice day. We're together. We can't let ourselves get worked up over something that hasn't happened yet. It could involve us and it could not. Don't spend your whole life stressing about it. Why don't we just try to enjoy the now?"

Lucia smiled softly, Percy was right. There was no point in making herself miserable when nothing had happened.

It was hard for her, the feeling in her stomach was something that couldn't be ignored. But right now she had everything she needed and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her from enjoying it—not even herself. "Race you two to the road?"

"You are so going to lose." Annabeth laughed, and she took off down Half-Blood Hill.

"Wha-Beth!" Lucia followed

"Hey!" Percy cried, "Wait for me!"

He didn't look back as he sprinted after Lucia.

Lucia giggled as her feet pounded against the grass. Her voice rang through the hill and her light brown hair danced in the wind. "Come on, Slow Poke!"

"Im not a slowpoke!"

Lucia stopped at the bottom of the Hill. The race ended in a tie. "Ha!" Lucia said with pride, "I didn't lose!"

"A worthy opponent." Annabeth joked

Lucia snorted when she turned back in time to see Percy stumble and trip over his feet.

"And then there's seaweed brain." Annabeth laughed,

She laughed along right with her. "Aw come on, he made it at the same time, that counts for something."

Lucia squealed when he ran forward, swiftly sweeping her off her feet.

"Annabeth, save me!" Lucia cried

She chuckled and made her way into the white van where Argus was waiting in the driver seat. "Sorry Lucy, Looks like you are on your own."

"Traitor!" Lucia squealed louder when Percy began to tickle her, Her bellowing laughter played like a summer song. "Stop! Stop! Mercy!"

Lucia squirmed and they both fell into a heap on the grass. Their backs hit the ground. She laughed as her eyes locked on the sky. The sun shone over them brightly. She felt rejuvenated as the sunlight seeped into her skin. It was beautiful, the golden light, Lucia couldn't help but watch it in awe. Sunbeams entangled her hair as she basked in its warmth.

She looked away when she noticed how quiet Percy was. Only to find him already looking at her.

She opened her mouth to speak but a car horn broke through the silence before she could.

Lucia laughed to see Sally and Paul parked a few feet away, Percy's mom was waving them over. She had a wide smile on her face and a similar one was forming on Paul's.

She poked his side. "Your parents are waiting."

He grinned and sat up holding his hand out to her. She slipped her fingers into his.

Lucia swung their arms as they walked towards the Prius. "You think Paul will let me control the radio?."

Percy chuckled. "If he doesn't. You'll complain so much he'll have to."

"Hey, I'm not that bad." She scoffed, "As long as I get in one Beyoncé song I'm satisfied."

As they slipped inside Paul's Prius, Lucia felt warmth spread from her chest throughout her body.

She didn't know what was lying ahead. But she felt happier...more confident than she ever had before. She didn't want to think about painful memories or pending prophecies.

Instead, she sunk into the leather seats. She smiled at his parents, greeted them, and made conversation. Which led to her finding out that Paul and she had quite similar music tastes.

And as they drove down the roads to Manhattan, with Bon Jovi playing on the radio. Lucia sang at the top of her lungs with Paul and Sally. The sunlight seeped through the window as she held onto the ocean-eyed boy's rough hand.

She looked next to her as she sang. And watched the way the smile on his lips would not falter. She could feel her heart swell. She rested her head on his shoulder.

He leaned in, his lips brushed against her ear, "I love you, my Sunlight."

And at that moment, her battered heart truly believed that everything was going to be okay.

But Lucia wasn't just born through love and light, she also blossomed from tragedy. And no matter how fast she ran, or how hard she fought, It would keep chasing after her...

A/N: HIII this is the end of act 3. Still, the book is not over yet there will be some other chapters and then I will start setting up the second book which is currently called "Thalassophilia". It may not be as quick as usual since I've been dealing with a lot of stuff lately and I'm behind on college work but I know for sure I will be starting to edit this story completely asap!. I'm excited to go over it all and once it's fully edited I'll make sure to make the announcement. I will be making smaller and more mundane changes like Lucia's height but also other big ones like her relationship with Rachel. So from now on to tell if a chapter is edited it will have a roman numeral instead of the number spelled out!

Now as I do that and try and plan out more of Thalassophilia I will be writing a new character with a new OC. I already have chosen the love interests and have decided on a poly fic. It's my first time writing something like this but I'm pretty excited. It's a bit of a creative one and will not proceed past hoo. instead, it will be only one book from the lighting thief to the last olympian. I'm pretty excited about it !!! so it might be posted before thalassophilia. but anyways I hope u enjoyed this chapter and stick around to see everything I have planned <33

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